249 lines
7.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* coded by Ketmar // Vampire Avalon (psyc://ketmar.no-ip.org/~Ketmar)
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
#include <QDebug>
//#include <QtCore>
#include "xcrxcur.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
static QImage autoCropImage (const QImage &image) {
// Compute an autocrop rectangle for the image
QRect r(image.rect().bottomRight(), image.rect().topLeft());
const quint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(image.bits());
for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) {
if (*(pixels++)) {
if (x < r.left()) r.setLeft(x);
if (x > r.right()) r.setRight(x);
if (y < r.top()) r.setTop(y);
if (y > r.bottom()) r.setBottom(y);
// Normalize the rectangle
return image.copy(r.normalized());
inline static quint32 getDW (const void *data) {
const quint8 *d = (const quint8 *)data;
d += 3;
quint32 res = 0;
for (int f = 4; f > 0; f--, d--) {
res <<= 8;
res |= *d;
return res;
static quint32 baGetDW (QByteArray &ba, int &pos) {
const uchar *d = (const uchar *)ba.constData();
d += pos+3;
pos += 4;
quint32 res = 0;
for (int f = 4; f > 0; f--, d--) {
res <<= 8;
res |= *d;
return res;
XCursorImageXCur::XCursorImageXCur (const QString &aName, const void *aImgData) : XCursorImage(aName) {
XCursorImageXCur::~XCursorImageXCur () {
void XCursorImageXCur::parseImgData (const void *aImgData) {
mIsValid = false;
delete mImage; // It's fine to delete a null pointer
mImage = 0;
const quint32 *data = (const quint32 *)aImgData;
if (getDW(data) != 36) return; // header size
if (getDW(data+1) != 0xfffd0002L) return; // magic
//if (getDW(data+2) != 1) return; // image subtype
if (getDW(data+3) != 1) return; // version
mCSize = getDW(data+2);
data += 4;
quint32 wdt = getDW(data++); // width
quint32 hgt = getDW(data++); // height
if (wdt > 0x7fff) return;
if (hgt > 0x7fff) return;
quint32 xhot = getDW(data++);
quint32 yhot = getDW(data++);
assert(xhot <= wdt);
assert(yhot <= hgt);
mXHot = *((const qint32 *)data); data++;
mYHot = *((const qint32 *)data); data++;
mDelay = getDW(data++); // milliseconds
// got to pixels (ARGB)
QImage img((const uchar *)data, wdt, hgt, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
mImage = new QImage(img.copy());
mIsValid = true;
XCursorImagesXCur::XCursorImagesXCur (const QDir &aDir, const QString &aName) : XCursorImages(aName, aDir.path()) {
XCursorImagesXCur::XCursorImagesXCur (const QString &aFileName) : XCursorImages("", "") {
QString name(aFileName);
if (name.isEmpty() || name.endsWith('/')) return;
int i = name.lastIndexOf('/');
QString dir;
if (i < 0) dir = "./"; else dir = name.left(i);
name = name.mid(i+1);
setName(name); setPath(dir);
bool XCursorImagesXCur::parseCursorFile (const QString &fname) {
//qDebug() << fname;
QFile fl(fname);
if (!fl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; // shit!
QByteArray ba(fl.readAll());
if (ba.size() < 4*4) return false; // shit!
if (ba[0] != 'X' || ba[1] != 'c' || ba[2] != 'u' || ba[3] != 'r') return false; // shit!
//FIXME: add more checks!
int pos = 4;
quint32 hdrSize = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (hdrSize < 16) return false; // invalid header size
quint32 version = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (version != 65536) return false; // invalid version
quint32 ntoc = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (!ntoc) return true; // nothing to parse
if (ntoc >= 65536) return false; // idiot or what?
quint32 tocEndOfs = hdrSize+(ntoc*(3*4));
if (tocEndOfs > (quint32)ba.size()) return false; // out of data
pos = hdrSize;
// parse TOC
int cnt = -1;
bool wasTitle = false, wasAuthor = false, wasLic = false;
bool wasMail = false, wasSite = false, wasDescr = false, wasIM = false;
while (ntoc-- > 0) {
quint32 type = baGetDW(ba, pos);
pos += 4; // skip the shit
quint32 dataOfs = baGetDW(ba, pos);
if (type == 0xfffd0001) {
// text
if (dataOfs < tocEndOfs || dataOfs > (quint32)ba.size()-20) continue; // invalid text
// parse text
int ipos = dataOfs;
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 20) continue; // invalid header size
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 0xfffd0001) continue; // invalid type
quint32 subT = baGetDW(ba, ipos);
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 1) continue; // invalid version
quint32 len = baGetDW(ba, ipos);
// check for data presence
if (ipos+len > (quint32)ba.size()) continue; // out of data
QByteArray stBA(ba.mid(ipos, len));
QString s(QString::fromUtf8(stBA));
switch (subT) {
case 1: // copyright (author)
if (!wasAuthor) {
wasAuthor = true;
mAuthor = s;
case 2: // license
if (!wasLic) {
wasLic = true;
mLicense = s;
case 3: // other (description)
if (!wasDescr) {
wasDescr = true;
mDescr = s;
// my extensions
case 4: // title
if (!wasTitle) {
wasTitle = true;
mTitle = s;
case 5: // e-mail
if (!wasMail) {
wasMail = true;
mEMail = s;
case 6: // site
if (!wasSite) {
wasSite = true;
mSite = s;
case 7: // IM
if (!wasIM) {
wasIM = true;
mIM = s;
if (type != 0xfffd0002) continue; // not an image, skip this one
// image
// check
if (dataOfs < tocEndOfs || dataOfs > (quint32)ba.size()-36) continue; // invalid image
// parse image
int ipos = dataOfs;
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 36) continue; // invalid image (header size)
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 0xfffd0002) continue; // invalid type
ipos += 4; // skip the shit
if (baGetDW(ba, ipos) != 1) continue; // invalid image (version)
quint32 wdt = baGetDW(ba, ipos);
quint32 hgt = baGetDW(ba, ipos);
if (wdt > 0x7fff || hgt > 0x7fff) continue; // invalid sizes
// check for data presence
if ((ipos+3*4)+(wdt*hgt*4) > (quint32)ba.size()) continue; // out of data
// load image
const uchar *dta = (const uchar *)ba.constData();
dta += dataOfs;
XCursorImage *img = new XCursorImageXCur(mName+"_"+QString::number(cnt), dta);
if (img->isValid()) mList << img; else delete img;
return true;