You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

401 lines
13 KiB

/* coded by Ketmar // Vampire Avalon (psyc://
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details.
#include <QDebug>
//#include <QtCore>
#include "xcrthemefx.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <QSet>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
#include "xcrimg.h"
#include "xcrxcur.h"
#include "xcrtheme.h"
static const char *curShapeName[] = {
"standard arrow",
"help arrow (the one with '?')",
"working arrow",
"busy cursor",
"precision select",
"text select",
"north (vert) resize",
"south resize",
"west (vert-means horiz?) resize",
"east resize",
"north-west resize",
"south-east resize",
"north-east resize",
"south-west resize",
"alternate select",
bool XCursorThemeFX::str2num (const QString &s, quint32 &res) {
quint64 n = 0;
if (s.isEmpty()) return false;
for (int f = 0; f < s.length(); f++) {
QChar ch =;
if (!ch.isDigit()) return false;
n = n*10+ch.unicode()-'0';
//if (n >= (quint64)0x100000000LL) n = 0xffffffffLL;
if (n >= (quint64)0x80000000LL) n = 0x7fffffffLL;
res = n;
return true;
QList<XCursorThemeFX::tAnimSeq> XCursorThemeFX::parseScript (const QString &script, quint32 maxFrame) {
QList<tAnimSeq> res;
QString scp = script; scp.replace("\r", "\n");
QStringList scpL = scp.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
foreach (QString s, scpL) {
s = s.simplified();
//qDebug() << s;
QStringList fld = s.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); //BUG!BUG!BUG!
if (fld.size() != 2) {
qDebug() << "script error:" << s;
qWarning() << "script error:" << s;
// frame[s]
int hyph = fld[0].indexOf('-');
tAnimSeq a;
if (hyph == -1) {
// just a number
if (!str2num(fld[0], a.from)) {
qDebug() << "script error (frame):" << s;
qWarning() << "script error (frame):" << s;
a.from = qMax(qMin(maxFrame, a.from), (quint32)1)-1; = a.from;
} else {
// a..b
if (!str2num(fld[0].left(hyph), a.from)) {
qDebug() << "script error (frame from):" << s;
qWarning() << "script error (frame from):" << s;
a.from = qMax(qMin(maxFrame, a.from), (quint32)1)-1;
if (!str2num(fld[0].mid(hyph+1), {
qDebug() << "script error (frame to):" << s;
qWarning() << "script error (frame to):" << s;
} = qMax(qMin(maxFrame,, (quint32)1)-1;
// delay
if (!str2num(fld[1], a.delay)) {
qDebug() << "script error (delay):" << s;
qWarning() << "script error (delay):" << s;
if (a.delay < 10) a.delay = 10;
qDebug() << "from" << a.from << "to" << << "delay" << a.delay;
res << a;
return res;
static QByteArray zlibInflate (const void *buf, int bufSz, int destSz) {
QByteArray res;
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.next_in = (Bytef *)buf;
stream.avail_in = bufSz;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.next_out = (Bytef *);
stream.avail_out = destSz;
err = inflateInit(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) return QByteArray();
err = inflate(&stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
fprintf(stderr, "inflate result: %i\n", err);
switch (err) {
err = inflateEnd(&stream);
fprintf(stderr, "Z_STREAM_END: inflate result: %i\n", err);
if (err != Z_OK) return QByteArray();
case Z_OK:
err = inflateEnd(&stream);
fprintf(stderr, "Z_OK: inflate result: %i\n", err);
if (err != Z_OK) return QByteArray();
default: return QByteArray();
return res;
static quint32 baGetDW (QByteArray &ba, int &pos) {
const uchar *d = (const uchar *)ba.constData();
d += pos+3;
pos += 4;
quint32 res = 0;
for (int f = 4; f > 0; f--, d--) {
res <<= 8;
res |= *d;
return res;
XCursorThemeFX::XCursorThemeFX (const QString &aFileName) : XCursorTheme() {
if (!parseCursorFXTheme(aFileName)) {
bool XCursorThemeFX::parseCursorFXTheme (const QString &aFileName) {
qDebug() << "loading" << aFileName;
QFile fl(aFileName);
if (! return false; // shit!
