2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00

203 lines
8.7 KiB

if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No direct access allowed.');
// SDK uses namespacing - requires PHP 5.3 (actually the SDK states its requirements as 5.3.3)
use OpenCloud\Rackspace;
// New SDK - and
// Uploading:
class UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_cloudfiles_opencloudsdk extends UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_openstack_base {
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct('cloudfiles', 'Cloud Files', 'Rackspace Cloud Files', '/images/rackspacecloud-logo.png');
public function get_client() {
return $this->client;
public function get_openstack_service($opts, $useservercerts = false, $disablesslverify = null) {
$user = $opts['user'];
$apikey = $opts['apikey'];
$authurl = $opts['authurl'];
$region = (!empty($opts['region'])) ? $opts['region'] : null;
global $updraftplus;
// The new authentication APIs don't match the values we were storing before
$new_authurl = ('' == $authurl || 'uk' == $authurl) ? Rackspace::UK_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT : Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT;
if (null === $disablesslverify) $disablesslverify = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify');
if (empty($user) || empty($apikey)) throw new Exception(__('Authorisation failed (check your credentials)', 'updraftplus'));
$updraftplus->log("Cloud Files authentication URL: ".$new_authurl);
$client = new Rackspace($new_authurl, array(
'username' => $user,
'apiKey' => $apikey
$this->client = $client;
if ($disablesslverify) {
} else {
if ($useservercerts) {
$client->setConfig(array($client::SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY, 'system'));
} else {
$client->setSslVerification(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/cacert.pem', true, 2);
return $client->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', $region);
* This method overrides the parent method and lists the supported features of this remote storage option.
* @return Array - an array of supported features (any features not
* mentioned are assumed to not be supported)
public function get_supported_features() {
// This options format is handled via only accessing options via $this->get_options()
return array('multi_options', 'config_templates', 'multi_storage');
* Retrieve default options for this remote storage module.
* @return Array - an array of options
public function get_default_options() {
return array(
'user' => '',
'authurl' => '',
'apikey' => '',
'path' => '',
'region' => null
* Get the pre configuration template
* @return String - the template
public function get_pre_configuration_middlesection_template() {
global $updraftplus_admin;
$classes = $this->get_css_classes();
if (!function_exists('json_last_error')) {
$updraftplus_admin->show_double_warning('<strong>'.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').':</strong> '.sprintf(__('Your web server\'s PHP installation does not included a required module (%s). Please contact your web hosting provider\'s support.', 'updraftplus'), 'json').' '.sprintf(__("UpdraftPlus's %s module <strong>requires</strong> %s. Please do not file any support requests; there is no alternative.", 'updraftplus'), 'Cloud Files', 'json'), 'cloudfiles', false);
echo '<p>' . __('Get your API key <a href="">from your Rackspace Cloud console</a> (read instructions <a href="">here</a>), then pick a container name to use for storage. This container will be created for you if it does not already exist.', 'updraftplus').' <a href="'.apply_filters("updraftplus_com_link", "").'">'.__('Also, you should read this important FAQ.', 'updraftplus').'</a></p>';
* This gives the partial template string to the settings page for the CloudFiles settings.
* @return String - the partial template, ready for substitutions to be carried out
public function get_configuration_middlesection_template() {
global $updraftplus_admin;
$classes = $this->get_css_classes();
$template_str = '
<tr class="'.$classes.'">
<th title="'.__('Accounts created at are US accounts; accounts created at are UK accounts.', 'updraftplus').'">'.__('US or UK-based Rackspace Account', 'updraftplus').':</th>
<select data-updraft_settings_test="authurl" '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id('authurl', true).' title="'.__('Accounts created at are US-accounts; accounts created at are UK-based', 'updraftplus').'">
<option {{#ifeq "" authurl}}selected="selected"{{/ifeq}} value="">'.__('US (default)', 'updraftplus').'</option>
<option {{#ifeq "" authurl}}selected="selected"{{/ifeq}} value="">'.__('UK', 'updraftplus').'</option>
<tr class="'.$classes.'">
<th>'.__('Cloud Files Storage Region', 'updraftplus').':</th>
<select data-updraft_settings_test="region" '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id('region', true).'>
{{#each regions as |desc reg|}}
<option {{#ifeq ../region reg}}selected="selected"{{/ifeq}} value="{{reg}}">{{desc}}</option>
<tr class="'.$classes.'">
<th>'.__('Cloud Files Username', 'updraftplus').':</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="user" type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 282px" '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id('user', true).' value="{{user}}" />
<div style="clear:both;">
'.apply_filters('updraft_cloudfiles_apikeysetting', '<a href="'.apply_filters("updraftplus_com_link", "").'"><em>'.__('To create a new Rackspace API sub-user and API key that has access only to this Rackspace container, use this add-on.', 'updraftplus').'</em></a>').'
<tr class="'.$classes.'">
<th>'.__('Cloud Files API Key', 'updraftplus').':</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="apikey" type="'.apply_filters('updraftplus_admin_secret_field_type', 'password').'" autocomplete="off" style="width: 282px" '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id('apikey', true).' value="{{apikey}}" />
<tr class="'.$classes.'">
<th>'.apply_filters('updraftplus_cloudfiles_location_description', __('Cloud Files Container', 'updraftplus')).':</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="path" type="text" style="width: 282px" '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id('path', true).' value="{{path}}" /></td>
return $template_str;
* Modifies handerbar template options
* @param array $opts handerbar template options
* @return array - Modified handerbar template options
public function transform_options_for_template($opts) {
$opts['regions'] = array(
'DFW' => __('Dallas (DFW) (default)', 'updraftplus'),
'SYD' => __('Sydney (SYD)', 'updraftplus'),
'ORD' => __('Chicago (ORD)', 'updraftplus'),
'IAD' => __('Northern Virginia (IAD)', 'updraftplus'),
'HKG' => __('Hong Kong (HKG)', 'updraftplus'),
'LON' => __('London (LON)', 'updraftplus')
$opts['region'] = (empty($opts['region'])) ? 'DFW' : $opts['region'];
if (isset($opts['apikey'])) {
$opts['apikey'] = trim($opts['apikey']);
$opts['authurl'] = !empty($opts['authurl']) ? $opts['authurl'] : '';
return $opts;
* Perform a test of user-supplied credentials, and echo the result
* @param Array $posted_settings - settings to test
public function credentials_test($posted_settings) {
if (empty($posted_settings['apikey'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.", 'updraftplus'), __('API key', 'updraftplus'));
if (empty($posted_settings['user'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.", 'updraftplus'), __('Username', 'updraftplus'));
$opts = array(
'user' => $posted_settings['user'],
'apikey' => $posted_settings['apikey'],
'authurl' => $posted_settings['authurl'],
'region' => (empty($posted_settings['region'])) ? null : $posted_settings['region']
$this->credentials_test_go($opts, $posted_settings['path'], $posted_settings['useservercerts'], $posted_settings['disableverify']);