@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ import logging
import phabricator
import lugito
import requests
import json
import jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
from string import Template
@ -88,5 +91,46 @@ class jenkins(object):
r.status_code, r.reason))
def auth_jenkins(self):
"""Authenticate with the Jenkins server"""
site = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["site"]
user = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["user"]
key = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["api_key"]
server = Jenkins(site, username=user, password=key)
return server
def receive(self, proj_name):
"""Receive the project name and return the status of the last build"""
proj_name = json.loads(proj_name)["PROJECT"]
status = None
# Authenticate with the server
jenkins = self.auth_jenkins()
# Check if the project name matches a valid one on the server
# If it does, grab the job info, if it doesn't, stop
proj = None
for job in jenkins.get_jobs():
if job[0] == proj_name:
proj = job
if not proj:
return status
# Return the status of the last completed build
status = proj[1].get_last_completed_build().get_status()
url = proj[1].get_last_completed_build().get_build_url()
return proj[0], status, url
except jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NoBuildData:
return None
def listen(self):