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synced 2025-02-21 15:31:07 +00:00
=== Social Media Follow Buttons Bar === Contributors: Arthur Gareginyan Tags: icon, icon set, button, social, media, social button, social media, social network, follow, follow button, follow link, follow icon, follow me, toolbar, link to profile, facebook, flickr, twitter, instagram, google plus, youtube, google-play, itunes, apple-music, periscope, vimeo, blogger, buzzsprout, livejournal, linkedIn, diaspora, deviantart, xing, pinterest, tumblr, snapchat, twitch, patreon, imdb, soundcloud, plugdj, plug dj, spotify, bandcamp, dloky, amazon, bookbub, goodreads, meetvibe, meetup, steam, beam, mixer, discord, yelp, bloglovin, mediumg, 500px, behance, polyvore, yellowpages, line, itch, itch.io, mastodon, remind, trademe, vsco, hireology, kompoz, soundblend, stumbleupon, whatsapp, vkontakte, vk, vk.com, odnoklassniki, ok, ok.ru, telegram, github, wordpress, codepen, askfm, ebay, hangouts, houzz, quora, steemit, theartstack, theknot, viber, etsy, tripadvisor, stackoverflow, stackexchange, bitbucket, dailypaintworks, flipboard, gab, minds, wattpad, itunes podcasts, skype, personal website, email, telephone, phone, rss feed, rss, feed, tooltips, bootstrap tooltip, Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8A88KC7TFF6CS Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag: 4.27 License: GPL3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Easily add the smart bar with social media follow buttons (not share, only link to your social media profiles) to any place of your WordPress website. == Description == An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily add the smart bar with social media follow buttons to any place (post, page, widget, sidebar, footer) of your WordPress website. The Social Media Follow Buttons Bar - is a bar with set of icons of the popular social media which are linked directly to your profile on this social networks. I.e. clicking the Facebook icon will take the user to your Facebook page, clicking the Twitter icon will take them to your Twitter page. Unlike the other plugins, this plugin creates a live bar. The bar automatically adapt to the width of the block where it placed. If the buttons do not fit to the one line, then they will be placed on multiple lines. So they can be arranged horizontally or vertically, in one line or in a few, and all of this is done automatically. Also it can be aligned to left, center or right. It give you finer control over buttons. You can configure they on plugins settings page. You can choose the size of icons, choose open link in current tab or in new, and etc. Also you can have the social media follow buttons automatically added to the bottom of all post or/and pages, and can position the link buttons using either a widget, a shortcode or a template action hook. If you want more options then tell us and we will be happy to add it. **Features** * Lightweight and fast * Secure code with using clear coding standards * Intuitive interface with many settings * Cross browser compatible (work smooth in any modern browser) * Compatible with all WordPress themes * RTL compatible (right to left) * Translation ready **Key features include...** * Beautiful icons * Preview on plugin settings page * Tooltips with name of the social media above every button * Shortcode for add social media follow buttons from Post/Page Editor * PHP/HTML code for add social media follow buttons directly in your theme files * And much, much more! **Supported social media and links:** * Facebook * Flickr * Twitter * Instagram * Google+ * YouTube * YouTube Gaming * Google Play * iTunes * iTunes Podcast * Apple Music * Periscope * Vimeo * Blogger * LinkedIn * Diaspora * DeviantArt * XING * Buzzsprout * LiveJournal * Reddit * Pinterest * Tumblr * Snapchat * Twitch * Patreon * IMDb * SoundCloud * Plug.dj * Spotify * Bandcamp * Dloky * Amazon * BookBub * Goodreads * MeetVibe * Meetup * Steam * Mixer * Discord * Yelp * StumbleUpon * Bloglovin * WhatsApp * Medium * 500px * Behance * Polyvore * Yellow Pages * LINE * itch * Mastodon * Remind * Trade Me * VSCO * Hireology * Kompoz * SoundBlend * VKontakte (vk.com) * Odnoklassniki (ok.ru) * Telegram * GitHub * WordPress * Codepen * ASKfm * eBay * Hangouts * Houzz * Quora * Steemit * ArtStack * Skype * The Knot * Viber * Etsy * Trip Advisor * Stack Overflow * Stack Exchange * Daily Paintworks * Bitbucket * Gab * Minds * Flipboard * Wattpad * Personal website * Email * Telephone * RSS Feed **Got more ideas? Tell me!