SelectWndLXQt Mouse Theme ConfigurationLXQt滑鼠游標主題設定Select the cursor theme you want to use (hover preview to test cursor). <b>LXQt session needs restart after this change</b>:選擇您喜歡的游標主題 (檢視來回移動來測試游標) 。
<b>套用改變需要重新啟動LXQt會話</b>:&Install New Theme...安裝新主題...(&I)&Set Theme設為主題(&S)&Remove Theme移除主題(&R)&Close關閉(&C)XCurTheme errorXCurTheme錯誤You can't remove active theme!您無法移除正在套用的主題!WarningLabelFormLXQt could not find any cursor theme. The default X11 cursor theme will be used instead. LXQt looked in the following directories:Show...XCursorThemeModelName名稱Description描述