/* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "application.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace LxImage; MainWindow::MainWindow(): QMainWindow(), currentFile_(NULL), slideShowTimer_(NULL), // currentFileInfo_(NULL), loadJob_(NULL), saveJob_(NULL), folder_(NULL), folderPath_(NULL), folderModel_(new Fm::FolderModel()), proxyModel_(new Fm::ProxyFolderModel()), modelFilter_(new ModelFilter()), imageModified_(false), contextMenu_(new QMenu(this)), thumbnailsDock_(NULL), thumbnailsView_(NULL), image_() { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); // FIXME: check if current image is saved before close Application* app = static_cast(qApp); app->addWindow(); Settings& settings = app->settings(); ui.setupUi(this); connect(ui.actionScreenshot, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), app, SLOT(screenshot())); connect(ui.actionPreferences, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), app ,SLOT(editPreferences())); proxyModel_->addFilter(modelFilter_); proxyModel_->sort(Fm::FolderModel::ColumnFileName, Qt::AscendingOrder); proxyModel_->setSourceModel(folderModel_); // build context menu ui.view->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui.view, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(onContextMenu(QPoint))); // install an event filter on the image view ui.view->installEventFilter(this); ui.view->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(settings.bgColor())); if(settings.showThumbnails()) setShowThumbnails(true); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionPrevious); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionNext); contextMenu_->addSeparator(); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionZoomOut); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionZoomIn); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionOriginalSize); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionZoomFit); contextMenu_->addSeparator(); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionSlideShow); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionFullScreen); contextMenu_->addSeparator(); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionRotateClockwise); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionRotateCounterclockwise); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionFlipHorizontal); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionFlipVertical); contextMenu_->addAction(ui.actionFlipVertical); // create shortcuts QShortcut* shortcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Left, this); connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(on_actionPrevious_triggered())); shortcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Right, this); connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(on_actionNext_triggered())); shortcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Escape, this); connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(onExitFullscreen())); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { if(slideShowTimer_) delete slideShowTimer_; if(thumbnailsView_) delete thumbnailsView_; if(thumbnailsDock_) delete thumbnailsDock_; if(loadJob_) { loadJob_->cancel(); // we don't need to do delete here. It will be done automatically } if(currentFile_) fm_path_unref(currentFile_); //if(currentFileInfo_) // fm_file_info_unref(currentFileInfo_); if(folder_) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, gpointer(_onFolderLoaded), this); g_object_unref(folder_); } if(folderPath_) fm_path_unref(folderPath_); delete folderModel_; delete proxyModel_; delete modelFilter_; Application* app = static_cast(qApp); app->removeWindow(); } void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() { QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About"), tr("LXImage - a simple and fast image viewer\n\n" "Copyright (C) 2013\n" "LXDE Project: http://lxde.org/\n\n" "Authors:\n" "Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) ")); } void MainWindow::on_actionOriginalSize_triggered() { ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(false); ui.view->zoomOriginal(); } void MainWindow::on_actionZoomFit_triggered() { ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(true); ui.view->zoomFit(); } void MainWindow::on_actionZoomIn_triggered() { ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(false); ui.view->zoomIn(); } void MainWindow::on_actionZoomOut_triggered() { ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(false); ui.view->zoomOut(); } void MainWindow::onFolderLoaded(FmFolder* folder) { qDebug("Finish loading: %d files", proxyModel_->rowCount()); // if currently we're showing a file, get its index in the folder now // since the folder is fully