2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00

957 lines
47 KiB

Plugin Name: WP Statistics
Plugin URI:
Description: Complete statistics for your WordPress site.
Version: 11.0.1
Author: Greg Ross & Mostafa Soufi
Author URI:
Text Domain: wp_statistics
Domain Path: /languages/
License: GPL2
// These defines are used later for various reasons.
define('WP_STATISTICS_VERSION', '11.0.1');
define('WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL', 'manual/WP Statistics Admin Manual.');
define('WPS_EXPORT_FILE_NAME', 'wp-statistics');
define('WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE', 'wps_overview_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_BROWSERS_PAGE', 'wps_browsers_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_COUNTRIES_PAGE', 'wps_countries_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_EXCLUSIONS_PAGE', 'wps_exclusions_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_HITS_PAGE', 'wps_hits_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE', 'wps_online_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE', 'wps_pages_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_REFERRERS_PAGE', 'wps_referrers_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_SEARCHES_PAGE', 'wps_searches_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_WORDS_PAGE', 'wps_words_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_TOP_VISITORS_PAGE', 'wps_top_visitors_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_VISITORS_PAGE', 'wps_visitors_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_OPTIMIZATION_PAGE', 'wps_optimization_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE', 'wps_settings_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_DONATE_PAGE', 'wps_donate_page' );
define('WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL_PAGE', 'wps_manual_page' );
if( defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && TRUE === SCRIPT_DEBUG) { define( 'WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT', '' ); } else { define( 'WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT', '.min' ); }
// Load the translation code.
function wp_statistics_language() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Users can override loading the default language code, check to see if they have.
$override = false;
if( is_object( $WP_Statistics ) ) {
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('override_language', false) ) {
$override = true;
// If not, go ahead and load the translations.
if( !$override ) {
load_plugin_textdomain('wp_statistics', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/');
__('WP Statistics', 'wp_statistics');
__('Complete statistics for your WordPress site.', 'wp_statistics');
// Add translation action. We have to load the translation code before the init otherwise the widgets won't get translated properly.
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wp_statistics_language');
// Load the init code.
function wp_statistics_init() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Check to see if we're exporting data, if so, do so now.
// Note this will set the headers to download the export file and then stop running WordPress.
if( array_key_exists( 'wps_export', $_POST ) ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/functions/export.php';
// Check to see if we're downloading the manual, if so, do so now.
// Note this will set the headers to download the manual and then stop running WordPress.
if( array_key_exists( 'wps_download_manual', $_GET ) ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/functions/manual.php';
// Add init actions. For the main init we're going to set our priority to 9 to execute before most plugins so we can export data before and set the headers without
// worrying about bugs in other plugins that output text and don't allow us to set the headers.
add_action('init', 'wp_statistics_init', 9);
function wp_statistics_unsupported_version_admin_notice() {
global $wp_version;
$screen = get_current_screen();
if( 'plugins' !== $screen->id ) {
<div class="error">
<p style="max-width:800px;"><b><?php _e( 'WP Statistics Disabled', 'wp_statistics');?></b> <?php _e('&#151; You are running an unsupported version of PHP.', 'glotpress' ); ?></p>
<p style="max-width:800px;"><?php
echo sprintf( __( 'WP Statistics has detected PHP version %s which is unsupported, WP Statistics requires PHP Version %s or higher!', 'wp_statistics'), phpversion(), WP_STATISTICS_REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION );
echo '</p><p>';
echo __( 'Please contact your hosting provider to upgrade to a supported version or disable WP Statistics to remove this message.' );
// Check the PHP version, if we don't meet the minimum version to run WP Statistics return so we don't cause a critical error.
if( !version_compare( phpversion(), WP_STATISTICS_REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, ">=" ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wp_statistics_unsupported_version_admin_notice', 10, 2 );
// If we've been flagged to remove all of the data, then do so now.
if( get_option( 'wp_statistics_removal' ) == 'true' ) {
include_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wps-uninstall.php' );
// This adds a row after WP Statistics in the plugin page IF we've been removed via the settings page.
function wp_statistics_removal_after_plugin_row() {
echo '<tr><th scope="row" class="check-column"></th><td class="plugin-title" colspan="*"><span style="padding: 3px; color: white; background-color: red; font-weight: bold">&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('WP Statistics has been removed, please disable and delete it.', 'wp_statistics') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></td></tr>';
// If we've been removed, return without doing anything else.
if( get_option( 'wp_statistics_removal' ) == 'done' ) {
add_action('after_plugin_row_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'wp_statistics_removal_after_plugin_row', 10, 2);
// Load the user agent parsing code first, the WP_Statistics class depends on it. Then load the WP_Statistics class.