** **Translation** This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. * English (default) * Russian (translation by [Milena Kiseleva](https://www.instagram.com/milava_kiseleva/)) * German (translation by Michael) * Spanish (translation by Ramiro Garcés and Patricio Toledo) If you want to help translate this plugin then please visit the [translation page](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/social-media-buttons-toolbar). **System requirements** * [PHP](https://php.net) version **5.2** or higher. * [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com) version **5.0** or higher. **Recommendations:** * [PHP](https://php.net) version **7.0** or higher. * [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com) version **5.6** or higher. **Contribution** Developing plugins is long and tedious work. If you benefit or enjoy this plugin please take the time to: * [Donate](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com/donate.html) to support ongoing development. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. * [Rate and Review](https://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/social-media-buttons-toolbar?rate=5#postform) this plugin. * [Share with me](mailto:arthurgareginyan@gmail.com) or view the [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/ArthurGareginyan/social-media-buttons-toolbar) if you have any ideas or suggestions to make this plugin better. == Installation == Install "Social Media Follow Buttons Bar" just as you would any other WordPress Plugin. Automatically via WordPress Admin Panel: 1. Log into Admin Panel of your WordPress website. 2. Go to "`Plugins`" -> "`Add New`". 3. Find this plugin and click install. 4. Activate this plugin through the "`Plugins`" tab. Manually via FTP access: 1. Download a copy (ZIP file) of this plugin from WordPress.org. 2. Unzip the ZIP file. 3. Upload the unzipped catalog to your website's plugin directory (`/wp-content/plugins/`). 4. Log into Admin Panel of your WordPress website. 5. Activate this plugin through the "`Plugins`" tab. After installation and activation, the "`Social Media Follow Buttons`" menu item will appear in the "`Settings`" section of Admin Panel. Click on it in order to view the plugin settings page. [More help installing plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins "WordPress Codex: Installing Plugins") == Frequently Asked Questions == = Q. Will this plugin work on my WordPress.COM website? = A. Sorry, this plugin is available for use only on self-hosted (WordPress.ORG) websites. = Q. Can I use this plugin on my language? = A. Yes. This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. But If your language is not available then you can make one. The POT file is included and placed in the "`languages`" folder. Just send the PO file to us at the arthurgareginyan@gmail.com and we will include this translation within the next plugin update. Many of plugin users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your contribution! = Q. How does it work? = A. Simply go to the plugin settings page, select the desired settings and click the "Save changes" button. Enjoy your fancy social media follow buttons. It's that simple! You can find the plugin settings page at "`WP Admin Panel`" -> "`Settings`" -> "`Social Media Follow Buttons`". = Q. Does this plugin requires any modification of the theme? = A. Absolutely not. This plugin is configurable entirely from the plugin settings page that you can find in the Admin Panel of your WordPress website. = Q. Does this require any knowledge of HTML or CSS? = A. Absolutely not. This plugin can be configured with no knowledge of HTML or CSS, using an easy-to-use plugin settings page. = Q. What I need to do if the Google PageSpeed test says that this plugin images must be compressed? = A. The images that uses in this plugin are already compressed, but I will do my best to find out what else can be done with the images in order to compress them even better. = Q. It's not working. What could be wrong? = A. As with every plugin, it's possible that things don't work. The most common reason for this is a web browser's cache. Every web browser stores a cache of the websites you visit (pages, images, and etc.) to reduce bandwidth usage and server load. This is called the browser's cache. Clearing your browser's cache may solve the problem. It's impossible to tell what could be wrong exactly, but if you post a support request in the plugin's support forum on WordPress.org, we'd be happy to give it a look and try to help out. Please include as much information as possible, including a link to your website where the problem can be seen. = Q. The last WordPress update is preventing me from editing the website of the creator that is using this plugin. Why is this? = A. This plugin can not cause such problem. More likely, the problem are related to the settings of the website. It could just be a cache, so please try to clear your website's cache (may be you using a caching plugin, or some web service such as the CloudFlare) and then the cache of your web browser. Also please try to re-login to the website, this too can help. = Q. Where to report bug if found? = A. Please visit the [Dedicated Plugin Page on GitHub](https://github.com/ArthurGareginyan/social-media-buttons-toolbar) and report. = Q. Where to share any ideas or suggestions to make the plugin better? = A. Any suggestions are very welcome! Please send us an email to [arthurgareginyan@gmail.com](mailto:arthurgareginyan@gmail.com). Thank you! = Q. I love this plugin! Can I help somehow? = A. Yes, any financial contributions are welcome! Just visit [the website of the creator](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com/donate.html), click on the donate button, and thank you! == Screenshots == 1. All social media buttons. 