KeyboardConfig Form Cursor flash time: <b>Keyboard</b> Beep when there is an error of keyboard input 鍵盤輸入錯誤時發出嗶聲 ms Character Repeat 字元重複 Long Repeat delay: 重複延遲: Short Repeat interval: 重複間隔時間: Type in the following box to test your keyboard settings 在下列方框裡輸入文字測試你的鍵盤設定 0 0 KeyboardLayoutConfig <b>Keyboard Layout</b> Layout Variant &Add &Remove up down Keyboard model: Keys to change layout: None <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note</span>: If you are using an <span style=" font-weight:600;">input method</span>, such as IBus, uim, fcitx, or gcin, the settings here <span style=" font-weight:600;">might not work</span> because they are overridden by the input methods.</p></body></html> MainDialog Input Device Preferences 輸入裝置偏好設定 Motion 移動 High Fast Sensitivity: 敏感度: Low Acceleration: 加速: Slow 0 0 Left handed (Swap left and right mouse buttons) 左撇子 (對換滑鼠左右鍵) Mouse 滑鼠 Character Repeat 字元重複 Long Repeat delay: 重複延遲: Short Repeat interval: 重複間隔時間: Type in the following box to test your keyboard settings 在下列方框裡輸入文字測試你的鍵盤設定 Beep when there is an error of keyboard input 鍵盤輸入錯誤時發出嗶聲 Keyboard 鍵盤 MouseConfig Form <b>Mouse</b> Motion 移動 High Fast Sensitivity: 敏感度: Low Acceleration: 加速: Slow 0 0 Double click interval: ms Wheel scroll lines: Left handed (Swap left and right mouse buttons) 左撇子 (對換滑鼠左右鍵) Single click to activate items QObject Keyboard and Mouse Settings Mouse 滑鼠 Cursor Keyboard 鍵盤 Keyboard Layout SelectKeyboardLayoutDialog Select a keyboard layout Keyboard layout Variant