2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00

2416 lines
61 KiB

/*! elementor - v1.9.3 - 21-01-2018 */
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var ElementsHandler;
ElementsHandler = function( $ ) {
var self = this;
// element-type.skin-type
var handlers = {
// Elements
'section': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/section' ),
// Widgets
'accordion.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/accordion' ),
'alert.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/alert' ),
'counter.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/counter' ),
'progress.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/progress' ),
'tabs.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/tabs' ),
'toggle.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/toggle' ),
'video.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/video' ),
'image-carousel.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/image-carousel' ),
'text-editor.default': require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/text-editor' )
var addGlobalHandlers = function() {
elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/global', require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/global' ) );
elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/widget', require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/widget' ) );
var addElementsHandlers = function() {
$.each( handlers, function( elementName, funcCallback ) {
elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/' + elementName, funcCallback );
} );
var runElementsHandlers = function() {
var $elements;
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
// Elements outside from the Preview
$elements = jQuery( '.elementor-element', '.elementor:not(.elementor-edit-mode)' );
} else {
$elements = $( '.elementor-element' );
$elements.each( function() {
self.runReadyTrigger( $( this ) );
} );
var init = function() {
if ( ! elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
this.initHandlers = function() {
this.getHandlers = function( handlerName ) {
if ( handlerName ) {
return handlers[ handlerName ];
return handlers;
this.runReadyTrigger = function( $scope ) {
var elementType = $scope.attr( 'data-element_type' );
if ( ! elementType ) {
// Initializing the `$scope` as frontend jQuery instance
$scope = jQuery( $scope );
elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/global', $scope, $ );
var isWidgetType = ( -1 === [ 'section', 'column' ].indexOf( elementType ) );
if ( isWidgetType ) {
elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/widget', $scope, $ );
elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/' + elementType, $scope, $ );
module.exports = ElementsHandler;
/* global elementorFrontendConfig */
( function( $ ) {
var elements = {},
EventManager = require( '../utils/hooks' ),
Module = require( './handler-module' ),
ElementsHandler = require( 'elementor-frontend/elements-handler' ),
YouTubeModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/utils/youtube' ),
AnchorsModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/utils/anchors' ),
LightboxModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/utils/lightbox' );
var ElementorFrontend = function() {
var self = this,
this.config = elementorFrontendConfig;
this.Module = Module;
var setDeviceModeData = function() {
elements.$body.attr( 'data-elementor-device-mode', self.getCurrentDeviceMode() );
var initElements = function() {
elements.window = window;
elements.$window = $( window );
elements.$document = $( document );
elements.$body = $( 'body' );
elements.$elementor = elements.$document.find( '.elementor' );
var bindEvents = function() {
elements.$window.on( 'resize', setDeviceModeData );
var initOnReadyComponents = function() {
self.utils = {
youtube: new YouTubeModule(),
anchors: new AnchorsModule(),
lightbox: new LightboxModule()
self.modules = {
StretchElement: require( 'elementor-frontend/modules/stretch-element' )
self.elementsHandler = new ElementsHandler( $ );
var initHotKeys = function() {
self.hotKeys = require( 'elementor-utils/hot-keys' );
self.hotKeys.bindListener( elements.$window );
var getSiteSettings = function( settingType, settingName ) {
var settingsObject = self.isEditMode() ? elementor.settings[ settingType ].model.attributes : self.config.settings[ settingType ];
if ( settingName ) {
return settingsObject[ settingName ];
return settingsObject;
this.init = function() {
self.hooks = new EventManager();
elements.$window.trigger( 'elementor/frontend/init' );
if ( ! self.isEditMode() ) {
this.getElements = function( element ) {
if ( element ) {
return elements[ element ];
return elements;
this.getDialogsManager = function() {
if ( ! dialogsManager ) {
dialogsManager = new DialogsManager.Instance();
return dialogsManager;
this.getPageSettings = function( settingName ) {
return getSiteSettings( 'page', settingName );
this.getGeneralSettings = function( settingName ) {
return getSiteSettings( 'general', settingName );
this.isEditMode = function() {
return self.config.isEditMode;
// Based on underscore function
this.throttle = function( func, wait ) {
var timeout,
previous = 0;
var later = function() {
previous = Date.now();
timeout = null;
result = func.apply( context, args );
if ( ! timeout ) {
context = args = null;
return function() {
var now = Date.now(),
remaining = wait - ( now - previous );
context = this;
args = arguments;
if ( remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait ) {
if ( timeout ) {
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply( context, args );
if ( ! timeout ) {
context = args = null;
} else if ( ! timeout ) {
timeout = setTimeout( later, remaining );
return result;
this.addListenerOnce = function( listenerID, event, callback, to ) {
if ( ! to ) {
to = self.getElements( '$window' );
if ( ! self.isEditMode() ) {
to.on( event, callback );
if ( to instanceof jQuery ) {
var eventNS = event + '.' + listenerID;
to.off( eventNS ).on( eventNS, callback );
} else {
to.off( event, null, listenerID ).on( event, callback, listenerID );
this.getCurrentDeviceMode = function() {
return getComputedStyle( elements.$elementor[ 0 ], ':after' ).content.replace( /"/g, '' );
this.waypoint = function( $element, callback, options ) {
var defaultOptions = {
offset: '100%',
triggerOnce: true
options = $.extend( defaultOptions, options );
var correctCallback = function() {
var element = this.element || this,
result = callback.apply( element, arguments );
// If is Waypoint new API and is frontend
if ( options.triggerOnce && this.destroy ) {
