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* Class SiteOrigin_Widget
* @author SiteOrigin <support@siteorigin.com>
abstract class SiteOrigin_Widget extends WP_Widget {
protected $form_options;
protected $base_folder;
protected $field_ids;
protected $fields;
* The name of this widget class. Whatever the key for $wp_widgets_factory is.
* @var string
protected $widget_class;
* @var array The array of registered frontend scripts
protected $frontend_scripts = array();
* @var array The array of registered frontend styles
protected $frontend_styles = array();
protected $generated_css = array();
protected $current_instance;
protected $instance_storage;
* @var int How many seconds a CSS file is valid for.
static $css_expire = 604800; // 7 days
* @param string $id
* @param string $name
* @param array $widget_options Optional Normal WP_Widget widget options and a few extras.
* - help: A URL which, if present, causes a help link to be displayed on the Edit Widget modal.
* - instance_storage: Whether or not to temporarily store instances of this widget.
* - has_preview: Whether or not this widget has a preview to display. If false, the form does not output a
* 'Preview' button.
* @param array $control_options Optional Normal WP_Widget control options.
* @param array $form_options Optional An array describing the form fields used to configure SiteOrigin widgets.
* @param mixed $base_folder Optional
function __construct($id, $name, $widget_options = array(), $control_options = array(), $form_options = array(), $base_folder = false) {
$this->form_options = $form_options;
$this->base_folder = $base_folder;
$this->field_ids = array();
$this->fields = array();
$widget_options = wp_parse_args( $widget_options, array(
'has_preview' => true,
) );
$control_options = wp_parse_args( $control_options, array(
'width' => 800,
) );
if( empty( $this->widget_class ) ) {
$this->widget_class = get_class( $this );
parent::__construct($id, $name, $widget_options, $control_options);
// Let other plugins do additional initializing here
do_action('siteorigin_widgets_initialize_widget_' . $this->id_base, $this);
* Initialize this widget in whatever way we need to. Run before rendering widget or form.
function initialize(){
* Get the main widget form. This should be overwritten by child widgets.
* @return array
function get_widget_form(){
return method_exists( $this, 'initialize_form' ) ? $this->initialize_form() : array();
private function get_cached_widget_form() {
$cache_key = $this->id_base . '_form';
$form_options = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'siteorigin_widgets' );
if ( empty( $form_options ) ) {
$form_options = $this->get_widget_form();
wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $form_options, 'siteorigin_widgets' );
return $form_options;
* Check if a child widget implements a specific form type.
* @param string $form_type
* @return bool
function has_form( $form_type = 'widget' ){
return method_exists( $this, 'get_' . $form_type . '_form' );
* Get a specific type of form.
* @param $form_type
* @return array The form array, or an empty array if the form doesn't exist.
function get_form( $form_type ) {
return $this->has_form( $form_type ) ? call_user_func( array( $this, 'get_' . $form_type . '_form' ) ) : array();
* Get the main form options and allow child widgets to modify that form.
* @param bool|SiteOrigin_Widget $parent
* @return mixed
function form_options( $parent = false ) {
if( empty( $this->form_options ) ) {
// If the widget doesn't have form_options defined from the constructor, then it might be defining them in the get_widget_form function
$this->form_options = $this->get_cached_widget_form();
$form_options = $this->modify_form( $this->form_options );
if( !empty($parent) ) {
$form_options = $parent->modify_child_widget_form( $form_options, $this );
// Give other plugins a way to modify this form.
$form_options = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_form_options', $form_options, $this );
$form_options = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_form_options_' . $this->id_base, $form_options, $this );
return $form_options;
* Display the widget.
