353 lines
10 KiB
353 lines
10 KiB
/* coded by Ketmar // Vampire Avalon (psyc://ketmar.no-ip.org/~Ketmar)
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
#include <QDebug>
//#include <QtCore>
#include "xcrthemexp.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <QSet>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
#include "xcrimg.h"
#include "xcrxcur.h"
#include "xcrtheme.h"
#include "xcrthemefx.h"
static const char *curShapeName[] = {
static const char *findCurShapeName (const QString &s) {
QByteArray ba(s.toUtf8());
const char *name = ba.constData();
const char **nlst = curShapeName;
while (*nlst) {
if (!strcasecmp(name, *nlst)) return *nlst;
return 0;
static QString findFile (const QDir &dir, const QString &name, bool fullName=false) {
QFileInfoList lst = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden);
foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, lst) {
if (!name.compare(fi.fileName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if (fullName) return fi.absoluteFilePath();
return fi.fileName();
return QString();
class CursorInfo {
CursorInfo () { clear(); curSection.clear(); }
void clear () {
frameCnt = 1; delay = 50; xhot = yhot = 0;
wasFrameCnt = wasXHot = wasYHot = wasDelay = wasScript = wasAStyle = wasStdCur = false;
isStdCursor = false;
isLooped = true; is2way = false;
quint32 frameCnt, delay, xhot, yhot;
QString script;
bool wasFrameCnt, wasXHot, wasYHot, wasDelay, wasScript, wasAStyle, wasStdCur;
bool isStdCursor;
bool isLooped, is2way;
QString curSection;
QString nextSection;
/* true: EOF */
static bool readNextSection (QTextStream &stream, CursorInfo &info) {
if (info.nextSection.isEmpty()) {
// find next section
//qDebug() << "searching section...";
for (;;) {
QString s;
for (;;) {
s = stream.readLine();
if (s.isNull()) return true;
s = s.trimmed();
//qDebug() << "*" << s;
if (s.isEmpty() || s[0] == '#' || s[0] == ';') continue;
if (s[0] == '[') break;
int len = s.length()-1;
if (s[len] == ']') len--;
s = s.mid(1, len);
const char *csn = findCurShapeName(s);
if (!csn) continue;
// section found
info.curSection = csn;
} else {
info.curSection = info.nextSection;
// section found; read it
for (;;) {
QString s = stream.readLine();
if (s.isNull()) return true;
s = s.trimmed();
//qDebug() << "+" << s;
if (s.isEmpty() || s[0] == '#' || s[0] == ';') continue;
if (s[0] == '[') {
int len = s.length()-1;
if (s[len] == ']') len--;
s = s.mid(1, len);
const char *csn = findCurShapeName(s);
if (csn) info.nextSection = csn; else info.nextSection.clear();
QStringList nv(s.split('='));
if (nv.size() != 2) continue; // invalid
QString name = nv[0].simplified().toLower();
quint32 num = 0;
bool numOk = XCursorThemeFX::str2num(nv[1].trimmed(), num);
if (!numOk) num = 0;
if (name == "frames") {
info.frameCnt = qMax(num, (quint32)1);
info.wasFrameCnt = true;
} else if (name == "interval") {
info.delay = qMax(qMin(num, (quint32)0x7fffffffL), (quint32)10);
info.wasDelay = true;
} else if (name == "animation style") {
info.isLooped = true;
info.is2way = (num != 0);
info.wasAStyle = true;
} else if (name == "hot spot x") {
info.xhot = num;
info.wasXHot = true;
} else if (name == "hot spot y") {
info.yhot = num;
info.wasYHot = true;
} else if (name == "framescript") {
// 1 or 0
} else if (name == "stdcursor") {
info.isStdCursor = (num!=0);
info.wasStdCur = true;
} else if (name == "hot spot x2" || name == "hot spot y2") {
} else if (name == "stdcursor" || name == "hot spot x2" || name == "hot spot y2") {
// nothing
} else {
qDebug() << "unknown param:" << name << nv[1];
qWarning() << "unknown param:" << name << nv[1];
return false;
static void removeFilesAndDirs (QDir &dir) {
//qDebug() << "dir:" << dir.path();
// files
QFileInfoList lst = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden);
foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, lst) {
//qDebug() << "removing" << fi.fileName() << fi.absoluteFilePath();