loaded. if(currentFile_ && !currentIndex_.isValid()) { currentIndex_ = indexFromPath(currentFile_); if(thumbnailsView_) { // showing thumbnails // select current file in the thumbnails view thumbnailsView_->childView()->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex_); thumbnailsView_->childView()->scrollTo(currentIndex_, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible); } } } void MainWindow::openImageFile(QString fileName) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_str(qPrintable(fileName)); if(currentFile_ && fm_path_equal(currentFile_, path)) { // the same file! do not load it again fm_path_unref(path); return; } // load the image file asynchronously loadImage(path); loadFolder(fm_path_get_parent(path)); fm_path_unref(path); } // paste the specified image into the current view, // reset the window, remove loaded folders, and // invalidate current file name. void MainWindow::pasteImage(QImage newImage) { // cancel loading of current image if(loadJob_) { loadJob_->cancel(); // the job object will be freed automatically later loadJob_ = NULL; } setModified(true); currentIndex_ = QModelIndex(); // invaludate current index since we don't have a folder model now if(currentFile_) fm_path_unref(currentFile_); currentFile_ = NULL; image_ = newImage; ui.view->setImage(image_); ui.view->zoomOriginal(); updateUI(); } // popup a file dialog and retrieve the selected image file name QString MainWindow::openFileName() { QString filterStr; QList formats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); QList::iterator it = formats.begin(); for(;;) { filterStr += "*."; filterStr += (*it).toLower(); ++it; if(it != formats.end()) filterStr += ' '; else break; } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr("Open File"), QString(), tr("Image files (%1)").arg(filterStr)); return fileName; } // popup a file dialog and retrieve the selected image file name QString MainWindow::saveFileName(QString defaultName) { QString filterStr; QList formats = QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats(); QList::iterator it = formats.begin(); for(;;) { filterStr += "*."; filterStr += (*it).toLower(); ++it; if(it != formats.end()) filterStr += ' '; else break; } // FIXME: should we generate better filter strings? one format per item? QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr("Save File"), defaultName, tr("Image files (%1)").arg(filterStr)); // use png format by default if the extension is not set if(!fileName.isEmpty() && fileName.indexOf('.') == -1) fileName += ".png"; return fileName; } void MainWindow::on_actionOpenFile_triggered() { QString fileName = openFileName(); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { openImageFile(fileName); } } void MainWindow::on_actionNewWindow_triggered() { Application* app = static_cast(qApp); MainWindow* window = new MainWindow(); window->resize(app->settings().windowWidth(), app->settings().windowHeight()); if(app->settings().windowMaximized()) window->setWindowState(window->windowState() | Qt::WindowMaximized); window->show(); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_triggered() { if(saveJob_) // if we're currently saving another file return; if(!image_.isNull()) { if(currentFile_) saveImage(currentFile_); else on_actionSaveAs_triggered(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionSaveAs_triggered() { if(saveJob_) // if we're currently saving another file return; QString fileName = saveFileName(currentFile_ ? Fm::Path(currentFile_).displayName() : QString()); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_str(qPrintable(fileName)); // save the image file asynchronously saveImage(path); if(!currentFile_) { // if we haven't load any file yet currentFile_ = path; loadFolder(fm_path_get_parent(path)); } else fm_path_unref(path); } } void MainWindow::on_actionDelete_triggered() { // delete the current file if(currentFile_) { FmPathList* paths = fm_path_list_new(); fm_path_list_push_tail(paths, currentFile_); Fm::FileOperation::deleteFiles(paths); fm_path_list_unref(paths); } } void MainWindow::on_actionFileProperties_triggered() { if(currentIndex_.isValid()) { FmFileInfo* file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(currentIndex_); // it's better to use an async job to query the file info since it's // possible that loading of the folder is not finished and the file info is // not available yet, but it's overkill for a rarely used function. if(file) Fm::FilePropsDialog::showForFile(file); } } void MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered() { deleteLater(); } void MainWindow::on_actionNext_triggered() { if(proxyModel_->rowCount() <= 1) return; if(currentIndex_.isValid()) { QModelIndex index; if(currentIndex_.row() < proxyModel_->rowCount() - 