* @param array $args
* @param array $instance
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
if( empty( $this->form_options ) ) {
$form_options = $this->get_cached_widget_form();
else {
$form_options = $this->modify_form( $this->form_options );
$instance = $this->modify_instance( $instance );
// Filter the instance
$instance = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_instance', $instance, $this );
$instance = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_instance_' . $this->id_base, $instance, $this );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '',
'after_title' => '',
) );
// Add any missing default values to the instance
$instance = $this->add_defaults( $form_options, $instance );
$css_name = $this->generate_and_enqueue_instance_styles( $instance );
$this->enqueue_frontend_scripts( $instance );
$template_vars = $this->get_template_variables($instance, $args);
$template_vars = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_template_variables_' . $this->id_base, $template_vars, $instance, $args, $this );
// Storage hash allows templates to get access to
$template_vars[ 'storage_hash' ] = '';
if( !empty($this->widget_options['instance_storage']) ) {
$stored_instance = $this->modify_stored_instance($instance);
// We probably don't want panels_info
unset( $stored_instance['panels_info'] );
$template_vars[ 'storage_hash' ] = substr( md5( serialize( $stored_instance ) ), 0, 8 );
if( !empty( $stored_instance ) && !$this->is_preview( $instance ) ) {
// Store this if we have a non empty instance and are not previewing
set_transient('sow_inst[' . $this->id_base . '][' . $template_vars['storage_hash'] . ']', $stored_instance, 7*86400);
if( ! method_exists( $this, 'get_html_content' ) ) {
$template_file = siteorigin_widget_get_plugin_dir_path( $this->id_base ) . $this->get_template_dir( $instance ) . '/' . $this->get_template_name( $instance ) . '.php';
$template_file = apply_filters('siteorigin_widgets_template_file_' . $this->id_base, $template_file, $instance, $this );
$template_file = realpath($template_file);
// Don't accept non PHP files
if( substr($template_file, -4) != '.php' ) $template_file = false;
if( !empty($template_file) && file_exists($template_file) ) {
extract( $template_vars );
@ include $template_file;
$template_html = ob_get_clean();
// This is a legacy, undocumented filter.
$template_html = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_template', $template_html, $this->widget_class, $instance, $this );
$template_html = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_template_html_' . $this->id_base, $template_html, $instance, $this );
else {
$template_html = $this->get_html_content( $instance, $args, $template_vars, $css_name );
$wrapper_classes = apply_filters(
'siteorigin_widgets_wrapper_classes_' . $this->id_base,
array( 'so-widget-' . $this->id_base, 'so-widget-'.$css_name ),
$wrapper_classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $wrapper_classes );
$wrapper_data_string = $this->get_wrapper_data( $instance );
do_action( 'siteorigin_widgets_before_widget_' . $this->id_base, $instance, $this );
echo $args['before_widget'];
echo '<div class="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $wrapper_classes ) ) . '"' . $wrapper_data_string . '>';
echo $template_html;
echo '</div>';
echo $args['after_widget'];
do_action( 'siteorigin_widgets_after_widget_' . $this->id_base, $instance, $this );
private function get_wrapper_data( $instance ) {
$data = apply_filters(
'siteorigin_widgets_wrapper_data_' . $this->id_base,
$wrapper_attr_string = '';
foreach ( $data as $name => $value ) {
$wrapper_attr_string .= ' data-' . esc_html( $name ) . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"';
return $wrapper_attr_string;
* Generate the CSS for this widget and display it in the appropriate way
* @param $instance array The instance array
* @return string The CSS name
function generate_and_enqueue_instance_styles( $instance ) {
if( empty( $form_options ) ) {
$form_options = $this->get_cached_widget_form();
else {
$form_options = $this->modify_form( $this->form_options );
// We'll assume empty instances don't have styles
if( empty($instance) ) return;
// Make sure all the default values are in place
$instance = $this->add_defaults( $form_options, $instance );
$this->current_instance = $instance;
$style = $this->get_style_name( $instance );
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
if( !empty($style) ) {
$hash = $this->get_style_hash( $instance );
$css_name = $this->id_base.'-'.$style.'-'.$hash;
//Ensure styles aren't generated and enqueued more than once.
$in_preview = $this->is_preview( $instance );
if ( ! in_array( $css_name, $this->generated_css ) || $in_preview ) {
if( $in_preview ) {
siteorigin_widget_add_inline_css( $this->get_instance_css( $instance ) );
else {
if( !file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $css_name .'.css' ) || ( defined('SITEORIGIN_WIDGETS_DEBUG') && SITEORIGIN_WIDGETS_DEBUG ) ) {
// Attempt to recreate the CSS
$this->save_css( $instance );
if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $css_name .'.css' ) ) {
if ( ! wp_style_is( $css_name ) ) {
set_url_scheme($upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $css_name .'.css')
else {
// Fall back to using inline CSS if we can't find the cached CSS file.
// Try get the cached value.
$css = wp_cache_get( $css_name, 'siteorigin_widgets' );
if ( empty( $css ) ) {
$css = $this->get_instance_css( $instance );
siteorigin_widget_add_inline_css( $css );
$this->generated_css[] = $css_name;
else {
$css_name = $this->id_base.'-base';
$this->current_instance = false;
return $css_name;
private function is_customize_preview(){
global $wp_customize;
return is_a( $wp_customize, 'WP_Customize_Manager' ) && $wp_customize->is_preview();
* Get an array of variables to make available to templates. By default, just return an array. Should be overwritten by child widgets.
