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/* globals wp, jQuery, _, soWidgets, confirm, tinymce, sowbForms */
var sowbForms = window.sowbForms || {};
(function ($) {
$.fn.sowSetupForm = function () {
return $(this).each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el),
formInitializing = true;
var $body = $( 'body' );
// Skip this if the widget has any fields with an __i__
var $inputs = $el.find('input[name]');
if ($inputs.length && $inputs.attr('name').indexOf('__i__') !== -1) {
return this;
// Skip this if we've already set up the form
if ( $el.is('.siteorigin-widget-form-main') ) {
if ($el.data('sow-form-setup') === true) {
return true;
// If we're in the main widgets interface and the form isn't visible and it isn't contained in a
// panels dialog (when using the Layout Builder widget), don't worry about setting it up.
if ($body.hasClass('widgets-php') && !$el.is(':visible') && $el.closest('.panel-dialog').length === 0) {
return true;
// Listen for a state change event if this is the main form wrapper
$el.on('sowstatechange', function (e, incomingGroup, incomingState) {
// Find all wrappers that have state handlers on them
$el.find('[data-state-handler]').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
// Create a copy of the current state handlers. Add in initial handlers if the form is initializing.
var handler = $.extend({}, $$.data('state-handler'), formInitializing ? $$.data('state-handler-initial') : {});
if (Object.keys(handler).length === 0) {
return true;
// We need to figure out what the incoming state is
var handlerStateParts, handlerState, thisHandler, $$f, runHandler, handlerStateNames;
// Indicates if the handler has run
var handlerRun = {};
var repeaterIndex = sowbForms.getContainerFieldId( $$, 'repeater', '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' );
if (repeaterIndex !== false) {
var repeaterHandler = {};
for ( var rptrState in handler) {
repeaterHandler[rptrState.replace('{$repeater}', repeaterIndex)] = handler[rptrState];
handler = repeaterHandler;
var widgetFieldId = sowbForms.getContainerFieldId( $$, 'widget', '.siteorigin-widget-widget' );
if ( widgetFieldId !== false ) {
var widgetFieldHandler = {};
for ( var wdgFldState in handler) {
var stMatches = wdgFldState.match( /_else\[(.*)\]|(.*)\[(.*)\]/ );
var st = '';
if ( stMatches && stMatches.length && stMatches[1] === undefined ) {
st = stMatches[ 2 ] + '_' + widgetFieldId + '[' + stMatches[ 3 ] + ']';
} else {
st = '_else[' + stMatches[ 1 ] + '_' + widgetFieldId + ']';
widgetFieldHandler[st] = handler[wdgFldState];
handler = widgetFieldHandler;
// Go through all the handlers
for (var state in handler) {
runHandler = false;
// Parse the handler state parts
handlerStateParts = state.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(\[([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]+)\])?(\[\])?$/);
if (handlerStateParts === null) {
// Skip this if there's a problem with the state parts
handlerState = {
'group': 'default',
'name': '',
'multi': false
// Assign the handlerState attributes based on the parsed state
if (handlerStateParts[2] !== undefined) {
handlerState.group = handlerStateParts[1];
handlerState.name = handlerStateParts[3];
else {
handlerState.name = handlerStateParts[0];
handlerState.multi = (handlerStateParts[4] !== undefined);
if (handlerState.group === '_else') {
// This is the special case of an group else handler
// Always run if no handlers from the current group have been run yet
handlerState.group = handlerState.name;
handlerState.name = '';
// We will run this handler because none have run for it yet
runHandler = ( handlerState.group === incomingGroup && typeof handlerRun[handlerState.group] === 'undefined' );
else {
// Evaluate if we're in the current state
handlerStateNames = handlerState.name.split(',').map(function (a) {
return a.trim()
for (var i = 0; i < handlerStateNames.length; i++) {
runHandler = (handlerState.group === incomingGroup && handlerStateNames[i] === incomingState);
if (runHandler) break;
// Run the handler if previous checks have determined we should
if (runHandler) {
thisHandler = handler[state];
// Now we can handle the the handler
if (!handlerState.multi) {
thisHandler = [thisHandler];
for (var i = 0; i < thisHandler.length; i++) {
// Choose the item we'll be acting on here
if (typeof thisHandler[i][1] !== 'undefined' && Boolean(thisHandler[i][1])) {
// thisHandler[i][1] is the sub selector
$$f = $$.find(thisHandler[i][1]);