2. Tooltip with name of the social media displayed above button when you hover over the button. 3. Social Media Follow Buttons Bar displayed below the content of a post (Twenty Sixteen theme). 4. Social Media Follow Buttons Bar displayed in the sidebar using a shortcode in text widget (Twenty Sixteen theme). 5. Social Media Follow Buttons Bar displayed in the footer using a simple call the function directly from theme file (vCard theme). 6. Social Media Follow Buttons Bar displayed in the footer using a shortcode in text widget (Anarcho Notepad theme). 7. Shortcode placed in the Text Widget. 8. Plugin settings page. == Other Notes == **** "Social Media Follow Buttons Bar" is one of the personal software projects of [Arthur Gareginyan](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com). Earlier the project was called "Social Media Buttons Toolbar". **License** This plugin is licensed under the [GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) and is distributed free of charge. Commercial licensing (e.g. for projects that can’t use an open-source license) is available upon request. **Credits** * The icon of plugin is a copyrighted image created by [Arthur Gareginyan](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com). (C) All rights reserved. * The banner of plugin is a copyrighted image created by [Arthur Gareginyan](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com). (C) All rights reserved. * The Entrepreneur image that used on banner is from [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/entrepreneur-start-start-up-career-696976/) and licensed under the [Creative Commons CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en). * Icons [bitbucket.png, dailypaintworks.png, flipboard.png, gab.png, minds.png, theknot.png, viber.png, etsy.png, tripadvisor.png, stackoverflow.png, stackexchange.png, wattpad.png, itunes-podcasts.png, email.png, facebook.png, linkedin.png, google-play.png, itch.png, mastodon.png, remind.png, trademe.png, vsco.png, hireology.png, kompoz.png, soundblend.png, itunes.png, apple-music.png, medium.png, 500px.png, behance.png, polyvore.png, yellowpages.png, mixer.png, telephone.png, bloglovin.png, line.png, stumbleupon.png, whatsapp.png, plugdj.png, deviantart.png, buzzsprout.png, periscope.png, youtube.png, meetvibe.png, wordpress.png, twitter.png, imdb.png, dloky.png, snapchat.png, steam.png, discord.png, twitch.png, amazon.png, bookbub.png, goodreads.png, reddit.png, meetup.png, codepen.png, askfm.png, ebay.png, hangouts.png, houzz.png, quora.png, steemit.png, theartstack.png, instagram.png, patreon.png, bandcamp.png, youtube-gaming.png, xing.png](https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/square-logo-buttons?ref=ArthurGareginyan) by [Arthur Gareginyan](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com) and licensed under the [Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). * Icons [flickr.png, google-plus.png, vimeo.png, blogger.png, livejournal.png, pinterest.png, tumblr.png, soundcloud.png, spotify.png, yelp.png, vkontakte.png, odnoklassniki.png, telegram.png, github.png, skype.png, website.png, rss-feed.png](https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/social-buttons-2?ref=ArthurGareginyan) by Ivlichev Victor Petrovich and licensed under the [Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). * [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com) by Twitter, Inc. released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE). * [Bootstrap-checkbox](https://github.com/vsn4ik/bootstrap-checkbox) is a project of [Vasily A.](https://github.com/vsn4ik), shared under the [MIT license](https://github.com/vsn4ik/bootstrap-checkbox/blob/master/LICENSE). **Links** * [Developer Website](https://www.arthurgareginyan.com) * [Dedicated Plugin Page on GitHub](https://github.com/ArthurGareginyan/social-media-buttons-toolbar) == Changelog == = 4.27 = * Texts updated. * The year in the copyright text is updated. * The sidebar items are rearranged. * Translation files updated. = 4.26 = * The plugin is fully tested for compatibility with WordPress version 4.9. * CSS code improved. = 4.25 = * German translation added. (Thanks to Michael) * Fixed an issue where the "Hello" message could not be hidden. = 4.24 = * Added option for the Daily Paintworks. * Added option for the Bitbucket. * Added option for the