* @param $instance
* @param $args
* @return array
public function get_template_variables( $instance, $args ){
return array();
* Render a sub widget. This should be used inside template files.
* @param $class
* @param $args
* @param $instance
public function sub_widget($class, $args, $instance){
if(!class_exists($class)) return;
$widget = new $class;
$args['before_widget'] = '';
$args['after_widget'] = '';
$widget->widget( $args, $instance );
* Add default values to the instance.
* @param $form
* @param $instance
function add_defaults( $form, $instance, $level = 0 ){
if( $level > 10 ) return $instance;
foreach($form as $id => $field) {
if( $field['type'] == 'repeater' ) {
if( !empty($instance[$id]) ) {
foreach( array_keys($instance[$id]) as $i ){
$instance[$id][$i] = $this->add_defaults( $field['fields'], $instance[$id][$i], $level + 1 );
else if( $field['type'] == 'section' ) {
if( empty($instance[$id]) ) {
$instance[$id] = array();
$instance[$id] = $this->add_defaults( $field['fields'], $instance[$id], $level + 1 );
else if( $field['type'] == 'measurement' ) {
if( ! isset( $instance[$id] ) ) {
$instance[$id] = isset( $field['default'] ) ? $field['default'] : '';
if ( empty( $instance[ $id . '_unit' ] ) ) {
$instance[ $id . '_unit' ] = 'px';
else if ( $field['type'] == 'order') {
if ( empty( $instance[$id] ) ) {
if( ! empty( $field['default'] ) ) {
$instance[$id] = $field['default'];
} else {
// If no default order is specified, just use the order of the options.
$instance[$id] = array_keys( $field['options'] );
else {
if( !isset( $instance[$id] ) ) {
$instance[$id] = isset( $field['default'] ) ? $field['default'] : '';
return $instance;
* Display the widget form.
* @param array $instance
* @param string $form_type Which type of form we're using
* @return string|void
public function form( $instance, $form_type = 'widget' ) {
if( $form_type == 'widget' ) {
if( empty( $this->form_options ) ) {
$this->form_options = $this->form_options();
$form_options = $this->form_options;
else {
$form_options = $this->get_form( $form_type );
$instance = $this->modify_instance($instance);
$instance = $this->add_defaults( $form_options, $instance );
if( empty( $this->number ) ) {
// Compatibility with form widgets.
$this->number = 1;
// Filter the instance specifically for the form
$instance = apply_filters('siteorigin_widgets_form_instance_' . $this->id_base, $instance, $this);
$form_id = 'siteorigin_widget_form_'.md5( uniqid( rand(), true ) );
$class_name = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $this->widget_class ) );
if( empty( $instance['_sow_form_id'] ) ) {
$instance['_sow_form_id'] = uniqid();
<div class="siteorigin-widget-form siteorigin-widget-form-main siteorigin-widget-form-main-<?php echo esc_attr($class_name) ?>" id="<?php echo $form_id ?>" data-class="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->widget_class ) ?>" style="display: none">
/* @var $field_factory SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory */
$field_factory = SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory::single();
$fields_javascript_variables = array();
foreach( $form_options as $field_name => $field_options ) {
/* @var $field SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Base */
$field = $field_factory->create_field( $field_name, $field_options, $this );
$field->render( isset( $instance[$field_name] ) ? $instance[$field_name] : null, $instance );
$field_js_vars = $field->get_javascript_variables();
if( ! empty( $field_js_vars ) ) {
$fields_javascript_variables[$field_name] = $field_js_vars;
$this->fields[$field_name] = $field;
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->so_get_field_name('_sow_form_id') ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $instance['_sow_form_id'] ) ?>" class="siteorigin-widgets-form-id" />
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->so_get_field_name('_sow_form_timestamp') ?>" value="<?php echo ! empty( $instance['_sow_form_timestamp'] ) ? esc_attr( $instance['_sow_form_timestamp'] ) : '' ?>" class="siteorigin-widgets-form-timestamp" />
<div class="siteorigin-widget-form-no-styles">
<?php $this->scripts_loading_message() ?>
<?php if( $this->show_preview_button() ) : ?>
<div class="siteorigin-widget-preview" style="display: none">
<a href="#" class="siteorigin-widget-preview-button button-secondary"><?php _e('Preview', 'so-widgets-bundle') ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( !empty( $this->widget_options['help'] ) ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo sow_esc_url($this->widget_options['help']) ?>" class="siteorigin-widget-help-link siteorigin-panels-help-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><?php _e('Help', 'so-widgets-bundle') ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
( function($) {
if(typeof window.sow_field_javascript_variables == 'undefined') window.sow_field_javascript_variables = {};
window.sow_field_javascript_variables["<?php echo addslashes( $this->widget_class ) ?>"] = <?php echo json_encode( $fields_javascript_variables ) ?>;
if( typeof $.fn.sowSetupForm != 'undefined' ) {
$('#<?php echo $form_id ?>').sowSetupForm();
else {
// Init once admin scripts have been loaded
$( document).on('sowadminloaded', function(){
$('#<?php echo $form_id ?>').sowSetupForm();
} )( jQuery );
$this->enqueue_scripts( $form_type );
* Display the teaser message.
