2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00

668 lines
22 KiB

* Pagination Class
* This class displays a pagination navigation bar complete with links to first, last,
* previous, next, and all pages. This class handles cookie setting, page bounds checking/
* redirection, appropriate error reporting, CSS styling, and POST/GET retrieval all
* internally.
* PHP version 5
* @author Dane Gardow <>
* @copyright 2013 Dane Gardow
* @date 01 January 2013
* @version 1.0
* @license Free
if ( ! class_exists( "WP_Statistics_Pagination" ) ): // Prevent multiple class definitions
class WP_Statistics_Pagination {
// Edit these as you desire
const DEFAULT_ENTRIES_DISPLAY = 10; // Default number of entries to display per page
const PAGE_GETVAR_NAME = "page"; // Name of GET variable name for page values (i.e., example.php?page=1)
private $_paginationID = "pagination"; // ID Name of pagination object "pagination" is default
// used also for form name for select options
// Do not edit these values; they are simply null initializations
private $_totalEntries = null; // Total number of entries (usually supplied by MySQL query)
private $_pagesPerSection = null; // Total number of pages displayed per section (supplied by admin)
private $_entriesPerPage = null; // Total number of entries displayed per page (supplied by user)
private $_currentPage = null; // Current page viewed by user
private $_displayOptions = array(); // Array of options for viewing how many entries per page (supplied by user)
private $_errors = array(); // Array of encountered error messages
private $_styles = array(); // Array of CSS styles for pagination navigation display
function __construct(
$options = "",
$paginationID = "",
$stylePageOff = "",
$stylePageOn = "",
$styleErrors = "",
$styleSelect = ""
) {
$this->setPaginationID( $paginationID ); // Set ID name of pagination object
$this->setTotalEntries( $totalEntries ); // Set total entries
$this->setPagesPerSection( $pagesPerSection ); // Set pages per section
$this->setDisplayOptions( $options ); // Set viewing display options
$this->setEntriesPerPage(); // Set entries per page (input from POST or cookies)
$this->setCurrentPage(); // Set current page (input from GET)
// ! This function must follow after setEntriesPerPage()
); // Set CSS styles for pagination navigation display
public function deleteCookie() // deletes the cookie if it exists
$cookieVar = $this->_getPOSTVarName();
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ $cookieVar ] ) ) // If cookie is set
$_COOKIE[ $cookieVar ] = ""; // Clear cookie
setcookie( $cookieVar, "", time() - 3600, "/" ); // Delete cookie
private function _getURL( $input = 1
) // returns appropriate URL with all GET variables intact
{ // updates only the particular GET variable in question
$getVars = $_GET; // Get all GET variables
/* Uncomment this if you need to exclude any GET variables (due to HTACCESS issues, for example) from being
* processed in the ensuing URL. Simply enter in the GET variable name in the unset(...) function below.
