You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

This is a list of all known country codes and their country names.
It is used in several places in the plugin and is therefore centralized here for ease of update.
$ISOCountryCode['000'] = _x( 'Unknown', 'Country', 'wp-statistics' );
$ISOCountryCode['AF'] = "Afghanistan";
$ISOCountryCode['AX'] = "Åland Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['AL'] = "Albania";
$ISOCountryCode['DZ'] = "Algeria";
$ISOCountryCode['AS'] = "American Samoa";
$ISOCountryCode['AD'] = "Andorra";
$ISOCountryCode['AO'] = "Angola";
$ISOCountryCode['AI'] = "Anguilla";
$ISOCountryCode['AQ'] = "Antarctica";
$ISOCountryCode['AG'] = "Antigua and Barbuda";
$ISOCountryCode['AR'] = "Argentina";
$ISOCountryCode['AM'] = "Armenia";
$ISOCountryCode['AW'] = "Aruba";
$ISOCountryCode['AU'] = "Australia";
$ISOCountryCode['AT'] = "Austria";
$ISOCountryCode['AZ'] = "Azerbaijan";
$ISOCountryCode['BS'] = "Bahamas";
$ISOCountryCode['BH'] = "Bahrain";
$ISOCountryCode['BD'] = "Bangladesh";
$ISOCountryCode['BB'] = "Barbados";
$ISOCountryCode['BY'] = "Belarus";
$ISOCountryCode['BE'] = "Belgium";
$ISOCountryCode['BZ'] = "Belize";
$ISOCountryCode['BJ'] = "Benin";
$ISOCountryCode['BM'] = "Bermuda";
$ISOCountryCode['BT'] = "Bhutan";
$ISOCountryCode['BO'] = "Bolivia, Plurinational State of";
$ISOCountryCode['BQ'] = "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba";
$ISOCountryCode['BA'] = "Bosnia and Herzegovina";
$ISOCountryCode['BW'] = "Botswana";
$ISOCountryCode['BV'] = "Bouvet Island";
$ISOCountryCode['BR'] = "Brazil";
$ISOCountryCode['BQ'] = "British Antarctic Territory";
$ISOCountryCode['IO'] = "British Indian Ocean Territory";
$ISOCountryCode['BN'] = "Brunei Darussalam";
$ISOCountryCode['BG'] = "Bulgaria";
$ISOCountryCode['BF'] = "Burkina Faso";
$ISOCountryCode['BU'] = "Burma";
$ISOCountryCode['BI'] = "Burundi";
$ISOCountryCode['BY'] = "Byelorussian SSR";
$ISOCountryCode['KH'] = "Cambodia";
$ISOCountryCode['CM'] = "Cameroon";
$ISOCountryCode['CA'] = "Canada";
$ISOCountryCode['CT'] = "Canton and Enderbury Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['CV'] = "Cape Verde";
$ISOCountryCode['KY'] = "Cayman Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['CF'] = "Central African Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['TD'] = "Chad";
$ISOCountryCode['CL'] = "Chile";
$ISOCountryCode['CN'] = "China";
$ISOCountryCode['CX'] = "Christmas Island";
$ISOCountryCode['CC'] = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['CO'] = "Colombia";
$ISOCountryCode['KM'] = "Comoros";
$ISOCountryCode['CG'] = "Congo";
$ISOCountryCode['CD'] = "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)";
$ISOCountryCode['CK'] = "Cook Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['CR'] = "Costa Rica";
$ISOCountryCode['CI'] = "Côte dIvoire";
$ISOCountryCode['HR'] = "Croatia";
$ISOCountryCode['CU'] = "Cuba";
$ISOCountryCode['CW'] = "Curaçao";
$ISOCountryCode['CY'] = "Cyprus";
$ISOCountryCode['CZ'] = "Czech Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['CS'] = "Czechoslovakia";