return result;
return $element.elementorWaypoint( correctCallback, options );
window.elementorFrontend = new ElementorFrontend();
} )( jQuery );
if ( ! elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
jQuery( elementorFrontend.init );
var ViewModule = require( '../utils/view-module' ),
HandlerModule = ViewModule.extend( {
$element: null,
onElementChange: null,
onEditSettingsChange: null,
onGeneralSettingsChange: null,
onPageSettingsChange: null,
isEdit: null,
__construct: function( settings ) {
this.$element = settings.$element;
this.isEdit = this.$element.hasClass( 'elementor-element-edit-mode' );
if ( this.isEdit ) {
findElement: function( selector ) {
var $mainElement = this.$element;
return $mainElement.find( selector ).filter( function() {
return jQuery( this ).closest( '.elementor-element' ).is( $mainElement );
} );
getUniqueHandlerID: function( cid, $element ) {
if ( ! cid ) {
cid = this.getModelCID();
if ( ! $element ) {
$element = this.$element;
return cid + $element.attr( 'data-element_type' ) + this.getConstructorID();
addEditorListener: function() {
var self = this,
uniqueHandlerID = self.getUniqueHandlerID();
if ( self.onElementChange ) {
var elementName = self.getElementName(),
eventName = 'change';
if ( 'global' !== elementName ) {
eventName += ':' + elementName;
elementorFrontend.addListenerOnce( uniqueHandlerID, eventName, function( controlView, elementView ) {
var elementViewHandlerID = self.getUniqueHandlerID( elementView.model.cid, elementView.$el );
if ( elementViewHandlerID !== uniqueHandlerID ) {
self.onElementChange( controlView.model.get( 'name' ), controlView, elementView );
}, elementor.channels.editor );
if ( self.onEditSettingsChange ) {
elementorFrontend.addListenerOnce( uniqueHandlerID, 'change:editSettings', function( changedModel, view ) {
if ( view.model.cid !== self.getModelCID() ) {
self.onEditSettingsChange( Object.keys( changedModel.changed )[0] );
}, elementor.channels.editor );
[ 'page', 'general' ].forEach( function( settingsType ) {
var listenerMethodName = 'on' + settingsType.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + settingsType.slice( 1 ) + 'SettingsChange';
if ( self[ listenerMethodName ] ) {
elementorFrontend.addListenerOnce( uniqueHandlerID, 'change', function( model ) {
self[ listenerMethodName ]( model.changed );
}, elementor.settings[ settingsType ].model );
} );
getElementName: function() {
return this.$element.data( 'element_type' ).split( '.' )[0];
getID: function() {
return this.$element.data( 'id' );
getModelCID: function() {
return this.$element.data( 'model-cid' );
getElementSettings: function( setting ) {
var elementSettings = {},
modelCID = this.getModelCID();
if ( this.isEdit && modelCID ) {
var settings = elementorFrontend.config.elements.data[ modelCID ],
settingsKeys = elementorFrontend.config.elements.keys[ settings.attributes.widgetType || settings.attributes.elType ];
jQuery.each( settings.getActiveControls(), function( controlKey ) {
if ( -1 !== settingsKeys.indexOf( controlKey ) ) {
elementSettings[ controlKey ] = settings.attributes[ controlKey ];
} );
} else {
elementSettings = this.$element.data( 'settings' ) || {};
return this.getItems( elementSettings, setting );
getEditSettings: function( setting ) {
var attributes = {};
if ( this.isEdit ) {
attributes = elementorFrontend.config.elements.editSettings[ this.getModelCID() ].attributes;
return this.getItems( attributes, setting );
} );
module.exports = HandlerModule;
var TabsModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/base-tabs' );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new TabsModule( {
$element: $scope,
showTabFn: 'slideDown',
hideTabFn: 'slideUp'
} );
module.exports = function( $scope, $ ) {
$scope.find( '.elementor-alert-dismiss' ).on( 'click', function() {
$( this ).parent().fadeOut();
} );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' );
module.exports = HandlerModule.extend( {
$activeContent: null,
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
tabTitle: '.elementor-tab-title',
tabContent: '.elementor-tab-content'
classes: {
active: 'elementor-active'
showTabFn: 'show',
hideTabFn: 'hide',
toggleSelf: true,
hidePrevious: true,
autoExpand: true
getDefaultElements: function() {
var selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' );
return {
$tabTitles: this.findElement( selectors.tabTitle ),
$tabContents: this.findElement( selectors.tabContent )
activateDefaultTab: function() {
var settings = this.getSettings();
if ( ! settings.autoExpand || 'editor' === settings.autoExpand && ! this.isEdit ) {
var defaultActiveTab = this.getEditSettings( 'activeItemIndex' ) || 1,
originalToggleMethods = {
showTabFn: settings.showTabFn,
hideTabFn: settings.hideTabFn
// Toggle tabs without animation to avoid jumping
this.setSettings( {
showTabFn: 'show',
hideTabFn: 'hide'
} );
this.changeActiveTab( defaultActiveTab );
// Return back original toggle effects
this.setSettings( originalToggleMethods );
deactivateActiveTab: function( tabIndex ) {
var settings = this.getSettings(),
activeClass = settings.classes.active,
activeFilter = tabIndex ? '[data-tab="' + tabIndex + '"]' : '.' + activeClass,
$activeTitle = this.elements.$tabTitles.filter( activeFilter ),
$activeContent = this.elements.$tabContents.filter( activeFilter );
$activeTitle.add( $activeContent ).removeClass( activeClass );
$activeContent[ settings.hideTabFn ]();
activateTab: function( tabIndex ) {
var settings = this.getSettings(),
activeClass = settings.classes.active,
$requestedTitle = this.elements.$tabTitles.filter( '[data-tab="' + tabIndex + '"]' ),
$requestedContent = this.elements.$tabContents.filter( '[data-tab="' + tabIndex + '"]' );
$requestedTitle.add( $requestedContent ).addClass( activeClass );
$requestedContent[ settings.showTabFn ]();
isActiveTab: function( tabIndex ) {
return this.elements.$tabTitles.filter( '[data-tab="' + tabIndex + '"]' ).hasClass( this.getSettings( 'classes.active' ) );
bindEvents: function() {
var self = this;
self.elements.$tabTitles.on( 'focus', function( event ) {
self.changeActiveTab( event.currentTarget.dataset.tab );
} );
if ( self.getSettings( 'toggleSelf' ) ) {
self.elements.$tabTitles.on( 'mousedown', function( event ) {
if ( jQuery( event.currentTarget ).is( ':focus' ) ) {
self.changeActiveTab( event.currentTarget.dataset.tab );
} );
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
onEditSettingsChange: function( propertyName ) {
if ( 'activeItemIndex' === propertyName ) {
changeActiveTab: function( tabIndex ) {
var isActiveTab = this.isActiveTab( tabIndex ),