Gab. * Added option for the Minds. * Added option for the Flipboard. * Fixed an issue because of which the line was displayed behind of the buttons. * Spanish translation updated. (Thanks to Patricio Toledo) = 4.23 = * At the request of some users, plugin settings page moved to the submenu item in the top-level menu item "Settings", like before. = 4.22 = * Fixed the issue due tof which the 'Space X-Chimp' sub menu item in the brand menu item was displayed. * Added branded footer text on the plugin's settings page. = 4.21 = * The hard coded HTML radio options are replaced with the PHP function that dynamically creates radio. = 4.20 = * Added the top level menu item of the brand. * The submenu item of the plugin has moved to the menu item of the brand. * The menu item of the plugin is renamed. * The "Author" tab on the settings page is removed. * Content of the "Support" tab on the settings page is updated. * Copyright of plugin files is changed to the "Space X-Chimp". * The "Support" tab renamed to the "Support Me". * The "Usage" tab renamed to the "Usage Instructions". = 4.19 = * Plugin data that saved in the database upgraded to version 0001. = 4.18 = * Added Spanish translation. (Thanks Patricio Toledo) * Function that render controls on the settings page is moved to a separate file 'controls.php'. * The '_setting' function divided into two functions: '_control_field' and '_control_switch'. * List of buttons moved to a separate file 'list.php'. * Added CSS class 'control-switch' to checkboxes with custom styles. Now the 'bootstrap-checkbox.js' plugin only applies to checkboxes with class 'control-switch'. * The 'smbtoolbar_tollbar' function rewrited. * The group name of the '_service_info' option renamed to '_settings_group_si'. * The 'admin.css' file improved. * The "Font Awesome" library is integrated for use on the plugin settings page. * The save button is replaced by a new wider button. * Added an additional save button that fixed in the upper left corner. * The help text generating is moved to separate PHP function. * Prefixes of the PHP functions changed to ''spacexchimp_p005_. * Prefixes of the PHP constants changed to ''SPACEXCHIMP_P005_. * The 'facebok.png' image replaced with new. * The 'linkedin.png' image replaced with new. * The 'email.png' image replaced with new. * Added option for the iTunes Podcast. * Added option for the Viber. * Added option for the Etsy. * Added option for the Trip Advisor. * Added option for the Stack Overflow. * Added option for the Stack Exchange. * Added option for the Wattpad. * Added option for the The Knot. = 4.17 = * Added option for the ASKfm. * Added option for the eBay. * Added option for the Hangouts. * Added option for the Houzz. * Added option for the Quora. * Added option for the Steemit. * Added option for the ArtStack. * Mastodon icon updated with brand new logo. = 4.16 = * Russian translation updated. (Thanks to Milena Kiseleva) * The navigation of the tabs is rearranged. * Fixed an issue due to which the sidebar was not hiding on mobile devices. * Code of sidebar moved to separate file 'sidebar.php'. * Support page tab moved from external source to plugin code. * My avatar moved from external source to plugin folder. * Banner moved from external source to plugin folder. * Code of PayPal button updated. = 4.15 = * Preview section on the settings page changed to live preview. * Stylesheet in the admin.css file improved. * The '!important' declarations in the admin.css file removed. * Code formatting in the admin.js file improved. * Code commenting improved. * Load of the additional remote CSS file removed from the admin.js file. * Changed the sorting of enqueueing of scripts. * The ''Family' page tab renamed to 'Store'. * Added ad banner of my store website. = 4.14 = * Added option for the Google Play. * Added option for the itch. * Added option for the Mastodon. * Added option for the Remind. * Added option for the Trade Me. * Added option for the VSCO. * Added additional CSS reset rules. = 4.13 = * Added option for the Hireology. * Added option for the Kompoz. * Added option for the SoundBlend. = 4.12.1 = * The HTTPS mixed content issue fixed by changing all links to HTTPS. = 4.12 = * Added option for the Behance. * Added option for the Polyvore. * Added option for the Yellow Pages. * Content of the "FAQ" section updated. = 4.11 = * Added option for the iTunes social media. * Added option for the Apple Music social media. * Added option for the Medium social media. * Added option for the 500px social network. * On the plugin settings page, text of buttons are corrected. * On the plugin settings page, the information about the plugin version number moved to header section. * Some mention of constants replaced with variables for easier access. * Content of the "Usage" tab updated. * Content of the "FAQ" tab updated. = 4.10 = * The Beam icon and name replaced with rebranded. * Added option for