unset($getVars["foo"], $getVars["bar"], ... ); // Remove any so they do not appear in URL
$output = '?' . http_build_query( array_merge( $getVars, array( $this->_getIDGETVarName() => $input ) ) );
$output .= '#' . $this->getPaginationID(); // Add #xxx at the end of URL for auto-scrolling
return $output;
private function _isError() // determines if an error exists and registers any errors
if ( $this->_errors ) // If error already exists, return
return true;
if ( ! $this->_totalEntries ) // If total entries not set
$this->_errors[] = "The value for <strong>total entries</strong> has not been specified.";
if ( ! $this->_displayOptions ) // If display options not set
$this->_errors[] = "The values for <strong>display options</strong> have not been specified.";
if ( ! $this->_entriesPerPage ) // If entries per page not set
$this->_errors[] = "The value for <strong>entries per page</strong> has not been specified.";
if ( ! $this->_currentPage ) // If current page not set
$this->_errors[] = "The value for <strong>current page</strong> has not been specified.";
return ( $this->_errors ) ? true : false;
private function _validEntry( $input ) // determines if input is valid
if ( is_array( $input ) ) // If array
foreach ( $input as $element ) { // Recursion: evaluate each array element
if ( ! $this->_validEntry( $element ) ) // If invalid
return false;
return true; // If function makes it to this point, it is valid
} else // If not array
if ( ( preg_match( "/^\d+$/", $input ) && $input > 0 ) ||
strtolower( $input ) == "all"
) // If positive digit or "all"
return true;
} else {
return false;
private function _navBox(
$end = 0
) // returns span-encased link for pagination bar
switch ( $end ) {
case 1:
$title = "First page";
case 2:
$title = "Previous page";
case 3:
$title = "Next page";
case 4:
$title = "Last page (" . $this->getTotalPages() . ")";
$title = "";
$title = ( $end > 0 && $title != "" ) ? 'title="' . $title . '"' : '';
$style = $this->_styles["pageOff"];
// Determine Style
$style = ( $this->_currentPage == $destinationPage && ! $end ) ? $this->_styles["pageOn"]
: $this->_styles["pageOff"];
// Determine Link URL/Text
$url = "";
if ( $this->_currentPage != $destinationPage // If current page is not same as destination page
&& $destinationPage <= $this->getTotalPages() // and destination page does not exceed last page
&& $destinationPage >= 1
) // and destination page is not less than first page
$text = '<a href="' .
$this->_getURL( $destinationPage ) .
'">' .
$text .
'</a>'; // then make $text a link
if ( $style ) {
$style = 'class="' . $style . '"';
$onClick = ( $url ) ? "onclick=\"location.href='" . $url . "'\""
: ""; // Determine if span element is clickable
return '<span ' . $style . $title . ' ' . $onClick . '>' . $text . '</span>';
public function display() // displays the pagination bar
if ( $this->_isError() ) // If error encountered, do not display, but display errors
return $this->displayErrors();
$firstPage = 1;
$previousPage = $this->_currentPage - 1;
$nextPage = $this->_currentPage + 1;
$lastPage = $this->getTotalPages();
$totalpages = $this->getTotalPages();
$pagesPerSection = $this->getPagesPerSection();
$sectionStart = $this->_currentPage -
$pagesPerSection / 2
); // Section start is current page # minus half the # of pages per section
if ( $sectionStart <=
) // Adjust section start to 1 (first page) if # pages between 1st page
$sectionStart = 1;
} // and current page is less than half the # of pages per section
$sectionEnd = $sectionStart +
$pagesPerSection -
1; // Section end is # pages per section after section start,
// minus 1 (otherwise # of pages per section will exceed given amount by 1)
if ( $sectionEnd >
) // Adjust section end to last page if section end exceeds last page
$sectionEnd = $lastPage;
$sectionStart = $sectionEnd -
$pagesPerSection +
1; // Adjust section start to # of pages behind section end
$output = $this->_navBox( "&lt;&lt;", $firstPage, 1 ); // First page
$output .= $this->_navBox( "&lt;", $previousPage, 2 ); // Previous page
for ( $i = $sectionStart; $i <= $sectionEnd; ++ $i ) {
$output .= $this->_navBox( $i, $i );
} // Pagination
$output .= $this->_navBox( "&gt;", $nextPage, 3 ); // Next Page
$output .= $this->_navBox( "&gt;&gt;", $lastPage, 4 ); // Last Page
return $output;
public function displayErrors() // displays the errors encountered
if ( ! $this->_errors ) {
return "No errors were encountered.";
$words = ( count( $this->_errors ) > 1 ) ? "errors were" : "error was";
// Determine CSS styling for error reporting
if ( $this->_styles["errors"] ) {
$css = 'class="' . $this->_styles["errors"] . '"';
} else {
$css = '';
= '
<div ' . $css . '>
The following ' . $words . ' encountered while using the ' . get_class( $this ) . ' class:<br/><br/>
foreach ( $this->_errors as $error ) {
$output .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
.= '
return $output;
public function displaySelectInterface() // displays the <select> interface for choosing display amount
if ( count( $this->_displayOptions ) < 2 ) // If only 1 or fewer options, do not display
if ( $this->_isError() ) // If error encountered, do not display
static $count = 0; // This counts how many times function is run.