settings = this.getSettings();
if ( ( settings.toggleSelf || ! isActiveTab ) && settings.hidePrevious ) {
if ( ! settings.hidePrevious && isActiveTab ) {
this.deactivateActiveTab( tabIndex );
if ( ! isActiveTab ) {
this.activateTab( tabIndex );
} );
module.exports = function( $scope, $ ) {
elementorFrontend.waypoint( $scope.find( '.elementor-counter-number' ), function() {
var $number = $( this ),
data = $number.data();
var decimalDigits = data.toValue.toString().match( /\.(.*)/ );
if ( decimalDigits ) {
data.rounding = decimalDigits[1].length;
$number.numerator( data );
} );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' ),
GlobalHandler = HandlerModule.extend( {
getElementName: function() {
return 'global';
animate: function() {
var $element = this.$element,
animation = this.getAnimation(),
elementSettings = this.getElementSettings(),
animationDelay = elementSettings._animation_delay || elementSettings.animation_delay || 0;
$element.removeClass( animation );
setTimeout( function() {
$element.removeClass( 'elementor-invisible' ).addClass( animation );
}, animationDelay );
getAnimation: function() {
var elementSettings = this.getElementSettings();
return elementSettings.animation || elementSettings._animation;
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
var animation = this.getAnimation();
if ( ! animation ) {
this.$element.removeClass( animation );
elementorFrontend.waypoint( this.$element, this.animate.bind( this ) );
onElementChange: function( propertyName ) {
if ( /^_?animation/.test( propertyName ) ) {
} );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new GlobalHandler( { $element: $scope } );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' ),
ImageCarouselHandler = HandlerModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
carousel: '.elementor-image-carousel'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' );
return {
$carousel: this.$element.find( selectors.carousel )
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
var elementSettings = this.getElementSettings(),
slidesToShow = +elementSettings.slides_to_show || 3,
isSingleSlide = 1 === slidesToShow;
var slickOptions = {
slidesToShow: slidesToShow,
autoplay: 'yes' === elementSettings.autoplay,
autoplaySpeed: elementSettings.autoplay_speed,
infinite: 'yes' === elementSettings.infinite,
pauseOnHover: 'yes' === elementSettings.pause_on_hover,
speed: elementSettings.speed,
arrows: -1 !== [ 'arrows', 'both' ].indexOf( elementSettings.navigation ),
dots: -1 !== [ 'dots', 'both' ].indexOf( elementSettings.navigation ),
rtl: 'rtl' === elementSettings.direction,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 1025,
settings: {
slidesToShow: +elementSettings.slides_to_show_tablet || ( isSingleSlide ? 1 : 2 ),
slidesToScroll: 1
breakpoint: 768,
settings: {
slidesToShow: +elementSettings.slides_to_show_mobile || 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
if ( isSingleSlide ) {
slickOptions.fade = 'fade' === elementSettings.effect;
} else {
slickOptions.slidesToScroll = +elementSettings.slides_to_scroll;
this.elements.$carousel.slick( slickOptions );
} );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new ImageCarouselHandler( { $element: $scope } );
module.exports = function( $scope, $ ) {
elementorFrontend.waypoint( $scope.find( '.elementor-progress-bar' ), function() {
var $progressbar = $( this );
$progressbar.css( 'width', $progressbar.data( 'max' ) + '%' );
} );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' );
var BackgroundVideo = HandlerModule.extend( {
player: null,
isYTVideo: null,
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
backgroundVideoContainer: '.elementor-background-video-container',
backgroundVideoEmbed: '.elementor-background-video-embed',
backgroundVideoHosted: '.elementor-background-video-hosted'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' ),
elements = {
$backgroundVideoContainer: this.$element.find( selectors.backgroundVideoContainer )
elements.$backgroundVideoEmbed = elements.$backgroundVideoContainer.children( selectors.backgroundVideoEmbed );
elements.$backgroundVideoHosted = elements.$backgroundVideoContainer.children( selectors.backgroundVideoHosted );
return elements;
calcVideosSize: function() {
var containerWidth = this.elements.$backgroundVideoContainer.outerWidth(),
containerHeight = this.elements.$backgroundVideoContainer.outerHeight(),
aspectRatioSetting = '16:9', //TEMP
aspectRatioArray = aspectRatioSetting.split( ':' ),
aspectRatio = aspectRatioArray[ 0 ] / aspectRatioArray[ 1 ],
ratioWidth = containerWidth / aspectRatio,
ratioHeight = containerHeight * aspectRatio,
isWidthFixed = containerWidth / containerHeight > aspectRatio;
return {
width: isWidthFixed ? containerWidth : ratioHeight,
height: isWidthFixed ? ratioWidth : containerHeight
changeVideoSize: function() {
var $video = this.isYTVideo ? jQuery( this.player.getIframe() ) : this.elements.$backgroundVideoHosted,
size = this.calcVideosSize();
$video.width( size.width ).height( size.height );
prepareYTVideo: function( YT, videoID ) {
var self = this,
$backgroundVideoContainer = self.elements.$backgroundVideoContainer;
$backgroundVideoContainer.addClass( 'elementor-loading elementor-invisible' );
self.player = new YT.Player( self.elements.$backgroundVideoEmbed[ 0 ], {
videoId: videoID,
events: {
onReady: function() {
onStateChange: function( event ) {
switch ( event.data ) {
case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING:
$backgroundVideoContainer.removeClass( 'elementor-invisible elementor-loading' );
case YT.PlayerState.ENDED:
self.player.seekTo( 0 );
playerVars: {
controls: 0,
showinfo: 0,
rel: 0
} );
elementorFrontend.getElements( '$window' ).on( 'resize', self.changeVideoSize );
activate: function() {
var self = this,
videoLink = self.getElementSettings( 'background_video_link' ),
videoID = elementorFrontend.utils.youtube.getYoutubeIDFromURL( videoLink );
self.isYTVideo = !! videoID;
if ( videoID ) {
elementorFrontend.utils.youtube.onYoutubeApiReady( function( YT ) {
setTimeout( function() {
self.prepareYTVideo( YT, videoID );
}, 1 );
} );
} else {
self.elements.$backgroundVideoHosted.attr( 'src', videoLink ).one( 'canplay', self.changeVideoSize );
deactivate: function() {
if ( this.isYTVideo && this.player.getIframe() ) {
} else {
this.elements.$backgroundVideoHosted.removeAttr( 'src' );
run: function() {
var elementSettings = this.getElementSettings();
if ( 'video' === elementSettings.background_background && elementSettings.background_video_link ) {
} else {
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