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/vendor/donatj/phpuseragentparser/Source/UserAgentParser.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/classes/statistics.class.php';
// This is our global WP_Statitsics class that is used throughout the plugin.
$WP_Statistics = new WP_Statistics();
// Check to see if we're installed and are the current version.
$WPS_Installed = get_option('wp_statistics_plugin_version');
if( $WPS_Installed != WP_STATISTICS_VERSION ) {
include_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wps-install.php' );
// Load the update functions for GeoIP and browscap.ini (done in a separate file to avoid a parse error in PHP 5.2 or below)
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wps-updates.php';
// Load the rest of the required files for our global functions, online user tracking and hit tracking.
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/functions/functions.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/classes/hits.class.php';
// If GeoIP is enabled and supported, extend the hits class to record the GeoIP information.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip') && wp_statistics_geoip_supported() ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/classes/hits.geoip.class.php';
// Finally load the widget, dashboard, shortcode and scheduled events.
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/widget.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/dashboard.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/editor.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/shortcode.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/schedule.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/ajax.php';
// This function outputs error messages in the admin interface if the primary components of WP Statistics are enabled.
function wp_statistics_not_enable() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// If the user had told us to be quite, do so.
if( !$WP_Statistics->get_option('hide_notices') ) {
// Check to make sure the current user can manage WP Statistics, if not there's no point displaying the warnings.
$manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options') );
if( ! current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { return; }
$get_bloginfo_url = get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE;
$itemstoenable = array();
if( !$WP_Statistics->get_option('useronline') ) { $itemstoenable[] = __('online user tracking', 'wp_statistics'); }
if( !$WP_Statistics->get_option('visits') ) { $itemstoenable[] = __('hit tracking', 'wp_statistics'); }
if( !$WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $itemstoenable[] = __('visitor tracking', 'wp_statistics'); }
if( !$WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip') && wp_statistics_geoip_supported()) { $itemstoenable[] = __('geoip collection', 'wp_statistics'); }
if( count( $itemstoenable ) > 0 )
echo '<div class="update-nag">'.sprintf(__('The following features are disabled, please go to %s and enable them: %s', 'wp_statistics'), '<a href="' . $get_bloginfo_url . '">' . __( 'settings page', 'wp_statistics') . '</a>', implode(__(',', 'wp_statistics'), $itemstoenable)).'</div>';
$get_bloginfo_url = get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_OPTIMIZATION_PAGE . "&tab=database";
$dbupdatestodo = array();
if(!$WP_Statistics->get_option('search_converted')) { $dbupdatestodo[] = __('search table', 'wp_statistics'); }
// Check to see if there are any database changes the user hasn't done yet.
$dbupdates = $WP_Statistics->get_option('pending_db_updates', false);
// The database updates are stored in an array so loop thorugh it and output some notices.
if( is_array( $dbupdates ) ) {
$dbstrings = array( 'date_ip_agent' => __('countries database index', 'wp_statistics'), 'unique_date' => __('visit database index', 'wp_statistics') );
foreach( $dbupdates as $key => $update ) {
if( $update == true ) {
$dbupdatestodo[] = $dbstrings[$key];
if( count( $dbupdatestodo ) > 0 )
echo '<div class="update-nag">'.sprintf(__('Database updates are required, please go to %s and update the following: %s', 'wp_statistics'), '<a href="' . $get_bloginfo_url . '">' . __( 'optimization page', 'wp_statistics') . '</a>', implode(__(',', 'wp_statistics'), $dbupdatestodo)).'</div>';
// Display the admin notices if we should.
if( isset( $pagenow ) && array_key_exists( 'page', $_GET ) ) {
if( $pagenow == "admin.php" && substr( $_GET['page'], 0, 14) == 'wp-statistics/') {
add_action('admin_notices', 'wp_statistics_not_enable');
// Add the honey trap code in the footer.