// dirs
lst = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden);
foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, lst) {
//qDebug() << "removing dir" << fi.fileName();
* returns temporary dir or empty string
static QString unzipFile (const QString &zipFile) {
QStringList args;
char tmpDirName[18];
strcpy(tmpDirName, "/tmp/unzXXXXXX");
char *td = mkdtemp(tmpDirName);
if (!td) return QString();
QDir dir(td);
args << "-b"; // all files are binary
args << "-D"; // skip timestamps
args << "-n"; // never overwrite (just in case)
args << "-qq"; // be very quiet
args << zipFile;
args << "-d" << dir.absolutePath(); // dest dir
QProcess pr;
pr.start("unzip", args);
if (pr.waitForStarted()) {
if (pr.waitForFinished()) return QLatin1String(td);
// cleanup
QString s = QLatin1String(strchr(td+1, '/')+1);
//qDebug() << s;
return QString();
XCursorThemeXP::XCursorThemeXP (const QString &aFileName) : XCursorTheme() {
QFileInfo fi(aFileName);
if (fi.exists() && fi.isReadable()) {
QString dst = unzipFile(aFileName);
if (!dst.isEmpty()) {
QDir d(dst);
if (!parseCursorXPTheme(d)) {
qDebug() << "doing cleanup...";
dst.remove(0, dst.indexOf('/', 1)+1);
qDebug() << dst;
bool XCursorThemeXP::parseCursorXPTheme (const QDir &thDir) {
qDebug() << "loading" << thDir.path();
QString ifn = findFile(thDir, "scheme.ini", true);
if (ifn.isEmpty()) return false;
qDebug() << "reading scheme:" << ifn;
QFile fl(ifn);
if (!fl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; // no scheme --> no fun!
QTextStream stream;
CursorInfo info;
QSet<QString> sectionsSeen;
bool eof = false;
do {
eof = readNextSection(stream, info);
if (info.curSection.isEmpty()) break;
qDebug() << "section:" << info.curSection <<
"\n stdcr was:" << info.wasStdCur << "value:" << info.isStdCursor <<
"\n frame was:" << info.wasFrameCnt << "value:" << info.frameCnt <<
"\n delay was:" << info.wasDelay << "value:" << info.delay <<
"\n xhot was:" << info.wasXHot << "value:" << info.xhot <<
"\n yhot was:" << info.wasYHot << "value:" << info.yhot <<
"\n style was:" << info.wasAStyle << "loop:" << info.isLooped << "2way:" << info.is2way <<
"\n scrpt was:" << info.wasScript << "value:" << info.script <<
"\n next section:" << info.nextSection
const char ** nlst = XCursorTheme::findCursorRecord(info.curSection, 0);
QString imgFile = findFile(thDir, info.curSection+".png", true);
if (!sectionsSeen.contains(info.curSection) && nlst && !imgFile.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "section" << info.curSection << "file:" << imgFile;
sectionsSeen << info.curSection;
//TODO: script
QList<XCursorThemeFX::tAnimSeq> aseq;
// create 'standard' animseq
XCursorThemeFX::tAnimSeq a;
a.from = 0; a.to = info.frameCnt-1; a.delay = info.delay;
aseq << a;
// and back if 'alternate' flag set
if (info.is2way) {
a.from = info.frameCnt-1; a.to = 0;
aseq << a;
// load image
QImage img(imgFile);
if (!img.isNull()) {
XCursorImages *cim = new XCursorImages(*nlst);
quint32 frameWdt = img.width()/info.frameCnt;
qDebug() << "frameWdt:" << frameWdt << "left:" << img.width()%(frameWdt*info.frameCnt);
// now build animation sequence
int fCnt = 0;
foreach (const XCursorThemeFX::tAnimSeq &a, aseq) {
bool back = a.from > a.to; // going backwards
quint32 fNo = a.from;
for (;; fCnt++) {
//k8:qDebug() << " frame:" << fNo << "delay:" << a.delay;
// copy frame
QImage frame(img.copy(fNo*frameWdt, 0, frameWdt, img.height()));
XCursorImage *i = new XCursorImage(QString("%1%2").arg(cim->name()).arg(QString::number(fCnt)),
frame, info.xhot, info.yhot, a.delay, 1
if (fNo == a.to) break;
if (back) fNo--; else fNo++;
// append if not empty
if (cim->count()) {
// now check if it is looped and cancel looping if necessary
if (!info.isLooped) {
// not looped
qDebug() << " anti-loop fix";
XCursorImage *i = cim->item(cim->count()-1);
//i->setCSize(2); // ???
mList << cim;
} while (!eof);
return true;