onElementChange: function( propertyName ) {
if ( 'background_background' === propertyName ) {
} );
var StretchedSection = HandlerModule.extend( {
stretchElement: null,
bindEvents: function() {
elementorFrontend.addListenerOnce( this.$element.data( 'model-cid' ), 'resize', this.stretchSection );
initStretch: function() {
this.stretchElement = new elementorFrontend.modules.StretchElement( { element: this.$element } );
stretchSection: function() {
var isStretched = this.$element.hasClass( 'elementor-section-stretched' );
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() || isStretched ) {
if ( isStretched ) {
this.stretchElement.setSettings( 'selectors.container', elementorFrontend.getGeneralSettings( 'elementor_stretched_section_container' ) || window );
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
onGeneralSettingsChange: function( changed ) {
if ( 'elementor_stretched_section_container' in changed ) {
} );
var Shapes = HandlerModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
container: '> .elementor-shape-%s'
svgURL: elementorFrontend.config.urls.assets + 'shapes/'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var elements = {},
selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' );
elements.$topContainer = this.$element.find( selectors.container.replace( '%s', 'top' ) );
elements.$bottomContainer = this.$element.find( selectors.container.replace( '%s', 'bottom' ) );
return elements;
buildSVG: function( side ) {
var self = this,
baseSettingKey = 'shape_divider_' + side,
shapeType = self.getElementSettings( baseSettingKey ),
$svgContainer = this.elements[ '$' + side + 'Container' ];
$svgContainer.empty().attr( 'data-shape', shapeType );
if ( ! shapeType ) {
var fileName = shapeType;
if ( self.getElementSettings( baseSettingKey + '_negative' ) ) {
fileName += '-negative';
var svgURL = self.getSettings( 'svgURL' ) + fileName + '.svg';
jQuery.get( svgURL, function( data ) {
$svgContainer.append( data.childNodes[0] );
} );
this.setNegative( side );
setNegative: function( side ) {
this.elements[ '$' + side + 'Container' ].attr( 'data-negative', !! this.getElementSettings( 'shape_divider_' + side + '_negative' ) );
onInit: function() {
var self = this;
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( self, arguments );
[ 'top', 'bottom' ].forEach( function( side ) {
if ( self.getElementSettings( 'shape_divider_' + side ) ) {
self.buildSVG( side );
} );
onElementChange: function( propertyName ) {
var shapeChange = propertyName.match( /^shape_divider_(top|bottom)$/ );
if ( shapeChange ) {
this.buildSVG( shapeChange[1] );
var negativeChange = propertyName.match( /^shape_divider_(top|bottom)_negative$/ );
if ( negativeChange ) {
this.buildSVG( negativeChange[1] );
this.setNegative( negativeChange[1] );
} );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() || $scope.hasClass( 'elementor-section-stretched' ) ) {
new StretchedSection( { $element: $scope } );
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
new Shapes( { $element: $scope } );
new BackgroundVideo( { $element: $scope } );
var TabsModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/base-tabs' );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new TabsModule( {
$element: $scope,
toggleSelf: false
} );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' ),
TextEditor = HandlerModule.extend( {
dropCapLetter: '',
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
paragraph: 'p:first'
classes: {
dropCap: 'elementor-drop-cap',
dropCapLetter: 'elementor-drop-cap-letter'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' ),
classes = this.getSettings( 'classes' ),
$dropCap = jQuery( '<span>', { 'class': classes.dropCap } ),
$dropCapLetter = jQuery( '<span>', { 'class': classes.dropCapLetter } );
$dropCap.append( $dropCapLetter );
return {
$paragraph: this.$element.find( selectors.paragraph ),
$dropCap: $dropCap,
$dropCapLetter: $dropCapLetter
getElementName: function() {
return 'text-editor';
wrapDropCap: function() {
var isDropCapEnabled = this.getElementSettings( 'drop_cap' );
if ( ! isDropCapEnabled ) {
// If there is an old drop cap inside the paragraph
if ( this.dropCapLetter ) {
this.elements.$paragraph.prepend( this.dropCapLetter );
this.dropCapLetter = '';
var $paragraph = this.elements.$paragraph;
if ( ! $paragraph.length ) {
var paragraphContent = $paragraph.html().replace( /&nbsp;/g, ' ' ),
firstLetterMatch = paragraphContent.match( /^ *([^ ] ?)/ );
if ( ! firstLetterMatch ) {
var firstLetter = firstLetterMatch[1],
trimmedFirstLetter = firstLetter.trim();
// Don't apply drop cap when the content starting with an HTML tag
if ( '<' === trimmedFirstLetter ) {
this.dropCapLetter = firstLetter;
this.elements.$dropCapLetter.text( trimmedFirstLetter );
var restoredParagraphContent = paragraphContent.slice( firstLetter.length ).replace( /^ */, function( match ) {
return new Array( match.length + 1 ).join( '&nbsp;' );
$paragraph.html( restoredParagraphContent ).prepend( this.elements.$dropCap );
onInit: function() {
HandlerModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
onElementChange: function( propertyName ) {
if ( 'drop_cap' === propertyName ) {
} );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new TextEditor( { $element: $scope } );
var TabsModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handlers/base-tabs' );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new TabsModule( {
$element: $scope,
showTabFn: 'slideDown',
hideTabFn: 'slideUp',
hidePrevious: false,
autoExpand: 'editor'
} );
var HandlerModule = require( 'elementor-frontend/handler-module' ),
VideoModule = HandlerModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
selectors: {
imageOverlay: '.elementor-custom-embed-image-overlay',
videoWrapper: '.elementor-wrapper',
videoFrame: 'iframe'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' );
var elements = {
$imageOverlay: this.$element.find( selectors.imageOverlay ),
$videoWrapper: this.$element.find( selectors.videoWrapper )
elements.$videoFrame = elements.$videoWrapper.find( selectors.videoFrame );
return elements;
getLightBox: function() {
return elementorFrontend.utils.lightbox;
handleVideo: function() {
if ( ! this.getElementSettings( 'lightbox' ) ) {
playVideo: function() {
var $videoFrame = this.elements.$videoFrame,
newSourceUrl = $videoFrame[0].src.replace( '&autoplay=0', '' );
$videoFrame[0].src = newSourceUrl + '&autoplay=1';
animateVideo: function() {
this.getLightBox().setEntranceAnimation( this.getElementSettings( 'lightbox_content_animation' ) );
handleAspectRatio: function() {