// This variable value is tacked on the end of the form name which
// will enable multiple instances of the display interface form
$paginationID = $this->getPaginationID();
$formName = $paginationID . '_select_form';
// Determine CSS styling for <select>
if ( $this->_styles["select"] ) {
$css = 'class="' . $this->_styles["select"] . '"';
} else {
$css = "";
$formNumber = ( $count ) ? $count : "";
= '
<form name="' .
$formName .
$formNumber .
'" method="post" style="display:inline-block;" action="' .
$this->_getURL( $this->_currentPage ) .
<select ' .
$css .
' name="' .
$this->_getPOSTVarName() .
'" OnChange ="' .
$formName .
$formNumber .
foreach ( $this->_displayOptions as $line ) {
if ( $this->_entriesPerPage == $line ||
$this->_entriesPerPage == $this->_totalEntries
) // If option equals entries per page
$selected = "selected";
} // or entries per page equals total entries
else // then select option, otherwise
$selected = "";
} // leave unselected
$output .= '<option value="' . $line . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $line . '</option>';
.= '
<noscript><input type="submit" name="paginationDisplaySubmit" value="Display"/></noscript>
++ $count; // Increase # of times this function has run
return $output;
public function setCurrentPage() // sets the currently accessed page from GET value
$idVar = $this->_getIDGETVarName();
if ( isset( $_GET[ $idVar ] ) ) // If GET set
$page = $_GET[ $idVar ];
} // Retrieve page from GET
else {
$page = 1;
} // Otherwise use first page
if ( $page < 1 ||
! preg_match( "/^\d+$/", $page )
) // If page is less than 1 or page value not a digit
header( "Location: " . $this->_getURL() ); // No argument for _getURL() sets it to 1 (first page)
if ( $page > $this->getTotalPages() && $this->getTotalPages() != 0 ) // If page exceeds last page
{ // 2nd condition prevents infinite loop should it equal 0
header( "Location: " . $this->_getURL( $this->getTotalPages() ) );
$this->_currentPage = $page;
public function setDisplayOptions( $input ) // sets the user-specified display amount
if ( ! $this->_validEntry(
) // If invalid entry encountered, register error and exit function
if ( is_array( $input ) ) // If array
$argument = "";
foreach ( $input as $key => $element ) {
if ( $key > 0 ) {
$argument .= ", ";
$argument .= $element; // Save all elements in string
} else // If not array
$argument = $input;
$this->_errors[] = "The value(s) set for <strong>display options</strong> is/are invalid: " . $argument;
if ( ! is_array( $input ) && strtolower( $input ) == "all" ) // If Not Array and "All" selected
$input = $this->_totalEntries;
} // Set total entries value
$this->_displayOptions = $input;
public function setEntriesPerPage() // sets entries per page amount from POST or COOKIE values
if ( $this->_errors ) // If an error, quit
$varName = $this->_getPOSTVarName();
if ( count( $this->_displayOptions ) > 1 ) // If more than 1 display option
$value = $this->_displayOptions[0]; // Default is first selection
if ( isset( $_POST[ $varName ] ) ) // If POST is set
if ( in_array( $_POST[ $varName ], $this->_displayOptions ) ) // Check for valid post value
$value = $_POST[ $varName ];
setcookie( $varName, $value, 604800 + time(), "/" ); // Set cookie
$_COOKIE[ $varName ] = $value;
} else // If invalid post value
= self::DEFAULT_ENTRIES_DISPLAY; // Set to default if invalid
} elseif ( isset( $_COOKIE[ $varName ] ) ) // If POST not set, but COOKIE set
// Check for valid cookie value
if ( in_array( $_COOKIE[ $varName ], $this->_displayOptions ) ) // Check for valid cookie value
$value = $_COOKIE[ $varName ]; // Set to value if valid
} else {
= self::DEFAULT_ENTRIES_DISPLAY; // Set to default if invalid
$this->deleteCookie(); // Delete invalid cookie
} else // If only one option, set either to default or displayOptions value