else {
$$f = $$;
// Call the function on the wrapper we've selected
$$f[thisHandler[i][0]].apply($$f, typeof thisHandler[i][2] !== 'undefined' ? thisHandler[i][2] : []);
// Store that we've run a handler
handlerRun[handlerState.group] = true;
// Lets set up the preview
$mainForm = $el;
var $teaser = $el.find('.siteorigin-widget-teaser');
$teaser.find('.dashicons-dismiss').click(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
$teaser.slideUp('normal', function () {
var _sow_form_id = $el.find( '> .siteorigin-widgets-form-id' ).val();
var $timestampField = $el.find( '> .siteorigin-widgets-form-timestamp' );
var _sow_form_timestamp = parseInt( $timestampField.val() || 0 );
var data = JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem( _sow_form_id ) );
if ( data ) {
if ( data['_sow_form_timestamp'] > _sow_form_timestamp ) {
var $newerNotification = $( '<div class="siteorigin-widget-form-notification">' +
'<span>' + soWidgets.backup.newerVersion + '</span>' +
'<a class="button button-small so-backup-restore">' + soWidgets.backup.restore + '</a>' +
'<a class="button button-small so-backup-dismiss">' + soWidgets.backup.dismiss + '</a>' +
'<div><small>' + soWidgets.backup.replaceWarning + '</small></div>' +
'</div>' );
$el.prepend( $newerNotification );
$newerNotification.find( '.so-backup-restore' ).click( function () {
sowbForms.setWidgetFormValues( $mainForm, data );
$newerNotification.slideUp( 'fast', function () {
} );
} );
$newerNotification.find( '.so-backup-dismiss' ).click( function () {
$newerNotification.slideUp( 'fast', function () {
sessionStorage.removeItem( _sow_form_id );
} );
} );
} else {
sessionStorage.removeItem( _sow_form_id );
$el.change( function () {
$timestampField.val( new Date().getTime() );
var data = sowbForms.getWidgetFormValues( $el );
sessionStorage.setItem( _sow_form_id, JSON.stringify( data ) );
} );
else {
$mainForm = $el.closest('.siteorigin-widget-form-main');
formId = $mainForm.find('> .siteorigin-widgets-form-id').val();
// Find any field or sub widget fields.
var $fields = $el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field');
// Process any sub sections
$fields.find('> .siteorigin-widget-section').sowSetupForm();
var $subwidgetFields = $fields.find('> .siteorigin-widget-widget');
$subwidgetFields.find('> .siteorigin-widget-section').sowSetupForm();
// Process any sub widgets whose fields aren't contained in a section
$subwidgetFields.filter(':not(:has(> .siteorigin-widget-section))').sowSetupForm();
// Store the field names
$fields.find('.siteorigin-widget-input').each(function (i, input) {
if ($(input).data('original-name') === null) {
$(input).data('original-name', $(input).attr('name'));
// Setup all the repeaters
$fields.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater').sowSetupRepeater();
// For any repeater items currently in existence
// Set up any color fields
$fields.find('> .siteorigin-widget-input-color').each(function () {
var colorField = $(this);
var colorFieldOptions = {
change: function (event, ui) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
if (colorField.data('defaultColor')) {
colorFieldOptions.defaultColor = colorField.data('defaultColor');
// Handle the sections
var expandContainer = function () {
$(this).parent().find('> .siteorigin-widget-section, > .siteorigin-widget-widget > .siteorigin-widget-section')
.slideToggle('fast', function () {
$(this).find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-container-state').val($(this).is(':visible') ? 'open' : 'closed');
if ( $( this ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
var $fields = $( this ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
} );
$fields.filter('.siteorigin-widget-field-type-widget, .siteorigin-widget-field-type-section').find('> label').click(expandContainer);
// Handle the slider fields
$fields.filter('.siteorigin-widget-field-type-slider').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
var $input = $$.find('input[type="number"]');
var $c = $$.find('.siteorigin-widget-value-slider');
max: parseFloat($input.attr('max')),
min: parseFloat($input.attr('min')),
step: parseFloat($input.attr('step')),
value: parseFloat($input.val()),
slide: function (event, ui) {
$input.val( parseFloat( ui.value ) );
$input.trigger( 'change' );
change: function( event, ui ) {
$input.change(function(event, data) {
if ( ! ( data && data.silent ) ) {
$c.slider( 'value', parseFloat( $input.val() ) );