this.getLightBox().setVideoAspectRatio( this.getElementSettings( 'aspect_ratio' ) );
bindEvents: function() {
this.elements.$imageOverlay.on( 'click', this.handleVideo );
onElementChange: function( propertyName ) {
if ( 'lightbox_content_animation' === propertyName ) {
var isLightBoxEnabled = this.getElementSettings( 'lightbox' );
if ( 'lightbox' === propertyName && ! isLightBoxEnabled ) {
if ( 'aspect_ratio' === propertyName && isLightBoxEnabled ) {
} );
module.exports = function( $scope ) {
new VideoModule( { $element: $scope } );
module.exports = function( $scope, $ ) {
if ( ! elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
if ( $scope.hasClass( 'elementor-widget-edit-disabled' ) ) {
$scope.find( '.elementor-element' ).each( function() {
elementorFrontend.elementsHandler.runReadyTrigger( $( this ) );
} );
var ViewModule = require( '../../utils/view-module' );
module.exports = ViewModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
element: null,
direction: elementorFrontend.config.is_rtl ? 'right' : 'left',
selectors: {
container: window
getDefaultElements: function() {
return {
$element: jQuery( this.getSettings( 'element' ) )
stretch: function() {
var containerSelector = this.getSettings( 'selectors.container' ),
$element = this.elements.$element,
$container = jQuery( containerSelector ),
isSpecialContainer = window !== $container[0];
var containerWidth = $container.outerWidth(),
elementWidth = $element.outerWidth(),
elementOffset = $element.offset().left,
correctOffset = elementOffset;
if ( isSpecialContainer ) {
var containerOffset = $container.offset().left;
if ( elementOffset > containerOffset ) {
correctOffset = elementOffset - containerOffset;
} else {
correctOffset = 0;
if ( elementorFrontend.config.is_rtl ) {
correctOffset = containerWidth - ( elementWidth + correctOffset );
var css = {};
css.width = containerWidth + 'px';
css[ this.getSettings( 'direction' ) ] = -correctOffset + 'px';
$element.css( css );
reset: function() {
var css = {};
css.width = 'auto';
css[ this.getSettings( 'direction' ) ] = 0;
this.elements.$element.css( css );
} );
var ViewModule = require( '../../utils/view-module' );
module.exports = ViewModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
scrollDuration: 500,
selectors: {
links: 'a[href*="#"]',
targets: '.elementor-element, .elementor-menu-anchor',
scrollable: 'html, body',
wpAdminBar: '#wpadminbar'
getDefaultElements: function() {
var $ = jQuery,
selectors = this.getSettings( 'selectors' );
return {
$scrollable: $( selectors.scrollable ),
$wpAdminBar: $( selectors.wpAdminBar )
bindEvents: function() {
elementorFrontend.getElements( '$document' ).on( 'click', this.getSettings( 'selectors.links' ), this.handleAnchorLinks );
handleAnchorLinks: function( event ) {
var clickedLink = event.currentTarget,
isSamePathname = ( location.pathname === clickedLink.pathname ),
isSameHostname = ( location.hostname === clickedLink.hostname );
if ( ! isSameHostname || ! isSamePathname || clickedLink.hash.length < 2 ) {
var $anchor = jQuery( clickedLink.hash ).filter( this.getSettings( 'selectors.targets' ) );
if ( ! $anchor.length ) {
var hasAdminBar = ( 1 <= this.elements.$wpAdminBar.length ),
scrollTop = $anchor.offset().top;
if ( hasAdminBar ) {
scrollTop -= this.elements.$wpAdminBar.height();
scrollTop = elementorFrontend.hooks.applyFilters( 'frontend/handlers/menu_anchor/scroll_top_distance', scrollTop );
this.elements.$scrollable.animate( {
scrollTop: scrollTop
}, this.getSettings( 'scrollDuration' ), 'linear' );
onInit: function() {
ViewModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
} );
var ViewModule = require( '../../utils/view-module' ),
LightboxModule = ViewModule.extend( {
oldAspectRatio: null,
oldAnimation: null,
swiper: null,
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
classes: {
aspectRatio: 'elementor-aspect-ratio-%s',
item: 'elementor-lightbox-item',
image: 'elementor-lightbox-image',
videoContainer: 'elementor-video-container',
videoWrapper: 'elementor-fit-aspect-ratio',
playButton: 'elementor-custom-embed-play',
playButtonIcon: 'fa',
playing: 'elementor-playing',
hidden: 'elementor-hidden',
invisible: 'elementor-invisible',
preventClose: 'elementor-lightbox-prevent-close',
slideshow: {
container: 'swiper-container',
slidesWrapper: 'swiper-wrapper',
prevButton: 'elementor-swiper-button elementor-swiper-button-prev',
nextButton: 'elementor-swiper-button elementor-swiper-button-next',
prevButtonIcon: 'eicon-chevron-left',
nextButtonIcon: 'eicon-chevron-right',
slide: 'swiper-slide'
selectors: {
links: 'a, [data-elementor-lightbox]',
slideshow: {
activeSlide: '.swiper-slide-active',
prevSlide: '.swiper-slide-prev',
nextSlide: '.swiper-slide-next'
modalOptions: {
id: 'elementor-lightbox',
entranceAnimation: 'zoomIn',
videoAspectRatio: 169,
position: {
enable: false
getModal: function() {
if ( ! LightboxModule.modal ) {
return LightboxModule.modal;
initModal: function() {
var modal = LightboxModule.modal = elementorFrontend.getDialogsManager().createWidget( 'lightbox', {
className: 'elementor-lightbox',
closeButton: true,
closeButtonClass: 'eicon-close',
selectors: {
preventClose: '.' + this.getSettings( 'classes.preventClose' )
hide: {
onClick: true
} );
modal.on( 'hide', function() {
modal.setMessage( '' );
} );
showModal: function( options ) {
var self = this,
defaultOptions = self.getDefaultSettings().modalOptions;
self.setSettings( 'modalOptions', jQuery.extend( defaultOptions, options.modalOptions ) );
var modal = self.getModal();
modal.setID( self.getSettings( 'modalOptions.id' ) );
modal.onShow = function() {
DialogsManager.getWidgetType( 'lightbox' ).prototype.onShow.apply( modal, arguments );
setTimeout( function() {
}, 10 );
modal.onHide = function() {
DialogsManager.getWidgetType( 'lightbox' ).prototype.onHide.apply( modal, arguments );
modal.getElements( 'widgetContent' ).removeClass( 'animated' );
switch ( options.type ) {
case 'image':
self.setImageContent( options.url );
case 'video':
self.setVideoContent( options.url );
case 'slideshow':
self.setSlideshowContent( options.slideshow );
self.setHTMLContent( options.html );
setHTMLContent: function( html ) {
this.getModal().setMessage( html );
setImageContent: function( imageURL ) {
var self = this,
classes = self.getSettings( 'classes' ),
$item = jQuery( '<div>', { 'class': classes.item } ),
$image = jQuery( '<img>', { src: imageURL, 'class': classes.image + ' ' + classes.preventClose } );
$item.append( $image );
self.getModal().setMessage( $item );
setVideoContent: function( videoEmbedURL ) {
videoEmbedURL = videoEmbedURL.replace( '&autoplay=0', '' ) + '&autoplay=1';