$ISOCountryCode['DY'] = "Dahomey";
$ISOCountryCode['DK'] = "Denmark";
$ISOCountryCode['DJ'] = "Djibouti";
$ISOCountryCode['DM'] = "Dominica";
$ISOCountryCode['DO'] = "Dominican Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['NQ'] = "Dronning Maud Land";
$ISOCountryCode['TP'] = "East Timor";
$ISOCountryCode['EC'] = "Ecuador";
$ISOCountryCode['EG'] = "Egypt";
$ISOCountryCode['SV'] = "El Salvador";
$ISOCountryCode['GQ'] = "Equatorial Guinea";
$ISOCountryCode['ER'] = "Eritrea";
$ISOCountryCode['EE'] = "Estonia";
$ISOCountryCode['ET'] = "Ethiopia";
$ISOCountryCode['FK'] = "Falkland Islands [Malvinas]";
$ISOCountryCode['FO'] = "Faroe Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['FJ'] = "Fiji";
$ISOCountryCode['FI'] = "Finland";
$ISOCountryCode['FR'] = "France";
$ISOCountryCode['FX'] = "France, Metropolitan";
$ISOCountryCode['AI'] = "French Afars and Issas";
$ISOCountryCode['GF'] = "French Guiana";
$ISOCountryCode['PF'] = "French Polynesia";
$ISOCountryCode['FQ'] = "French Southern and Antarctic Territories";
$ISOCountryCode['TF'] = "French Southern Territories";
$ISOCountryCode['GA'] = "Gabon";
$ISOCountryCode['GM'] = "Gambia";
$ISOCountryCode['GE'] = "Georgia";
$ISOCountryCode['DD'] = "German Democratic Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['DE'] = "Germany";
$ISOCountryCode['GH'] = "Ghana";
$ISOCountryCode['GI'] = "Gibraltar";
$ISOCountryCode['GR'] = "Greece";
$ISOCountryCode['GL'] = "Greenland";
$ISOCountryCode['GD'] = "Grenada";
$ISOCountryCode['GP'] = "Guadeloupe";
$ISOCountryCode['GU'] = "Guam";
$ISOCountryCode['GT'] = "Guatemala";
$ISOCountryCode['GG'] = "Guernsey";
$ISOCountryCode['GN'] = "Guinea";
$ISOCountryCode['GW'] = "Guinea-Bissau";
$ISOCountryCode['GY'] = "Guyana";
$ISOCountryCode['HT'] = "Haiti";
$ISOCountryCode['HM'] = "Heard Island and McDonald Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['VA'] = "Holy See [Vatican City State]";
$ISOCountryCode['HN'] = "Honduras";
$ISOCountryCode['HK'] = "Hong Kong";
$ISOCountryCode['HU'] = "Hungary";
$ISOCountryCode['IS'] = "Iceland";
$ISOCountryCode['IN'] = "India";
$ISOCountryCode['ID'] = "Indonesia";
$ISOCountryCode['IR'] = "Iran";
$ISOCountryCode['IQ'] = "Iraq";
$ISOCountryCode['IE'] = "Ireland";
$ISOCountryCode['IM'] = "Isle of Man";
$ISOCountryCode['IL'] = "Israel";
$ISOCountryCode['IT'] = "Italy";
$ISOCountryCode['JM'] = "Jamaica";
$ISOCountryCode['JP'] = "Japan";
$ISOCountryCode['JE'] = "Jersey";
$ISOCountryCode['JT'] = "Johnston Island";
$ISOCountryCode['JO'] = "Jordan";
$ISOCountryCode['KZ'] = "Kazakhstan";
$ISOCountryCode['KE'] = "Kenya";
$ISOCountryCode['KI'] = "Kiribati";
$ISOCountryCode['KP'] = "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)";
$ISOCountryCode['KR'] = "Korea (the Republic of)";
$ISOCountryCode['KW'] = "Kuwait";
$ISOCountryCode['KG'] = "Kyrgyzstan";
$ISOCountryCode['LA'] = "Lao People's Democratic Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['LV'] = "Latvia";
$ISOCountryCode['LB'] = "Lebanon";
$ISOCountryCode['LS'] = "Lesotho";