// Setup the URL fields
$fields.filter('.siteorigin-widget-field-type-link').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
// Function that refreshes the list of
var request = null;
var refreshList = function () {
if (request !== null) {
var $contentSearchInput = $$.find('.content-text-search');
var query = $contentSearchInput.val();
var postTypes = $contentSearchInput.data('postTypes');
var $ul = $$.find('ul.posts').empty().addClass('loading');
{action: 'so_widgets_search_posts', query: query, postTypes: postTypes},
function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].label === '') {
data[i].label = ' ';
// Add all the post items
.html(data[i].label + '<span>(' + data[i].type + ')</span>')
// Toggle display of the existing content
$$.find('.select-content-button, .button-close').click(function (e) {
var $s = $$.find('.existing-content-selector');
if ($s.is(':visible') && $s.find('ul.posts li').length === 0) {
// Clicking on one of the url items
$$.on('click', '.posts li', function (e) {
var $li = $(this);
$$.find('input.siteorigin-widget-input').val('post: ' + $li.data('value'));
var interval = null;
$$.find('.content-text-search').keyup(function () {
if (interval !== null) {
interval = setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
// Setup the Builder fields
if (typeof jQuery.fn.soPanelsSetupBuilderWidget !== 'undefined') {
$fields.filter('.siteorigin-widget-field-type-builder').each(function () {
$( this ).find( '> .siteorigin-page-builder-field' ).each( function () {
var $$ = $( this );
$$.soPanelsSetupBuilderWidget( { builderType: $$.data( 'type' ) } );
} );
// Now lets handle the state emitters
var stateEmitterChangeHandler = function () {
var $$ = $(this);
// These emitters can either be an array or a
var emitters = $$.closest('[data-state-emitter]').data('state-emitter');
if (typeof emitters !== 'undefined') {
var handleStateEmitter = function (emitter, currentStates) {
if (typeof sowEmitters[emitter.callback] === 'undefined' || emitter.callback.substr(0, 1) === '_') {
// Skip if the function doesn't exist, or it starts with an underscore (internal functions).
return currentStates;
// Check if this is inside a repeater
var repeaterIndex = sowbForms.getContainerFieldId( $$, 'repeater', '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' );
if (repeaterIndex !== false) {
emitter.args = emitter.args.map(function (a) {
return a.replace('{$repeater}', repeaterIndex);
var widgetFieldId = sowbForms.getContainerFieldId( $$, 'widget', '.siteorigin-widget-widget' );
if ( widgetFieldId !== false && ! emitter.hasOwnProperty( 'widgetFieldId' ) ) {
emitter.widgetFieldId = widgetFieldId;
emitter.args = emitter.args.map(function (arg) {
return arg + '_' + widgetFieldId;
var val = $$.is('[type="checkbox"]') ? $$.is(':checked') : $$.val();
// Return an array that has the new states added to the array
return $.extend(currentStates, sowEmitters[emitter.callback](val, emitter.args));
// Run the states through the state emitters
var states = {'default': ''};
// Go through the array of emitters
if (typeof emitters.length === 'undefined') {
emitters = [emitters];
for (var i = 0; i < emitters.length; i++) {
states = handleStateEmitter(emitters[i], states);
// Check which states have changed and trigger appropriate sowstatechange
var formStates = $mainForm.data('states');
if (typeof formStates === 'undefined') {
formStates = {'default': ''};
for (var k in states) {
if (typeof formStates[k] === 'undefined' || states[k] !== formStates[k]) {
// If the state is different from the original formStates, then trigger a state change
formStates[k] = states[k];
$mainForm.trigger('sowstatechange', [k, states[k]]);
// Store the form states back in the form
$mainForm.data('states', formStates);
$fields.filter('[data-state-emitter]').each(function () {
// Listen for any change events on an emitter field
$(this).find('.siteorigin-widget-input').on('keyup change', stateEmitterChangeHandler);
// Trigger initial state emitter changes
$(this).find('.siteorigin-widget-input').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
if ($$.is(':radio')) {
// Only checked radio inputs must have change events
if ($$.is(':checked')) {
else {
// Give plugins a chance to influence the form
$el.trigger('sowsetupform', $fields).data('sow-form-setup', true);
if ( $body.hasClass( 'wp-customizer' ) || $body.hasClass( 'widgets-php' ) ) {
// Reinitialize widget fields when they're dragged and dropped.