function display_teaser_message(){
method_exists( $this, 'get_form_teaser' ) &&
( $teaser = $this->get_form_teaser() )
) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'dashicons' );
$dismissed = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'teasers_dismissed', true );
if( empty( $dismissed[ $this->id_base ] ) ) {
$dismiss_url = add_query_arg( array(
'action' => 'so_dismiss_widget_teaser',
'widget' => $this->id_base,
), admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) );
$dismiss_url = wp_nonce_url( $dismiss_url, 'dismiss-widget-teaser' );
<div class="siteorigin-widget-teaser">
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $teaser ) ?>
<span class="dashicons dashicons-dismiss" data-dismiss-url="<?php echo esc_url( $dismiss_url ) ?>"></span>
* Should we display the teaser for SiteOrigin Premium
* @return bool
function display_siteorigin_premium_teaser(){
return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_premium_upgrade_teaser', true ) &&
function scripts_loading_message(){
<p><strong><?php _e('This widget has scripts and styles that need to be loaded before you can use it. Please save and reload your current page.', 'so-widgets-bundle') ?></strong></p>
<p><strong><?php _e('You will only need to do this once.', 'so-widgets-bundle') ?></strong></p>
* Enqueue the admin scripts for the widget form.
* @param bool|string $form_type Should we enqueue the field scripts too?
function enqueue_scripts( $form_type = false ) {
if( ! wp_script_is('siteorigin-widget-admin') ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'siteorigin-widget-admin', plugin_dir_url(SOW_BUNDLE_BASE_FILE).'base/css/admin.css', array( 'media-views' ), SOW_BUNDLE_VERSION );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' );
plugin_dir_url( SOW_BUNDLE_BASE_FILE ) . 'base/js/admin' . SOW_BUNDLE_JS_SUFFIX . '.js',
array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'underscore' ),
wp_localize_script( 'siteorigin-widget-admin', 'soWidgets', array(
'ajaxurl' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'widgets_action', '_widgets_nonce' ),
'sure' => __('Are you sure?', 'so-widgets-bundle'),
'backup' => array(
'newerVersion' => __( "There is a newer version of this widget's content available.", 'so-widgets-bundle' ),
'restore' => __( 'Restore', 'so-widgets-bundle' ),
'dismiss' => __( 'Dismiss', 'so-widgets-bundle' ),
'replaceWarning' => sprintf(
__( 'Clicking %s will replace the current widget contents. You can revert by refreshing the page before updating.', 'so-widgets-bundle' ),
'<em>' . __( 'Restore', 'so-widgets-bundle' ) . '</em>'
) );
global $wp_customize;
if ( isset( $wp_customize ) ) {
else {
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'footer_admin_templates' ) );
if( !empty( $form_type ) && $this->has_form( $form_type ) ) {
// Enqueue field scripts for the given form type
$form_options = $this->get_form( $form_type );
$this->enqueue_field_scripts( $form_options );
// This lets the widget enqueue any specific admin scripts
do_action( 'siteorigin_widgets_enqueue_admin_scripts_' . $this->id_base, $this );
function enqueue_field_scripts( $fields ){
/* @var $field_factory SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory */
$field_factory = SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory::single();
foreach( $fields as $field_name => $field_options ) {
/* @var $field SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Base */
$field = $field_factory->create_field( $field_name, $field_options, $this );
if( !empty( $field_options['fields'] ) ) {
$this->enqueue_field_scripts( $field_options['fields'] );
* Display all the admin stuff for the footer
function footer_admin_templates(){
<script type="text/template" id="so-widgets-bundle-tpl-preview-dialog">
<div class="so-widgets-dialog">
<div class="so-widgets-dialog-overlay"></div>
<div class="so-widgets-toolbar">
<h3><?php _e( 'Widget Preview', 'so-widgets-bundle' ) ?></h3>
<div class="close"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></span></div>
<div class="so-widgets-dialog-frame">
<iframe name="siteorigin-widgets-preview-iframe" id="siteorigin-widget-preview-iframe" style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>
<form target="siteorigin-widgets-preview-iframe" action="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'widgets_action', '_widgets_nonce' ) ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="so_widgets_preview" />
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="class" value="" />
// Give other plugins a chance to add their own
* Update the widget instance.