the telephone button. * To the plugin settings page added information about the plugin version number. * The "Tested up to:" comment changed to 4.8 after full testing process. * The "version.php" file renamed to "versioning.php". * The "versioning.php" file updated to new version. * The "_plugin_version_number" function renamed to the "_versioning". = 4.9 = * Added option for the StumbleUpon social network. * Added option for the Bloglovin social network. * Added option for the WhatsApp social network. * Added option for the LINE social network. = 4.8 = * Added option for the Plug.dj social network. = 4.7 = * Compatibility with PHP version 5.2 improved. * PHP shorthands improved. * Added function for generating the plugin constants. * Some constants now get the value from the plugin header data. * Added option for the DeviantArt social network. * The "_plugin_version_number" function improved. * Added file "upgrade.php" for future upgrades. = 4.6.1 = * Fixed the bug due to which the "Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in" warning are displayed. = 4.6 = * Added new constants: "_SLUG", "_PREFIX", "_SETTINGS" and "_NAME". * Value of the "_VERSION" constant replaced with information from the plugin header data. * All references to the plugin name, slug, prefix are replaced with constants. * Added default values to empty options. * The "_load_scripts_base" function improved. * The "name" attribute removed from the "form" tag. = 4.5 = * Added option for the Buzzsprout social network. * Added option for the Periscope social network. * F.A.Q. section updated. * Code formatting improved. = 4.4 = * Added option for the Flickr social network. * Code formatting improved. * Extra JS code for Bootstrap tooltips removed from the "admin.js" file. * Added ID to every field on the settings page. = 4.3.1 = * Fixed the bug due to which the the "Warning: Illegal string offset 'version' in" and the "Warning: Illegal string offset 'old_version' in" warnings are displayed. (Thanks to Sven Brill) = 4.3 = * Added option for the Diaspora social network. = 4.2 = * The design of the plugin settings page is completely redone. * Added option for the Beam.pro button. * Added option for the Amazon button. * Added option for the BookBub button. * Added option for the YouTube Gaming button. * Added option for the XING button. * The "reddit.png" image replaced with new. * The "youtube.png" image replaced with new. * The Twitter icon replaced with new. * The WordPress icon replaced with new. * Fixed a bug due to which the jQuery library was not loaded on the front end of the website if the visitor did not logged-in. * Added stylized descriptions of sections on the "Settings" tab. * Additional "Support" section added. * The 'bootstrap-transition.js' file added. * Code of the 'admin.css' file improved and better commented. * The 'bootstrap-checkbox.min.js' file renamed to 'bootstrap-checkbox.js'. * The 'bootstrap-tab.js' file removed. * The 'bootstrap-transition.js' file removed. * A full version of the Bootstrap framework is integrated. * Added the CSS code for the custom list numbers on the plugin settings page. * The main font is changed to "Verdana". * All PHP and HTML code is better formatted. * The header on the settings page of plugin is redesigned. * The "LICENSE.txt" file renamed to "license.txt". * The "humans.txt" file added. * On the plugin settings page, the "valign='top'" attribute removed from the "tr" element of HTML table and added the appropriate analog in CSS . * The "_service_info" setting added to the data-base. * Added function for managing information about the version number of the plugin. * Added the "Hello" message that show when the plugin is just installed. * Added the "Error" message that show when user is trying to degrade the version number of the plugin. * Fixed the parameter that contain the path to source files in all translation files. * The POT file updated. * Translations updated. = 4.1 = * Added option for the Bandcamp button. = 4.0 = * Plugin name changed from "Social Media Buttons Toolbar" to "Social Media Follow Buttons Bar". * The name of the menu item changed from "Social Buttons" to "Social Media Follow Buttons". * My Unicode signature added to the main file. * Options from the settings page moved to a separate file. * Added tab navigation menu for the settings page. * Added additional tabs on the settings page. * Advertisement banner removed. * The Instagram icon replaced with brand-new. * Added option for the Patreon button. * The "Warning: file_get_contents():" error fixed via refuse to use the "file_get_contents". * The "smbtoolbar_load_scripts" function updated and renamed to "smbtoolbar_load_scripts_admin". * The "smbtoolbar_load_scripts_base" function added. * The "smbtoolbar_load_scripts_frontend" function added. * The 'Using' section renamed to 'Usage'. * The donate button replaced with new. * The 'Donate' section