$el.closest( '.ui-sortable' ).on( 'sortstop', function (event, ui) {
var $fields = ui.item.find( '.siteorigin-widget-form' ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
} );
// The end of the form setup.
formInitializing = false;
$.fn.sowSetupPreview = function () {
var $el = $(this);
var previewButton = $el.siblings('.siteorigin-widget-preview');
previewButton.find('> a').click(function (e) {
var data = sowbForms.getWidgetFormValues($el);
// Create a new modal window
var modal = $($('#so-widgets-bundle-tpl-preview-dialog').html().trim()).appendTo('body');
modal.find('iframe').on('load', function () {
$(this).css('visibility', 'visible');
modal.find('.close').click(function () {
$.fn.sowSetupRepeater = function () {
return $(this).each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var $items = $el.find('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items');
var name = $el.data('repeater-name');
$items.bind('updateFieldPositions', function () {
var $$ = $(this);
var $rptrItems = $$.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item');
// Set the position for the repeater items
$rptrItems.each(function (i, el) {
$(el).find('.siteorigin-widget-input').each(function (j, input) {
var pos = $(input).data('repeater-positions');
if (typeof pos === 'undefined') {
pos = {};
pos[name] = i;
$(input).data('repeater-positions', pos);
// Update the field names for all the input items
$$.find('.siteorigin-widget-input').each(function (i, input) {
var $in = $(input);
var pos = $in.data('repeater-positions');
if (typeof pos !== 'undefined') {
var newName = $in.attr('data-original-name');
if (!newName) {
$in.attr('data-original-name', $in.attr('name'));
newName = $in.attr('name');
if (!newName) {
if (pos) {
for (var k in pos) {
newName = newName.replace('#' + k + '#', pos[k]);
$in.attr('name', newName);
if (!$$.data('initialSetup')) {
// Setup default checked values, now that we've updated input names.
// Without this radio inputs in repeaters will be rendered as if they all belong to the same group.
$$.find('.siteorigin-widget-input').each(function (i, input) {
var $in = $(input);
$in.prop('checked', $in.prop('defaultChecked'));
$$.data('initialSetup', true);
//Setup scrolling.
var scrollCount = $el.data('scroll-count') ? parseInt($el.data('scroll-count')) : 0;
if (scrollCount > 0 && $rptrItems.length > scrollCount) {
var itemHeight = $rptrItems.first().outerHeight();
$$.css('max-height', itemHeight * scrollCount).css('overflow', 'auto');
else {
//TODO: Check whether there was a value before overriding and set it back to that.
$$.css('max-height', '').css('overflow', '');
handle: '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-top',
items: '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item',
update: function () {
// Clear `name` attributes for radio inputs. They'll be reassigned on update.
// This prevents some radio inputs values being cleared during the update process.
$items.find( 'input[type="radio"].siteorigin-widget-input' ).attr( 'name', '' );
sortstop: function (event, ui) {
if ( ui.item.is( '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' ) ) {
ui.item.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form' ).each( function () {
var $fields = $( this ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
} );
else {
var $fields = ui.item.find( '.siteorigin-widget-form' ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
$el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-add').disableSelection().click(function (e) {
.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items').slideDown('fast', function () {
$el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-top > .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-expand').click(function (e) {
$el.closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater').find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeateritems-').slideToggle('fast', function () {
$.fn.sowAddRepeaterItem = function () {
return $(this).each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var $nextIndex = $el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items').children().length + 1;
// Create an object with the repeater html so we can make some changes to it.
