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synced 2025-02-23 16:21:07 +00:00
474 lines
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474 lines
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/* globals jQuery, google, sowb */
var sowb = window.sowb || {};
sowb.SiteOriginGoogleMap = function($) {
return {
// So that we can always display something, even if no location or address was entered.
'Addo Elephant National Park, R335, Addo',
'Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa',
'San Francisco Bay Area, CA, United States',
'New York, NY, United States',
showMap: function(element, location, options) {
var zoom = Number(options.zoom);
if ( !zoom ) zoom = 14;
var userMapTypeId = 'user_map_style';
var mapOptions = {
zoom: zoom,
scrollwheel: options.scrollZoom,
draggable: options.draggable,
disableDefaultUI: options.disableUi,
zoomControl: options.zoomControl,
panControl: options.panControl,
center: location,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, userMapTypeId]
var map = new google.maps.Map(element, mapOptions);
var userMapOptions = {
name: options.mapName
var userMapStyles = options.mapStyles;
if ( userMapStyles ) {
var userMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(userMapStyles, userMapOptions);
map.mapTypes.set(userMapTypeId, userMapType);
if (options.markerAtCenter) {
this.centerMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location,
map: map,
draggable: options.markersDraggable,
icon: options.markerIcon,
title: ''
if(options.keepCentered) {
var center;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(map, 'idle', function () {
center = map.getCenter();
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function () {
this.linkAutocompleteField(options.autocomplete, options.autocompleteElement, map, options);
this.showMarkers(options.markerPositions, map, options);
this.showDirections(options.directions, map, options);
// If the Google Maps element is hidden it won't display properly. This is an attempt to make it display by
// calling resize when a custom 'show' event is fired. The 'show' event is something we fire in a few widgets
// like Accordion and Tabs and in future any widgets which might show and hide content using `display:none;`.
if ( $( element ).is( ':hidden' ) ) {
var $visParent = $( element ).closest( ':visible' );
$visParent.find( '> :hidden' ).on( 'show', function () {
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
} );
linkAutocompleteField: function (autocomplete, autocompleteElement, map, options) {
if( autocomplete && autocompleteElement ) {
var updateMapLocation = function ( address ) {
if ( this.inputAddress !== address ) {
this.inputAddress = address;
this.getLocation( this.inputAddress ).done(
function ( location ) {
map.setZoom( 15 );
map.setCenter( location );
if( this.centerMarker ) {
this.centerMarker.setPosition( location );
this.centerMarker.setTitle( this.inputAddress );
}.bind( this )
}.bind( this );
var $autocompleteElement = $( autocompleteElement );
autocomplete.addListener( 'place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
map.setZoom( 15 );
if ( place.geometry ) {
map.setCenter( place.geometry.location );
if( this.centerMarker ) {
}.bind( this ) );
google.maps.event.addDomListener( autocompleteElement, 'keypress', function ( event ) {
var key = event.keyCode || event.which;
if ( key === '13' ) {
} );
$autocompleteElement.focusin( function () {
if ( !this.resultsObserver ) {
var autocompleteResultsContainer = document.querySelector( '.pac-container' );
this.resultsObserver = new MutationObserver( function () {
var $topResult = $( $( '.pac-item' ).get( 0 ) );
var queryPartA = $topResult.find( '.pac-item-query' ).text();
var queryPartB = $topResult.find( 'span' ).not( '[class]' ).text();
var topQuery = queryPartA + ( queryPartB ? (', ' + queryPartB) : '' );
if ( topQuery ) {
updateMapLocation( topQuery );
} );
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true };
this.resultsObserver.observe( autocompleteResultsContainer, config );
}.bind( this ) );
var revGeocode = function ( latLng ) {
this.getGeocoder().geocode( { location: latLng }, function ( results, status ) {
if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
if ( results.length > 0 ) {
var addr = results[ 0 ].formatted_address;
$autocompleteElement.val( addr );
if( this.centerMarker ) {
}.bind( this ) );