$ISOCountryCode['LR'] = "Liberia";
$ISOCountryCode['LY'] = "Libya";
$ISOCountryCode['LI'] = "Liechtenstein";
$ISOCountryCode['LT'] = "Lithuania";
$ISOCountryCode['LU'] = "Luxembourg";
$ISOCountryCode['MO'] = "Macao";
$ISOCountryCode['MK'] = "Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)";
$ISOCountryCode['MG'] = "Madagascar";
$ISOCountryCode['MW'] = "Malawi";
$ISOCountryCode['MY'] = "Malaysia";
$ISOCountryCode['MV'] = "Maldives";
$ISOCountryCode['ML'] = "Mali";
$ISOCountryCode['MT'] = "Malta";
$ISOCountryCode['MH'] = "Marshall Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['MQ'] = "Martinique";
$ISOCountryCode['MR'] = "Mauritania";
$ISOCountryCode['MU'] = "Mauritius";
$ISOCountryCode['YT'] = "Mayotte";
$ISOCountryCode['MX'] = "Mexico";
$ISOCountryCode['FM'] = "Micronesia (the Federated States of)";
$ISOCountryCode['MI'] = "Midway Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['MD'] = "Moldova (the Republic of)";
$ISOCountryCode['MC'] = "Monaco";
$ISOCountryCode['MN'] = "Mongolia";
$ISOCountryCode['ME'] = "Montenegro";
$ISOCountryCode['MS'] = "Montserrat";
$ISOCountryCode['MA'] = "Morocco";
$ISOCountryCode['MZ'] = "Mozambique";
$ISOCountryCode['MM'] = "Myanmar";
$ISOCountryCode['NA'] = "Namibia";
$ISOCountryCode['NR'] = "Nauru";
$ISOCountryCode['NP'] = "Nepal";
$ISOCountryCode['NL'] = "Netherlands";
$ISOCountryCode['AN'] = "Netherlands Antilles";
$ISOCountryCode['NT'] = "Neutral Zone";
$ISOCountryCode['NC'] = "New Caledonia";
$ISOCountryCode['NH'] = "New Hebrides";
$ISOCountryCode['NZ'] = "New Zealand";
$ISOCountryCode['NI'] = "Nicaragua";
$ISOCountryCode['NE'] = "Niger";
$ISOCountryCode['NG'] = "Nigeria";
$ISOCountryCode['NU'] = "Niue";
$ISOCountryCode['NF'] = "Norfolk Island";
$ISOCountryCode['MP'] = "Northern Mariana Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['NO'] = "Norway";
$ISOCountryCode['OM'] = "Oman";
$ISOCountryCode['PC'] = "Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)";
$ISOCountryCode['PK'] = "Pakistan";
$ISOCountryCode['PW'] = "Palau";
$ISOCountryCode['PS'] = "Palestine, State of";
$ISOCountryCode['PA'] = "Panama";
$ISOCountryCode['PZ'] = "Panama Canal Zone";
$ISOCountryCode['PG'] = "Papua New Guinea";
$ISOCountryCode['PY'] = "Paraguay";
$ISOCountryCode['PE'] = "Peru";
$ISOCountryCode['PH'] = "Philippines";
$ISOCountryCode['PN'] = "Pitcairn";
$ISOCountryCode['PL'] = "Poland";
$ISOCountryCode['PT'] = "Portugal";
$ISOCountryCode['PR'] = "Puerto Rico";
$ISOCountryCode['QA'] = "Qatar";
$ISOCountryCode['RE'] = "Réunion";
$ISOCountryCode['RO'] = "Romania";
$ISOCountryCode['RU'] = "Russian Federation";
$ISOCountryCode['RW'] = "Rwanda";
$ISOCountryCode['BL'] = "Saint Barthélemy";
$ISOCountryCode['SH'] = "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha";
$ISOCountryCode['KN'] = "Saint Kitts and Nevis";
$ISOCountryCode['LC'] = "Saint Lucia";
$ISOCountryCode['MF'] = "Saint Martin (French part)";
$ISOCountryCode['PM'] = "Saint Pierre and Miquelon";
$ISOCountryCode['VC'] = "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines";