add_action('wp_footer', 'wp_statistics_footer_action');
function wp_statistics_footer_action() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'use_honeypot' ) && $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'honeypot_postid' ) > 0 ) {
$post_url = get_permalink( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'honeypot_postid' ) );
echo '<a href="' . $post_url . '" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</a>';
// If we've been told to exclude the feeds from the statistics add a detection hook when WordPress generates the RSS feed.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('exclude_feeds') ) {
add_filter('the_title_rss', 'wp_statistics_check_feed_title' );
function wp_statistics_check_feed_title( $title ) {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
return $title;
// We can wait until the very end of the page to process the statistics, that way the page loads and displays
// quickly.
add_action('shutdown', 'wp_statistics_shutdown_action');
function wp_statistics_shutdown_action() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// If something has gone horribly wrong and $WP_Statistics isn't an object, bail out. This seems to happen sometimes with WP Cron calls.
if( !is_object( $WP_Statistics ) ) { return; }
// Create a new hit class, if we're GeoIP enabled, use GeoIPHits().
if( class_exists( 'GeoIPHits' ) ) {
$h = new GeoIPHits();
} else {
$h = new Hits();
// Call the online users tracking code.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('useronline') )
// Call the visitor tracking code.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') )
// Call the visit tracking code.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visits') )
// Call the page tracking code.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('pages') )
// Check to see if the GeoIP database needs to be downloaded and do so if required.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('update_geoip') )
// Check to see if the browscap database needs to be downloaded and do so if required.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('update_browscap') )
// Check to see if the referrerspam database needs to be downloaded and do so if required.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('update_referrerspam') )
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('send_upgrade_email') ) {
$WP_Statistics->update_option( 'send_upgrade_email', false );
$blogname = get_bloginfo('name');
$blogemail = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
$headers[] = "From: $blogname <$blogemail>";
$headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
$headers[] = "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8";
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('email_list') == '' ) { $WP_Statistics->update_option( 'email_list', $blogemail ); }
wp_mail( $WP_Statistics->get_option('email_list'), sprintf( __('WP Statistics %s installed on', 'wp_statistics'), WP_STATISTICS_VERSION ) . ' ' . $blogname, "Installation/upgrade complete!", $headers );
// Add a settings link to the plugin list.
function wp_statistics_settings_links( $links, $file ) {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
$manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options') );
if( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) {
array_unshift( $links, '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE ) . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'wp_statistics' ) . '</a>' );
return $links;
add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'wp_statistics_settings_links', 10, 2 );
// Add a WordPress plugin page and rating links to the meta information to the plugin list.
function wp_statistics_add_meta_links($links, $file) {
if( $file == plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) {
$plugin_url = '';
$links[] = '<a href="'. $plugin_url .'" target="_blank" title="'. __('Click here to visit the plugin on', 'wp_statistics') .'">'. __('Visit page', 'wp_statistics') .'</a>';
$rate_url = '';
$links[] = '<a href="'. $rate_url .'" target="_blank" title="'. __('Click here to rate and review this plugin on', 'wp_statistics') .'">'. __('Rate this plugin', 'wp_statistics') .'</a>';
return $links;
add_filter('plugin_row_meta', 'wp_statistics_add_meta_links', 10, 2);
// Add a custom column to post/pages for hit statistics.
function wp_statistics_add_column( $columns ) {
$columns['wp-statistics'] = __('Hits', 'wp_statistics');
return $columns;
// Render the custom column on the post/pages lists.
function wp_statistics_render_column( $column_name, $post_id ) {
if( $column_name == 'wp-statistics' ) {
echo "<a href='" . get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE . "&page-id={$post_id}'>" . wp_statistics_pages( 'total', "", $post_id ) . "</a>";
// Call the add/render functions at the appropriate times.
function wp_statistics_load_edit_init() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
$read_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_options') );
if( current_user_can( $read_cap ) && $WP_Statistics->get_option('pages') && !$WP_Statistics->get_option('disable_column') ) {
$post_types = (array)get_post_types( array( 'show_ui' => true ), 'object' );
foreach( $post_types as $type ) {
add_action( 'manage_' . $type->name . '_posts_columns', 'wp_statistics_add_column', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'manage_' . $type->name . '_posts_custom_column', 'wp_statistics_render_column', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'load-edit.php', 'wp_statistics_load_edit_init' );
// Add the hit count to the publish widget in the post/pages editor.