1) index = proxyModel_->index(currentIndex_.row() + 1, 0); else index = proxyModel_->index(0, 0); FmFileInfo* info = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(info) { FmPath* path = fm_file_info_get_path(info); qDebug("try load: %s", fm_path_get_basename(path)); loadImage(path, index); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionPrevious_triggered() { if(proxyModel_->rowCount() <= 1) return; if(currentIndex_.isValid()) { QModelIndex index; qDebug("current row: %d", currentIndex_.row()); if(currentIndex_.row() > 0) index = proxyModel_->index(currentIndex_.row() - 1, 0); else index = proxyModel_->index(proxyModel_->rowCount() - 1, 0); FmFileInfo* info = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(info) { FmPath* path = fm_file_info_get_path(info); qDebug("try load: %s", fm_path_get_basename(path)); loadImage(path, index); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionFirst_triggered() { QModelIndex index = proxyModel_->index(0, 0); if(index.isValid()) { FmFileInfo* info = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(info) { FmPath* path = fm_file_info_get_path(info); qDebug("try load: %s", fm_path_get_basename(path)); loadImage(path, index); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionLast_triggered() { QModelIndex index = proxyModel_->index(proxyModel_->rowCount() - 1, 0); if(index.isValid()) { FmFileInfo* info = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(info) { FmPath* path = fm_file_info_get_path(info); qDebug("try load: %s", fm_path_get_basename(path)); loadImage(path, index); } } } void MainWindow::loadFolder(FmPath* newFolderPath) { if(folder_) { // an folder is already loaded if(fm_path_equal(newFolderPath, folderPath_)) // same folder, ignore return; // free current folder g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(folder_, gpointer(_onFolderLoaded), this); g_object_unref(folder_); fm_path_unref(folderPath_); } folderPath_ = fm_path_ref(newFolderPath); folder_ = fm_folder_from_path(newFolderPath); g_signal_connect(folder_, "finish-loading", G_CALLBACK(_onFolderLoaded), this); folderModel_->setFolder(folder_); currentIndex_ = QModelIndex(); // set current index to invalid } // the image is loaded (the method is only called if the loading is not cancelled) void MainWindow::onImageLoaded(LoadImageJob* job) { loadJob_ = NULL; // the job object will be freed later automatically image_ = job->image(); ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(true); ui.view->setImage(image_); if(!currentIndex_.isValid()) currentIndex_ = indexFromPath(currentFile_); updateUI(); if(job->error()) { // if there are errors // TODO: show a info bar? } /* we resized and moved the window without showing it in updateUI(), so we need to show it here */ show(); } void MainWindow::onImageSaved(SaveImageJob* job) { if(!job->error()) { setModified(false); } saveJob_ = NULL; } // filter events of other objects, mainly the image view. bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) { // qDebug() << event; if(watched == ui.view) { // we got an event for the image view switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::Wheel: { // mouse wheel event QWheelEvent* wheelEvent = static_cast(event); if(wheelEvent->modifiers() == 0) { int delta = wheelEvent->delta(); if(delta < 0) on_actionNext_triggered(); // next image else on_actionPrevious_triggered(); // previous image } break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: { QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast(event); if(mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) ui.actionFullScreen->trigger(); break; } default:; } } else if(thumbnailsView_ && watched == thumbnailsView_->childView()) { // scroll the thumbnail view with mouse wheel switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::Wheel: { // mouse wheel event QWheelEvent* wheelEvent = static_cast(event); if(wheelEvent->modifiers() == 0) { int delta = wheelEvent->delta(); QScrollBar* hscroll = thumbnailsView_->childView()->horizontalScrollBar(); if(hscroll) hscroll->setValue(hscroll->value() - delta); return true; } break; } default:; } } return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event); } QModelIndex MainWindow::indexFromPath(FmPath* filePath) { // if the folder is already loaded, figure out our index // otherwise, it will be done again in onFolderLoaded() when the folder is fully loaded. if(folder_ && fm_folder_is_loaded(folder_)) { QModelIndex index; int count = proxyModel_->rowCount(); for(int row = 0; row < count; ++row) { index = proxyModel_->index(row, 0); FmFileInfo* info = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(info && fm_path_equal(filePath, fm_file_info_get_path(info))) { return index; } } } return