FontsConfig Font Default font for user interface Font name: Style: Point size: Normal Bold Italic Bold Italic The following settings only affect newly started applications Use antialias fonts Font hinting style: None Slight Medium Full Font hinting Resolution (DPI): Autohint Subpixel antialiasing: RGB BGR VRGB VBGR IconThemeConfig LXQt Appearance Configuration LXQt自訂外觀 Icons Theme 圖示主題 LXQtThemeConfig LXQt Theme LXQt主題 QObject LXQt Appearance Configuration LXQt自訂外觀 Widget Style Icons Theme 圖示主題 LXQt Theme LXQt主題 Font Cursor StyleConfig Widget Style Toolbar button style: Only display the icon Only display the text The text appears beside the icon The text appears under the icon Default Activate item on single click