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namespace Elementor;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
class Tools extends Settings_Page {
const PAGE_ID = 'elementor-tools';
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function register_admin_menu() {
__( 'Tools', 'elementor' ),
__( 'Tools', 'elementor' ),
[ $this, 'display_settings_page' ]
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function ajax_elementor_clear_cache() {
check_ajax_referer( 'elementor_clear_cache', '_nonce' );
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function ajax_elementor_replace_url() {
check_ajax_referer( 'elementor_replace_url', '_nonce' );
$from = ! empty( $_POST['from'] ) ? trim( $_POST['from'] ) : '';
$to = ! empty( $_POST['to'] ) ? trim( $_POST['to'] ) : '';
$is_valid_urls = ( filter_var( $from, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) && filter_var( $to, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) );
if ( ! $is_valid_urls ) {
wp_send_json_error( __( 'The `from` and `to` URL\'s must be a valid URL', 'elementor' ) );
if ( $from === $to ) {
wp_send_json_error( __( 'The `from` and `to` URL\'s must be different', 'elementor' ) );
global $wpdb;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart cannot use `$wpdb->prepare` because it remove's the backslashes
$rows_affected = $wpdb->query(
"UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} " .
"SET `meta_value` = REPLACE(`meta_value`, '" . str_replace( '/', '\\\/', $from ) . "', '" . str_replace( '/', '\\\/', $to ) . "') " .
"WHERE `meta_key` = '_elementor_data' AND `meta_value` LIKE '[%' ;" ); // meta_value LIKE '[%' are json formatted
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
if ( false === $rows_affected ) {
wp_send_json_error( __( 'An error occurred', 'elementor' ) );
} else {
wp_send_json_success( sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Number of rows */
__( '%d Rows Affected', 'elementor' ),
) );
* @since 1.5.0
* @access public
public function post_elementor_rollback() {
check_admin_referer( 'elementor_rollback' );
$plugin_slug = basename( ELEMENTOR__FILE__, '.php' );
$rollback = new Rollback(
'plugin_name' => ELEMENTOR_PLUGIN_BASE,
'plugin_slug' => $plugin_slug,
'package_url' => sprintf( 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/%s.%s.zip', $plugin_slug, ELEMENTOR_PREVIOUS_STABLE_VERSION ),
'', __( 'Rollback to Previous Version', 'elementor' ), [
'response' => 200,
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'register_admin_menu' ], 205 );
if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_clear_cache', [ $this, 'ajax_elementor_clear_cache' ] );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_replace_url', [ $this, 'ajax_elementor_replace_url' ] );
add_action( 'admin_post_elementor_rollback', [ $this, 'post_elementor_rollback' ] );
* @since 1.5.0
* @access protected
protected function create_tabs() {
return [
'general' => [
'label' => __( 'General', 'elementor' ),
'sections' => [
'tools' => [
'fields' => [
'clear_cache' => [
'label' => __( 'Regenerate CSS', 'elementor' ),
'field_args' => [
'type' => 'raw_html',
'html' => sprintf( '<button data-nonce="%s" class="button elementor-button-spinner" id="elementor-clear-cache-button">%s</button>', wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_clear_cache' ), __( 'Regenerate Files', 'elementor' ) ),
'desc' => __( 'Styles set in Elementor are saved in CSS files in the uploads folder. Recreate those files, according to the most recent settings.', 'elementor' ),
'reset_api_data' => [
'label' => __( 'Sync Library', 'elementor' ),
'field_args' => [
'type' => 'raw_html',
'html' => sprintf( '<button data-nonce="%s" class="button elementor-button-spinner" id="elementor-library-sync-button">%s</button>', wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_reset_library' ), __( 'Sync Library', 'elementor' ) ),
'desc' => __( 'Elementor Library automatically updates on a daily basis. You can also manually update it by clicking on the sync button.', 'elementor' ),
'replace_url' => [
'label' => __( 'Replace URL', 'elementor' ),
'sections' => [
'replace_url' => [
'callback' => function() {
$intro_text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Codex URL */
__( '<strong>Important:</strong> It is strongly recommended that you <a target="_blank" href="%s">backup your database</a> before using Replace URL.', 'elementor' ),
$intro_text = '<div>' . $intro_text . '</div>';
echo $intro_text;
'fields' => [
'replace_url' => [
'label' => __( 'Update Site Address (URL)', 'elementor' ),
'field_args' => [
'type' => 'raw_html',
'html' => sprintf( '<input type="text" name="from" placeholder="http://old-url.com" class="medium-text"><input type="text" name="to" placeholder="http://new-url.com" class="medium-text"><button data-nonce="%s" class="button elementor-button-spinner" id="elementor-replace-url-button">%s</button>', wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_replace_url' ), __( 'Replace URL', 'elementor' ) ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter your old and new URLs for your WordPress installation, to update all Elementor data (Relevant for domain transfers or move to \'HTTPS\').', 'elementor' ),
'versions' => [
'label' => __( 'Version Control', 'elementor' ),
'sections' => [
'rollback' => [
'label' => __( 'Rollback to Previous Version', 'elementor' ),
'callback' => function() {
$intro_text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Elementor version */
__( 'Experiencing an issue with Elementor version %s? Rollback to a previous version before the issue appeared.', 'elementor' ),
$intro_text = '<p>' . $intro_text . '</p>';
echo $intro_text;
'fields' => [
'rollback' => [
'label' => __( 'Rollback Version', 'elementor' ),
'field_args' => [
'type' => 'raw_html',
'html' => sprintf(
'<a href="%s" class="button elementor-button-spinner elementor-rollback-button">%s</a>',
wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-post.php?action=elementor_rollback' ), 'elementor_rollback' ),
/* translators: %s: Elementor previous stable version */
__( 'Reinstall v%s', 'elementor' ),
'desc' => '<span style="color: red;">' . __( 'Warning: Please backup your database before making the rollback.', 'elementor' ) . '</span>',
'beta' => [
'label' => __( 'Become a Beta Tester', 'elementor' ),
'callback' => function() {
$intro_text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Elementor version */
__( 'Turn-on Beta Tester, to get notified when a new beta version of Elementor or E-Pro is available. The Beta version will not install automatically. You always have the option to ignore it.', 'elementor' ),
$intro_text = '<p>' . $intro_text . '</p>';
echo $intro_text;
'fields' => [
'beta' => [
'label' => __( 'Beta Tester', 'elementor' ),
'field_args' => [
'type' => 'select',
'default' => 'no',
'options' => [
'no' => __( 'Disable', 'elementor' ),
'yes' => __( 'Enable', 'elementor' ),
'desc' => __( 'Please Note: We do not recommend updating to a beta version on production sites.', 'elementor' ),
* @since 1.5.2
* @access public
public function display_settings_page() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-dialog' );
* @since 1.5.0
* @access protected
protected function get_page_title() {
return __( 'Tools', 'elementor' );