AboutDialogPrivateVersion: %1Advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies.About dialog, 'About' tab textLXQt would not have been possible without the <a %1>Razor-qt</a> project and its many contributors.About dialog, 'About' tab textCopyright: %1-%2 %3About dialog, 'About' tab textHomepage: %1About dialog, 'About' tab textLicense: %1About dialog, 'About' tab textLXQt is developed by the <a %1>LXQt Team and contributors</a>.About dialog, 'Authors' tab textIf you are interested in working with our development team, <a %1>join us</a>.About dialog, 'Authors' tab textSpecial thanks to:About dialog, 'Thanks' tab textLXQt is translated into many languages thanks to the work of the translation teams all over the world.About dialog, 'Translations' tab textYesOuiNoNonabout About LXQtÀ propos de LXQtAboutAbout dialog, Tab title À proposAuthorsAbout dialog, Tab titleThanksAbout dialog, Tab titleTranslationsAbout dialog, Tab titleTechnical InfoAbout dialog, Tab titleInformations techniquesCopy to clipboard