/* Copyright (C) 2014 P.L. Lucas Copyright (C) 2013 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "monitorsettingsdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "monitorwidget.h" #include "timeoutdialog.h" #include "xrandr.h" #include "monitorpicture.h" MonitorSettingsDialog::MonitorSettingsDialog(MonitorSettingsBackend* backend): QDialog(NULL, 0), LVDS(NULL) { timeoutDialog = NULL; timer = NULL; this->backend = backend; backend->setParent(this); setupUi(); } MonitorSettingsDialog::~MonitorSettingsDialog() { } void MonitorSettingsDialog::deleteTimeoutData() { timeoutDialog = NULL; Q_FOREACH(MonitorInfo * monitorInfo, timeoutSettings) { delete monitorInfo; } timeoutSettings.clear(); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::onCancelSettings() { // restore the old settings QList settings; Q_FOREACH(MonitorInfo * monitorInfo, timeoutSettings) { settings.append((MonitorSettings*)monitorInfo); } backend->setMonitorsSettings(settings); deleteTimeoutData(); } QList MonitorSettingsDialog::getMonitorsSettings() { // Build list of monitor and their settings QList settings; Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor, monitors) { MonitorSettings* s = monitor->getSettings(); settings.append(s); if(ui.primaryCombo->currentText() == monitor->monitorInfo->name) s->primaryOk = true; } if(ui.unify->isChecked()) { Q_FOREACH(MonitorSettings * s, settings) { s->position = MonitorSettings::None; } } return settings; } void MonitorSettingsDialog::setMonitorsConfig() { deleteTimeoutData(); timeoutSettings = backend->getMonitorsInfo(); // Show timeout dialog timeoutDialog = new TimeoutDialog(this); connect(timeoutDialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(onCancelSettings())); connect(timeoutDialog, SIGNAL(finished(int)), timeoutDialog, SLOT(deleteLater())); // Build list of monitor and their settings QList settings = getMonitorsSettings(); backend->setMonitorsSettings(settings); Q_FOREACH(MonitorSettings * s, settings) { delete s; } timeoutDialog->show(); } // turn on both laptop LCD and the external monitor void MonitorSettingsDialog::onUseBoth() { if(monitors.length() == 0) return; ui.unify->setChecked(true); MonitorWidget* monitor = monitors[0]; bool ok; QString mode; for(int i = 0; i < monitor->monitorInfo->modes.length(); i++) { mode = monitor->monitorInfo->modes[i]; ok = true; Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor2, monitors) { ok = ok && monitor2->monitorInfo->modes.contains(mode); } if(ok) break; } qDebug() << "Mode selected" << mode << ok; Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor2, monitors) { int index = monitor2->monitorInfo->modes.indexOf(mode) + 1; if(monitor2->ui.resolutionCombo->count() > index) monitor2->ui.resolutionCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); else monitor2->chooseMaxResolution(); monitor2->enableMonitor(true); qDebug() << "Mode selected index" << index << "Mode" << monitor->ui.resolutionCombo->currentText(); } setMonitorsConfig(); } // external monitor only void MonitorSettingsDialog::onExternalOnly() { Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor, monitors) { monitor->chooseMaxResolution(); monitor->enableMonitor(monitor != LVDS); } setMonitorsConfig(); } // laptop panel - LVDS only void MonitorSettingsDialog::onLaptopOnly() { Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor, monitors) { monitor->chooseMaxResolution(); monitor->enableMonitor(monitor == LVDS); } setMonitorsConfig(); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::onExtended() { ui.unify->setChecked(false); int virtualWidth = 0; Q_FOREACH(MonitorWidget * monitor, monitors) { monitor->chooseMaxResolution(); monitor->enableMonitor(true); monitor->disablePositionOption(false); QSize size = sizeFromString(monitor->ui.resolutionCombo->currentText()); monitor->ui.xPosSpinBox->setValue(virtualWidth); monitor->ui.yPosSpinBox->setValue(0); virtualWidth+=size.width(); } setMonitorsConfig(); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::setupUi() { ui.setupUi(this); connect(ui.useBoth, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onUseBoth())); connect(ui.externalOnly, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onExternalOnly())); connect(ui.laptopOnly, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onLaptopOnly())); connect(ui.extended, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onExtended())); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)), SLOT(onDialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*))); connect(ui.positionPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onPositionButtonClicked())); // Get