2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00

140 lines
5.3 KiB

class AIOWPSecurity_List_Logged_In_Users extends AIOWPSecurity_List_Table {
function __construct(){
global $status, $page;
//Set parent defaults
parent::__construct( array(
'singular' => 'item', //singular name of the listed records
'plural' => 'items', //plural name of the listed records
'ajax' => false //does this table support ajax?
) );
function column_default($item, $column_name){
return $item[$column_name];
function column_user_id($item){
$tab = strip_tags($_REQUEST['tab']);
$force_logout_url = sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&tab=%s&action=%s&logged_in_id=%s&ip_address=%s', AIOWPSEC_USER_LOGIN_MENU_SLUG, $tab, 'force_user_logout', $item['user_id'], $item['ip_address']);
//Add nonce to URL
$force_logout_nonce = wp_nonce_url($force_logout_url, "force_user_logout", "aiowps_nonce");
//Build row actions
$actions = array(
'logout' => '<a href="'.$force_logout_nonce.'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to force this user to be logged out of this session?\')">Force Logout</a>',
//Return the user_login contents
return sprintf('%1$s <span style="color:silver"></span>%2$s',
/*$1%s*/ $item['user_id'],
/*$2%s*/ $this->row_actions($actions)
function get_columns(){
$columns = array(
'user_id' => 'User ID',
'username' => 'Login Name',
'ip_address' => 'IP Address',
return $columns;
function get_sortable_columns() {
$sortable_columns = array(
'user_id' => array('user_id',false),
'username' => array('username',false),
'ip_address' => array('ip_address',false),
return $sortable_columns;
function get_bulk_actions() {
return array();
function process_bulk_action() {
* This function will force a selected user to be logged out.
* The function accepts either an array of IDs or a single ID (TODO - bulk actions not implemented yet!)
function force_user_logout($user_id, $ip_addr)
global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
if (is_array($user_id))
if (isset($_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer']))
//TODO - implement bulk action in future release!
elseif ($user_id != NULL)
if (!isset($nonce) ||!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'force_user_logout'))
$aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed for force user logout operation!",4);
die(__('Nonce check failed for force user logout operation!','all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
//Force single user logout
$user_id = absint($user_id);
$manager = WP_Session_Tokens::get_instance( $user_id );
$aio_wp_security->user_login_obj->update_user_online_transient($user_id, $ip_addr);
// if($result != NULL)
// {
$success_msg = '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>';
$success_msg .= __('The selected user was logged out successfully!','all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall');
$success_msg .= '</strong></p></div>';
// }
function prepare_items() {
//First, lets decide how many records per page to show
$per_page = 20;
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$hidden = array();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();
$this->_column_headers = array($columns, $hidden, $sortable);
global $wpdb;
global $aio_wp_security;
$logged_in_users = (AIOWPSecurity_Utility::is_multisite_install() ? get_site_transient('users_online') : get_transient('users_online'));
if($logged_in_users !== FALSE){
foreach ($logged_in_users as $key=>$val)
$userdata = get_userdata($val['user_id']);
$username = $userdata->user_login;
$val['username'] = $username;
$logged_in_users[$key] = $val;
$logged_in_users = array(); //If no transient found set to empty array
$data = $logged_in_users;
$current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
$total_items = count($data);
$data = array_slice($data,(($current_page-1)*$per_page),$per_page);
$this->items = $data;
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_items' => $total_items, //WE have to calculate the total number of items
'per_page' => $per_page, //WE have to determine how many items to show on a page
'total_pages' => ceil($total_items/$per_page) //WE have to calculate the total number of pages