QModelIndex(); } void MainWindow::updateUI() { if(currentIndex_.isValid()) { if(thumbnailsView_) { // showing thumbnails // select current file in the thumbnails view thumbnailsView_->childView()->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex_); thumbnailsView_->childView()->scrollTo(currentIndex_, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible); } } QString title; if(currentFile_) { char* dispName = fm_path_display_basename(currentFile_); if(loadJob_) { // if loading is in progress title = tr("[*]%1 (Loading...) - Image Viewer") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(dispName)); } else { if(image_.isNull()) { title = tr("[*]%1 (Failed to Load) - Image Viewer") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(dispName)); } else { title = tr("[*]%1 (%2x%3) - Image Viewer") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(dispName)) .arg(image_.width()) .arg(image_.height()); /* Here we try to implement the following behavior as far as possible: (1) A minimum size of 400x400 is assumed; (2) The window is scaled to fit the image; (3) But for too big images, the window is scaled down; (4) The window is centered on the screen. */ if (!isVisible()) { /* To have a correct position, we should move the window BEFORE it's shown but we also need to know the dimensions of its view. Therefore, we use show() without really showing the window. */ setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); show(); int scrollThickness = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); QSize newSize = size() + image_.size() - ui.view->size() + QSize(scrollThickness, scrollThickness); QRect ag = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(); // since the window isn't decorated yet, we have to assume a max thickness for its frame QSize maxFrame = QSize(50, 100); if (newSize.width() > ag.width() - maxFrame.width() || newSize.height() > ag.height() - maxFrame.height()) newSize.scale (ag.width() - maxFrame.width(), ag.height() - maxFrame.height(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // a minimum size of 400x400 is good if (newSize.width() < 400) newSize.rwidth() = 400; if (newSize.height() < 400 ) newSize.rheight() = 400; move (ag.x() + (ag.width() - newSize.width())/2, ag.y() + (ag.height() - newSize.height())/2); resize(newSize); hide(); // hide it to show it again later, at onImageLoaded() setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen, false); } } } g_free(dispName); // TODO: update status bar, show current index in the folder } else { title = tr("[*]Image Viewer"); } setWindowTitle(title); setWindowModified(imageModified_); } // Load the specified image file asynchronously in a worker thread. // When the loading is finished, onImageLoaded() will be called. void MainWindow::loadImage(FmPath* filePath, QModelIndex index) { // cancel loading of current image if(loadJob_) { loadJob_->cancel(); // the job object will be freed automatically later loadJob_ = NULL; } if(imageModified_) { // TODO: ask the user to save the modified image? // this should be made optional setModified(false); } currentIndex_ = index; if(currentFile_) fm_path_unref(currentFile_); currentFile_ = fm_path_ref(filePath); // clear current image, but do not update the view now to prevent flickers image_ = QImage(); const char* basename = fm_path_get_basename(currentFile_); char* mimeType = g_content_type_guess(basename, NULL, 0, NULL); if(mimeType && strcmp(mimeType, "image/gif") == 0) { g_free(mimeType); char *file_Name = fm_path_to_str(currentFile_); QString fileName(file_Name); g_free(file_Name); ui.view->setAutoZoomFit(true); // like in onImageLoaded() ui.view->setGifAnimation(fileName); image_ = ui.view->image(); updateUI(); show(); } else { if(mimeType) g_free(mimeType); // start a new gio job to load the specified image loadJob_ = new LoadImageJob(this, filePath); loadJob_->start(); updateUI(); } } void MainWindow::saveImage(FmPath* filePath) { if(saveJob_) // do not launch a new job if the current one is still in progress return; // start a new gio job to save current image to the specified path saveJob_ = new SaveImageJob(this, filePath); saveJob_->start(); // FIXME: add a cancel button to the UI? update status bar? } QGraphicsItem* MainWindow::getGifItem() { if(!ui.view->items().isEmpty()) { QGraphicsItem *gifItem = ui.view->items().at(0); if(gifItem->isWidget()) // we have gif animation return gifItem; } return NULL; } void MainWindow::on_actionRotateClockwise_triggered() { QGraphicsItem *gifItem = getGifItem(); if(!image_.isNull()) { QTransform transform; transform.rotate(90.0); image_ = image_.transformed(transform, Qt::SmoothTransformation); /* when this is a gif animation, we need to rotate the first frame without showing it