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synced 2025-02-21 15:31:07 +00:00
=== Contact Form ===
Contributors: umarbajwa
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 4.6
Tags: contact form, form, form creator, form builder, forms, contact form builder, contact form designer, contact forms, form maker, mailchimp forms, mailchimp form
Stable tag: 1.6
Donate Link: http://web-settler.com/form-builder/
License: GPL V2 or latest
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Contact form plugin saves your hours of precious time by making form creation process super simple and efficient.
== Description ==
Contact form plugin is easiest way to build any responsive form for your website. No fuss or messing with code create the form you want easily with simple drag & drop form builder.
> <strong> Upgrade to Contact Form Premium </strong>
> If you want support or all AddOns, upgrade to [Contact From Premium](http://web-settler.com/form-builder/)
> [AddOns](http://web-settler.com/form-builder/) | [Support](http://web-settler.com/ulp-support/) | [Setup Guide](https://youtu.be/bNww-dVSb44)
Contact form plugin's user interface is designed to maximize the time efficiency one spend creating a form, try it and you will know how much easy and efficient this form plugin is.
With contact form plugin you can create simple contact forms or complex application form easily in mere minutes.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced WordPress user contact form plugin will certainly fulfill all your needs and requirements.
Save all your contact form entries in database and also get email notification about new entries. Delete,modify entries easily with entry manager.
View your entries with contact form entry manager. Contact form plugin also allows you to print your entries or download your contact form entries in .csv format.
You can also add HTML elements like Text, Image and link inside your contact forms for more flexibility.
Contact form plugin also support custom HTML so you can define your own terms for your form.
You can create any type of forms with contact form plugin it was built for multi purpose forms.
### Features :
* Easy to use, even for beginners
* Fully responsive contact form looks perfect on all screen sizes and mobile devices.
* Add or remove additional fields easily and label any contact form fields you want.
* Make any of the form fields required or not.
* Receive a copy of the email sent via the contact form.
* Drag & Drop form builder.
* Contact form plugin have ready to go fields.
* Manage, Edit, and Export form user submissions.
* Secure forms with advanced security features.
* All form submitted data is available to sort,filter,analyze or export as CSV or print.
* Ability to View, Edit or delete entries/submissions.
* Advanced Conditional login for your fields.
* Redirect users after submission to specified URL.
* File upload feature for your forms.
* Field settings section.
* Make fields required or block duplication.
* Set pre-defined values for fields of your form.
* Notifications - Email notifications for your form submission or select one from AddOns.
* Various Auto responders supported.
* Conditional Logic for Email Notifications.
* Create interactive forms that react to user’s actions.
* Dynamically show, hide, or change the value of form fields.
* Add Multiple notifications for one form.
* Form settings to setup your form.
* Flexible field types.
* Insert your form anywhere.
* Ajax based contact forms.
* Design your forms.
* Customizable design.
= <a href='http://web-settler.com/form-builder/' > Available AddOns </a> =
= Google Captcha =
Google Captcha Premium AddOn for securing you Forms from spamming and brute forces from the dark side.
= MailChimp Integration =
Send your entries to MailChimp or add a simpe check box in your contact form to increase mailchimp subscribers.
= Form Designer =
Why add white boring forms when you can add colors .
= Entries =
Contact form stores all form submissions in entries so you can view,edit or delete them. Entries also allow you to export your form submissions.
= Export Submissions =
Contact form plugin integrates with entries system which stores form submissions and allow you to print or export form submissions as CSV file. This format is supported by all CRM services for importing data to their platform.
= Conditional Logic Fields =
With conditional logic you can add IF-THEN logic for your fields. Enable Conditional logic to a field to show or hide that field based on a previous user selection or input.
= Conditional Logic Notifications =
Contact form give you the ability to apply conditional logic for your notifications. Which on specified input will <b>Send</b> OR <b>Not Send</b> the notification.
= Responsive Contact Forms =
Contact form is 100% responsive and mobile friendly contact form plugin is compatible with Mobiles,Tablets & and all screen sizes.
= Notifications =
Notification section allows you to select notifications for your submission get notified by email or select an AddOn for various email marketing service integrations. Recieve email notifications whenever someone use your contact form.
= Drag & Drop From Builder =
Contact form plugin integrates with drag and drop form builder which allows you to make and publish your forms in no time.
= Multi Page Form =
Contact form allows you to create efficient multi page forms. With this feature you can make your contact forms more interactive.
= HTML Elements =
Contact form plugin give you the ability to add HTML elements like Images, Links, Text etc.. in your contact form. You can also add custom HTML which gives you endless possibilities.
== Installation ==
The easy way :
1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress.
1. Search for plugin "Contact Form Add".
1. Click "Install".
1. After Installation click activate to start using the coming soon plugin.
Not so easy way :
1. To install Contact Form Add via FTP
1. Download the Contact Form Add
1. Unarchive Contact Form Add plugin
1. Copy folder with Contact-Form-Add.zip
1. Open the ftp \wp-content\plugins\
1. Paste the plug-ins folder in the folder
1. Go to admin panel => open item "Plugins" => activate Contact Form Add.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Contact Form Frequently Asked Questions =
= How to create a form ? =
A : After activating the contact form plugin go to contact form menu from your dashboard, Click add new button, Now from Add Field tab click on the fields you want to add in your form and save the form. Go to export to get the shortcode to display the contact form on your website.
= How to display Form ? =
A: After saving the form you created go to export copy the shortcode and paste it in place where you want to display the contact form.
= How can I add my Form in widget section ? =
A: To display your contact form in a widget copy the form shortcode and paste it in a text widget.
= How can I display Form on all pages of my website =
A: Use you form in widgets to display it on all pages.
= How can I receive an email whenever a person submits the form ? =
A: To receive the email notification when someone submits the form.
1. Go to Notifications.
1. Select a Notification type (In this case select Email).
1. Click Add New button.
1. Configure your email notification.
= What is conditional logic ? =
A: Conditional logic is the logic built for form plugin which on specific action performs a pre defined task. With conditional logic you can add IF-THEN logic for your fields. Enable Conditional logic to a field to show or hide that field based on a previous user selection or input. (For Example if you set conditional logic for email field so when a user enter their email and if he had already sent a request through your form you can identify and show him that his previous request is being processed.)
= How can I view the form submission ? =
A: You can view the form submissions from Entries.
= Can I edit existing Form entries ? =
A: Yes, You can edit your entries from entry manager.
== Screenshots ==
1. Contact Form demo default.
2. Contact Form demo styled.
3. Contact Form builder.
4. Contact Form style manager.
5. Contact form notifications.
== Changelog ==
= 1.5 =
* Notification email fixed
= 1.2 =
* Form Styler loaded with new features.
* Plugin core changes.
* AddOn added.
= 1.0.1 =
* Name field changes.
== Other Notes ==
= Conditional Logic Fields =
With conditional logic you can add IF-THEN logic for your fields. Enable Conditional logic to a field to show or hide that field based on a previous user selection or input.
= Conditional Logic Notifications =
Contact form plugin give you the ability to apply conditional logic for your notifications. Which on specified input will <b>Send</b> OR <b>Not Send</b> the notification.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.6 =
* Notification email bug fixed
= 1.2 =
* Form Styler loaded with new features.
* Plugin core changes.
* AddOn added.
= 1.0.1 =
* Name field changes.
Contact Form plugin.