2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00

70 lines
1.9 KiB

Function to handle the loading of widget content
function wp_statistics_get_widget_contents(widget, container_id) {
var data = {
'action': 'wp_statistics_get_widget_contents',
'widget': widget,
container = jQuery("#" + container_id);
if (container.is(':visible')) {
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
data: data,
datatype: 'json',
.always(function (result) {
// Take the returned result and add it to the DOM.
jQuery("#" + container_id).html("").html(result);
.fail(function (result) {
// If we failed for some reason, like a timeout, try again.
wp_statistics_get_widget_contents(widget, container_id);
function wp_statistics_refresh_widget() {
var widget = this.id.replace('wps_', '');
widget = widget.replace('_refresh_button', '');
container_id = widget.replace('.', '_') + '_postbox';
container = jQuery("#" + container_id);
if (container.is(':visible')) {
wp_statistics_get_widget_contents(widget, container_id);
return false;
function wp_statistics_refresh_on_toggle_widget() {
if (this.value.substring(0, 4) != 'wps_') {
var container_id = this.value.replace('wps_', '');
var widget = container_id.replace('_postbox', '');
wp_statistics_get_widget_contents(widget, container_id);
function wp_statistics_goto_more() {
var widget = this.id;
if (wp_statistics_destinations[widget] !== undefined) {
window.location.href = wp_statistics_destinations[widget];
return false;