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* (c)LGPL2+
* LXQt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset
* http://lxqt.org
* Copyright: 2015 LXQt team
* This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <memory>
namespace LXQt
class PluginInfo;
struct PluginData;
class LXQtPanel;
class Plugin;
* \brief The PanelPluginsModel class implements the Model part of the
* Qt Model/View architecture for the Plugins, i.e. it is the interface
* to access the Plugin data associated with this Panel. The
* PanelPluginsModel takes care for read-access as well as changes
* like adding, removing or moving Plugins.
class PanelPluginsModel : public QAbstractListModel
PanelPluginsModel(LXQtPanel * panel,
QString const & namesKey,
QStringList const & desktopDirs,
QObject * parent = nullptr);
* \brief rowCount returns the number of Plugins. It overrides/implements
* QAbstractListModel::rowCount().
* \param parent The parameter parent should be omitted to get the number of
* Plugins. If it is given and a valid model index, the method returns 0
* because PanelPluginsModel is not a hierarchical model.
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
* \brief data returns the Plugin data as defined by the Model/View
* architecture. The Plugins itself can be accessed with the role
* Qt::UserRole but they can also be accessed by the methods plugins(),
* pluginByName() and pluginByID(). This method overrides/implements
* QAbstractListModel::data().
* \param index should be a valid model index to determine the Plugin
* that should be read.
* \param role The Qt::ItemDataRole to determine what kind of data should
* be read, can be one of the following:
* 1. Qt::DisplayRole to return a string that describes the Plugin.
* 2. Qt::DecorationRole to return an icon for the Plugin.
* 3. Qt::UserRole to return a Plugin*.
* \return The data as determined by index and role.
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
* \brief flags returns the item flags for the given model index. For
* all Plugins, this is the same:
* Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren.
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex & index) const override;
* \brief pluginNames returns a list of names for all the Plugins in
* this panel. The names are not the human-readable names but the names
* that are used to identify the Plugins, e.g. in the config files. These
* names can be used in the method pluginByName() to get a corresponding
* Plugin.
* The plugin names are normally chosen to be equal to the
* filename of the corresponding *.desktop-file. If multiple instances
* of a single plugin-type are created, their names are created by
* appending increasing numbers, e.g. 'mainmenu' and 'mainmenu2'.
* \sa findNewPluginSettingsGroup
QStringList pluginNames() const;
* \brief plugins returns a list of Plugins in this panel.
QList<Plugin *> plugins() const;
* \brief pluginByName gets a Plugin by its name.
* \param name is the name of the plugin as it is used in the
* config files. A list of names can be retrieved with the
* method pluginNames().
* \return the Plugin with the given name.
* \sa pluginNames
Plugin *pluginByName(QString name) const;
* \brief pluginByID gets a Plugin by its ID.
* \param id is the *.desktop-file-ID of the plugin which in turn is the
* QFileInfo::completeBaseName() of the desktop-file, e.g. "mainmenu".
* As these IDs are chosen according to the corresponding
* desktop-file, these IDs are not unique. If multiple
* instances of a single plugin-type are created, they share
* the same ID in this sense. Then, this method will return
* the first plugin of the given type.
* \return the first Plugin found with the given ID.
Plugin const *pluginByID(QString id) const;
* \brief movePlugin moves a Plugin in the underlying data.
* This method is useful whenever a Plugin should be moved several
* positions at once. If a Plugin should only be moved one position
* up or down, consider using onMovePluginUp or onMovePluginDown.
* \param plugin Plugin that has been moved
* \param nameAfter name of the Plugin that should be located after
* the moved Plugin after the move operation, so this parameter
* determines the new position of plugin. If an empty string is
* given, plugin will be moved to the end of the list.
* \note This method is especially useful for drag and drop reordering.
* Therefore, it will be called whenever the user moves a Plugin in
* the panel ("Move Plugin" in the context menu of the panel).
* \sa onMovePluginUp, onMovePluginDown
void movePlugin(Plugin * plugin, QString const & nameAfter);
* \brief pluginAdded gets emitted whenever a new Plugin is added
* to the panel.
void pluginAdded(Plugin * plugin);
* \brief pluginRemoved gets emitted whenever a Plugin is removed.
* \param plugin The Plugin that was removed. This could be a nullptr.
void pluginRemoved(Plugin * plugin);
* \brief pluginMoved gets emitted whenever a Plugin is moved.
* This signal gets emitted in movePlugin, onMovePluginUp and
* onMovePluginDown.
* \param plugin The Plugin that was moved. This could be a nullptr.
* \sa pluginMovedUp
void pluginMoved(Plugin * plugin); //plugin can be nullptr in case of move of not loaded plugin
* \brief pluginMovedUp gets emitted whenever a Plugin is moved a single
* slot upwards.
* When a Plugin is moved a single slot upwards, this signal will be
* emitted additionally to the pluginMoved signal so that two signals
* get emitted.