function wp_statistics_post_init() {
global $post;
$id = $post->ID;
echo "<div class='misc-pub-section'>" . __( 'WP Statistics - Hits', 'wp_statistics') . ": <b><a href='" . get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE . "&page-id={$id}'>" . wp_statistics_pages( 'total', "", $id ) . "</a></b></div>";
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('pages') && !$WP_Statistics->get_option('disable_column') ) {
add_action( 'post_submitbox_misc_actions', 'wp_statistics_post_init' );
// This function will validate that a capability exists, if not it will default to returning the 'manage_options' capability.
function wp_statistics_validate_capability( $capability ) {
global $wp_roles;
$role_list = $wp_roles->get_names();
if( !is_object( $wp_roles ) || !is_array( $wp_roles->roles) ) { return 'manage_options'; }
foreach( $wp_roles->roles as $role ) {
$cap_list = $role['capabilities'];
foreach( $cap_list as $key => $cap ) {
if( $capability == $key ) { return $capability; }
return 'manage_options';
// This function adds the primary menu to WordPress.
function wp_statistics_menu() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Get the read/write capabilities required to view/manage the plugin as set by the user.
$read_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_options') );
$manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options') );
// Add the top level menu.
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['top'] = add_menu_page(__('Statistics', 'wp_statistics'), __('Statistics', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log');
// Add the sub items.
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Overview', 'wp_statistics'), __('Overview', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log');
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['browsers'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Browsers', 'wp_statistics'), __('Browsers', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_BROWSERS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip') && $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['countries'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Countries', 'wp_statistics'), __('Countries', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_COUNTRIES_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('record_exclusions') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['exclusions'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Exclusions', 'wp_statistics'), __('Exclusions', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_EXCLUSIONS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visits') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['hits'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Hits', 'wp_statistics'), __('Hits', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_HITS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('useronline') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['online'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Online', 'wp_statistics'), __('Online', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('pages') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['pages'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Pages', 'wp_statistics'), __('Pages', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['referrers'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Referrers', 'wp_statistics'), __('Referrers', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_REFERRERS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['searches'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Searches', 'wp_statistics'), __('Searches', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_SEARCHES_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['words'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Search Words', 'wp_statistics'), __('Search Words', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_WORDS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['top.visotors'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Top Visitors Today', 'wp_statistics'), __('Top Visitors Today', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_TOP_VISITORS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) { $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['visitors'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Visitors', 'wp_statistics'), __('Visitors', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_VISITORS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_log'); }
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['break'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, '', '', $read_cap, 'wps_break_menu', 'wp_statistics_log');
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['optimize'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Optimization', 'wp_statistics'), __('Optimization', 'wp_statistics'), $manage_cap, WP_STATISTICS_OPTIMIZATION_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_optimization');
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['settings'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Settings', 'wp_statistics'), __('Settings', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_settings');
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['donate'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Donate', 'wp_statistics'), __('Donate', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, WP_STATISTICS_DONATE_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_donate');
// Only add the manual entry if it hasn't been deleted.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('delete_manual') != true ) {
$WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['manual'] = add_submenu_page(WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE, __('Manual', 'wp_statistics'), __('Manual', 'wp_statistics'), $manage_cap, WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_manual');
// Add action to load the meta boxes to the overview page.
add_action('load-' . $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'wp_statistics_load_overview_page');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_statistics_menu');
function wp_statistics_load_overview_page() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Right side "wide" widgets
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visits') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_hits_postbox', __( 'Hit Statistics', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'hits' ) );
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_top_visitors_postbox', __( 'Top Visitors', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'top.visitors' ) );
add_meta_box( 'wps_search_postbox', __( 'Search Engine Referrals', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'search' ) );
add_meta_box( 'wps_words_postbox', __( 'Latest Search Words', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'words' ) );
add_meta_box( 'wps_recent_postbox', __( 'Recent Visitors', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'recent' ) );
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_map_postbox', __( 'Today Visitors Map', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'map' ) );
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('pages') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_pages_postbox', __( 'Top 10 Pages', 'wp_statistics' ), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', null, array( 'widget' => 'pages' ) );
// Left side "thin" widgets.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('visitors') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_summary_postbox', __( 'Summary', 'wp_statistics'), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', null, array( 'widget' => 'summary' ) );
add_meta_box( 'wps_browsers_postbox', __( 'Browsers', 'wp_statistics'), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', null, array( 'widget' => 'browsers' ) );
add_meta_box( 'wps_referring_postbox', __( 'Top Referring Sites', 'wp_statistics'), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', null, array( 'widget' => 'referring' ) );
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip') ) {
add_meta_box( 'wps_countries_postbox', __( 'Top 10 Countries', 'wp_statistics'), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', null, array( 'widget' => 'countries' ) );
// This function adds the primary menu to WordPress network.
function wp_statistics_networkmenu() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Get the read/write capabilities required to view/manage the plugin as set by the user.
