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lxqt-config-0.11.0 / 2016-09-24
* appearance: Avoid blocking when setting wallpaper
* appearance: Do (not) change wallpaper with theme
* all: Remove XdgIcon & XdgIconLoader usage
* brightness: Add change confirmation dialog
* brightness: Correct indentation
* Update README.md
* Replaces deprecated QStyleOptionViewItemVx
* Add Catalan translations
* Add and Update Arabic Translations for Desktop Files
* lxqt-config-monitor: Correct loadsettings.cpp
* lxqt-config-monitor: Use QGuiApplication
* I18n: Fix Plural String (#94)
* fixed crash when selecting "extended view" while second monitor is off (#91)
* build: Add optional build for subcomponents
* lxqt-config-appearance: Fix a null pointer dereference (#93)
* Add README.md
* lxqt-config-brightness: Remove compiler warning
* lxqt-config-brightness: Add libxcb dependency
* lxqt-config-brightness: Use *_LDFLAGS in target_link_libraries
* lxqt-config-appearance: Use fewer XdgIcon* stuff (#92)
* lxqt-config-appearance: Use the new XdgIconLoader library (#90)
* build: Use external translations (#89)
* ts-files removal (#88)
* Use const references with the foreach iterator
* translations: russian translation update (#85)
* font config: make it possible to write custom fontconfig files (#83)
* view: Use icon/decoration size based on styling
* Set grid size according to font and icon sizes.
* lxqt-config-brightness: Use arrow keys to change settings.
* Desktop file translation to Spanish added.
* lxqt-config-brigness: Set brightness value by command line.
* Removed not needed LICENSE
* lxqt-config-brightness: Increase or decrease brightness using command line.
* Create lxqt-config-locale_it.desktop
* Rename from lxqt-config-brightness-settings to lxqt-config-brightness.
* lxqt-config-brightness-settings: Some files changes their licenses from GPL to LGPL.
* lxqt-config-brightness-settings lxqt translations module added.
* lxqt-config-brightness-settings added.
* fix typo skiping -> skipping
* build: Fix FTBFS by reverting the @a7220cb
* Bum year in AUTHORS
* lxqt-config-brightness-settings has been added. It can change brightness and gamma. It's a X11 tool because libKScreen can not change brightness or gamma yet.
* lxqt-config: Load/store window size on begin/end
* categorizedview: Use correct signature
* lxqt-config: Remove homemade "activation logic"
* Settings are saved in QSettings format instead JSON format.
* Set position widget used bad scale. The real widget size is not set until the widget is shown.
* Remove blue square in GUI position
* Fast options added.
* GUI only lets one primary output.
* Icons aren't installed.
* Check KScreen reply is OK. Changes in interface.
* liblxqt is used to write autostart entry.
* Don't track IDE settings
* KScreen is slow loading screen modes at starting. Wait for modes ready.
* KScreen sometimes changes id of modes. If mode exists and it is OK, settings will be applied.
* Save settings dialog added.
* Initial support for different paths of xkb base.lst in different OSes.
* A couple of bug fixes Check if the memory was allocated after malloc() and realloc() calls Fix typo
* Update german translation
* Fix warning on translation
* Replace slang with a more traditional wording
* Fixes an FTBFS on lxqt-config-locale_ru.desktop
* Update Russian translations
* apearance: Support "System" theme preview
* Italian translation update
* lxqt-config: Add CTRL+Q shortcut for closing
*_hu.ts files updated, *hu_HU.ts files deleted
* Mkdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart or ~/.config/autostart, if not exists.
* lxqt-config-appearance: Choose the icon with the matching size
0.10.0 / 2015-11-02
* Update translations
* Fix license file
* Set saved settings at session start.