renamed to 'Support'. * The 'donate.png' image removed. * The POT file updated. * Translations updated. = 3.14 = * Added option for the Meetup button. * Added option for the Bootstrap Tooltips. * The position of the buttons relative to each other has improved. The "Margin right" option renamed to "Margin". = 3.13 = * Added option for the Yelp button. = 3.12 = * Added option for the Goodreads button. * Social media icons more optimized. Weight is reduced by 50%. * Links on the settings page cleared from http and https. * Added additional donate link on the plugin settings page. = 3.11 = * Added option for the Steam button. * Added option for the Discord button. = 3.10 = * Added option for the Twitch button. = 3.9 = * Added option for the Dloky button. * Image of the donate button changed. = 3.8.2 = * Added some CSS code in order to fix compatibility issues with some themes. = 3.8.1 = * Added "!important" declarations to stylesheet in order to fix compatibility issues with some themes. * Fixed the wrong constant name error. * Readme for translations updated. = 3.8 = * Added option for the IMDb button. * Added CSS fix for compatibility with some themes. = 3.7 = * Added option for the Vimeo button. * Translations updated. * Ad banner replaced with new. = 3.6 = * Added option for the Snapchat button. = 3.5 = * Added Spanish translation. (Thanks [Ramiro Garcés](http://www.ramirogarces.com.ve/)) = 3.4 = * Added option for the SoundCloud button. * Added option for the Spotify button. * Improved examples in the fields on the settings page. * POT file updated. * Russian translation updated. = 3.3 = * Added option to adjust the alignment of toolbar. * Added the Readme.txt file for translation contribution. * Added global constant for plugin text-domain. = 3.2 = * Added option for the Skype button. * Ready for translation improved. * Texts on settings page improved. * Russian translation improved. = 3.1 = * Added prefixes to the stylesheet and script names when using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script(). * Added constant for storing the plugin version number. = 3.0 = * The structure of files changed. * Style sheet of settings page improved and better commented. * Style sheet of settings page optimized for mobile devices. * Added JavaScript file for settings page. * Added JavaScript function of automatic remove the "successful" message after 3 seconds. * Checkboxes replaced with cool triggers by using Bootstrap framework and Bootstrap-checkbox component. = 2.3.1 = * POT file updated. * Russian translation updated. * Image "thanks.png" removed. * Advertisement replaced by new. * Added the subject with plugin name to email address on settings page. * Function "smbtoolbar_enqueue_scripts" renamed to "smbtoolbar_load_scripts". = 2.3 = * Added Telegram button. = 2.2.1 = * Added the `!important` flag to the display property of `<a>` element. = 2.2 = * Added MeetVibe button. * Fixed the display property of `<li>` and `<a>` elements. * Fixed the issue with border that sometimes appeared at bottom of an icons. = 2.1 = * Added Reddit button. = 2.0 = * Some changes in design of settings page. * Constants variables added. * Text domain changed to "social-media-buttons-toolbar". * Added compatibility with the translate.wordpress.org. * All images are moved to the directory "images". * Image "btn_donateCC_LG.gif" is now located in the "images" directory. * Plugin URI changed to GitHub repository. * Added my personal ad about freelance. * `.pot` file updated. * Russian translation updated. = 1.5 = * Fixed: `Notice: Undefined index: new_tab in .../social-media-buttons-toolbar.php on line 240`. = 1.4 = * Added 6 new buttons (LiveJournal, Pinterest, Tumblr, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Personal website). * Fixed: "Use of undefined constant media". * Plugin URI changed to GitHub repository. * Some changes in design of settings page. * Added my personal ad about freelance. * Some changes in design of settings page. * `.pot` file updated. * Russian translation updated. = 1.3 = * Some changes in design of settings page. * On settings page added section "Using" with the using details. (Thanks Hubert O'Brien) = 1.2 = * Fixed the compatibility issue with some themes. The issue was caused by not a unique class names in the html tags. * The default caption now is empty. The text "Follow me on social media:" is removed. * Removed extra settings update message. * The thanks.png image replaced. = 1.1 = * Authors URI changed. * Icons updated. = 1.0 = * Initial release. * Added ready for translation (`.pot` file included). * Added Russian translation. = 0.3 = * Release candidate. = 0.2 = * Beta version. = 0.1 = * Alpha version. == Upgrade Notice == = 4.2 = Please update to new release! = 4.0 = Please update to new release! = 3.0 = Please update to new release! = 2.0 = Please update to new release! = 1.0 = Please update to first stable release!