$ISOCountryCode['WS'] = "Samoa";
$ISOCountryCode['SM'] = "San Marino";
$ISOCountryCode['ST'] = "Sao Tome and Principe";
$ISOCountryCode['SA'] = "Saudi Arabia";
$ISOCountryCode['SN'] = "Senegal";
$ISOCountryCode['RS'] = "Serbia";
$ISOCountryCode['CS'] = "Serbia and Montenegro";
$ISOCountryCode['SC'] = "Seychelles";
$ISOCountryCode['SL'] = "Sierra Leone";
$ISOCountryCode['SK'] = "Sikkim";
$ISOCountryCode['SG'] = "Singapore";
$ISOCountryCode['SX'] = "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)";
$ISOCountryCode['SK'] = "Slovakia";
$ISOCountryCode['SI'] = "Slovenia";
$ISOCountryCode['SB'] = "Solomon Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['SO'] = "Somalia";
$ISOCountryCode['ZA'] = "South Africa";
$ISOCountryCode['GS'] = "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['SS'] = "South Sudan ";
$ISOCountryCode['RH'] = "Southern Rhodesia";
$ISOCountryCode['ES'] = "Spain";
$ISOCountryCode['LK'] = "Sri Lanka";
$ISOCountryCode['SD'] = "Sudan";
$ISOCountryCode['SR'] = "Suriname";
$ISOCountryCode['SJ'] = "Svalbard and Jan Mayen";
$ISOCountryCode['SZ'] = "Swaziland";
$ISOCountryCode['SE'] = "Sweden";
$ISOCountryCode['CH'] = "Switzerland";
$ISOCountryCode['SY'] = "Syrian Arab Republic";
$ISOCountryCode['TW'] = "Taiwan (Province of China)";
$ISOCountryCode['TJ'] = "Tajikistan";
$ISOCountryCode['TZ'] = "Tanzania, United Republic of";
$ISOCountryCode['TH'] = "Thailand";
$ISOCountryCode['TL'] = "Timor-Leste";
$ISOCountryCode['TG'] = "Togo";
$ISOCountryCode['TK'] = "Tokelau";
$ISOCountryCode['TO'] = "Tonga";
$ISOCountryCode['TT'] = "Trinidad and Tobago";
$ISOCountryCode['TN'] = "Tunisia";
$ISOCountryCode['TR'] = "Turkey";
$ISOCountryCode['TM'] = "Turkmenistan";
$ISOCountryCode['TC'] = "Turks and Caicos Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['TV'] = "Tuvalu";
$ISOCountryCode['UG'] = "Uganda";
$ISOCountryCode['UA'] = "Ukraine";
$ISOCountryCode['AE'] = "United Arab Emirates";
$ISOCountryCode['GB'] = "United Kingdom";
$ISOCountryCode['US'] = "United States";
$ISOCountryCode['UM'] = "United States Minor Outlying Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['PU'] = "United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands";
$ISOCountryCode['HV'] = "Upper Volta";
$ISOCountryCode['UY'] = "Uruguay";
$ISOCountryCode['SU'] = "USSR";
$ISOCountryCode['UZ'] = "Uzbekistan";
$ISOCountryCode['VU'] = "Vanuatu";
$ISOCountryCode['VE'] = "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of ";
$ISOCountryCode['VN'] = "Viet Nam";
$ISOCountryCode['VD'] = "Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of";
$ISOCountryCode['VG'] = "Virgin Islands (British)";
$ISOCountryCode['VI'] = "Virgin Islands (U.S.)";
$ISOCountryCode['WK'] = "Wake Island";
$ISOCountryCode['WF'] = "Wallis and Futuna";
$ISOCountryCode['EH'] = "Western Sahara";
$ISOCountryCode['XK'] = "Kosovo";
$ISOCountryCode['YE'] = "Yemen";
$ISOCountryCode['YD'] = "Yemen, Democratic";
$ISOCountryCode['YU'] = "Yugoslavia";
$ISOCountryCode['ZR'] = "Zaire";
$ISOCountryCode['ZM'] = "Zambia";
$ISOCountryCode['ZW'] = "Zimbabwe";