* lxqt-config-monitor: Correctly link to liblxqt
* lxqt-config-monitor: GUI for positioning
* lxqt-config-monito: Handle the clone combobox
* lxqt-config-monitor: Fix activation of second screen
* lxqt-config-monitor: Screen rotation
* lxqt-config-monitor: Tabs to spaces
* lxqt-config-monitor: Remove duplicate modes from list
* lxqt-config-monitor: Sort output modes
* lxqt-config-monitor: clean-up, old code removed
* lxqt-config-monitor: fix for reverting to previous configuration
* lxqt-config-monitor: refactoring and improvements
* lxqt-config-monitor: Use a separate combobox for clones
* lxqt-config-monitor: Actually update the config on setting screen position
* lxqt-config-monitor: Display EDID information in an additional tab
* lxqt-config-monitor: Attempt at an even simpler UI (#502)
* lxqt-config-monitor: Replace xrandr by KScreen
* lxqt-config-monitor: Remove backlight/brightness support
* Make the lxqt-config-locale chosen settings work
* Fix a few typos in file “info-for-developers.txt”
* Removed some compile warnings
* OnlyShowIn=LXQt;
* Add an option to automatically turn on numlock after login (implemented in lxqt-session).
* Initial support for locale config, based on formats KCMS.
* Rename LxQt to LXQt everywhere
* Update Greek (el) translation Remove country variant from language code
* lxqt-config: add correct rpath into lxqt-config-input & lxqt-config-appearance to find liblxqt-config-cursor.so installed into private directory
* Drop country-specific Italian translations
* Updated and created italian .desktop files
* Fix mouse settings persistency
* fixes lxde/lxqt #785 AUTHORS changed, list the used licenses LXQt license header added
* Description: Install private .so file into proper directory. Author: Andrew Lee (李健秋) <ajqlee@debian.org>
* Add copyright headers
* Handles CMake policy CMP0063
* Uses LXQtCompilerSettings CMake module
* Fix cursor settings location
* Updates translations sources
* CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
* Coding style changes
* Removes unneeded include_directories() entries
* Get rid of qt5_wrap_cpp() MOC variables
* Drops LIB_SUFFIX, use GNUInstallDirs
* fix build with qt 5.5
* Makes it compile in superbuild mode
* Updated german translation.
* Updates the build system to the Targets infrastructure
* polish regarding lxqt-config.desktop
* Remove trailing whitespaces
* Fix naming and links
* Include X-LXQt category in lxqt-config menu
* ApplyDialog renamed to SaveSettings.
* Rename and delete saved settings added.
* Bug always unify monitors fixed.
* lxqt-config-appearance: minimum configurable font size -> 4px
* Fix function name
* Update lxqt-config-input_it.ts
* Hungarian translations update, lxqt-config-monitor.desktop.in fixed
* Testing changes in the buttonbar of LxQt::ConfigDialog.
* Update Russian translation
* lxqt-configure-appearance: Reload icons from the user selected theme
* The last xrandr backend commit. Save settings added. Framebuffer screen size fixed.
* First save settings implementation.
* Update lxqt-config-cursor_it_IT.ts
* Framebuffer size is calculated on xrand backend.
* Update to keep up with our QIconLoader
* Added reset values.
* Remove testing parameters
* Apply page added
* Updated to LxQt::ConfigDialog.
* Added SVG icon for monitor in monitor position.
* Polish translation update
* Reorganizing the code. Support for long names in resolution modes .
* Reorganizing the code. Support for long names in resolution modes.
* Reorganizing the code. Support for long names in resolution modes.
* New modes name bug fixed.
* lxqt-config-appearance/icontheme: String performance enhancements
* Handles previews for inherited icon themes
* file-associations:Return from the busy cursor only after the Ui stuff ended
* Remove an unneeded dependency on KWindowSystem
0.9.0 / 2015-01-31
* Delay loading of application icons in the app-chooser dialog for faster loading.
* Make the user aware of still ongoing work (Application Chooser)
* Bad English fixed
* Capitalize themes' names
* Create lxqt-config-monitor_it_IT.ts
* Update lxqt-config-appearance_it.desktop
* Added german translation for file association dialogue
* Added german translation for input device settings.