* @param array $new_instance
* @param array $old_instance
* @param string $form_type The type of form we're using.
* @return array|void
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance, $form_type = 'widget' ) {
if( !class_exists('SiteOrigin_Widgets_Color_Object') ) require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'inc/color.php';
if( $form_type == 'widget' ) {
if( empty( $this->form_options ) ) {
$this->form_options = $this->form_options();
$form_options = $this->form_options;
else {
$form_options = $this->get_form( $form_type );
if( ! empty( $form_options ) ) {
/* @var $field_factory SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory */
$field_factory = SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Factory::single();
foreach ( $form_options as $field_name => $field_options ) {
/* @var $field SiteOrigin_Widget_Field_Base */
if ( !empty( $this->fields ) && !empty( $this->fields[$field_name] ) ) {
$field = $this->fields[$field_name];
else {
$field = $field_factory->create_field( $field_name, $field_options, $this );
$this->fields[$field_name] = $field;
$new_instance[$field_name] = $field->sanitize(
isset( $new_instance[$field_name] ) ? $new_instance[$field_name] : null,
isset( $old_instance[$field_name] ) ? $old_instance[$field_name] : null
$new_instance = $field->sanitize_instance( $new_instance );
// Let other plugins also sanitize the instance
$new_instance = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_sanitize_instance', $new_instance, $form_options, $this );
$new_instance = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_sanitize_instance_' . $this->id_base, $new_instance, $form_options, $this );
// Remove the old CSS, it'll be regenerated on page load.
$this->delete_css( $this->modify_instance( $new_instance ) );
return $new_instance;
* Save the CSS to the filesystem
* @param $instance
* @return bool|string
private function save_css( $instance ){
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
$style = $this->get_style_name($instance);
$hash = $this->get_style_hash( $instance );
$name = $this->id_base.'-'.$style.'-'.$hash.'.css';
$css = $this->get_instance_css($instance);
if( !empty($css) ) {
if ( WP_Filesystem() ) {
global $wp_filesystem;
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' ) ) {
$wp_filesystem->mkdir( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' );
$wp_filesystem->delete( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $name );
$upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $name,
} else {
wp_cache_add( $name, $css, 'siteorigin_widgets' );
return $hash;
return false;
* Clears CSS for a specific instance
private function delete_css( $instance ){
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
if( WP_Filesystem() ) {
global $wp_filesystem;
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$style = $this->get_style_name($instance);
$hash = $this->get_style_hash( $instance );
$name = $this->id_base.'-'.$style.'-'.$hash;
$wp_filesystem->delete($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $name . '.css');
if ( in_array( $name, $this->generated_css ) ) {
$index = array_search( $name, $this->generated_css );
unset( $this->generated_css[$index] );
//Reindex array
$this->generated_css = array_values( $this->generated_css );
* Clear all old CSS files
* @var bool $force Must we force a cache refresh.
public static function clear_file_cache( $force_delete = false ){
// Use this variable to ensure this only runs once per request
static $done = false;
if ( $done && !$force_delete ) return;
if( !get_transient('sow:cleared') || $force_delete ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
if( WP_Filesystem() ) {
global $wp_filesystem;
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$list = $wp_filesystem->dirlist( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' );
if ( ! empty( $list ) ) {
foreach($list as $file) {
if( $file['lastmodunix'] < time() - self::$css_expire || $force_delete ) {
// Delete the file
$wp_filesystem->delete( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/siteorigin-widgets/' . $file['name'] );
// Set this transient so we know when to clear all the generated CSS.
set_transient('sow:cleared', true, self::$css_expire);
$done = true;
* Generate the CSS for the widget.