QByteArray ba(fl.readAll());
if (ba.size() < 0xb8) return false; // shit!
int pos = 0;
if (baGetDW(ba, pos) != 1) return false; // invalid version
quint32 mainHdrSize = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (mainHdrSize < 0xb8) return false; // invalid header size
quint32 unDataSize = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (unDataSize < 0x4c) return false; // no cursors anyway
struct {
quint32 ofs;
quint32 len;
} infoFields[6];
pos = 0x84;
for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
infoFields[f].ofs = baGetDW(ba, pos);
infoFields[f].len = baGetDW(ba, pos);
pos = 0xb4;
quint32 ihdrSize = baGetDW(ba, pos);
// now read data
pos = mainHdrSize;
qDebug() << "reading data from" << pos;
QByteArray unp(zlibInflate(ba.constData()+pos, ba.size()-pos, unDataSize));
if (unp.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: can't depack data";
qWarning() << "CursorFX: can't depack data";
return false;
// process info section
for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
int len = infoFields[f].len;
if (!len) continue;
pos = infoFields[f].ofs;
if ((quint32)pos >= ihdrSize || (quint32)pos+len >= ihdrSize) continue; // skip invalid one
QByteArray sBA(unp.mid(pos, len));
sBA.append('\0'); sBA.append('\0');
QString s = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort *)sBA.constData()).simplified();
switch (f) {
case 0: setTitle(s); break;
case 1: setAuthor(s); break;
//case 2: setVersion(s); break;
case 3: setSite(s); break;
case 4: setMail(s); break;
case 5: setDescr(s); break;
default: ;
// process resources
QSet<quint8> shapesSeen;
pos = ihdrSize;
qDebug() << "resources started at hex" << QString::number(pos, 16);
while (pos <= unp.size()-12) {
quint32 ipos = pos; // will be fixed later
quint32 rtype = baGetDW(unp, pos);
quint32 basicHdrSize = baGetDW(unp, pos);
quint32 itemSize = baGetDW(unp, pos);
qDebug() << "pos hex:" << QString::number(pos, 16) << "rtype:" << rtype << "bhdrsz hex:" << QString::number(basicHdrSize, 16) << "itemsz hex:" << QString::number(itemSize, 16);
if (itemSize < 12) {
// invalid data
qDebug() << "CursorFX: invalid data chunk size";
qWarning() << "CursorFX: invalid data chunk size";
return false;
pos = ipos+itemSize; // skip it
if (rtype != 2) continue; // not cursor resource
if (itemSize < 0x4c) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: invalid cursor chunk size:" << itemSize;
qWarning() << "CursorFX: invalid cursor chunk size:" << itemSize;
return false;
// cursor
int cps = ipos+3*4;
rtype = baGetDW(unp, cps);
if (rtype != 2) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: invalid cursor chunk type:" << rtype;
qWarning() << "CursorFX: invalid cursor chunk type:" << rtype;
return false;
quint32 curShape = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 curType = baGetDW(unp, cps);
if (curShape > 19) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: unknown cursor shape:" << curShape;
qWarning() << "CursorFX: unknown cursor shape:" << curShape;
return false;
if (curType != 1) {
qDebug() << "skiping 'press' cursor; shape no" << curShape << "named" << curShapeName[curShape];
// we need only 'normal' cursors
qDebug() << "cursor shape:" << curShape;
const char **nlst = findCursorByFXId((int)curShape);
if (!nlst) {
// unknown cursor type, skip it
qDebug() << "CursorFX: skiping cursor shape:" << curShapeName[curShape];
qWarning() << "CursorFX: skiping cursor shape:" << curShapeName[curShape];
if (shapesSeen.contains(curShape&0xff)) {
// unknown cursor type, skip it
qDebug() << "CursorFX: skiping duplicate cursor shape:" << curShapeName[curShape];
