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=== Post Grid ===
	Contributors: pickplugins
	Donate link: http://pickplugins.com
	Tags: post grid, grid, custom post grid, post type grid, grid display, category filter, custom post, filter, filtering, grid, layout, list, masonry, post, post filter, post layout, taxonomy, taxonomy filter, 
	Requires at least: 3.8
	Tested up to: 4.9
	Stable tag: 2.0.21
	License: GPLv2 or later
	License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

	Awesome post grid for query post from any post type and display on grid.

== Description ==
Create post grid form any custom post type, You will be thrilled to see how its works, easy to setup, almost no coding required. display grid anywhere via shortcode. lots more filter hook will give you extend as your needs.

### Post Grid by  [http://pickplugins.com](http://pickplugins.com)

* [See the Live demo](http://www.pickplugins.com/demo/post-grid/?ref=wordpress.org)
* [Buy Premium](https://www.pickplugins.com/item/post-grid-create-awesome-grid-from-any-post-type-for-wordpress/?ref=wordpress.org)
* [Documentation](http://pickplugins.com/docs/documentation/post-grid/?ref=wordpress.org)

<strong>Any Custom Post</strong>
Post grid is master of displaying grid from any custom post types. you will never ever worried about.

<strong>Taxonomy & Terms Support</strong>
Query post by custom taxonomy and terms is the most wanted feature already in post grid, you can select multiple taxonomy and terms for query post.

<strong>Variety of media display</strong>
you can display YouTube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, mp3, gallery, Font Awesome icons on thumbnail area. linked to custom link on thumbnail image. 

<strong>Plugin Features</strong>

* Fully responsive and mobile ready.
* Unlimited grid anywhere.
* Query any post type.
* Query from multiple post type.
* Skin & Layout based.
* Pagination support.
* Custom number grid post per page.
* Social share buttons.
* Custom grid width.
* Custom grid thumbnail height.

<strong> premium features </strong><br />

* 29+ ready skin.
* Query post by taxonomy(multiple) & terms(multiple).
* support for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, WP eCommerce.
* Display Meta Fields. Custom wrapper (HTML) for meta values display.
* Display Short-code via Meta Fields.
* Display YouTube, vimeo video, soundcloud, mp3, gallery, Font Awesome icons on thumbnail area.
* Filterable Grid by custom taxonomy & terms.
* Ajax load more.
* Extend grid skin by filter hook.
* Pagination custom Next , Previous text.
* Add custom HTML(Shortcodes) via layout editor.
* Create unlimited layout via layout editor.
* Post grid for Archive page(category.php, tags.php , custom taxonomy & terms page).
* Extra query parameter.
* Create unlimited layout via layout editor.
* Add custom HTML(Shortcodes) via layout editor.

<strong>Video Tutorial(with premium version interface)</strong>

* [How to install activate & license](https://youtu.be/gzH0uO6IReE)
* [How to create Post Grid](https://youtu.be/6HwLUBqT7i4)
* [Post Grid - Query Post](https://youtu.be/FKIcey0ujgo)
* [Post Grid - Grid Layout](https://youtu.be/g2GSb4chGXQ)
* [Post Grid - Navigation](https://youtu.be/B12CglBCLJY)
* [Post Grid - Layout Editor](https://youtu.be/z_tygQ12aJk)
* [Post Grid - Settings](https://youtu.be/JsPKfENJL8I)

== Installation ==

1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.<br />
2. Go your plugin setting via WordPress Dashboard and find "<strong>Post Grid</strong>" activate it.<br />

After activate plugin you will see "Post Grid" menu at left side on WordPress dashboard click "New Post Grid" and use the options field "Post Grid"<br />

<br />
<strong>How to use on page or post</strong><br />
When Post Grid options setup done please publish Post Grid as like post or page<br />

and then copy shortcode from top of <strong>Post Grid Options</strong> `[post_grid  id="1234" ]`<br />

then paste this shortcode anywhere in your page to display grid<br />

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1
2. screenshot-2

== Changelog ==

	= 2.0.21 =
    * 20/01/2017 add - Croatian  translation added.