monitors information QList monitorsInfo = backend->getMonitorsInfo(); // Search if LVSD monitor is connected Q_FOREACH(MonitorInfo * monitorInfo, monitorsInfo) { if(! LVDS && (monitorInfo->name.startsWith("LVDS") || monitorInfo->name.startsWith("PANEL"))) { MonitorInfo::LVDS_Ok = true; break; } } int i = 0; connect(ui.unify, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(disablePositionOption(bool))); Q_FOREACH(MonitorInfo * monitorInfo, monitorsInfo) { ui.primaryCombo->addItem(monitorInfo->name); if(monitorInfo->primaryOk) ui.primaryCombo->setCurrentIndex(ui.primaryCombo->findText(monitorInfo->name)); qDebug() << "Monitor" << monitorInfo->name; MonitorWidget* monitor = new MonitorWidget(monitorInfo, monitorsInfo, this); QString title = QString("Monitor %1: %2 (%3) %4") .arg(i + 1) .arg(monitor->monitorInfo->name) .arg(monitor->monitorInfo->humanReadableName()) .arg(monitor->monitorInfo->vendor); qDebug() << "Monitor" << title; monitor->setTitle(title); connect(ui.unify, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), monitor, SLOT(disablePositionOption(bool))); monitors.append(monitor); if(! LVDS && (monitorInfo->name.startsWith("LVDS") || monitorInfo->name.startsWith("PANEL"))) { LVDS = monitor; } ui.stackedWidget->addWidget(monitor); ui.monitorList->addItem(monitor->monitorInfo->name); ++i; } ui.monitorList->setCurrentRow(0); // set the max width of the list widget to the maximal width of its rows + the width of a vertical scrollbar. ui.monitorList->setMaximumWidth(ui.monitorList->sizeHintForColumn(0) + style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent) + 40); // are the monitors unified? if(monitorsInfo.length() > 1) ui.unify->setChecked(backend->isUnified(monitorsInfo)); else {// disable the option if we only have one monitor ui.unify->setEnabled(false); ui.positionPushButton->setEnabled(false); } // If this is a laptop and there is an external monitor, offer quick options if(monitors.length() == 2) { ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); // If there is only two monitors,offer quick options if(! LVDS) { LVDS = monitors[0]; } } else { ui.tabWidget->removeTab(0); } adjustSize(); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::accept() { setMonitorsConfig(); QDialog::accept(); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::disablePositionOption(bool disable) { ui.positionPushButton->setEnabled(!disable); } void MonitorSettingsDialog::onPositionButtonClicked() { MonitorPictureDialog *dialog = new MonitorPictureDialog(this); dialog->setScene(monitors); dialog->exec(); dialog->updateMonitorWidgets(ui.primaryCombo->currentText()); delete dialog; } void MonitorSettingsDialog::onDialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton* button) { if(ui.buttonBox->standardButton(button) == QDialogButtonBox::Apply) { setMonitorsConfig(); } else if(ui.buttonBox->standardButton(button) == QDialogButtonBox::Save) { // Save config and exit QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("Do you want to save changes?")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Please, check the settings before saving.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); int ret = msgBox.exec(); if( ret == QMessageBox::Cancel ) return; QList settings = getMonitorsSettings(); QString cmd = backend->getCommand(settings); Q_FOREACH(MonitorSettings * s, settings) { delete s; } QString desktop = QString("[Desktop Entry]\n" "Type=Application\n" "Name=LXQt-config-monitor autostart\n" "Comment=Autostart monitor settings for LXQt-config-monitor\n" "Exec=%1\n" "OnlyShowIn=LXQt\n").arg(cmd); // Check if ~/.config/autostart/ exists bool ok = true; QFileInfo fileInfo(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/"); if( ! fileInfo.exists() ) ok = QDir::root().mkpath(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/"); QFile file(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/lxqt-config-monitor-autostart.desktop"); if(ok) ok = file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); if(!ok) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Config can not be saved")); return; } QTextStream out(&file); out << desktop; out.flush(); file.close(); //QDialog::accept(); } }