var repeaterObject = $('<div>' + $el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-html').html() + '</div>');
repeaterObject.find('.siteorigin-widget-input[data-name]').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
// Skip out items that are themselves inside repeater HTML wrappers
if ($$.closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-html').length === 0) {
$$.attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
var repeaterHtml = repeaterObject.html().replace(/_id_/g, $nextIndex);
var readonly = typeof $el.attr('readonly') !== 'undefined';
var item = $('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item ui-draggable" />')
$('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-top" />')
$('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-expand" />')
readonly ? '' : $('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-copy" />')
readonly ? '' : $('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-remove" />')
.append($('<h4 />').html($el.data('item-name')))
$('<div class="siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form" />')
// Add the item and refresh
$el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items').append(item).sortable("refresh").trigger('updateFieldPositions');
item.hide().slideDown('fast', function () {
$.fn.sowRemoveRepeaterItem = function () {
return $(this).each(function (i, el) {
var $itemsContainer = $(this).closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items');
$.fn.sowSetupRepeaterItems = function () {
return $(this).each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
if (typeof $el.data('sowrepeater-actions-setup') === 'undefined') {
var $parentRepeater = $el.closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater');
var itemTop = $el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-top');
var itemLabel = $parentRepeater.data('item-label');
if (itemLabel && itemLabel.selector) {
var updateLabel = function () {
var functionName = ( itemLabel.hasOwnProperty('valueMethod') && itemLabel.valueMethod ) ? itemLabel.valueMethod : 'val';
var txt = $el.find(itemLabel.selector)[functionName]();
if (txt) {
if (txt.length > 80) {
txt = txt.substr(0, 79) + '...';
var eventName = ( itemLabel.hasOwnProperty('updateEvent') && itemLabel.updateEvent ) ? itemLabel.updateEvent : 'change';
$el.bind(eventName, updateLabel);
itemTop.click(function (e) {
if (e.target.className === "siteorigin-widget-field-remove" || e.target.className === "siteorigin-widget-field-copy") {
$(this).closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item').find('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form').eq(0).slideToggle('fast', function () {
if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
var $fields = $( this ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
else {
itemTop.find('.siteorigin-widget-field-remove').click(function (e, params) {
var $s = $( this ).closest( '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items' );
var $item = $( this ).closest( '.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' );
var removeItem = function () {
$s.sortable( "refresh" ).trigger( 'updateFieldPositions' );
$( window ).resize();
if ( params && params.silent ) {
} else if ( confirm( soWidgets.sure ) ) {
$item.slideUp('fast', removeItem );
itemTop.find('.siteorigin-widget-field-copy').click(function (e) {
var $form = $(this).closest('.siteorigin-widget-form-main');
var $item = $(this).closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item');
var $copyItem = $item.clone();
var $items = $item.closest('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items');
//var $nextIndex = $item.index()+1;
var $nextIndex = $items.children().length;
var newIds = {};
$copyItem.find('*[name]').each(function () {
var $inputElement = $(this);
var id = $inputElement.attr('id');
var nm = $inputElement.attr('name');
// TinyMCE field :/
if ($inputElement.is('textarea') && $inputElement.parent().is('.wp-editor-container') && typeof tinymce != 'undefined') {
$inputElement.css('display', '');
var curEd = tinymce.get(id);
if (curEd) {
// Color field :/
else if ($inputElement.is('.wp-color-picker')) {
var $wpPickerContainer = $inputElement.closest('.wp-picker-container');
var $soWidgetField = $inputElement.closest('.siteorigin-widget-field');
else {
var $originalInput = id ? $item.find( '#' + id ) : $item.find('[name="' + nm + '"]');
if ($originalInput.length && $originalInput.val() != null) {
if (id) {
var idRegExp;
var idBase;
var newId;
// Radio inputs are slightly different because there are multiple `input` elements for
// a single field, i.e. multiple `inputs` for selecting a single value.
if ($inputElement.is('[type="radio"]')) {
// Radio inputs have their position appended to the id.
idBase = id.replace(/-\d+-\d+$/, '');
var radioIdBase = id.replace(/-\d+$/, '');
if (!newIds[idBase]) {
var radioNames = {};
newIds[idBase] = $form
// find all inputs containing idBase in their id attribute
.find('.siteorigin-widget-input[id^=' + idBase + ']')
// exclude inputs from templates
// reduce to one element per radio input group.