* Create lxqt-config-file-associations_it.ts
* Update lxqt-config-appearance_it.ts
* Update lxqt-config-appearance_it_IT.ts
* Added german translation for monitor settings.
* Update Japanese translation
* Fix PT desktop file names and paths.
* Portuguese language update
* Updates translations sources
* Documenting the code: Magnetic attraction without javascript.
* Magnetic attraction procedure has been documented.
* Added confirm dialog before saving.
* Added backlight control and position control button.
* Update lxqt-config-cursor_ja.ts
* - Unify naming for a unique lxqt. No more suffixes
* Write to mimeapps.list rather than defaults.list
* If directory ~/.config/autostart/ doesn't exists, it is created. Save doesn't close window.
* Use the new LxQt::SingleApplication
* Add windows icon
* CMakeLists code reformatting
* CMakeLists maintenance
* Renames .ts files that used _template in their name
* Moves and renames translations files around
* Uses the new translations cmake modules
* - Add option autohint - Fix compatibility with KDE fonts settings
* Activate System Settings items with enter key. Fixes lxde/lxde-qt#355
* Update Russian translation
* Drop Qt4 support in code
* Clean up CMakeLists.txt and drop Qt 4 support
0.8.0 / 2014-10-10
* Adapts to translations infrastructure
* Option to set single-click as default and sigle-click handling in system settings' main window
* Qt4 and Qt5 compiling fixed
* Compiling in Qt4 fixed.
* Fix #273 - File fonts.conf is created as folder if doesn't exist.
* Make initial panel receive focus
* Adapt to use QtMimeTypes/XdgMimeType
* Restore translations.
* Use our custom TimeoutDialog to replace QProgressDialog and provide a "cancel" button and show better text in the progress bar.
* Little fix for the broken stacked widget.
* Replace the scrolled UI with a left list and a right stacked widget to provide usability.
* Don't use Qt QObject properties in mode changes. Use MonitorWidget class properties instead.
* Fixed: Some ugly code has been changed.
* Fixed: Error reading monitor name.
* Fixed: Restore position of monitor when user cancels settings.
* Fixed: If no relative monitor is selected, then position is disabled.
* Fixed: Disable position options when output is unified at start. Fixed: No cicles in relative positions at start.
* Fixed: Timeout dialog is now modal.
* Fixed: If monitor is turned off, brightness is set to 0. Fixed: Quick options close window on click.
* Read vendor from EDID.
* Fixed: Gamma error when monitor is turned off.
* Gamma control implemented.
* Added brightness control. Some bugs fixed reading xrandr properties.
* Little adjustment to the UI. Delete unused methods.
* Refactor the code, make things more OOP-style. * Slight adjustment to the UI.
* Add code to determine the position of monitors and their relationship on startup.
* Add a new parser for the output of "xrandr --verbose" to get more detailed monitor info, including gamma.
* Add initial translation support and an incomplete zh_TW locale to lxqt-config-monitor.
* Integrate the Makefile of lxqt-config-monitor to build it as part of lxqt-config.
* Move lxqt-config-monitor into a subdirectory.
* Use QWindow::windowHandle()->winId() to replace QWidget::winId() due to a bug of Qt5.
* Added: Save settings in autostart desktop file.
* Added timeout dialog. When settings are applied, a timeout dialog is shown. If user doesn't press "Yes" button, settings are restored.
* Monitor position can be changed. Outputs can be diferent. Position of outputs can be chosen. If system has got two monitors, wizard will be shown to config them.
* Modules for xrandr and GUI. Now new backends can be added.
* Split xrandr settings from UI.
* Readme updated.
* Remove all Glib dependencies.
* Initial commit
* Fix bug #242: lxqt-config-input: Mouse acceleration & sensitivity settings are not saved.