	= 2.0.20 =
    * 13/01/2017 fix - translation issue fixed.

	= 2.0.19 =
    * 11/01/2017 add - added Bulgarian translation.

	= 2.0.18 =
    * 11/01/2017 fix - excerpt display issue.

	= 2.0.17 =
    * 31/12/2016 update - update font-awesome.

	= 2.0.16 =
    * 16/12/2016 fix - flip-y & flip-y skin mobile device issue fixed.

	= 2.0.15 =
    * 12/12/2016 add - Taxonomy query added.

	= 2.0.14 =
    * 03/12/2016 fix - Color Picker class issue fixed.

	= 2.0.13 =
    * 03/10/2016 fix - Fix some security issues.

	= 2.0.12 =
    * 03/10/2016 removed - Import Content Layouts removed for temporary.

	= 2.0.11 =
    * 24/08/2016 fix - php error issue fixed.

	= 2.0.10 =
    * 27/07/2016 add - Lazy Load.
    * 27/07/2016 add - Featured Image linked to post.
    * 27/07/2016 add - Grid Items Height.	
    * 27/07/2016 add - Create New layout on Layout Editor.
    * 27/07/2016 add - Settigns - Export Content Layouts.	
    * 27/07/2016 add - Settigns - Import Content Layouts.			
    * 27/07/2016 add - Settigns - Remove Content Layouts.	

	= 2.0.9 =
    * 24/06/2016 fix - minor php issue fixed.

	= 2.0.8 =
    * 14/06/2016 fix - owl.carousel conflict issue fixed.

	= 2.0.7 =
    * 23/04/2016 fix - social share button(Incrementing) issue fixed.

	= 2.0.6 =
    * 21/04/2016 add - display alt text for featured images.
    * 21/04/2016 add - display alt text for gallery images.
    * 21/04/2016 add - Export Content Layouts.	
    * 21/04/2016 add - delete option for exported files.
    * 21/04/2016 add - translation added.	

	= 2.0.5 =
    * 17/01/2016 - fix - read more link issue fixed.
    * 17/01/2016 - fix - empty content issue fixed.	
	= 2.0.4 =
    * 13/01/2016 - add - layout overwrite issue fixed.
	= 2.0.3 =
    * 03/01/2016 - add - post tags linked.

	= 2.0.2 =
    * 11/12/2015 - fix - shortcode issue fixed.
	= 2.0.1 =
    * 25/11/2015 add - added two item for layout editor post with link and thumb with link.

	= 2.0.0 =
    * 21/10/2015 update - Recoded & Redesign plugin.

	= 1.9 =
	* 05/11/2015 setting UI update.
	= 1.8 =
	* 01/10/2015 add- added soem premium features.
	= 1.7 =
	* 13/05/2015 fix-  license issue fixed.
	= 1.6 =
	* 13/05/2015 add-  Custom CSS box.
	* 13/05/2015 edit- Improved Grid Builder.
	* 13/05/2015 add- hover animation for hover items.
	* 13/05/2015 add- display thumbnail via External Featured Image(meta key).		

	= 1.5 =
	* 13/05/2015 fix-  flter content.
	* 13/05/2015 fix-  social icons hover.

	= 1.4 =
	* 05/03/2015 add-  Post link to title.
	* 05/03/2015 add-  Post link to thumbnail.

	= 1.3 =
	* 05/03/2015 fix-  pagination at home page issue fixed.

	= 1.2 =
	* 05/03/2015 remove-  removed some options.
	* 05/03/2015 add-  grid layout builder.

	= 1.1 =
    * 03/03/2015 add-  option for display/hide social share buttons.	
    * 03/03/2015 remove- Thumbnail width.
    * 03/03/2015 add- Masonry grid enable for any theme.
    * 03/03/2015 remove- Masonry grid theme.

	= 1.0 =
    * 06/02/2015 Initial release.