var classes = this.getSettings( 'classes' ),
$videoContainer = jQuery( '<div>', { 'class': classes.videoContainer } ),
$videoWrapper = jQuery( '<div>', { 'class': classes.videoWrapper } ),
$videoFrame = jQuery( '<iframe>', { src: videoEmbedURL, allowfullscreen: 1 } ),
modal = this.getModal();
$videoContainer.append( $videoWrapper );
$videoWrapper.append( $videoFrame );
modal.setMessage( $videoContainer );
var onHideMethod = modal.onHide;
modal.onHide = function() {
modal.getElements( 'message' ).removeClass( 'elementor-fit-aspect-ratio' );
setSlideshowContent: function( options ) {
var $ = jQuery,
self = this,
classes = self.getSettings( 'classes' ),
slideshowClasses = classes.slideshow,
$container = $( '<div>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.container } ),
$slidesWrapper = $( '<div>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.slidesWrapper } ),
$prevButton = $( '<div>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.prevButton + ' ' + classes.preventClose } ).html( $( '<i>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.prevButtonIcon } ) ),
$nextButton = $( '<div>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.nextButton + ' ' + classes.preventClose } ).html( $( '<i>', { 'class': slideshowClasses.nextButtonIcon } ) );
options.slides.forEach( function( slide ) {
var slideClass = slideshowClasses.slide + ' ' + classes.item;
if ( slide.video ) {
slideClass += ' ' + classes.video;
var $slide = $( '<div>', { 'class': slideClass } );
if ( slide.video ) {
$slide.attr( 'data-elementor-slideshow-video', slide.video );
var $playIcon = $( '<div>', { 'class': classes.playButton } ).html( $( '<i>', { 'class': classes.playButtonIcon } ) );
$slide.append( $playIcon );
} else {
var $zoomContainer = $( '<div>', { 'class': 'swiper-zoom-container' } ),
$slideImage = $( '<img>', { 'class': classes.image + ' ' + classes.preventClose } ).attr( 'src', slide.image );
$zoomContainer.append( $slideImage );
$slide.append( $zoomContainer );
$slidesWrapper.append( $slide );
} );
var modal = self.getModal();
modal.setMessage( $container );
var onShowMethod = modal.onShow;
modal.onShow = function() {
var swiperOptions = {
prevButton: $prevButton,
nextButton: $nextButton,
paginationClickable: true,
grabCursor: true,
onSlideChangeEnd: self.onSlideChange,
runCallbacksOnInit: false,
loop: true,
keyboardControl: true
if ( options.swiper ) {
$.extend( swiperOptions, options.swiper );
self.swiper = new Swiper( $container, swiperOptions );
setVideoAspectRatio: function( aspectRatio ) {
aspectRatio = aspectRatio || this.getSettings( 'modalOptions.videoAspectRatio' );
var $widgetContent = this.getModal().getElements( 'widgetContent' ),
oldAspectRatio = this.oldAspectRatio,
aspectRatioClass = this.getSettings( 'classes.aspectRatio' );
this.oldAspectRatio = aspectRatio;
if ( oldAspectRatio ) {
$widgetContent.removeClass( aspectRatioClass.replace( '%s', oldAspectRatio ) );
if ( aspectRatio ) {
$widgetContent.addClass( aspectRatioClass.replace( '%s', aspectRatio ) );
getSlide: function( slideState ) {
return this.swiper.slides.filter( this.getSettings( 'selectors.slideshow.' + slideState + 'Slide' ) );
playSlideVideo: function() {
var $activeSlide = this.getSlide( 'active' ),
videoURL = $activeSlide.data( 'elementor-slideshow-video' );
if ( ! videoURL ) {
var classes = this.getSettings( 'classes' );
var $videoContainer = jQuery( '<div>', { 'class': classes.videoContainer + ' ' + classes.invisible } ),
$videoWrapper = jQuery( '<div>', { 'class': classes.videoWrapper } ),
$videoFrame = jQuery( '<iframe>', { src: videoURL } ),
$playIcon = $activeSlide.children( '.' + classes.playButton );
$videoContainer.append( $videoWrapper );
$videoWrapper.append( $videoFrame );
$activeSlide.append( $videoContainer );
$playIcon.addClass( classes.playing ).removeClass( classes.hidden );
$videoFrame.on( 'load', function() {
$playIcon.addClass( classes.hidden );
$videoContainer.removeClass( classes.invisible );
} );
setEntranceAnimation: function( animation ) {
animation = animation || this.getSettings( 'modalOptions.entranceAnimation' );
var $widgetMessage = this.getModal().getElements( 'message' );
if ( this.oldAnimation ) {
$widgetMessage.removeClass( this.oldAnimation );
this.oldAnimation = animation;
if ( animation ) {
$widgetMessage.addClass( 'animated ' + animation );
isLightboxLink: function( element ) {
if ( 'A' === element.tagName && ! /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/i.test( element.href ) ) {
return false;
var generalOpenInLightbox = elementorFrontend.getGeneralSettings( 'elementor_global_image_lightbox' ),
currentLinkOpenInLightbox = element.dataset.elementorOpenLightbox;
return 'yes' === currentLinkOpenInLightbox || generalOpenInLightbox && 'no' !== currentLinkOpenInLightbox;
openLink: function( event ) {
var element = event.currentTarget,
$target = jQuery( event.target ),
editMode = elementorFrontend.isEditMode(),
isClickInsideElementor = !! $target.closest( '#elementor' ).length;
if ( ! this.isLightboxLink( element ) ) {
if ( editMode && isClickInsideElementor ) {
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() && ! elementorFrontend.getGeneralSettings( 'elementor_enable_lightbox_in_editor' ) ) {
var lightboxData = {};
if ( element.dataset.elementorLightbox ) {
lightboxData = JSON.parse( element.dataset.elementorLightbox );
if ( lightboxData.type && 'slideshow' !== lightboxData.type ) {
this.showModal( lightboxData );
if ( ! element.dataset.elementorLightboxSlideshow ) {
this.showModal( {
type: 'image',
url: element.href
} );
var slideshowID = element.dataset.elementorLightboxSlideshow;
var $allSlideshowLinks = jQuery( this.getSettings( 'selectors.links' ) ).filter( function() {
return slideshowID === this.dataset.elementorLightboxSlideshow;
} );
var slides = [],
uniqueLinks = {};
$allSlideshowLinks.each( function() {
if ( uniqueLinks[ this.href ] ) {
uniqueLinks[ this.href ] = true;
var slideIndex = this.dataset.elementorLightboxIndex;
if ( undefined === slideIndex ) {
slideIndex = $allSlideshowLinks.index( this );
var slideData = {
image: this.href,
index: slideIndex
if ( this.dataset.elementorLightboxVideo ) {
slideData.video = this.dataset.elementorLightboxVideo;
slides.push( slideData );
} );
slides.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.index - b.index;
} );
var initialSlide = element.dataset.elementorLightboxIndex;
if ( undefined === initialSlide ) {
initialSlide = $allSlideshowLinks.index( element );
this.showModal( {
type: 'slideshow',
modalOptions: {
id: 'elementor-lightbox-slideshow-' + slideshowID