* @param $instance
* @return string
public function get_instance_css( $instance ){
if( !class_exists('lessc') ) require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'inc/lessc.inc.php';
if( !class_exists('SiteOrigin_Widgets_Less_Functions') ) require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'inc/less-functions.php';
if( !method_exists( $this, 'get_less_content' ) ) {
$style_name = $this->get_style_name($instance);
if( empty($style_name) ) return '';
$less_file = siteorigin_widget_get_plugin_dir_path( $this->id_base ).'styles/'.$style_name . '.less';
$less_file = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_less_file_' . $this->id_base, $less_file, $instance, $this );
$less = ( substr( $less_file, -5 ) == '.less' && file_exists($less_file) ) ? file_get_contents( $less_file ) : '';
else {
// The widget is going handle getting the instance LESS
$less = $this->get_less_content( $instance );
// Substitute the variables
if( !class_exists('SiteOrigin_Widgets_Color_Object') ) require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'inc/color.php';
// Lets widgets insert their own custom generated LESS
$less = preg_replace_callback( '/\.widget-function\((.*)\);/', array( $this, 'less_widget_inject' ), $less );
//handle less @import statements
$less = preg_replace_callback( '/^@import\s+".*?\/?([\w-\.]+)";/m', array( $this, 'get_less_import_contents' ), $less );
$vars = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_less_variables_' . $this->id_base, $this->get_less_variables( $instance ), $instance, $this );
if( !empty( $vars ) ){
foreach($vars as $name => $value) {
// Ignore empty string, false and null values (but keep '0')
if( $value === '' || $value === false || $value === null ) continue;
$less = preg_replace('/\@'.preg_quote($name).' *\:.*?;/', '@'.$name.': '.$value.';', $less);
$less = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_styles', $less, $this->widget_class, $instance );
$less = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_less_' . $this->id_base, $less, $instance, $this );
$css = '';
if( ! empty( $less ) ) {
$style = $this->get_style_name( $instance );
$hash = $this->get_style_hash( $instance );
$css_name = $this->id_base . '-' . $style . '-' . $hash;
//we assume that any remaining @imports are plain css imports and should be kept outside selectors
$css_imports = '';
if ( preg_match_all( '/^@import.+/m', $less, $imports ) ) {
$css_imports = implode( "\n", $imports[0] );
$less = preg_replace( '/^@import.+/m', '', $less );
$less = $css_imports . "\n\n" . '.so-widget-'.$css_name." { \n".$less."\n } ";
$compiler = new lessc();
$lc_functions = new SiteOrigin_Widgets_Less_Functions($this, $instance);
$lc_functions->registerFunctions( $compiler );
$compiler = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_less_compiler', $compiler, $instance, $this );
try {
if( method_exists( $compiler, 'compile' ) ) {
$css = $compiler->compile( $less );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw $e;
// Remove any attributes with default as the value
$css = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z\-]+ *: *default *;/', '', $css);
// Remove any empty CSS
$css = preg_replace('/[^{}]*\{\s*\}/m', '', $css);
$css = trim($css);
return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_instance_css', $css, $instance, $this );
* Replaces LESS imports with the content from the actual files. This used as a preg callback.
* @param $matches
* @return string
private function get_less_import_contents($matches) {
$filename = $matches[1];
// First, we'll deal with a few special cases
switch( $filename ) {
case 'mixins':
return file_get_contents( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'less/mixins.less' );
case 'lesshat':
return file_get_contents( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'less/lesshat.less' );
//get file extension
preg_match( '/\.\w+$/', $filename, $ext );
//if there is a file extension and it's not .less or .css we ignore
if ( ! empty( $ext ) ) {
if ( ! ( $ext[0] == '.less' || $ext[0] == '.css' ) ) {
return '';
else {
$filename .= '.less';
//first check local widget styles directory and then bundle less directory
$search_path = array(
siteorigin_widget_get_plugin_dir_path( $this->id_base ) . 'styles/',
plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'less/'
foreach ( $search_path as $dir ) {
if ( file_exists( $dir . $filename ) ) {
return file_get_contents( $dir . $filename )."\n\n";
//file not found
return '';
* Used as a preg callback to replace .widget-function('some_function', ...) with output from less_some_function($instance, $args).
* @param $matches
* @return mixed|string
private function less_widget_inject($matches){
// We're going to lazily split the arguments by comma
$args = explode(',', $matches[1]);
if( empty($args[0]) ) return '';
// Shift the function name from the arguments
$func = 'less_' . trim( array_shift($args) , '\'"');
if( !method_exists($this, $func) ) return '';
// Finally call the function and include the
$args = array_map('trim', $args);
return call_user_func( array($this, $func), $this->current_instance, $args );
* Less function for importing Google web fonts.
