/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXDE-Qt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://razor-qt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #ifndef LXQTPANEL_H #define LXQTPANEL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "ilxqtpanel.h" #include "lxqtpanelglobals.h" class QMenu; class Plugin; class QAbstractItemModel; namespace LXQt { class Settings; class PluginInfo; } class LXQtPanelLayout; class ConfigPanelDialog; class PanelPluginsModel; /*! \brief The LXQtPanel class provides a single lxqt-panel. */ class LXQT_PANEL_API LXQtPanel : public QFrame, public ILXQtPanel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString position READ qssPosition) // for configuration dialog friend class ConfigPanelWidget; friend class ConfigPluginsWidget; friend class ConfigPanelDialog; friend class PanelPluginsModel; public: enum Alignment { AlignmentLeft = -1, AlignmentCenter = 0, AlignmentRight = 1 }; LXQtPanel(const QString &configGroup, LXQt::Settings *settings, QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~LXQtPanel(); QString name() { return mConfigGroup; } void readSettings(); void showPopupMenu(Plugin *plugin = 0); // ILXQtPanel ......................... ILXQtPanel::Position position() const { return mPosition; } QRect globalGometry() const; Plugin *findPlugin(const ILXQtPanelPlugin *iPlugin) const; QRect calculatePopupWindowPos(QPoint const & absolutePos, QSize const & windowSize) const; QRect calculatePopupWindowPos(const ILXQtPanelPlugin *plugin, const QSize &windowSize) const; // For QSS properties .................. QString qssPosition() const; static bool canPlacedOn(int screenNum, LXQtPanel::Position position); static QString positionToStr(ILXQtPanel::Position position); static ILXQtPanel::Position strToPosition(const QString &str, ILXQtPanel::Position defaultValue); // Settings int panelSize() const { return mPanelSize; } int iconSize() const { return mIconSize; } int lineCount() const { return mLineCount; } int length() const { return mLength; } bool lengthInPercents() const { return mLengthInPercents; } LXQtPanel::Alignment alignment() const { return mAlignment; } int screenNum() const { return mScreenNum; } QColor fontColor() const { return mFontColor; }; QColor backgroundColor() const { return mBackgroundColor; }; QString backgroundImage() const { return mBackgroundImage; }; int opacity() const { return mOpacity; }; bool hidable() const { return mHidable; } bool isPluginSingletonAndRunnig(QString const & pluginId) const; public slots: void show(); void showPanel(); void hidePanel(); void hidePanelWork(); // Settings void setPanelSize(int value, bool save); void setIconSize(int value, bool save); void setLineCount(int value, bool save); void setLength(int length, bool inPercents, bool save); void setPosition(int screen, ILXQtPanel::Position position, bool save); void setAlignment(LXQtPanel::Alignment value, bool save); void setFontColor(QColor color, bool save); void setBackgroundColor(QColor color, bool save); void setBackgroundImage(QString path, bool save); void setOpacity(int opacity, bool save); void setHidable(bool hidable, bool save); void saveSettings(bool later=false); void ensureVisible(); signals: void realigned(); void deletedByUser(LXQtPanel *self); void pluginAdded(); void pluginRemoved(); protected: bool event(QEvent *event); void showEvent(QShowEvent *event); public slots: void showConfigDialog(); private slots: void showAddPluginDialog(); void realign(); void pluginMoved(Plugin * plug); void userRequestForDeletion(); private: LXQtPanelLayout* mLayout; LXQt::Settings *mSettings; QFrame *LXQtPanelWidget; QString mConfigGroup; QScopedPointer mPlugins; int findAvailableScreen(LXQtPanel::Position position); void updateWmStrut(); void loadPlugins(); void setPanelGeometry(); int getReserveDimension(); int mPanelSize; int mIconSize; int mLineCount; int mLength; bool mLengthInPercents; Alignment mAlignment; ILXQtPanel::Position mPosition; int mScreenNum; //!< configured screen (user preference) int mActualScreenNum; //!< panel currently shown at (if the configured screen is not available) QTimer mDelaySave; bool mHidable; bool mHidden; QTimer mHideTimer; QColor mFontColor; QColor mBackgroundColor; QString mBackgroundImage; // 0 to 100 int mOpacity; QPointer mConfigDialog; void updateStyleSheet(); // settings should be kept private for security LXQt::Settings *settings() const { return mSettings; } }; #endif // LXQTPANEL_H