$read_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_options') );
$manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options') );
// Add the top level menu.
add_menu_page(__('Statistics', 'wp_statistics'), __('Statistics', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, __FILE__, 'wp_statistics_network_overview');
// Add the sub items.
add_submenu_page(__FILE__, __('Overview', 'wp_statistics'), __('Overview', 'wp_statistics'), $read_cap, __FILE__, 'wp_statistics_network_overview');
$count = 0;
foreach( wp_get_sites() as $blog ) {
$details = get_blog_details( $blog['blog_id'] );
add_submenu_page(__FILE__, $details->blogname, $details->blogname, $manage_cap, 'wp_statistics_blogid_' . $blog['blog_id'], 'wp_statistics_goto_network_blog');
if( $count > 15 ) { break; }
// Only add the manual entry if it hasn't been deleted.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('delete_manual') != true ) {
add_submenu_page(__FILE__, '', '', $read_cap, 'wps_break_menu', 'wp_statistics_log_overview');
add_submenu_page(__FILE__, __('Manual', 'wp_statistics'), __('Manual', 'wp_statistics'), $manage_cap, WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL_PAGE, 'wp_statistics_manual');
if( is_multisite() ) { add_action('network_admin_menu', 'wp_statistics_networkmenu'); }
function wp_statistics_network_overview() {
<div id="wrap">
<table class="widefat wp-list-table" style="width: auto;">
<th style='text-align: left'><?php _e('Site', 'wp_statistics'); ?></th>
<th style='text-align: left'><?php _e('Options', 'wp_statistics'); ?></th>
$i = 0;
$options = array( __('Overview', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE,
__('Browsers', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_BROWSERS_PAGE,
__('Countries', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_COUNTRIES_PAGE,
__('Exclusions', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_EXCLUSIONS_PAGE,
__('Hits', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_HITS_PAGE,
__('Online', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE,
__('Pages', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE,
__('Referrers', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_REFERRERS_PAGE,
__('Searches', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_SEARCHES_PAGE,
__('Search Words', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_WORDS_PAGE,
__('Top Visitors Today', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_TOP_VISITORS_PAGE,
__('Visitors', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_VISITORS_PAGE,
__('Optimization', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_OPTIMIZATION_PAGE,
__('Settings', 'wp_statistics') => WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE
foreach( wp_get_sites() as $blog ) {
$details = get_blog_details( $blog['blog_id'] );
$url = get_admin_url($blog['blog_id'], '/') . "admin.php?page=";;
$alternate = "";
if( $i % 2 == 0 ) { $alternate = ' class="alternate"'; }
<tr<?php echo $alternate; ?>>
<td style='text-align: left'>
<?php echo $details->blogname; ?>
<td style='text-align: left'>
$options_len = count( $options );
$j = 0;
foreach( $options as $key => $value ) {
echo '<a href="' . $url . $value . '">' . $key . '</a>';
$j ++;
if( $j < $options_len ) { echo ' - '; }
function wp_statistics_goto_network_blog() {
global $plugin_page;
$blog_id = str_replace('wp_statistics_blogid_', '', $plugin_page );
$details = get_blog_details( $blog_id );
// Get the admin url for the current site.
$url = get_admin_url($blog_id) . "/admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE;
echo "<script>window.location.href = '$url';</script>";
function wp_statistics_donate() {
$url = get_admin_url() . "/admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_SETTINGS_PAGE . "&tab=about";
echo "<script>'','_blank'); window.location.href = '$url';</script>";
// This function adds the menu icon to the top level menu. WordPress 3.8 changed the style of the menu a bit and so a different css file is loaded.
function wp_statistics_menu_icon() {
global $wp_version;
if( version_compare( $wp_version, '3.8-RC', '>=' ) || version_compare( $wp_version, '3.8', '>=' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style('wpstatistics-admin-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/admin' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.0');
} else {
wp_enqueue_style('wpstatistics-admin-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/admin-old' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.0');
add_action('admin_head', 'wp_statistics_menu_icon');
// This function adds the admin bar menu if the user has selected it.
function wp_statistics_menubar() {
GLOBAL $wp_admin_bar, $wp_version, $WP_Statistics;
// Find out if the user can read or manage statistics.