* @param $instance
* @param $args
* @return string
function less_import_google_font($instance, $args) {
if( empty( $instance ) ) return;
$fonts = $this->get_google_font_fields($instance);
if( empty( $fonts ) || ! is_array( $fonts ) ) return '';
$font_imports = array();
foreach ( $fonts as $font ) {
$font_imports[] = siteorigin_widget_get_font( $font );
$import_strings = array();
foreach( $font_imports as $import ) {
$import_strings[] = !empty($import['css_import']) ? $import['css_import'] : '';
// Remove empty and duplicate items from the array
$import_strings = array_filter( $import_strings );
$import_strings = array_unique( $import_strings );
return implode( "\n", $import_strings );
* Get any font fields which may be used by this widget.
* @param $instance
* @return array
function get_google_font_fields( $instance ) {
return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_google_font_fields_' . $this->id_base, array(), $instance, $this );
* Utility function to get a field name for a widget field.
* @param $field_name
* @param array $container
* @return mixed|string
public function so_get_field_name( $field_name, $container = array() ) {
if( empty($container) ) {
$name = $this->get_field_name( $field_name );
else {
// We also need to add the container fields
$container_extras = '';
foreach($container as $r) {
$container_extras .= '[' . $r['name'] . ']';
if( $r['type'] == 'repeater' ) {
$container_extras .= '[#' . $r['name'] . '#]';
$name = $this->get_field_name( '{{{FIELD_NAME}}}' );
$name = str_replace('[{{{FIELD_NAME}}}]', $container_extras.'[' . esc_attr($field_name) . ']', $name);
$name = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_get_field_name', $name );
$name = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_get_field_name_' . $this->id_base, $name );
return $name;
* Get the ID of this field.
* @param $field_name
* @param array $container
* @param boolean $is_template
* @return string
public function so_get_field_id( $field_name, $container = array(), $is_template = false ) {
if( empty($container) ) {
return $this->get_field_id($field_name);
else {
$name = array();
foreach ( $container as $container_item ) {
$name[] = $container_item['name'];
$name[] = $field_name;
$field_id_base = $this->get_field_id(implode('-', $name));
if ( $is_template ) {
return $field_id_base . '-_id_';
if ( ! isset( $this->field_ids[ $field_id_base ] ) ) {
$this->field_ids[ $field_id_base ] = 1;
$curId = $this->field_ids[ $field_id_base ]++;
return $field_id_base . '-' . $curId;
* Parse markdown
* @param $markdown
* @return string The HTML
* @deprecated Will be removed in version 2.0
function parse_markdown( $markdown ){
if( !class_exists('Parsedown') ) include plugin_dir_path(__FILE__).'inc/Parsedown.php';
$parser = new Parsedown();
return $parser->text($markdown);
* Get a hash that uniquely identifies this instance.
* @param $instance
* @return string
function get_style_hash( $instance ) {
if( method_exists( $this, 'get_style_hash_variables' ) ) {
$vars = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_hash_variables_' . $this->id_base, $this->get_style_hash_variables( $instance ), $instance, $this );
} else {
$vars = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_less_variables_' . $this->id_base, $this->get_less_variables( $instance ), $instance, $this );
$version = property_exists( $this, 'version' ) ? $this->version : '';
return substr( md5( json_encode( $vars ) . $version ), 0, 12 );
* Get the template name that we'll be using to render this widget.
* @param $instance
* @return mixed
function get_template_name( $instance ) {
return 'default';
* Get the name of the directory in which we should look for the template. Relative to root of widget folder.
* @return mixed
function get_template_dir( $instance ) {
return 'tpl';
* Get the LESS style name we'll be using for this widget.
* @param $instance
* @return mixed
function get_style_name( $instance ) {
return 'default';
* Get any variables that need to be substituted by
* @param $instance
* @return array
function get_less_variables( $instance ){
return array();
* Filter the variables we'll be storing in temporary storage for this instance if we're using `instance_storage`
* @param $instance
* @return mixed
function modify_stored_instance( $instance ){
return $instance;
* Get the stored instance based on the hash.
* @param $hash
* @return object The instance
function get_stored_instance( $hash ) {
return get_transient('sow_inst[' . $this->id_base . '][' . $hash . ']');
* This function can be overwritten to modify form values in the child widget.
* @param $form
* @return mixed
function modify_form( $form ) {
return $form;
* This function can be overwritten to modify form values in the child widget.
