/* * Copyright (C) 2014 P.L. Lucas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "monitorpicture.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "configure.h" // Gets size from string rate. String rate format is "widthxheight". Example: 800x600 static QSize sizeFromString(QString str) { int width = 0; int height = 0; int x = str.indexOf('x'); if (x > 0) { width = str.leftRef(x).toInt(); height = str.midRef(x + 1).toInt(); } return QSize(width, height); } MonitorPictureProxy::MonitorPictureProxy(QObject *parent, MonitorPicture *monitorPicture):QObject(parent) { this->monitorPicture = monitorPicture; } void MonitorPictureProxy::updateSize() { KScreen::OutputPtr output = monitorPicture->monitorWidget->output; QSize size = output->currentMode()->size(); monitorPicture->updateSize(size); } void MonitorPictureProxy::updatePosition() { KScreen::OutputPtr output = monitorPicture->monitorWidget->output; QPoint pos = output->pos(); //qDebug() << "MonitorPictureProxy:updatePosition]" << pos; monitorPicture->setMonitorPosition(pos.x(), pos.y()); } MonitorPictureDialog::MonitorPictureDialog(KScreen::ConfigPtr config, QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent,f) { updatingOk = false; firstShownOk = false; maxMonitorSize = 0; mConfig = config; ui.setupUi(this); } void MonitorPictureDialog::setScene(QList monitors) { int monitorsWidth =0; int monitorsHeight = 0; QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(); for (MonitorWidget *monitor : monitors) { MonitorPicture *monitorPicture = new MonitorPicture(nullptr, monitor, this); pictures.append(monitorPicture); scene->addItem(monitorPicture); monitorsWidth += monitorPicture->rect().width(); monitorsHeight += monitorPicture->rect().height(); MonitorPictureProxy *proxy = new MonitorPictureProxy(this, monitorPicture); proxy->connect(monitor->output.data(), SIGNAL(currentModeIdChanged()), SLOT(updateSize())); proxy->connect(monitor->output.data(), SIGNAL(posChanged()), SLOT(updatePosition())); } // The blue rectangle is maximum size of virtual screen (framebuffer) scene->addRect(0, 0, mConfig->screen()->maxSize().width(), mConfig->screen()->maxSize().height(), QPen(Qt::blue, 20))->setOpacity(0.5); maxMonitorSize = qMax(monitorsWidth, monitorsHeight); ui.graphicsView->setScene(scene); } void MonitorPictureDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { QWidget::showEvent(event); if( ! firstShownOk ) { // Update scale and set scrollbar position. // Real widget size is not set, until widget is shown. firstShownOk = true; int minWidgetLength = qMin(ui.graphicsView->size().width(), ui.graphicsView->size().width()) / 1.5; qDebug() << "minWidgetLength" << minWidgetLength << "maxMonitorSize" << maxMonitorSize << "scale" << minWidgetLength / (float) maxMonitorSize; ui.graphicsView->scale(minWidgetLength / (float) maxMonitorSize, minWidgetLength / (float) maxMonitorSize); updateScene(); ui.graphicsView->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(0); ui.graphicsView->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(0); } } void MonitorPictureDialog::updateScene() { ui.graphicsView->scene()->update(); } void MonitorPictureDialog::updateMonitorWidgets(QString primaryMonitor) { // This method update spin boxes of position. // If position is changed when this method is running, position is changed until buffer overflow. // updatingOk control that this method can not be run twice in the same position change. if(updatingOk) return; updatingOk = true; int x0, y0; x0 = y0 = 0; for (MonitorPicture *picture : pictures) { if (picture->monitorWidget->output->name() == primaryMonitor || primaryMonitor == QStringLiteral("")) { x0 = picture->originX + picture->pos().x(); y0 = picture->originY + picture->pos().y(); break; } } if( primaryMonitor == QStringLiteral("") ) { for(MonitorPicture *picture: pictures) { int x1 = picture->originX + picture->pos().x(); int y1 = picture->originY + picture->pos().y(); x0 = qMin(x0, x1); y0 = qMin(y0, y1); } } for (MonitorPicture *picture : pictures) { int x = picture->originX + picture->pos().x() - x0; int y = picture->originY + picture->pos().y() - y0; if( x != picture->monitorWidget->ui.xPosSpinBox->value() ) picture->monitorWidget->ui.xPosSpinBox->setValue(x); //else // qDebug() << "x Iguales"; if( y != picture->monitorWidget->ui.yPosSpinBox->value() ) picture->monitorWidget->ui.yPosSpinBox->setValue(y); //else // qDebug() << "y Iguales"; //qDebug() << "[MonitorPictureDialog::updateMonitorWidgets]" << x << '=' << picture->monitorWidget->ui.xPosSpinBox->value() << ',' << y << '=' << picture->monitorWidget->ui.yPosSpinBox->value(); } updatingOk = false; } MonitorPicture::MonitorPicture(QGraphicsItem * parent, MonitorWidget *monitorWidget, MonitorPictureDialog *monitorPictureDialog) : QGraphicsRectItem(parent) { this->monitorWidget = monitorWidget; this->monitorPictureDialog = monitorPictureDialog; QSize currentSize = sizeFromString(monitorWidget->ui.resolutionCombo->currentText()); if( monitorWidget->output->rotation() == KScreen::Output::Left || monitorWidget->output->rotation() == KScreen::Output::Right ) currentSize.transpose(); int x = monitorWidget->ui.xPosSpinBox->value(); int y = monitorWidget->ui.yPosSpinBox->value(); setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton); setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges); originX = x; originY = y; setRect(x, y, currentSize.width(), currentSize.height()); // setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 20)); // textItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(monitorWidget->output->name(), this); // textItem->setX(x); // textItem->setY(y); // textItem->setParentItem(this); QSvgRenderer *renderer = new QSvgRenderer(QLatin1String(ICON_PATH "monitor.svg")); svgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); svgItem->setSharedRenderer(renderer); svgItem->setX(x); svgItem->setY(y); svgItem->setOpacity(0.7); svgItem->setParentItem(this); textItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(monitorWidget->output->name(), this); textItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::white); textItem->setX(x); textItem->setY(y); textItem->setParentItem(this); setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 20)); adjustNameSize(); } void MonitorPicture::adjustNameSize() { prepareGeometryChange(); qreal fontWidth = QFontMetrics(textItem->font()).width(monitorWidget->output->name() + QStringLiteral(" ")); textItem->setScale((qreal) this->rect().width() / fontWidth); QTransform transform; qreal width = qAbs(this->rect().width()/svgItem->boundingRect().width()); qreal height = qAbs(this->rect().height()/svgItem->boundingRect().height()); qDebug() << "Width x Height" << width << "x" << height; transform.scale(width, height); svgItem->setTransform(transform); } void MonitorPicture::updateSize(QSize currentSize) { QRectF r = rect(); r.setSize(currentSize); setRect(r); adjustNameSize(); } QVariant MonitorPicture::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant & value) { //qDebug() << "[MonitorPicture::itemChange]: "; //if ( change == ItemPositionChange && scene()) { // value is the new position. //QPointF newPos = value.toPointF(); //qDebug() << "[MonitorPictureDialog::updateMonitorWidgets]: " << newPos.x() << "x" << newPos.y(); //} QVariant v = QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value); //monitorPictureDialog->updateMonitorWidgets(QString()); return v; } void MonitorPicture::setMonitorPosition(int x, int y) { setX( x - originX ); setY( y - originY ); } void MonitorPicture::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event) { QGraphicsRectItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); monitorPictureDialog->moveMonitorPictureToNearest(this); monitorPictureDialog->updateMonitorWidgets(QString()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move picture to nearest picture procedure. // Read magnetic_attraction.html for more info about the algorithm used. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Parameters { float t1, t2; QVector2D cutPoint; }; static Parameters segmentsCut(QVector2D p0, QVector2D p1, QVector2D s0, QVector2D s1) { Parameters result; QVector2D v0 = p1 - p0; QVector2D v1 = s1 - s0; QVector2D P = s0 - p0; float det = v0.y() * v1.x() - v0.x() * v1.y(); if (det == 0.0) result.t1 = result.t2 = -1.0; result.t1 = 1 / det * (-v1.y() * P.x() + v1.x() * P.y()); result.t2 = 1 / det * (-v0.y() * P.x() + v0.x() * P.y()); result.cutPoint = v0 * result.t1 + p0; return result; } static QVector2D computeCenter(MonitorPicture* monitorPicture) { float x0 = monitorPicture->x() + monitorPicture->originX; float y0 = monitorPicture->y() + monitorPicture->originY; float x1 = x0 + monitorPicture->rect().width(); float y1 = y0 + monitorPicture->rect().height(); QVector2D p0(x0, y0); QVector2D p1(x1, y1); QVector2D center = p0 + (p1 - p0) * 0.5; return center; } struct Result_moveMonitorPictureToNearest { bool ok; QVector2D vector; }; static Result_moveMonitorPictureToNearest compareTwoMonitors(MonitorPicture* monitorPicture1, MonitorPicture* monitorPicture2) { Result_moveMonitorPictureToNearest result; QVector2D center1 = computeCenter(monitorPicture1); QVector2D center2 = computeCenter(monitorPicture2); float x0 = monitorPicture2->x() + monitorPicture2->originX; float y0 = monitorPicture2->y() + monitorPicture2->originY; float x1 = x0 + monitorPicture2->rect().width(); float y1 = y0 + monitorPicture2->rect().height(); QVector2D p0(x0, y0); QVector2D p1(x1, y1); QVector2D P1, P2; float t1 = -1.0, t2 = -1.0; Parameters params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x0, y0), QVector2D(x1, y0)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t1 < 0) { t1 = params.t1; P1 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x0, y0), QVector2D(x0, y1)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t1 < 0) { t1 = params.t1; P1 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x1, y1), QVector2D(x1, y0)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t1 < 0) { t1 = params.t1; P1 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x1, y1), QVector2D(x0, y1)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t1 < 0) { t1 = params.t1; P1 = params.cutPoint; } x0 = monitorPicture1->x() + monitorPicture1->originX; y0 = monitorPicture1->y() + monitorPicture1->originY; x1 = x0 + monitorPicture1->rect().width(); y1 = y0 + monitorPicture1->rect().height(); p0 = QVector2D(x0, y0); p1 = QVector2D(x1, y1); params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x0, y0), QVector2D(x1, y0)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t2 < 0) { t2 = params.t1; P2 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x0, y0), QVector2D(x0, y1)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t2 < 0) { t2 = params.t1; P2 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x1, y1), QVector2D(x1, y0)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t2 < 0) { t2 = params.t1; P2 = params.cutPoint; } params = segmentsCut(center1, center2, QVector2D(x1, y1), QVector2D(x0, y1)); if (params.t1 >= 0.0 && params.t1 <= 1.0 && params.t2 >= 0.0 && params.t2 <= 1.0 && t2 < 0) { t2 = params.t1; P2 = params.cutPoint; } // Monitor outside if (t1 > t2) { result.vector = P1 - P2; result.ok = false; } else result.ok = true; return result; } void MonitorPictureDialog::moveMonitorPictureToNearest(MonitorPicture* monitorPicture) { if (!ui.magneticCheckBox->isChecked()) return; QVector2D vector(0, 0); for (MonitorPicture *picture : pictures) { if (picture == monitorPicture) continue; Result_moveMonitorPictureToNearest result = compareTwoMonitors(monitorPicture, picture); if (result.ok) return; else if (result.vector.length() < vector.length() || vector.length() == 0.0) vector = result.vector; } int x = monitorPicture->x(); int y = monitorPicture->y(); monitorPicture->setX(x + vector.x()); monitorPicture->setY(y + vector.y()); }