* Fix missing libxcb linking so building with llvm/clang now works.
* Fixes layout on the Fonts Config Ui
* Avoid putting system programs in "LXQt settings" category since they belong to "System settings".
* Add <OnlyUnallocated /> to lxqt-config.menu to avoid duplicated items in "Other Settings" section. This fixed lxde-qt bug #186.
* Rename lxqt-config-cursor to liblxqt-config-cursor since it's a library.
* Show cursors by using raw xcb calls since Qt5 does not support creating QCursor based on native cursor handle.
* Write Qt settings to lxqt.conf instead of the deprecated Trolltech.conf in Qt5.
* Make the code compile with both Qt4 and Qt5.
* Fix keyboard layout settings reading and writting
* Cleanup header style
* Use new LXQt header files.
* Use preferred header style.
* Make sure all enums are handled in switch
* Fix a null dereference
* Remove unnecessary use of alloca, which is not portable.
0.7.0 / 2014-05-07
* Mention lxqt-config-cursor in AUTHORS
* Include some optional components in LXQt settings.
* Remove duplicate COPYING file
* Update COPYING
* Update categories to match proper ones in .desktop files
* String changes LxQt -> LXQt and LXDE-Qt -> LXQt without refactoring classes, namespaces and so on
* removal of old templates in translations
0.6.99 / 2014-05-01
* Update manpages
* Update AUTHORS
* Add CPack rules for creating tarball
* config-input: Fix a typo
* Preserve the config values in lxqt-session config file. * Support setting key used to switch layouts.
* Add keys used to switch layout to the combox box.
* Add very primitive support for settings keyboard layout via setxkbmap.
* Add a basic skeleton for keyboard layout settings.
* lxqt-config-file-associations: Wording in main window
* Assorted improvements to .desktop files
* Man page improvements
* Correctly save the cursor theme name to lxqt session config file.
* Correctly write current cursor theme name to ~/.icons/default/index.theme. Deprecate the use of XCURSOR_THEME environment variable.
* Support changing double click interval, whell scroll lines, and cursor flash time for Qt programs. Little adjustment of UI.
* Fix incorrect linking to liblxqt-config-cursor.
* Add missing desktop entry file for lxqt-config-input. Some cleanup.
* Rename lxqt-config-mouse to lxqt-config-cursor to reflect what it does. Remove unnecessary desktop entry files and do some makefile cleanup.
* Try to integrate lxqt-config-appearance with lxqt-config-mouse so we can select cursor themes in lxqt-config-appearance, too.
* Total redesign of lxqt-config-input using LxQt::ConfigDialog and integrate lxqt-config-mouse.
* Fix lxqt-config-appearance: write config files on widget destruction properly
* Fix dpi settings and add a timeout to 1.5 sec delay to writing fontconfig file.
* Read/write ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf file for settings antialias, hinting, and dpi.
* Write a fontconfig config file to ~/.config/fonts.conf at the same time.
* Fix bugs in font configurations
* Try to add very basic font configurations
* Add support for toolbar button styles and single click activation for item views
* Add support for Qt style selection to lxqt-config-appearance.
* Removed CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR usage from CMakeLists.txt files
* Fix XDG_MENU_PREFIX and use correct config.menu file.
* Support changing the wallpaper of pcmanfm-qt.
* Fix renaming bugs, replacing lxqt-qt with lxde-qt
* Finish the crazy razor=>lxqt renaming tasks.
* Fix wrong config name.
* Project name added to cmake file
* Fix wrong Exec lines in desktop entry files.
* Fix broken build and rename binaries to lxqt-config-*.
* Add COPYING file for razor-config-mouse since it's GPL'd rather than using LGPL.