* @param $child_widget_form
* @param $child_widget
* @return mixed
function modify_child_widget_form($child_widget_form, $child_widget) {
return $child_widget_form;
* This function should be overwritten by child widgets to filter an instance. Run before rendering the form and widget.
* @param $instance
* @return mixed
function modify_instance( $instance ){
return $instance;
* Can be overwritten by child widgets to make variables available to javascript via ajax calls. These are designed to be used in the admin.
function get_javascript_variables(){
* Used by child widgets to register scripts to be enqueued for the frontend.
* @param array $scripts an array of scripts. Each element is an array that corresponds to wp_enqueue_script arguments
public function register_frontend_scripts( $scripts ){
foreach ( $scripts as $script ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->frontend_scripts[ $script[0] ] ) ) {
$this->frontend_scripts[$script[0]] = $script;
* Enqueue all the registered scripts
function enqueue_registered_scripts( $instance ) {
$f_scripts = apply_filters(
'siteorigin_widgets_frontend_scripts_' . $this->id_base,
foreach ( $f_scripts as $f_script ) {
if ( ! wp_script_is( $f_script[0] ) ) {
isset( $f_script[1] ) ? $f_script[1] : false,
isset( $f_script[2] ) ? $f_script[2] : array(),
!empty( $f_script[3] ) ? $f_script[3] : SOW_BUNDLE_VERSION,
isset( $f_script[4] ) ? $f_script[4] : false
* Used by child widgets to register styles to be enqueued for the frontend.
* @param array $styles an array of styles. Each element is an array that corresponds to wp_enqueue_style arguments
public function register_frontend_styles( $styles ) {
foreach ( $styles as $style ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->frontend_styles[ $style[0] ] ) ) {
$this->frontend_styles[$style[0]] = $style;
* Enqueue any frontend styles that were registered
function enqueue_registered_styles( $instance ) {
$f_styles = apply_filters(
'siteorigin_widgets_frontend_styles_' . $this->id_base,
foreach ( $f_styles as $f_style ) {
if ( ! wp_style_is( $f_style[0] ) ) {
isset( $f_style[1] ) ? $f_style[1] : false,
isset( $f_style[2] ) ? $f_style[2] : array(),
!empty( $f_style[3] ) ? $f_style[3] : SOW_BUNDLE_VERSION,
isset( $f_style[4] ) ? $f_style[4] : "all"
* Can be overridden by child widgets to enqueue scripts and styles for the frontend, but child widgets should
* rather register scripts and styles using register_frontend_scripts() and register_frontend_styles(). This function
* will then ensure that the scripts are not enqueued more than once.
function enqueue_frontend_scripts( $instance ) {
$this->enqueue_registered_scripts( $instance );
$this->enqueue_registered_styles( $instance );
// Give plugins a chance to enqueue additional frontend scripts
do_action('siteorigin_widgets_enqueue_frontend_scripts_' . $this->id_base, $instance, $this);
* Can be overwritten by child widgets to enqueue admin scripts and styles if necessary.
function enqueue_admin_scripts(){ }
* Check if we're currently in a preview
* @param array $instance
* @return bool
function is_preview( $instance = array() ) {
// Check if the instance is a preview
if( !empty( $instance[ 'is_preview' ] ) ) return true;
// Check if the general request is a preview
$is_preview =
is_preview() || // is this a standard preview
$this->is_customize_preview() || // Is this a customizer preview
!empty( $_GET['siteorigin_panels_live_editor'] ) || // Is this a Page Builder live editor request
( !empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'so_panels_builder_content' ); // Is this a Page Builder content ajax request
return apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_is_preview', $is_preview, $this );
* Whether or not so show the 'Preview' button
* @return bool
function show_preview_button(){
$show_preview = $this->widget_options['has_preview'] && ! $this->is_customize_preview();
$show_preview = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_form_show_preview_button', $show_preview, $this );
return $show_preview;
* Get the global settings from the options table.
* @return mixed
function get_global_settings( ){
$values = get_option( 'so_widget_settings[' . $this->widget_class . ']', array() );
// Add in the defaults
if( $this->has_form( 'settings' ) ) {
$values = $this->add_defaults( $this->get_settings_form(), $values );
return $values;
* Save the global settings. Handles validation too.
* @param array $values The new values
* @return array The sanitized values.
function save_global_settings( $values ){
$current = $this->get_global_settings();
$values = $this->update( $values, $current, 'settings' );
unset( $values['_sow_form_id'] );
update_option( 'so_widget_settings[' . $this->widget_class . ']', $values );
return $values;