You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
9.4 KiB

6 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import http
import hmac
import json
import socket
import threading
import logging
6 years ago
from flask import Flask, request
from pprint import pprint
from hashlib import sha256
from phabricator import Phabricator
from time import sleep
6 years ago
website = ""
phab = Phabricator(host=website+"/api/", token="API KEY")
global username
username = "lugito"
server = ""
port = 6667
channel = "#lubuntu-devel"
6 years ago
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
app = Flask(__name__)
def connecttoirc():
global conn, username
6 years ago
conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
conn.connect((server, port))
setup = False
usersuffix = 0
while setup == False:
response = conn.recv(512).decode("utf-8")
if "No Ident response" in response:
conn.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(username).encode("utf-8"))
conn.send("USER {} * * :{}\r\n".format(username, username).encode("utf-8"))
if "376" in response:
conn.send("JOIN {}\r\n".format(channel).encode("utf-8"))
if "433" in response:
usersuffix = usersuffix + 1
username = username + str(usersuffix)
conn.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(username).encode("utf-8"))
conn.send("USER {} * * :{}\r\n".format(username, username).encode("utf-8"))
if "PING" in response:
conn.send("PONG :{}\r\n".format(response.split(":")[1]).encode("utf-8"))
if "366" in response:
setup = True"Successfully connected to the IRC server.")
6 years ago
def isnewtask(task):
modified = None
for data in task:
if modified:
if data["dateCreated"] == data["dateModified"] and data["dateCreated"] == modified:
modified = data["dateCreated"]
newtask = True
newtask = False
modified = data["dateCreated"]
return newtask
def sendnotice(message):
6 years ago
conn.send("NOTICE {} :{}\r\n".format(channel, message).encode("utf-8"))
def ircmessage(objectstr, who, body, link):
# e.g. [T31: Better IRC integration]
message = "\x033[\x03\x0313" + objectstr + "\x03\x033]\x03 "
# e.g. tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley)
message = message + "\x0315" + who + "\x03 "
# e.g. commented on the task:
message = message + body + ": "
# e.g.
message = message + "\x032" + link + "\x03"
# Make sure we can debug this if it goes haywire
# Sleep for a second, so when we have a bunch of messages we have a buffer
# Aaaaand, send it off!
6 years ago
def gettaskinfo(task):
sendmessage = ""
# We only need the task number.
taskinfo ="T")[1]))
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x033[\x03"
# The color of the priority text should correspond to its value.
color = taskinfo["priorityColor"]
if color == "violet":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x036Needs Triage"
elif color == "pink":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x035Unbreak Now!"
elif color == "red":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x034High"
elif color == "orange":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x037Medium"
elif color == "yellow":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x038Low"
elif color == "sky":
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x037Wishlist"
# Put the task status in the message.
sendmessage = sendmessage + ", " + taskinfo["statusName"] + "\x03"
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x033]\x03 "
# Put the title in there as well.
sendmessage = sendmessage + taskinfo["title"].strip() + ": "
# And the link.
sendmessage = sendmessage + "\x032" + taskinfo["uri"] + "\x03"
# Send it off!
# If someone wrote something like "Tblah", obviously that's not right.
except ValueError:
sendnotice("\x034Error: " + task.strip() + "is an invalid task reference.\x03")
return None
def ircbot(message, msgtype):
if msgtype == "info":
message = message.split(" :" + username + ": info")[1]
for item in message.split():
if item.startswith("T"):
elif msgtype == "link":
for item in message.split(""):
if item.split()[0].strip().startswith("T"):
sendnotice("\x034Error: unknown command.\x03")
return None
def listenirc():
while True:
ircmsg = conn.recv(512)
if len(ircmsg) == 0:
logger.warn("Connection lost, reconnecting!")
ircmsg = ircmsg.decode("UTF-8").strip('\n\r')
if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1:
conn.send(bytes("PONG :pingis\n", "UTF-8"))
elif ircmsg.find(" :" + username + ": info") != -1:
ircbot(ircmsg, "info")
elif ircmsg.find("") != -1:
ircbot(ircmsg, "link")
6 years ago
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def main():
data =
hash ="HMAC KEY", "utf-8"), data, sha256)
# We MUST ensure that the request came from Phab.
6 years ago
if hash.hexdigest() == request.headers["X-Phabricator-Webhook-Signature"]:
data = json.loads(data)
6 years ago
exists = True
6 years ago
# Try to find the object.
search =["object"]["phid"])["data"]
# Find the author too.
userlookup = search[0]["authorPHID"]
who = str(dict(phab.phid.query(phids=[userlookup]))[userlookup]["fullName"])
# If the object exists, no worries, let's just return a good response.
6 years ago
except http.client.HTTPException:
exists = False
6 years ago
if exists:
logger.debug("Object exists, checking to see if it's a task or a commit.")
if data["object"]["type"] == "TASK":
logger.debug("This is a task. Checking if it's new.")
newtask = isnewtask(search)
if newtask:
logger.debug("Yes, it's a new task.")
logger.debug("No, it's not a new task.")
# If it's not a new task, let's see if it's a comment, and if it's just an edit.
comment = None
commentid = None
edited = None
if not newtask:
commentid = None
edited = False
for task in search:
dataepoch = data["action"]["epoch"]
datemodified = task["dateModified"]
# All comments within ten seconds of the request are fair game.
if datemodified >= (dataepoch - 10) and datemodified <= (dataepoch + 10) and task["comments"] != []:
logger.debug("It's a comment, yes.")
comment = True
commentid = task["id"]
if datemodified != task["dateCreated"]:
logger.debug("The comment was edited.")
edited = True
logger.debug("The comment was NOT edited.")
edited = False
comment = False
if comment or edited or newtask:
objectstr = phab.phid.query(phids=[data["object"]["phid"]])[data["object"]["phid"]]["fullName"]
if comment:
body = "commented on the task"
elif edited:
body = "edited a message on the task"
elif newtask:
body = "just created this task"
# Assuming this is a comment, there should always be a URI associated with it.
link = phab.phid.query(phids=[data["object"]["phid"]])[data["object"]["phid"]]["uri"]
# Even though this can be off sometimes, let's include the comment ID in the link too.
# FIXME: Make this more accurate, and figure out why it's inaccurate at times.
if commentid:
link = link + "#" + str(commentid)
ircmessage(objectstr, who, body, link)
elif data["object"]["type"] == "CMIT":
logger.debug("It's a commit!")
commitphid = data["object"]["phid"]
objectstr = phab.phid.query(phids=[commitphid])[commitphid]["fullName"]
body = "committed"
# The URI for this one is waaaaaaay too long. Let's assemble it ourselves.
link = website + "/" + phab.phid.query(phids=[commitphid])[commitphid]["name"]
ircmessage(objectstr, who, body, link)
6 years ago
return "OK"
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = threading.Thread(target=listenirc)
t.daemon = True
t.start()"", port=5000)