* Make razor-config-fileassociations compile with qt 4.6
* Corrected include line in mimetypeviewer.cpp
* X-RAZOR changed to Razor in desktop files
* Make config-file-associations dialogs appear faster
* config-file-associations: removed placeholder text from search field
* config-file-associations: add search icon to search lineedit
* Removed heading from mimetypeviewer in config-file-associations
* razor-config-file-associations: Set focus correctly when opening applicationchooser
* razor-config-file-associations: remove connect to nonexisting ok-slot
* razor-config-file-associations: clean up qDebug lines
* config-file-associations, clear mimeinfo frames in mimetypeviewer, when no mimetype chosen
* Sorting of applications in config-file-associations
* config-file-associations adapt detection of applications to xdg-mime behavior
* razor-config: load model content after the window appears on screen (we need to provide some user feedback immediately)
* config-file-associations, mimetypeviewer: change tab-order and initial focus
* Added search functionality to config-file-associations, MimetypeViewer
* config-file-associations, mimetypeviewer: Replaced QTreeWidget with QTreeView and new class MimetypeItemModel as model
* config-file-associations: minor changes to mimetypeviewer looks
* config-file-associations: Changed application listwidget back to treewidget, and dropped \handles\ listwidget
* Improved (hopefuly) layout and look of config-fileassociations, application chooser
* config-file-associations: changed treewidget to listwidget in applicationchooser
* razor-config-file-associations, improved layout for mimetype-viewer
* Added application razor-config-file-associations
* fixed appearance icons display + huge filesystem access optimization in this area
* Update fixes for qcategorizedview
* Make config center icon labels not wrap as much
* fixed #488 Display a message if no cursor theme is found
* Fix various build falures
* Add translation support for qtconfig entry
* preliminary manpages primary for razorqt and usefully in venenux
* Suppressed warning "variable «currSize» set but not used" in the razorqt-config/src/qcategorizedview/qcategorizedview.cpp:496:29
* Suppressed warning "variable «currSize» set but not used" in the razorqt-config/src/qcategorizedview/qcategorizedview.cpp:496:29
* Translations updated
* Translations updated
* Translations
* Delete bad en_GB translations
* Install translations into correct places
* Update translations
* Enable translations for some components that were missing them
* Minor fixes
* Translations updated
* Removed line num from TS files.
* razor-config: wrap text
* Make it possible to build modules separately
* Translations
* Deleted old translation methods.
* New translation infrastructure
* Translation for razor-config-appearance
* Fix for Issue #290 Fails to build on BSD
* Updated ts.src files
* removed useles window title
* fixed #336: remove the "razor" prefix from razor-config dialog
* config app for notifications
* Remove RazorNotification classes (no license/copyright)
* add module names to includes and tidy up the coding style
* Update razorqt-config/razor-config-mouse/thememodel.h
* Update razorqt-config/razor-config-mouse/selectwnd.h
* Update razorqt-config/razor-config-mouse/previewwidget.h
* Update razorqt-config/razor-config-mouse/itemdelegate.h
* Update razorqt-config/razor-config-mouse/crtheme.h
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* fix coding style errors
* Ts.src files updated.
* add module name to include
* add module names to includes
* add module names to includes and fix style errors
* fix coding style errors
* add module names to includes
* add module names to includes
* add module names to includes
* add module names to includes
* Language name zh_CN.GB2312 braked cmake process.
* Translations updated
* Environments should be "Razor", not "RAZOR" Thanks Alec Moskvin
* Renames razor-config-notificationd window title
* Small fixes in the razor-config-appearance Thanks PICCORO Lenz McKAY. still need some fixeds: iconthemeconfig.h:38: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token and also the moc ui_mainwindow.h must be renamed too in iconthemeconfig.h
* Fix header
* Small fixes in the razor-config-appearance
* razor-config GUI improvement
* razor-config based on XDG Desktop Menu Specification 2
* fixed #261 Fix missing icons in razor config center
* default arguments for notification client lib
* quick compilation fix
* razor-config based on XDG Desktop Menu Specification
* Composition on by default
* GUI for change razor theme.