.filter(function (index, element) {
var eltName = $(element).attr('name');
if (radioNames[eltName]) {
return false;
} else {
radioNames[eltName] = true;
return true;
}).length + 1;
var newRadioIdBase = idBase + '-' + newIds[idBase];
newId = newRadioIdBase + id.match(/-\d+$/)[0];
$copyItem.find('label[for=' + radioIdBase + ']').attr('for', newRadioIdBase);
} else {
idRegExp = new RegExp('-\\d+$');
idBase = id.replace(idRegExp, '');
if (!newIds[idBase]) {
newIds[idBase] = $form.find('.siteorigin-widget-input[id^=' + idBase + ']').not('[id*=_id_]').length + 1;
newId = idBase + '-' + newIds[idBase]++;
$inputElement.attr('id', newId);
$copyItem.find('label[for=' + id + ']').attr('for', newId);
$copyItem.find('[id*=' + id + ']').each(function () {
var oldIdAttr = $(this).attr('id');
var newIdAttr = oldIdAttr.replace(id, newId);
$(this).attr('id', newIdAttr);
if (typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' && tinymce.get(newId)) {
var nestLevel = $item.parents('.siteorigin-widget-field-repeater').length;
var $body = $('body');
if (($body.hasClass('wp-customizer') || $body.hasClass('widgets-php')) && $el.closest('.panel-dialog').length === 0) {
nestLevel += 1;
var newName = nm.replace(new RegExp('((?:.*?\\[\\d+\\]){' + (nestLevel - 1).toString() + '})?(.*?\\[)\\d+(\\])'), '$1$2' + $nextIndex.toString() + '$3');
$inputElement.attr('name', newName);
$inputElement.data('original-name', newName);
//$items.sortable( "refresh").trigger('updateFieldPositions');
$copyItem.hide().slideDown('fast', function () {
$el.find('> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form').sowSetupForm();
$el.data('sowrepeater-actions-setup', true);
// Widgets Bundle utility functions
* Get the unique index of a repeated item. Could be in a repeater or if multiple widget fields with the same
* widget class.
* @param $el
* @param containerType
* @param containerClass
* @return {*}
sowbForms.getContainerFieldId = function ( $el, containerType, containerClass ) {
var fieldIdPropName = containerType + 'FieldId';
if ( ! this.hasOwnProperty( fieldIdPropName ) ) {
this[ fieldIdPropName ] = 1;
var $field = $el.closest( containerClass );
if ( $field.length ) {
var fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' );
if ( fieldId === undefined ) {
fieldId = this[ fieldIdPropName ]++;
$field.data( 'field-id', fieldId );
return fieldId;
else {
return false;
* Retrieve a variable for a field with the given identifier, elementName.
* @return {*}
* @param widgetClass The class name of the widget for which to retrieve a variable.
* @param elementName The name of the field for which to retrieve a variable.
* @param key The name of the variable to retrieve.
sowbForms.getWidgetFieldVariable = function (widgetClass, elementName, key) {
var widgetVars = window.sow_field_javascript_variables[widgetClass];
// Get rid of any index placeholders
elementName = elementName.replace(/\[#.*?#\]/g, '');
var variablePath = /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(?:\[c?[0-9]+\])?\[(.*)\]/.exec(elementName)[1];
var variablePathParts = variablePath.split('][');
var elementVars = variablePathParts.length ? widgetVars : null;
while (variablePathParts.length) {
elementVars = elementVars[variablePathParts.shift()];
return elementVars[key];
sowbForms.fetchWidgetVariable = function (key, widget, callback) {
window.sowVars = window.sowVars || {};
if (typeof window.sowVars[widget] === 'undefined') {
{'action': 'sow_get_javascript_variables', 'widget': widget, 'key': key},
function (result) {
window.sowVars[widget] = result;
else {
sowbForms.getWidgetFormValues = function ( formContainer ) {
if ( _.isUndefined( formContainer ) ) {
return null;
var data = {};
formContainer.find('*[name]').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
try {
var name = /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\[[a-zA-Z0-9]+\]\[(.*)\]/.exec( $$.attr( 'name' ) );
if ( _.isEmpty( name ) ) {
return true;
// Create an array with the parts of the name
name = name[1];
var parts = name.split( '][' );
// Make sure we either have numbers or strings
parts = parts.map( function ( e ) {
if ( ! isNaN( parseFloat( e ) ) && isFinite( e ) ) {
return parseInt( e );
else {
return e;
} );
var sub = data;
var fieldValue = null;
var fieldType = _.isString( $$.attr( 'type' ) ) ? $$.attr( 'type' ).toLowerCase() : null;
if ( fieldType === 'checkbox' ) {
if ( $$.is( ':checked' ) ) {
fieldValue = $$.val() !== '' ? $$.val() : true;
} else {
fieldValue = false;
} else if ( fieldType === 'radio' ) {
if ( $$.is( ':checked' ) ) {
fieldValue = $$.val();
} else {