}.bind( this );
map.addListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
revGeocode( event.latLng );
} );
this.centerMarker.addListener( 'dragend', function ( event ) {
revGeocode( event.latLng );
} );
showMarkers: function(markerPositions, map, options) {
if ( markerPositions && markerPositions.length ) {
this.infoWindows = [];
var markerBatches = [];
var BATCH_SIZE = 10;
// Group markers into batches of 10 in attempt to avoid query limits
for ( var i = 0; i < markerPositions.length; i++ ) {
var batchIndex = parseInt( i / BATCH_SIZE ); // truncate decimals
if ( markerBatches.length === batchIndex ) {
markerBatches[ batchIndex ] = [];
markerBatches[ batchIndex ][ i % BATCH_SIZE ] = markerPositions[ i ];
var geocodeMarkerBatch = function ( markerBatchHead, markerBatchTail ) {
var doneCount = 0;
markerBatchHead.forEach( function ( mrkr ) {
this.getLocation( mrkr.place ).done( function ( location ) {
var mrkerIcon = options.markerIcon;
if(mrkr.custom_marker_icon) {
mrkerIcon = mrkr.custom_marker_icon;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker( {
position: location,
map: map,
draggable: options.markersDraggable,
icon: mrkerIcon,
title: ''
} );
if ( mrkr.hasOwnProperty( 'info' ) && mrkr.info ) {
var infoWindowOptions = { content: mrkr.info };
if ( mrkr.hasOwnProperty( 'info_max_width' ) && mrkr.info_max_width ) {
infoWindowOptions.maxWidth = mrkr.info_max_width;
var infoDisplay = options.markerInfoDisplay;
infoWindowOptions.disableAutoPan = infoDisplay === 'always';
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow( infoWindowOptions );
this.infoWindows.push( infoWindow );
var openEvent = infoDisplay;
if ( infoDisplay === 'always' ) {
openEvent = 'click';
infoWindow.open( map, marker );
marker.addListener( openEvent, function () {
infoWindow.open( map, marker );
if ( infoDisplay !== 'always' && !options.markerInfoMultiple ) {
this.infoWindows.forEach( function ( iw ) {
if ( iw !== infoWindow ) {
} );
}.bind( this ) );
if ( infoDisplay === 'mouseover' ) {
marker.addListener( 'mouseout', function () {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 100 );
} );
if ( ++doneCount === markerBatchHead.length && markerBatchTail.length ) {
geocodeMarkerBatch( markerBatchTail.shift(), markerBatchTail );
}.bind( this ) );
}.bind( this ) );
}.bind( this );
geocodeMarkerBatch( markerBatches.shift(), markerBatches );
showDirections: function(directions, map) {
if ( directions ) {
if ( directions.waypoints && directions.waypoints.length ) {
function (wypt) {
wypt.stopover = Boolean(wypt.stopover);
var directionsRenderer = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
origin: directions.origin,
destination: directions.destination,
travelMode: directions.travelMode.toUpperCase(),
avoidHighways: directions.avoidHighways,
avoidTolls: directions.avoidTolls,
waypoints: directions.waypoints,
optimizeWaypoints: directions.optimizeWaypoints,
function(result, status) {
if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
directionsRenderer.setOptions( { preserveViewport: directions.preserveViewport } );
initMaps: function() {
// Init any autocomplete fields first.
var $autoCompleteFields = $( '.sow-google-map-autocomplete' );
var autoCompleteInit = new $.Deferred();
if( $autoCompleteFields.length === 0 ) {
} else {
$autoCompleteFields.each(function (index, element) {
if ( typeof google.maps.places === 'undefined' ) {
autoCompleteInit.reject('Sorry, we couldn\'t load the "places" library due to another plugin, so the autocomplete feature is not available.');
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
{types: ['address']}
var $mapField = $(element).siblings('.sow-google-map-canvas');
if ($mapField.length > 0) {
var options = $mapField.data('options');
options.autocomplete = autocomplete;
options.autocompleteElement = element;
function (location) {
this.showMap($mapField.get(0), location, options);
$mapField.data('initialized', true);
).fail(function () {
$mapField.append('<div><p><strong>' + soWidgetsGoogleMap.geocode.noResults + '</strong></p></div>');
$('.sow-google-map-canvas').each(function (index, element) {
var $$ = $(element);
if( $$.data( 'initialized' ) ) {
// Already initialized so continue to next element.
return true;
var options = $$.data( 'options' );
var address = options.address;
// If no address was specified, but we have markers, use the first marker as the map center.