slideshow: {
slides: slides,
swiper: {
initialSlide: +initialSlide
} );
bindEvents: function() {
elementorFrontend.getElements( '$document' ).on( 'click', this.getSettings( 'selectors.links' ), this.openLink );
onInit: function() {
ViewModule.prototype.onInit.apply( this, arguments );
if ( elementorFrontend.isEditMode() ) {
elementor.settings.general.model.on( 'change', this.onGeneralSettingsChange );
onGeneralSettingsChange: function( model ) {
if ( 'elementor_lightbox_content_animation' in model.changed ) {
this.setSettings( 'modalOptions.entranceAnimation', model.changed.elementor_lightbox_content_animation );
onSlideChange: function() {
.getSlide( 'prev' )
.add( this.getSlide( 'next' ) )
.add( this.getSlide( 'active' ) )
.find( '.' + this.getSettings( 'classes.videoWrapper' ) )
} );
module.exports = LightboxModule;
var ViewModule = require( '../../utils/view-module' );
module.exports = ViewModule.extend( {
getDefaultSettings: function() {
return {
isInserted: false,
APISrc: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api',
selectors: {
firstScript: 'script:first'
getDefaultElements: function() {
return {
$firstScript: jQuery( this.getSettings( 'selectors.firstScript' ) )
insertYTAPI: function() {
this.setSettings( 'isInserted', true );
this.elements.$firstScript.before( jQuery( '<script>', { src: this.getSettings( 'APISrc' ) } ) );
onYoutubeApiReady: function( callback ) {
var self = this;
if ( ! self.getSettings( 'IsInserted' ) ) {
if ( window.YT && YT.loaded ) {
callback( YT );
} else {
// If not ready check again by timeout..
setTimeout( function() {
self.onYoutubeApiReady( callback );
}, 350 );
getYoutubeIDFromURL: function( url ) {
var videoIDParts = url.match( /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:m\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:(?:watch)?\?(?:.*&)?vi?=|(?:embed|v|vi|user)\/))([^?&"'>]+)/ );
return videoIDParts && videoIDParts[1];
} );
'use strict';
* Handles managing all events for whatever you plug it into. Priorities for hooks are based on lowest to highest in
* that, lowest priority hooks are fired first.
var EventManager = function() {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
* Contains the hooks that get registered with this EventManager. The array for storage utilizes a "flat"
* object literal such that looking up the hook utilizes the native object literal hash.
var STORAGE = {
actions: {},
filters: {}
* Removes the specified hook by resetting the value of it.
* @param type Type of hook, either 'actions' or 'filters'
* @param hook The hook (namespace.identifier) to remove
* @private
function _removeHook( type, hook, callback, context ) {
var handlers, handler, i;
if ( ! STORAGE[ type ][ hook ] ) {
if ( ! callback ) {
STORAGE[ type ][ hook ] = [];
} else {
handlers = STORAGE[ type ][ hook ];
if ( ! context ) {
for ( i = handlers.length; i--; ) {
if ( handlers[ i ].callback === callback ) {
handlers.splice( i, 1 );
} else {
for ( i = handlers.length; i--; ) {
handler = handlers[ i ];
if ( handler.callback === callback && handler.context === context ) {
handlers.splice( i, 1 );
* Use an insert sort for keeping our hooks organized based on priority. This function is ridiculously faster
* than bubble sort, etc: http://jsperf.com/javascript-sort
* @param hooks The custom array containing all of the appropriate hooks to perform an insert sort on.
* @private
function _hookInsertSort( hooks ) {
var tmpHook, j, prevHook;
for ( var i = 1, len = hooks.length; i < len; i++ ) {
tmpHook = hooks[ i ];
j = i;
while ( ( prevHook = hooks[ j - 1 ] ) && prevHook.priority > tmpHook.priority ) {
hooks[ j ] = hooks[ j - 1 ];
hooks[ j ] = tmpHook;
return hooks;
* Adds the hook to the appropriate storage container
* @param type 'actions' or 'filters'
* @param hook The hook (namespace.identifier) to add to our event manager
* @param callback The function that will be called when the hook is executed.
* @param priority The priority of this hook. Must be an integer.
* @param [context] A value to be used for this
* @private
function _addHook( type, hook, callback, priority, context ) {
var hookObject = {
callback: callback,
priority: priority,
context: context
// Utilize 'prop itself' : http://jsperf.com/hasownproperty-vs-in-vs-undefined/19
var hooks = STORAGE[ type ][ hook ];
if ( hooks ) {
var hasSameCallback = false;
jQuery.each( hooks, function() {
if ( this.callback === callback ) {
hasSameCallback = true;
return false;
} );
if ( hasSameCallback ) {
hooks.push( hookObject );
hooks = _hookInsertSort( hooks );
} else {
hooks = [ hookObject ];
STORAGE[ type ][ hook ] = hooks;
* Runs the specified hook. If it is an action, the value is not modified but if it is a filter, it is.
* @param type 'actions' or 'filters'
* @param hook The hook ( namespace.identifier ) to be ran.
* @param args Arguments to pass to the action/filter. If it's a filter, args is actually a single parameter.
* @private
function _runHook( type, hook, args ) {
var handlers = STORAGE[ type ][ hook ], i, len;
if ( ! handlers ) {
return ( 'filters' === type ) ? args[ 0 ] : false;
len = handlers.length;
if ( 'filters' === type ) {
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
args[ 0 ] = handlers[ i ].callback.apply( handlers[ i ].context, args );
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
handlers[ i ].callback.apply( handlers[ i ].context, args );
return ( 'filters' === type ) ? args[ 0 ] : true;
* Adds an action to the event manager.
* @param action Must contain namespace.identifier
* @param callback Must be a valid callback function before this action is added
* @param [priority=10] Used to control when the function is executed in relation to other callbacks bound to the same hook
* @param [context] Supply a value to be used for this
function addAction( action, callback, priority, context ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof action && 'function' === typeof callback ) {
priority = parseInt( ( priority || 10 ), 10 );
_addHook( 'actions', action, callback, priority, context );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Performs an action if it exists. You can pass as many arguments as you want to this function; the only rule is
* that the first argument must always be the action.
function doAction( /* action, arg1, arg2, ... */ ) {
var args = slice.call( arguments );
var action = args.shift();
if ( 'string' === typeof action ) {
_runHook( 'actions', action, args );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Removes the specified action if it contains a namespace.identifier & exists.