$read = current_user_can( wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_options') ) );
$manage = current_user_can( wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options') ) );
if( is_admin_bar_showing() && ( $read || $manage ) ) {
$AdminURL = get_admin_url();
if( version_compare( $wp_version, '3.8-RC', '>=' ) || version_compare( $wp_version, '3.8', '>=' ) ) {
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => '<span class="ab-icon"></span>',
'href' => $AdminURL . 'admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE
} else {
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => '<img src="'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__).'/assets/images/icon.png"/>',
'href' => $AdminURL . 'admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-useronline',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('User Online', 'wp_statistics') . ": " . wp_statistics_useronline(),
'href' => $AdminURL . 'admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-todayvisitor',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('Today visitor', 'wp_statistics') . ": " . wp_statistics_visitor('today')
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-todayvisit',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('Today visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": " . wp_statistics_visit('today')
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-yesterdayvisitor',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('Yesterday visitor', 'wp_statistics') . ": " . wp_statistics_visitor('yesterday')
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-yesterdayvisit',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('Yesterday visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": " . wp_statistics_visit('yesterday')
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wp-statistics-menu-viewstats',
'parent' => 'wp-statistic-menu',
'title' => __('View Stats', 'wp_statistics'),
'href' => $AdminURL . 'admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('menu_bar') ) {
add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'wp_statistics_menubar', 20);
// This function creates the HTML for the manual page. The manual is a seperate HTML file that is contained inside of an iframe.
// There is a bit of JavaScript included to resize the iframe so that the scroll bars can be hidden and it looks like everything
// is in the same page.
function wp_statistics_manual() {
if( file_exists(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL . 'html') ) {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
echo ' function AdjustiFrameHeight(id,fudge)' . "\n";
echo ' {' . "\n";
echo ' var frame = document.getElementById(id);' . "\n";
echo ' frame.height = frame.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight + fudge;' . "\n";
echo ' }' . "\n";
echo '</script>' . "\n";
echo '<br>';
echo '<a href="admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL_PAGE . '&wps_download_manual=true&type=odt' . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/images/ODT.png' . '" height="32" width="32" alt="' . __('Download ODF file', 'wp_statistics') . '"></a>&nbsp;';
echo '<a href="admin.php?page=' . WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL_PAGE . '&wps_download_manual=true&type=html' . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/images/HTML.png' . '" height="32" width="32" alt="' . __('Download HTML file', 'wp_statistics') . '"></a><br>';
echo '<iframe src="' . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . WP_STATISTICS_MANUAL . 'html' . '" width="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" id="wps_inline_docs" onload="AdjustiFrameHeight(\'wps_inline_docs\', 50);"></iframe>';
} else {
echo '<br><br><div class="error"><br>' . __("Manual file not found.", 'wp_statistics') . '<br><br></div>';
// This is the main statistics display function.
function wp_statistics_log( $log_type = "" ) {
GLOBAL $wpdb, $WP_Statistics, $plugin_page;
switch( $plugin_page ) {
$log_type = 'all-browsers';
$log_type = 'top-countries';
$log_type = 'exclusions';
$log_type = 'hit-statistics';
$log_type = 'online';
$log_type = 'top-pages';
$log_type = 'top-referring-site';
$log_type = 'search-statistics';
$log_type = 'last-all-search';
$log_type = 'top-visitors';
$log_type = 'last-all-visitor';
$log_type = "";
// When we create $WP_Statistics the user has not been authenticated yet so we cannot load the user preferences
// during the creation of the class. Instead load them now that the user exists.
// We allow for a get style variable to be passed to define which function to use.
if( $log_type == "" && array_key_exists('type', $_GET))
$log_type = $_GET['type'];
// Verify the user has the rights to see the statistics.
if (!current_user_can(wp_statistics_validate_capability($WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_option')))) {
wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
// We want to make sure the tables actually exist before we blindly start access them.