to have the right measure for auto-zooming */ ui.view->setImage(image_, gifItem ? false : true); setModified(true); } if(gifItem) { QTransform transform; transform.translate(gifItem->sceneBoundingRect().height(), 0); transform.rotate(90); // we need to apply transformations in the reverse order QTransform prevTrans = gifItem->transform(); gifItem->setTransform(transform, false); gifItem->setTransform(prevTrans, true); } } void MainWindow::on_actionRotateCounterclockwise_triggered() { QGraphicsItem *gifItem = getGifItem(); if(!image_.isNull()) { QTransform transform; transform.rotate(-90.0); image_ = image_.transformed(transform, Qt::SmoothTransformation); ui.view->setImage(image_, gifItem ? false : true); setModified(true); } if(gifItem) { QTransform transform; transform.translate(0, gifItem->sceneBoundingRect().width()); transform.rotate(-90); QTransform prevTrans = gifItem->transform(); gifItem->setTransform(transform, false); gifItem->setTransform(prevTrans, true); } } void MainWindow::on_actionCopy_triggered() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QImage copiedImage = image_; // FIXME: should we copy the currently scaled result instead of the original image? /* double factor = ui.view->scaleFactor(); if(factor == 1.0) copiedImage = image_; else copiedImage = image_.scaled(); */ clipboard->setImage(copiedImage); } void MainWindow::on_actionPaste_triggered() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QImage image = clipboard->image(); if(!image.isNull()) { pasteImage(image); } } void MainWindow::on_actionFlipVertical_triggered() { if(QGraphicsItem *gifItem = getGifItem()) { QTransform transform; transform.scale(1, -1); transform.translate(0, -gifItem->sceneBoundingRect().height()); QTransform prevTrans = gifItem->transform(); gifItem->setTransform(transform, false); gifItem->setTransform(prevTrans, true); setModified(true); /* we don't need to flip the first frame because its position and dimensions are the same as before while it isn't shown */ } else if(!image_.isNull()) { image_ = image_.mirrored(false, true); ui.view->setImage(image_); setModified(true); } } void MainWindow::on_actionFlipHorizontal_triggered() { if(QGraphicsItem *gifItem = getGifItem()) { QTransform transform; transform.scale(-1, 1); transform.translate(-gifItem->sceneBoundingRect().width(), 0); QTransform prevTrans = gifItem->transform(); gifItem->setTransform(transform, false); gifItem->setTransform(prevTrans, true); setModified(true); } else if(!image_.isNull()) { image_ = image_.mirrored(true, false); ui.view->setImage(image_); setModified(true); } } void MainWindow::setModified(bool modified) { imageModified_ = modified; updateUI(); } void MainWindow::applySettings() { Application* app = static_cast(qApp); Settings& settings = app->settings(); if(isFullScreen()) ui.view->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(settings.fullScreenBgColor())); else ui.view->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(settings.bgColor())); } void MainWindow::on_actionPrint_triggered() { // QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution); QPrinter printer; QPrintDialog dlg(&printer); if(dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QPainter painter; painter.begin(&printer); QRect pageRect = printer.pageRect(); int cols = (image_.width() / pageRect.width()) + (image_.width() % pageRect.width() ? 1 : 0); int rows = (image_.height() / pageRect.height()) + (image_.height() % pageRect.height() ? 1 : 0); // qDebug() << "page:" << printer.pageRect() << "image:" << image_.size() << "cols, rows:" << cols << rows; for(int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { for(int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { QRect srcRect(pageRect.width() * col, pageRect.height() * row, pageRect.width(), pageRect.height()); // qDebug() << "row:" << row << "col:" << col << "src:" << srcRect << "page:" << printer.pageRect(); painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), image_, srcRect); if(col + 1 == cols && row + 1 == rows) // this is the last page break; printer.newPage(); } } painter.end(); } } // TODO: This can later be used for doing slide show void MainWindow::on_actionFullScreen_triggered(bool checked) { if(checked) showFullScreen(); else showNormal(); } void MainWindow::on_actionSlideShow_triggered(bool checked) { if(checked) { if(!slideShowTimer_) { slideShowTimer_ = new QTimer(); // switch to the next image when timeout connect(slideShowTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(on_actionNext_triggered())); } Application* app = static_cast(qApp); slideShowTimer_->start(app->settings().slideShowInterval() * 1000); // showFullScreen(); ui.actionSlideShow->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); } else { if(slideShowTimer_) { delete slideShowTimer_; slideShowTimer_ = NULL; ui.actionSlideShow->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); } } } void MainWindow::setShowThumbnails(bool show) { if(show) { if(!thumbnailsDock_) { thumbnailsDock_ = new QDockWidget(this); thumbnailsDock_->setFeatures(QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures); // FIXME: should use DockWidgetClosable thumbnailsDock_->setWindowTitle(tr("Thumbnails")); thumbnailsView_ = new Fm::FolderView(Fm::FolderView::IconMode); thumbnailsDock_->setWidget(thumbnailsView_); addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, thumbnailsDock_); QListView* listView = static_cast(thumbnailsView_->childView()); listView->setFlow(QListView::TopToBottom); listView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); listView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); listView->installEventFilter(this); // FIXME: optimize the size of the thumbnail view // FIXME if the thumbnail view is docked elsewhere, update the settings. int scrollHeight = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); thumbnailsView_->setFixedHeight(listView->gridSize().height() + scrollHeight); thumbnailsView_->setModel(proxyModel_); proxyModel_->setShowThumbnails(true); if (currentFile_) { // select the loaded image currentIndex_ = indexFromPath(currentFile_); listView->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex_); // wait to center the selection QCoreApplication::processEvents(); listView->scrollTo(currentIndex_, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter); } connect(thumbnailsView_->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), SLOT(onThumbnailSelChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection))); } } else { if(thumbnailsDock_) { delete thumbnailsView_; thumbnailsView_ = NULL; delete thumbnailsDock_; thumbnailsDock_ = NULL; } proxyModel_->setShowThumbnails(false); } } void MainWindow::on_actionShowThumbnails_triggered(bool checked) { setShowThumbnails(checked); } void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent* event) { // TODO: hide menu/toolbars in full screen mode and make the background black. if(event->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { Application* app = static_cast(qApp); if(isFullScreen()) { // changed to fullscreen mode ui.view->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); ui.view->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(app->settings().fullScreenBgColor())); ui.toolBar->hide(); ui.statusBar->hide(); if(thumbnailsDock_) thumbnailsDock_->hide(); // NOTE: in fullscreen mode, all shortcut keys in the menu are disabled since the menu // is disabled. We needs to add the actions to the main window manually to enable the // shortcuts again. ui.menubar->hide(); Q_FOREACH(QAction* action, ui.menubar->actions()) { if(!action->shortcut().isEmpty()) addAction(action); } addActions(ui.menubar->actions()); } else { // restore to normal window mode ui.view->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel|QFrame::Sunken); ui.view->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(app->settings().bgColor())); // now we're going to re-enable the menu, so remove the actions previously added. Q_FOREACH(QAction* action, ui.menubar->actions()) { if(!action->shortcut().isEmpty()) removeAction(action); } ui.menubar->show(); ui.toolBar->show(); ui.statusBar->show(); if(thumbnailsDock_) thumbnailsDock_->show(); } } QWidget::changeEvent(event); } void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { QMainWindow::resizeEvent(event); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); if(settings.rememberWindowSize()) { settings.setLastWindowMaximized(isMaximized()); if(!isMaximized()) { settings.setLastWindowWidth(width()); settings.setLastWindowHeight(height()); } } } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { QWidget::closeEvent(event); Settings& settings = static_cast(qApp)->settings(); if(settings.rememberWindowSize()) { settings.setLastWindowMaximized(isMaximized()); if(!isMaximized()) { settings.setLastWindowWidth(width()); settings.setLastWindowHeight(height()); } } } void MainWindow::onContextMenu(QPoint pos) { contextMenu_->exec(ui.view->mapToGlobal(pos)); } void MainWindow::onExitFullscreen() { if(isFullScreen()) showNormal(); } void MainWindow::onThumbnailSelChanged(const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected) { // the selected item of thumbnail view is changed if(!selected.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex index = selected.first().topLeft(); if(index.isValid() && index != currentIndex_) { FmFileInfo* file = proxyModel_->fileInfoFromIndex(index); if(file) loadImage(fm_file_info_get_path(file), index); } } }