* Fixing cmake error
* fixed wrongly set license for new files. It's LGPL2+
* much better razor-config layout for icons
* config center: align icons into grid; do not show self; OnlyShowIn check
* reworked config stuff. No more special config registering. All 'Settings' desktop files are displayed in razor-config (grouped)
* Typos in code. Thanks Aaron Lewis. * In razor-runner , providers item: title() was typed as tile() * For RazorSettings class , settingsChanged() was typed as settigsChanged()
* Minor modifications and code cleanup
* Minor ui modifications. Moving default icon to notificationd instead of widget notification
* Setting min & max position according to QDesktopWidget
* Changing notification ui. Adding default notitifaction icon. Embedding icons in notification
* Properly install config Correct desktop file
* Proper default values
* Proper id number assigned to notifications Properly remove notification by quint32 id
* Proper configuration
* Rename file to match class name
* Remove custom settings, use razor ones
* Adding razor-config-notificationd
* tweaks for qtconfig installation
* qtconfig for razor-config
* Transifex desktop: sr_BA.ts should be a local
* Transifex desktop: local translations
* Transifex desktop: cmake files
* Transifex desktop: Translations pulled
* Transifex desktop: Reomove translations from desktop.in
* Transifex desktop: desktop->desktop.in
* Update Tradidtional Chinese Translations
* Add Traditional Chinese Translations
* Translations update
* Added support for the online translation service. www.transifex.net
* RazorApplication class implemented; all modules ported to this class
* fixed #76: razor-config should respect mouse behaviour
* Serbian translation files
* Serbian translations (2 variants)
* Greek translation by iosifidis
* Added danish translations
* Russian translation
* fix #169: italian translation
* Add function to use alternative icons
* Relicense
* Convert Appearance dialog to use RazorConfigDialog
* Fix gmail.ru -> gmail.com
* Czech translations (cs_CZ) Desktop files
* fixed #138: system settings icons
* SVK translation finalized
* Initial german [de] translation
* Close Issue #120
* License audit
* Add Chinese(simplified) translation files.
* License audit
* HU translation by Kristóf Kiszel
* Initial spanish translation
* Add Slovak (sk) translation
* Removes one empty line from .desktop file
* Adds newline to the end of .desktop files
* Czech translations (cs_CZ)
* Fix a few typos
* XdgDesktopFile is implicitly shared
* huge refactoring of the libraries build organization
* config mouse: close button as in the other tools
* Razor-config-appearance: incorrect translation path
* config: better item layouting in razor-config
* config appearance: make icons fully visible
* Razor-config: Fixes for razor-config-appearance
* Razor-config: New razor-config-appearance
* Razor-config: New razor-config-appearance
* display icon theme fixes
* forgotten debugs
* config icons: show progress when it searches for themes
* icon theme config - initial revision
* Razor-config-mouse: Added check for zlib in CMakeLists.txt
* moc warnings cleanup
* GPL->LGPL where I'm the author
* config: remove toolbars
* Polish translation part X
* Fix: Desktop Menu Specification category must be X-RAZOR.
* Russian translations
* unify razor-config look
* Added razor-application.menu
* razor-config can open items by Enter key too
* fixed desktop files
* fix donfig desktp files install for rpm
* razor-config-mousetheme -> razor-config-mouse rename
* do not use direct lib name for X11 stuff
* issue #37 - Config-mousetheme show not all themes, my KDE show 6 themes but razor only 1. (mHidden attribute fixed)
* homepage updated + auto replacement script
* adding missing libraries to fedora build
* show only in RAZOR; close/undo changes actions
* small refactoring in mouse config
* fixed #35: razor-config-mousetheme saves are not persistent
* final fix for build error #34
* potential fix for #34
* mouse theme configurator
* fix for #33: razorqt doesn't build
* config tools are registered in config center; desktop file for CC
* initial revision of "config tool". Very simple but functional.