$dbname = DB_NAME;
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visit' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_historical' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_pages' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline' OR `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_search'" );
if( $result != 7 ) {
$get_bloginfo_url = get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_OPTIMIZATION_PAGE . "&tab=database";
$missing_tables = array();
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visitor'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visit'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visit'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_exclusions'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_historical'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_historical'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_useronline'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_pages'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_pages'; }
$result = $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` = '{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_search'" );
if( $result != 1 ) { $missing_tables[] = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_search'; }
wp_die('<div class="error"><p>' . sprintf(__('The following plugin table(s) do not exist in the database, please re-run the %s install routine %s: ', 'wp_statistics'),'<a href="' . $get_bloginfo_url . '">','</a>') . implode(', ', $missing_tables) . '</p></div>');
// Load the postbox script that provides the widget style boxes.
// Load the css we use for the statistics pages.
wp_enqueue_style('log-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/log' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.1');
wp_enqueue_style('pagination-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/pagination' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.0');
wp_enqueue_style('jqplot-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/jquery.jqplot' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.0.9');
// Don't forget the right to left support.
if( is_rtl() )
wp_enqueue_style('rtl-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/rtl' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.1');
// Load the charts code.
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/jquery.jqplot' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9' );
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-daterenderer', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.dateAxisRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-tickrenderer', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-axisrenderer', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.canvasAxisLabelRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-textrenderer', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-tooltip', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.highlighter' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-pierenderer', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.pieRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
wp_enqueue_script('jqplot-enhancedlengend', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.enhancedLegendRenderer' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.0.9');
// Load the pagination code.
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/classes/pagination.class.php';
// The different pages have different files to load.
if( $log_type == 'last-all-search' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/last-search.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'last-all-visitor' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/last-visitor.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'top-referring-site' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/top-referring.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'all-browsers' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/all-browsers.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'top-countries' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/top-countries.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'hit-statistics' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/hit-statistics.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'search-statistics' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/search-statistics.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'exclusions' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/exclusions.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'online' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/online.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'top-visitors' ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/top-visitors.php';
} else if( $log_type == 'top-pages' ) {
// If we've been given a page id or uri to get statistics for, load the page stats, otherwise load the page stats overview page.
if( array_key_exists( 'page-id', $_GET ) || array_key_exists( 'page-uri', $_GET ) ) {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/page-statistics.php';
} else {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/top-pages.php';
} else {
wp_enqueue_style('jqvmap-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqvmap/jqvmap' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.5.1');
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-vmap', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqvmap/jquery.vmap' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.5.1');
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-vmap-world', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/jqvmap/maps/' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js', true, '1.5.1');
// Load our custom widgets handling javascript.
wp_enqueue_script('wp_statistics_log', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/js/log' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.js');
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/log/log.php';
// This function loads the optimization page code.
function wp_statistics_optimization() {
GLOBAL $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
// Check the current user has the rights to be here.
if (!current_user_can(wp_statistics_validate_capability($WP_Statistics->get_option('manage_capability', 'manage_options')))) {
wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
// When we create $WP_Statistics the user has not been authenticated yet so we cannot load the user preferences
// during the creation of the class. Instead load them now that the user exists.
// Load the jQuery UI code to create the tabs.
wp_register_style("jquery-ui-css", plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css');
if( is_rtl() ) {
wp_enqueue_style('rtl-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/rtl' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.1');
// Get the row count for each of the tables, we'll use this later on in the wps_optimization.php file.
$result['useronline'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline`");
$result['visit'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visit`");
$result['visitor'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor`");
$result['exclusions'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions`");
$result['pages'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(uri) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_pages`");
$result['historical'] = $wpdb->get_Var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_historical`");
$result['search'] = $wpdb->get_Var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_search`");
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/includes/optimization/wps-optimization.php";
// This function displays the HTML for the settings page.
function wp_statistics_settings() {
GLOBAL $WP_Statistics;
// Check the current user has the rights to be here.
if (!current_user_can(wp_statistics_validate_capability($WP_Statistics->get_option('read_capability', 'manage_options')))) {
wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
// When we create $WP_Statistics the user has not been authenticated yet so we cannot load the user preferences
// during the creation of the class. Instead load them now that the user exists.
// Load our CSS to be used.
wp_enqueue_style('log-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/style' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.0');
// Load the jQuery UI code to create the tabs.
wp_register_style("jquery-ui-css", plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css');
if( is_rtl() ) {
wp_enqueue_style('rtl-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/css/rtl' . WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT . '.css', true, '1.1');
// We could let the download happen at the end of the page, but this way we get to give some
// feedback to the users about the result.
if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('update_geoip') == true ) {
echo wp_statistics_download_geoip();
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/includes/settings/wps-settings.php";