$value = ( $this->_displayOptions ) ? $this->_displayOptions : self::DEFAULT_ENTRIES_DISPLAY;
if ( strtolower( $value ) == "all" ) // If set to "All", use total entries
$value = $this->_totalEntries;
$this->_entriesPerPage = $value;
public function setPagesPerSection( $input ) // sets # of pages per section
if ( ! $this->_validEntry( $input ) ) {
$this->_errors[] = "The value set for <strong>pages per section</strong> is invalid: " . $input;
$this->_pagesPerSection = $input;
public function setPaginationID( $input ) {
if ( $input ) {
if ( preg_match( "/^\d+$/", $input[0] ) ) // Check if first character is a digit
= "The first character of the <strong>pagination ID</strong> cannot be a number: " . $input;
return; // cannot be a digit because variable names cannot start with digits,
} // and this value will be used as a variable name
$this->_paginationID = $input;
public function setStyles(
$pageOff = "",
$pageOn = "",
$select = "",
$errors = ""
) // sets CSS style class names
$this->_styles = array(
"pageOff" => $pageOff,
"pageOn" => $pageOn,
"select" => $select,
"errors" => $errors,
public function setTotalEntries( $input ) // sets total number of entries
if ( ! $this->_validEntry( $input ) ) {
$this->_errors[] = "The value set for <strong>total entries</strong> is invalid: " . $input;
$this->_totalEntries = $input;
private function _getIDGETVarName() // returns GET variable name for pagination pages
return $this->getPaginationID() . '-' . self::PAGE_GETVAR_NAME;
private function _getPOSTVarName() // returns POST variable name for select/cookie entities
return $this->getPaginationID() . 'Display';
public function getCurrentPage() // returns the currently accessed page number
if ( ! $this->_currentPage ) // If not set, return first page
return 1;
} else {
return $this->_currentPage;
public function getPagesPerSection() // returns the # of pages per section
if ( ! $this->_pagesPerSection ) // If not set, set error and return 0
$this->_errors[] = "The value for <strong>pages per section</strong> has not been set.";
return 0;
if ( $this->_pagesPerSection >
) // If per section is greater than total pages
return $this->getTotalPages();
} // Return total pages
else {
return $this->_pagesPerSection;
} // Otherwise return per section
public function getPaginationID() // returns ID name for pagination object
return $this->_paginationID;
public function getTotalPages() // returns total pages
if ( $this->_errors ) // If there is an error, return 0
return 0;
if ( $this->_entriesPerPage == 0 ) // Prevent division by zero
return 0;
return ceil(
$this->_totalEntries / $this->_entriesPerPage
); // Total pages: total # of entries divided by total entries per page
public function getEntryStart() // returns the start entry for the page
if ( $this->_isError() ) // If error encountered
return 0;
return ( $this->_currentPage - 1 ) *
$this->_entriesPerPage; // Entry start: 1 less than current page multiplied by total entries per page
public function getEntryEnd() // returns the last entry for the page
if ( $this->_isError() ) // If error encountered
return 0;
if ( $this->_currentPage == $this->getTotalPages() ) // If current page is last page
return $this->_totalEntries - $this->getEntryStart();
} // then entry end is total entries minus start entry
else {
return $this->_entriesPerPage;
} // otherwise entry end is # of entries per page
public function getEntryEndFF() // Flat-file version of the above getEntryEnd() function
if ( $this->_isError() ) // If error encountered
return 0;
if ( $this->_currentPage == $this->getTotalPages() ) // If current page is last page
return $this->_totalEntries;
} // then entry end is total entries minus start entry
else {
return $this->getEntryStart() + $this->_entriesPerPage;
} // otherwise entry end is # of entries per page after start
endif; // Prevent multiple class definitions