} else if ( $$.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'TEXTAREA' && $$.hasClass( 'wp-editor-area' ) ) {
// This is a TinyMCE editor, so we'll use the tinyMCE object to get the content
var editor = null;
if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) {
editor = tinyMCE.get( $$.attr( 'id' ) );
if ( editor !== null && typeof( editor.getContent ) === "function" && !editor.isHidden() ) {
fieldValue = editor.getContent();
else {
fieldValue = $$.val();
} else if ( $$.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'SELECT' ) {
var selected = $$.find( 'option:selected' );
if ( selected.length === 1 ) {
fieldValue = $$.find( 'option:selected' ).val();
else if ( selected.length > 1 ) {
// This is a mutli-select field
fieldValue = _.map( $$.find( 'option:selected' ), function ( n, i ) {
return $( n ).val();
} );
} else {
fieldValue = $$.val();
for ( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) {
if ( i === parts.length - 1 ) {
if ( parts[i] === '' ) {
// This needs to be an array
sub.push( fieldValue );
} else {
sub[ parts[ i ] ] = fieldValue;
else {
if ( _.isUndefined( sub[ parts[ i ] ] ) ) {
// We assume that a numeric key means it's an array. (or empty string??)
if ( _.isNumber( parts[ i + 1 ] ) || parts[ i + 1 ] === '' ) {
sub[ parts[ i ] ] = [];
} else {
sub[ parts[ i ] ] = {};
// Go deeper into the data and continue
sub = sub[ parts[ i ] ];
} catch ( error ) {
console.error( 'Field [' + $$.attr( 'name' ) + '] could not be processed and was skipped - ' + error.message );
return data;
* Sets all the widget form fields in the given container with the given data values.
* @param formContainer The jQuery element containing the widget form fields.
* @param data The data from which to set the widget form field values.
* @param skipMissingValues If `true`, this will skip form fields for which the data values are missing.
* If `false`, the form fields will be cleared. Default is `false`.
sowbForms.setWidgetFormValues = function (formContainer, data, skipMissingValues) {
skipMissingValues = skipMissingValues || false;
// First check if this form has any repeaters.
var depth = 0;
var updateRepeaterChildren = function ( formParent, formData ) {
if ( ++depth === 10 ) {
// Only direct child fields which are repeaters.
formParent.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-type-repeater' ).each( function () {
var $repeater = $( this ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater' );
var repeaterName = $repeater.data( 'repeaterName' );
var repeaterData = formData.hasOwnProperty( repeaterName ) ? formData[ repeaterName ] : null;
if ( ! repeaterData || ! Array.isArray( repeaterData ) ) {
// Check that the number of child items matches the number of data items.
var repeaterChildren = $repeater.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items > .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' );
var numItems = repeaterData.length;
var numChildren = repeaterChildren.length;
if ( numItems > numChildren ) {
// If data items > child items, create extra child items.
for ( var i = 0; i < numItems - numChildren; i++) {
$repeater.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-add' ).click();
} else if ( ! skipMissingValues && numItems < numChildren ) {
// If child items > data items, remove extra child items.
for ( var j = numItems; j < numChildren; j++) {
var $child = $( repeaterChildren.eq( j ) );
$child.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-top' )
.find( '.siteorigin-widget-field-remove' )
.trigger( 'click', { silent: true } );
repeaterChildren = $repeater.find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-items > .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item' );
for ( var k = 0; k < repeaterChildren.length; k++ ) {
repeaterChildren.eq( k ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form' );
repeaterChildren.eq( k ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-form' ),
repeaterData[ k ]
} );
updateRepeaterChildren(formContainer, data);
formContainer.find('*[name]').each(function () {
var $$ = $(this);
var name = /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\[[a-zA-Z0-9]+\]\[(.*)\]/.exec($$.attr('name'));
if ( name === undefined || name === null ) {
return true;
name = name[1];
var parts = name.split('][');
// Make sure we either have numbers or strings
parts = parts.map( function ( e ) {
if ( !isNaN( parseFloat( e ) ) && isFinite( e ) ) {
return parseInt( e );
} else {
return e;
} );
var sub = data;
var value;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// If the field is missing from the data, just leave `value` as `undefined`.
