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if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No direct access allowed.');
# SDK uses namespacing - requires PHP 5.3 (actually the SDK states its requirements as 5.3.3)
use OpenCloud\OpenStack;
class UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_openstack extends UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_openstack_base {
public function __construct() {
# 4th parameter is a relative (to UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR) logo URL, which should begin with /, should we get approved for use of the OpenStack logo in future (have requested info)
parent::__construct('openstack', 'OpenStack', 'OpenStack (Swift)', '');
# $opts: 'tenant', 'user', 'password', 'authurl', (optional) 'region'
public function get_service($opts, $useservercerts = false, $disablesslverify = null) {
# 'tenant', 'user', 'password', 'authurl', 'path', (optional) 'region'
if (null === $disablesslverify) $disablesslverify = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify');
if (empty($user) || empty($password) || empty($authurl)) throw new Exception(__('Authorisation failed (check your credentials)', 'updraftplus'));
global $updraftplus;
$updraftplus->log("OpenStack authentication URL: ".$authurl);
$client = new OpenStack($authurl, array(
'username' => $user,
'password' => $password,
'tenantName' => $tenant
$this->client = $client;
if ($disablesslverify) {
} else {
if ($useservercerts) {
$client->setConfig(array($client::SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY => false));
} else {
$client->setSslVerification(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/cacert.pem', true, 2);
if (empty($region)) {
$catalog = $client->getCatalog();
if (!empty($catalog)) {
$items = $catalog->getItems();
if (is_array($items)) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$name = $item->getName();
$type = $item->getType();
if ('swift' != $name || 'object-store' != $type) continue;
$eps = $item->getEndpoints();
if (!is_array($eps)) continue;
foreach ($eps as $ep) {
if (is_object($ep) && !empty($ep->region)) {
$region = $ep->region;
$this->region = $region;
return $client->objectStoreService('swift', $region);
public function get_credentials() {
return array('updraft_openstack');
public function get_opts() {
global $updraftplus;
$opts = $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_openstack');
if (!is_array($opts)) $opts = array('user' => '', 'authurl' => '', 'password' => '', 'tenant' => '', 'path' => '', 'region' => '');
return $opts;
public function config_print_middlesection() {
$opts = $this->get_opts();
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<p><?php _e('Get your access credentials from your OpenStack Swift provider, and then pick a container name to use for storage. This container will be created for you if it does not already exist.','updraftplus');?> <a href="<?php echo apply_filters("updraftplus_com_link","");?>"><?php _e('Also, you should read this important FAQ.', 'updraftplus'); ?></a></p>
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><?php echo ucfirst(__('authentication URI', 'updraftplus'));?>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="authurl" type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 364px" id="updraft_openstack_authurl" name="updraft_openstack[authurl]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['authurl']) ?>" />
<em><?php echo _x('This needs to be a v2 (Keystone) authentication URI; v1 (Swauth) is not supported.', 'Keystone and swauth are technical terms which cannot be translated', 'updraftplus');?></em>
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><a href="" title="<?php _e('Follow this link for more information', 'updraftplus');?>"><?php _e('Tenant', 'updraftplus');?></a>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="tenant" type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 364px" id="updraft_openstack_tenant" name="updraft_openstack[tenant]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['tenant']) ?>" />
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><?php _e('Region', 'updraftplus');?>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="region" type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 364px" id="updraft_openstack_region" name="updraft_openstack[region]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['region']) ?>" />
<em><?php _e('Leave this blank, and a default will be chosen.', 'updraftplus');?></em>
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><?php _e('Username', 'updraftplus');?>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="user" type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 364px" id="updraft_openstack_user" name="updraft_openstack[user]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['user']) ?>" />
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><?php _e('Password', 'updraftplus');?>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="password" type="<?php echo apply_filters('updraftplus_admin_secret_field_type', 'password'); ?>" autocomplete="off" style="width: 364px" id="updraft_openstack_password" name="updraft_openstack[password]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['password']); ?>" />
<tr class="updraftplusmethod <?php echo $this->method;?>">
<th><?php echo __('Container', 'updraftplus');?>:</th>
<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="path" type="text" style="width: 364px" name="updraft_openstack[path]" id="updraft_openstack_path" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($opts['path']); ?>" /></td>
public function credentials_test($posted_settings) {
if (empty($posted_settings['user'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.",'updraftplus'), __('username','updraftplus'));
if (empty($posted_settings['password'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.",'updraftplus'), __('password','updraftplus'));
if (empty($posted_settings['tenant'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.",'updraftplus'), _x('tenant','"tenant" is a term used with OpenStack storage - Google for "OpenStack tenant" to get more help on its meaning', 'updraftplus'));
if (empty($posted_settings['authurl'])) {
printf(__("Failure: No %s was given.",'updraftplus'), __('authentication URI', 'updraftplus'));
$opts = array(
'user' => stripslashes($posted_settings['user']),
'password' => stripslashes($posted_settings['password']),
'authurl' => stripslashes($posted_settings['authurl']),
'tenant' => stripslashes($posted_settings['tenant']),
'region' => (!empty($posted_settings['region'])) ? $posted_settings['region'] : '',
$this->credentials_test_go($opts, stripslashes($posted_settings['path']), $posted_settings['useservercerts'], $posted_settings['disableverify']);