* @param action The action to remove
* @param [callback] Callback function to remove
function removeAction( action, callback ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof action ) {
_removeHook( 'actions', action, callback );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Adds a filter to the event manager.
* @param filter Must contain namespace.identifier
* @param callback Must be a valid callback function before this action is added
* @param [priority=10] Used to control when the function is executed in relation to other callbacks bound to the same hook
* @param [context] Supply a value to be used for this
function addFilter( filter, callback, priority, context ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof filter && 'function' === typeof callback ) {
priority = parseInt( ( priority || 10 ), 10 );
_addHook( 'filters', filter, callback, priority, context );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Performs a filter if it exists. You should only ever pass 1 argument to be filtered. The only rule is that
* the first argument must always be the filter.
function applyFilters( /* filter, filtered arg, arg2, ... */ ) {
var args = slice.call( arguments );
var filter = args.shift();
if ( 'string' === typeof filter ) {
return _runHook( 'filters', filter, args );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Removes the specified filter if it contains a namespace.identifier & exists.
* @param filter The action to remove
* @param [callback] Callback function to remove
function removeFilter( filter, callback ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof filter ) {
_removeHook( 'filters', filter, callback );
return MethodsAvailable;
* Maintain a reference to the object scope so our public methods never get confusing.
MethodsAvailable = {
removeFilter: removeFilter,
applyFilters: applyFilters,
addFilter: addFilter,
removeAction: removeAction,
doAction: doAction,
addAction: addAction
// return all of the publicly available methods
return MethodsAvailable;
module.exports = EventManager;
var HotKeys = function() {
var hotKeysHandlers = this.hotKeysHandlers = {};
var isMac = function() {
return -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Mac OS X' );
var applyHotKey = function( event ) {
var handlers = hotKeysHandlers[ event.which ];
if ( ! handlers ) {
jQuery.each( handlers, function() {
var handler = this;
if ( handler.isWorthHandling && ! handler.isWorthHandling( event ) ) {
// Fix for some keyboard sources that consider alt key as ctrl key
if ( ! handler.allowAltKey && event.altKey ) {
handler.handle( event );
} );
this.isControlEvent = function( event ) {
return event[ isMac() ? 'metaKey' : 'ctrlKey' ];
this.addHotKeyHandler = function( keyCode, handlerName, handler ) {
if ( ! hotKeysHandlers[ keyCode ] ) {
hotKeysHandlers[ keyCode ] = {};
hotKeysHandlers[ keyCode ][ handlerName ] = handler;
this.bindListener = function( $listener ) {
$listener.on( 'keydown', applyHotKey );
module.exports = new HotKeys();
var Module = function() {
var $ = jQuery,
instanceParams = arguments,
self = this,
events = {};
var ensureClosureMethods = function() {
$.each( self, function( methodName ) {
var oldMethod = self[ methodName ];
if ( 'function' !== typeof oldMethod ) {
self[ methodName ] = function() {
return oldMethod.apply( self, arguments );
var initSettings = function() {
settings = self.getDefaultSettings();
var instanceSettings = instanceParams[0];
if ( instanceSettings ) {
$.extend( settings, instanceSettings );
var init = function() {
self.__construct.apply( self, instanceParams );
self.trigger( 'init' );
this.getItems = function( items, itemKey ) {
if ( itemKey ) {
var keyStack = itemKey.split( '.' ),
currentKey = keyStack.splice( 0, 1 );
if ( ! keyStack.length ) {
return items[ currentKey ];
if ( ! items[ currentKey ] ) {
return this.getItems( items[ currentKey ], keyStack.join( '.' ) );
return items;
this.getSettings = function( setting ) {
return this.getItems( settings, setting );
this.setSettings = function( settingKey, value, settingsContainer ) {
if ( ! settingsContainer ) {
settingsContainer = settings;
if ( 'object' === typeof settingKey ) {
$.extend( settingsContainer, settingKey );
return self;
var keyStack = settingKey.split( '.' ),
currentKey = keyStack.splice( 0, 1 );
if ( ! keyStack.length ) {
settingsContainer[ currentKey ] = value;
return self;
if ( ! settingsContainer[ currentKey ] ) {
settingsContainer[ currentKey ] = {};
return self.setSettings( keyStack.join( '.' ), value, settingsContainer[ currentKey ] );
this.forceMethodImplementation = function( methodArguments ) {
var functionName = methodArguments.callee.name;
throw new ReferenceError( 'The method ' + functionName + ' must to be implemented in the inheritor child.' );
this.on = function( eventName, callback ) {
if ( ! events[ eventName ] ) {
events[ eventName ] = [];
events[ eventName ].push( callback );
return self;
this.off = function( eventName, callback ) {
if ( ! events[ eventName ] ) {
return self;
if ( ! callback ) {
delete events[ eventName ];
return self;
var callbackIndex = events[ eventName ].indexOf( callback );
if ( -1 !== callbackIndex ) {
delete events[ eventName ][ callbackIndex ];
return self;
this.trigger = function( eventName ) {
var methodName = 'on' + eventName[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + eventName.slice( 1 ),
params = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
if ( self[ methodName ] ) {
self[ methodName ].apply( self, params );
var callbacks = events[ eventName ];
if ( ! callbacks ) {
return self;
$.each( callbacks, function( index, callback ) {
callback.apply( self, params );
} );
return self;
Module.prototype.__construct = function() {};
Module.prototype.getDefaultSettings = function() {
return {};
Module.extendsCount = 0;
Module.extend = function( properties ) {
var $ = jQuery,
parent = this;
var child = function() {
return parent.apply( this, arguments );
$.extend( child, parent );
child.prototype = Object.create( $.extend( {}, parent.prototype, properties ) );
child.prototype.constructor = child;
* Constructor ID is used to set an unique ID
* to every extend of the Module.
* It's useful in some cases such as unique
* listener for frontend handlers.
var constructorID = ++Module.extendsCount;
child.prototype.getConstructorID = function() {
return constructorID;
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
module.exports = Module;
var Module = require( './module' ),
ViewModule = Module.extend( {
elements: null,
getDefaultElements: function() {
return {};
bindEvents: function() {},
onInit: function() {
initElements: function() {
this.elements = this.getDefaultElements();
} );
module.exports = ViewModule;
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