if ( ! sub.hasOwnProperty( parts[ i ] ) ) {
if ( skipMissingValues ) {
return true;
} else {
if (i === parts.length - 1) {
value = sub[ parts[ i ] ];
} else {
sub = sub[ parts[ i ] ];
// This is the end, so we need to set the value on the field here.
if ( $$.attr( 'type' ) === 'checkbox' ) {
$$.prop( 'checked', value );
} else if ( $$.attr( 'type' ) === 'radio' ) {
$$.prop( 'checked', value === $$.val() );
} else if ( $$.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'TEXTAREA' && $$.hasClass( 'wp-editor-area' ) ) {
// This is a TinyMCE editor, so we'll use the tinyMCE object to get the content
var editor = null;
if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) {
editor = tinyMCE.get( $$.attr( 'id' ) );
if ( editor !== null && typeof( editor.getContent ) === "function" && ! editor.isHidden() ) {
editor.setContent( value );
else {
$$.val( value );
else {
$$.val( value );
$$.trigger( 'change' );
// When we click on a widget top
$('.widgets-holder-wrap').on('click', '.widget:has(.siteorigin-widget-form-main) .widget-top', function () {
var $$ = $(this).closest('.widget').find('.siteorigin-widget-form-main');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
if ( $('body').hasClass('wp-customizer') ) {
// Setup new widgets when they're added in the customizer interface
$(document).on('widget-added', function (e, widget) {
$( document ).on( 'open_dialog', function ( e, dialog ) {
// When we open a Page Builder edit widget dialog
if ( dialog.$el.find( '.so-panels-dialog' ).is( '.so-panels-dialog-edit-widget' ) ) {
var $fields = $( e.target ).find( '.siteorigin-widget-form-main' ).find( '> .siteorigin-widget-field' );
$fields.trigger( 'sowsetupformfield' );
$(function () {
var sowEmitters = {
* Find the group/state and an extra match part.
* @param arg
* @param matchPart
* @return {*}
'_match': function (arg, matchPart) {
if (typeof matchPart === 'undefined') {
matchPart = '.*';
// Create the regular expression to match the group/state and extra match
var exp = new RegExp('^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(\\[([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\])? *: *(' + matchPart + ') *$');
var m = exp.exec(arg);
if (m === null) {
return false;
var state = '';
var group = 'default';
if (m[3] !== undefined) {
group = m[1];
state = m[3];
else {
state = m[1];
return {
'match': m[4].trim(),
'group': group,
'state': state
'_checker': function (val, args, matchPart, callback) {
var returnStates = {};
if (typeof args.length === 'undefined') {
args = [args];
var m;
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
m = sowEmitters._match(args[i], matchPart);
if (m === false) {
if (m.match === '_true' || callback(val, args, m.match)) {
returnStates[m.group] = m.state;
return returnStates;
* A very simple state emitter that simply sets the given group the value
* @param val
* @param args
* @returns {{}}
'select': function (val, args) {
if (typeof args.length === 'undefined') {
args = [args];
var returnGroups = {};
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] === '') {
args[i] = 'default';
returnGroups[args[i]] = val;
return returnGroups;
* The conditional state emitter uses eval to check a given conditional argument.
* @param val
* @param args
* @return {{}}
'conditional': function (val, args) {
return sowEmitters._checker(val, args, '[^;{}]*', function (val, args, match) {
return eval(match);
* The in state emitter checks if the value is in an array of functions
* @param val
* @param args
* @return {{}}
'in': function (val, args) {
return sowEmitters._checker(val, args, '[^;{}]*', function (val, args, match) {
return match.split(',').map(function (s) {
return s.trim();
}).indexOf(val) !== -1;
window.sowbForms = sowbForms;