You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.6 KiB

6 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import http
import hmac
import json
import socket
from flask import Flask, request
from pprint import pprint
from hashlib import sha256
from phabricator import Phabricator
website = ""
phab = Phabricator(host=website+"/api/", token="API KEY")
app = Flask(__name__)
def isnewtask(task):
modified = None
for data in task:
if modified != None:
if data["dateCreated"] == data["dateModified"] and data["dateCreated"] == modified:
modified = data["dateCreated"]
newtask = True
newtask = False
modified = data["dateCreated"]
return newtask
def sendnotice(message):
username = "lugito"
server = ""
port = 6667
channel = "#lubuntu-devel"
6 years ago
conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
conn.connect((server, port))
setup = False
usersuffix = 0
while setup == False:
response = conn.recv(512).decode("utf-8")
if "No Ident response" in response:
conn.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(username).encode("utf-8"))
conn.send("USER {} * * :{}\r\n".format(username, username).encode("utf-8"))
if "376" in response:
conn.send("JOIN {}\r\n".format(channel).encode("utf-8"))
if "433" in response:
usersuffix = usersuffix + 1
username = username + str(usersuffix)
conn.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(username).encode("utf-8"))
conn.send("USER {} * * :{}\r\n".format(username, username).encode("utf-8"))
if "PING" in response:
conn.send("PONG :{}\r\n".format(response.split(":")[1]).encode("utf-8"))
if "366" in response:
setup = True
conn.send("NOTICE {} :{}\r\n".format(channel, message).encode("utf-8"))
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def main():
data =
hash ="HMAC KEY", "utf-8"), data, sha256)
# We MUST ensure that the request came from Phab
if hash.hexdigest() == request.headers["X-Phabricator-Webhook-Signature"]:
data = json.loads(data)
taskexists = True
tasksearch =["object"]["phid"])["data"]
except http.client.HTTPException:
taskexists = False
if taskexists:
commentid = None
edited = False
6 years ago
# Let's see if this was a comment and if it's just an edit
for task in tasksearch:
dataepoch = data["action"]["epoch"]
datemodified = task["dateModified"]
if datemodified >= (dataepoch - 10) and datemodified <= (dataepoch + 10) and task["comments"] != []:
comment = True
commentid = task["id"]
if datemodified != task["dateCreated"]:
edited = True
edited = False
comment = False
newcomment = False
epoch = False
if not comment and not edited:
for task in tasksearch:
if epoch:
if task["dateCreated"] == task["dateModified"] and task["dateCreated"] == epoch:
newcomment = True
newcomment = False
epoch = task["dateCreated"]
6 years ago
# We should also know who did this thing
userlookup = tasksearch[0]["authorPHID"]
who = dict(phab.phid.query(phids=[userlookup]))[userlookup]["fullName"]
if isnewtask(tasksearch) is False and commentid is not None:
fulltaskname = phab.phid.query(phids=[data["object"]["phid"]])[data["object"]["phid"]]["fullName"]
link = "\x032" + phab.phid.query(phids=[data["object"]["phid"]])[data["object"]["phid"]]["uri"] + "#" + str(commentid) + "\x03"
message = "\x033[\x03\x0313"+ fulltaskname +"\x03\x033]\x03 \x0315" + str(who) + "\x03 "
if comment == True:
6 years ago
message = message + "commented on the task: " + link
elif edited == True:
message = message + "edited a message on the task: " + link
elif newcomment == True:
message = message + "just created this task: " + link
6 years ago
return "OK"
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=5000)