LXQtMainMenuConfiguration 0 0 481 501 Main Menu settings General Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter false false Icon: false false Button text: false true Custom font size: false pt 1 11 true Menu file Menu file: Keyboard Shortcut 200 0 Click the button to record shortcut: Qt::Vertical 20 41 Search max. item width: Show matching entries: 20 Maximum visible items: Filter menu entries px 40 1000 Hide menu entries while searching Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Reset ShortcutSelector QToolButton
customFontCB toggled(bool) customFontSizeSB setEnabled(bool) 60 249 280 277 showTextCB toggled(bool) textLE setEnabled(bool) 239 39 313 68 iconCB toggled(bool) iconLE setEnabled(bool) 91 53 284 53 iconCB toggled(bool) iconPB setEnabled(bool) 91 53 431 53 filterShowCB toggled(bool) filterShowMaxItemsSB setEnabled(bool) 172 374 393 374 filterShowCB toggled(bool) filterShowMaxItemsL setEnabled(bool) 111 374 269 374 filterShowCB toggled(bool) filterShowMaxWidthSB setEnabled(bool) 111 352 396 378 filterShowCB toggled(bool) filterShowMaxWidthL setEnabled(bool) 111 352 269 378 filterShowCB toggled(bool) filterShowHideMenuCB setEnabled(bool) 110 374 332 437