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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# S.D.G
Define a jenkins connector class
.. currentmodule:: lugito.connectors.jenkins
# Imports
import re
import logging
import phabricator
import lugito
import requests
import json
import jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
from string import Template
class jenkins(object):
def __init__(self, log_level=logging.DEBUG):
# Launchpad info
# Read the configuration out of the .lugitorc file
self.package_names =\
# Phabricator info
self.phab = phabricator.Phabricator(
# Jenkins info
self.jenkins_site = lugito.config.CONFIG['connectors']['jenkins']\
self.jenkins_trigger_url = lugito.config.CONFIG['connectors']\
self.phab_host = lugito.config.CONFIG['phabricator']['host'].replace(
'api/', '')
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lugito.connector.jenkins')
self.jenkins = self.auth_jenkins()
# Add log level
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
def get_package_name(self, name):
"""Need to check"""
if name in self.package_names:
return self.package_names[name]
self.logger.debug('{} is an unsupported repository'.format(
def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send the commit message"""
if len(args) == 1:
package_name = args
elif len(kwargs) == 1:
package_name = kwargs['package_name']
# Get the package name we'll be triggering; this assumes the repo
# name always matches the package name
package_name = self.get_package_name(package_name.lower())
if package_name:
package_url = self.jenkins_trigger_url.replace(
"PACKAGE", package_name)
r ="{}/git/notifyCommit?url={}".format(
self.jenkins_site, package_url), data="")
self.logger.debug("Sent to Jenkins: {} {}".format(
r.status_code, r.reason))
def auth_jenkins(self):
"""Authenticate with the Jenkins server"""
site = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["site"]
user = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["user"]
key = lugito.config.CONFIG["connectors"]["jenkins"]["api_key"]
server = Jenkins(site, username=user, password=key)
return server
def receive(self, proj_name):
"""Receive the project name and return the status of the last build"""
proj_name = json.loads(proj_name)["PROJECT"]
status = None
print("Getting project")
# If the server has the job, use it
if self.jenkins.has_job(proj_name):
proj = (proj_name, self.jenkins.get_job(proj_name))
# Get the status of the last completed build if there isone
# Get the data from Jenkins
status = proj[1].get_last_completed_build().get_status()
url = proj[1].get_last_completed_build().get_build_url()
except jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NoBuildData:
return None
# Get the status of <current build> - 1
last_status = proj[1].get_build(proj[1].get_last_buildnumber() - 1)
last_status = last_status.get_status()
# If it has been consistently stable, don't cause extra noise
if status == "SUCCESS" and last_status == status:
return proj[0], None, url
print("Customizing build status")
# Customize the message depending on the previous build status
if status == "SUCCESS":
if last_status == "FAILURE":
status = "just succeeded after failing"
elif last_status == "UNSTABLE":
status = "just became stable"
# Color it green
status = "\x033" + status + "\x03"
elif status == "FAILURE":
if last_status == "SUCCESS":
status = "just failed after succeeding"
elif last_status == "UNSTABLE":
status = "just failed after being unstable"
# Color it red
status = "\x034" + status + "\x03"
elif status == "UNSTABLE":
if last_status == "SUCCESS":
status = "just became unstable"
elif last_status == "FAILURE":
status = "just became unstable after failing"
# Color it yellow
status = "\x038" + status + "\x03"
elif status == "ABORTED":
# Color it gray
status = "\x0315" + status + "\x03"
return proj[0], status, url
def listen(self):