* If a Plugin is moved downwards, that Plugin will swap places with
* the following Plugin so that the result equals moving the following
* Plugin a single slot upwards. So, whenever two adjacent Plugins
* swap their places, this signal gets emitted with the Plugin that
* moves upwards as parameter.
* For simplified use, only this signal is implemented. There is no
* similar pluginMovedDown-signal.
* This signal gets emitted from onMovePluginUp and onMovePluginDown.
* \param plugin The Plugin that moved a slot upwards.
* \sa pluginMoved
void pluginMovedUp(Plugin * plugin);
public slots:
* \brief addPlugin Adds a new Plugin to the model.
* \param desktopFile The PluginInfo (which inherits XdgDesktopFile)
* for the Plugin that should be added.
* \note AddPluginDialog::pluginSelected is connected to this slot.
void addPlugin(const LXQt::PluginInfo &desktopFile);
* \brief removePlugin Removes a Plugin from the model.
* The Plugin to remove is identified by the QObject::sender() method
* when the slot is called. Therefore, this method should only be called
* by connecting a signal that a Plugin will emit to this slot.
* Otherwise, nothing will happen.
* \note Plugin::remove is connected to this slot as soon as the
* Plugin is loaded in the PanelPluginsModel.
void removePlugin();
// slots for configuration dialog
* \brief onMovePluginUp Moves the Plugin corresponding to the given
* model index a slot upwards.
* \note The 'Up' button in the configuration widget is connected to this
* slot.
void onMovePluginUp(QModelIndex const & index);
* \brief onMovePluginDown Moves the Plugin corresponding to the given
* model index a slot downwards.
* \note The 'Down' button in the configuration widget is connected to this
* slot.
void onMovePluginDown(QModelIndex const & index);
* \brief onConfigurePlugin If the Plugin corresponding to the given
* model index has a config dialog (checked via the flag
* ILXQtPanelPlugin::HaveConfigDialog), this method shows
* it by calling plugin->showConfigureDialog().
* \note The 'Configure' button in the configuration widget is connected to
* this slot.
void onConfigurePlugin(QModelIndex const & index);
* \brief onRemovePlugin Removes the Plugin corresponding to the given
* model index from the Model.
* \note The 'Remove' button in the configuration widget is connected to
* this slot.
void onRemovePlugin(QModelIndex const & index);
* \brief pluginslist_t is the data type used for mPlugins which stores
* all the Plugins.
* \sa mPlugins
typedef QList<QPair <QString/*name*/, QPointer<Plugin> > > pluginslist_t;
* \brief loadPlugins Loads all the Plugins.
* \param desktopDirs These directories are scanned for corresponding
* .desktop-files which are necessary to load the plugins.
void loadPlugins(QStringList const & desktopDirs);
* \brief loadPlugin Loads a Plugin and connects signals and slots.
* \param desktopFile The desktop file that specifies how to load the
* Plugin.
* \param settingsGroup QString which specifies the settings group. This
* will only be redirected to the Plugin so that it knows how to read
* its settings.
* \return A QPointer to the Plugin that was loaded.
QPointer<Plugin> loadPlugin(LXQt::PluginInfo const & desktopFile, QString const & settingsGroup);
* \brief findNewPluginSettingsGroup Creates a name for a new Plugin
* that is not yet present in the settings file. Whenever multiple
* instances of a single Plugin type are created, they have to be
* distinguished by this name.
* The first Plugin of a given type will be named like the type, e.g.
* "mainmenu". If a name is already present, this method tries to
* find a free name by appending increasing integers (starting with 2),
* e.g. "mainmenu2". If, for example, only "mainmenu2" exists because
* "mainmenu" was deleted, "mainmenu" would be returned. So, the method
* always finds the first suitable name that is not yet present in the
* settings file.
* \param pluginType Type of the Plugin.
* \return The created name for the Plugin.
QString findNewPluginSettingsGroup(const QString &pluginType) const;
* \brief isIndexValid Checks if a given model index is valid for the
* underlying data (column 0, row lower than number of Plugins and
* so on).
bool isIndexValid(QModelIndex const & index) const;
* \brief removePlugin Removes a given Plugin from the model.
void removePlugin(pluginslist_t::iterator plugin);
* \brief mNamesKey The key to the settings-entry that stores the
* names of the Plugins in a panel. Set upon creation, passed as
* a parameter by the panel.
const QString mNamesKey;
* \brief mPlugins Stores all the Plugins.
* mPlugins is a QList of elements while each element corresponds to a
* single Plugin. Each element is a QPair of a QString and a QPointer
* while the QPointer points to a Plugin.
* To access the elements, you can use indexing or an iterator on the
* list. For each element p, p.first is the name of the Plugin as it
* is used in the configuration files, p.second.data() is the Plugin.
* \sa pluginslist_t
pluginslist_t mPlugins;
* \brief mPanel Stores a reference to the LXQtPanel.
LXQtPanel * mPanel;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Plugin const *)