if(!address) {
var markers = options.markerPositions;
if(markers && markers.length) {
address = markers[0].place;
this.getLocation( address ).done(
function ( location ) {
this.showMap( $$.get( 0 ), location, options );
$$.data( 'initialized' );
}.bind( this )
).fail( function () {
$$.append( '<div><p><strong>' + soWidgetsGoogleMap.geocode.noResults + '</strong></p></div>' );
} );
getGeocoder: function () {
if ( !this._geocoder ) {
this._geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
return this._geocoder;
getLocation: function ( inputLocation ) {
var locationPromise = new $.Deferred();
var location = { address: inputLocation };
//check if address is actually a valid latlng
var latLng;
if ( inputLocation && inputLocation.indexOf( ',' ) > -1 ) {
var vals = inputLocation.split( ',' );
// A latlng value should be of the format 'lat,lng'
if ( vals && vals.length === 2 ) {
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng( vals[ 0 ], vals[ 1 ] );
// Let the API decide if we have a valid latlng
// This should fail if the input is an address containing a comma
// e.g. 123 Sesame Street, Middleburg, FL, United States
if ( !(isNaN( latLng.lat() ) || isNaN( latLng.lng() )) ) {
location = { location: { lat: latLng.lat(), lng: latLng.lng() } };
if ( location.hasOwnProperty( 'location' ) ) {
// We're using entered latlng coordinates directly
locationPromise.resolve( location.location );
} else if ( location.hasOwnProperty( 'address' ) ) {
// Either user entered an address, or fall back to defaults and use the geocoder.
if ( !location.address ) {
var rndIndx = parseInt( Math.random() * this.DEFAULT_LOCATIONS.length );
location.address = this.DEFAULT_LOCATIONS[ rndIndx ];
var onGeocodeResults = function ( results, status ) {
if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
locationPromise.resolve( results[ 0 ].geometry.location );
} else if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT ) {
//try again please
setTimeout( function () {
this.getGeocoder().geocode.call( this, location, onGeocodeResults );
}.bind( this ), 100 );
} else if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS ) {
locationPromise.reject( status );
}.bind( this );
this.getGeocoder().geocode( location, onGeocodeResults );
return locationPromise;
// Called by Google Maps API when it has loaded.
function soGoogleMapInitialize() {
new sowb.SiteOriginGoogleMap(jQuery).initMaps();
jQuery(function ($) {
sowb.setupGoogleMaps = function() {
var libraries = [];
var apiKey;
$('.sow-google-map-canvas').each(function(index, element) {
var $this = $(element);
var mapOptions = $this.data( 'options' );
if ( mapOptions) {
if( typeof mapOptions.libraries !== 'undefined' && mapOptions.libraries !== null ) {
libraries = libraries.concat(mapOptions.libraries);
if( !apiKey && mapOptions.apiKey ) {
apiKey = mapOptions.apiKey;
var mapsApiLoaded = typeof window.google !== 'undefined' && typeof window.google.maps !== 'undefined';
if ( mapsApiLoaded ) {
} else {
var apiUrl = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=soGoogleMapInitialize';
if ( libraries && libraries.length ) {
apiUrl += '&libraries=' + libraries.join(',');
if ( apiKey ) {
apiUrl += '&key=' + apiKey;
// This allows us to "catch" Google Maps JavaScript API errors and do a bit of custom handling. In this case,
// we display a user-specified fallback image if there is one.
if ( window.console && window.console.error ) {
var errLog = window.console.error;
sowb.onLoadMapsApiError = function ( error ) {
var matchError = error.match( /^Google Maps API (error|warning): ([^\s]*)\s([^\s]*)(?:\s(.*))?/ );
if ( matchError && matchError.length && matchError[0] ) {
$( '.sow-google-map-canvas' ).each( function ( index, element ) {
var $this = $( element );
if ( $this.data( 'fallbackImage' ) ) {
var imgData = $this.data( 'fallbackImage' );
if ( imgData.hasOwnProperty( 'img' ) ) {
$this.append( imgData.img );
} );
errLog.apply( window.console, arguments );
window.console.error = sowb.onLoadMapsApiError;
$( 'body' ).append( '<script async type="text/javascript" src="' + apiUrl + '">' );
$( sowb ).on( 'setup_widgets', sowb.setupGoogleMaps );
window.sowb = sowb;