qWarning() << "CursorFX: skiping duplicate cursor shape:" << curShapeName[curShape];
shapesSeen << (curShape&0xff);
qDebug() << "importing cursor" << *nlst;
quint32 unk0 = baGetDW(unp, cps); // unknown field
quint32 frameCnt = baGetDW(unp, cps);
if (frameCnt < 1) frameCnt = 1; // just in case
quint32 imgWdt = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 imgHgt = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 imgDelay = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 aniFlags = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 unk1 = baGetDW(unp, cps); // unknown field
quint32 imgXHot = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 imgYHot = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 realHdrSize = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 imgDataSize = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 addonOfs = baGetDW(unp, cps);
quint32 addonLen = baGetDW(unp, cps);
if (imgDelay < 10) imgDelay = 10;
if (imgDelay >= (quint32)0x80000000LL) imgDelay = 0x7fffffffLL;
qDebug() <<
"cursor data:" <<
"\n frames:" << frameCnt <<
"\n width:" << imgWdt <<
"\n height:" << imgHgt <<
"\n delay:" << imgDelay <<
"\n flags:" << QString::number(aniFlags, 2) <<
"\n xhot:" << imgXHot <<
"\n yhot:" << imgYHot <<
"\n unk0:" << unk0 <<
"\n unk1:" << unk1 <<
"\n rhdata:" << QString::number(realHdrSize, 16) <<
"\n dataOfs:" << QString::number(ipos+realHdrSize, 16) <<
"\n cdataOfs:" << QString::number(ipos+basicHdrSize+addonLen, 16)
// now check if we have enought data
if (ipos+realHdrSize+imgDataSize > (quint32)pos) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: cursor data too big";
qWarning() << "CursorFX: cursor data too big";
return false;
// addon is the script; parse it later
QList<tAnimSeq> aseq;
QString script;
if (addonLen) {
// script
if (addonOfs < 0x4c || addonOfs > realHdrSize) {
qDebug() << "CursorFX: invalid addon data offset";
qWarning() << "CursorFX: invalid addon data offset";
return false;
QByteArray bs(unp.mid(ipos+addonOfs, addonLen));
bs.append('\0'); bs.append('\0');
script = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort *)bs.constData());
qDebug() << "script:\n" << script;
// create animseq
aseq = parseScript(script, frameCnt);
} else {
// create 'standard' animseq
tAnimSeq a;
a.from = 0; = frameCnt-1; a.delay = imgDelay;
aseq << a;
// and back if 'alternate' flag set
if (aniFlags&0x01) {
a.from = frameCnt-1; = 0;
aseq << a;
if (imgWdt*imgHgt*4 != imgDataSize) {
qDebug() << "data size:" << imgDataSize << "but should be" << imgWdt*imgHgt*4;
// decode image
QImage img((const uchar *)unp.constData()+ipos+realHdrSize, imgWdt, imgHgt, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
img = img.mirrored(false, true);
XCursorImages *cim = new XCursorImages(*nlst);
quint32 frameWdt = img.width()/frameCnt;
qDebug() << "frameWdt:" << frameWdt << "left:" << img.width()%(frameWdt*frameCnt);
// now build animation sequence
int fCnt = 0;
foreach (const tAnimSeq &a, aseq) {
bool back = a.from >; // going backwards
quint32 fNo = a.from;
for (;; fCnt++) {
//k8:qDebug() << " frame:" << fNo << "delay:" << a.delay;
// copy frame
QImage frame(img.copy(fNo*frameWdt, 0, frameWdt, img.height()));
XCursorImage *i = new XCursorImage(QString("%1%2").arg(cim->name()).arg(QString::number(fCnt)),
frame, imgXHot, imgYHot, a.delay, 1
if (fNo == break;
if (back) fNo--; else fNo++;
// append if not empty
if (cim->count()) {
// now check if it is looped and cancel looping if necessary
if ((aniFlags & 0x02) == 0) {
// not looped
qDebug() << " anti-loop fix";
XCursorImage *i = cim->item(cim->count()-1);
//i->setCSize(2); // ???
mList << cim;
return true;