[bumpversion] current_version = 0.1.0 commit = True tag = True [bumpversion:file:setup.py] search = version='{current_version}' replace = version='{new_version}' [bumpversion:file:lugito/__init__.py] search = __version__ = '{current_version}' replace = __version__ = '{new_version}' [bdist_wheel] universal = 1 [flake8] exclude = docs [aliases] # Define setup.py command aliases here test = pytest [tool:pytest] collect_ignore = ['setup.py'] # See the docstring in versioneer.py for instructions. Note that you must # re-run 'versioneer.py setup' after changing this section, and commit the # resulting files. [versioneer] VCS = git style = pep440 versionfile_source = lugito/_version.py versionfile_build = lugito/_version.py tag_prefix = '' parentdir_prefix = lugito-