/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXDE-Qt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://lxqt.org * * Copyright: 2015 LXQt team * Authors: * Balázs Béla * Paulo Lieuthier * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "statusnotifierwidget.h" #include #include #include "../panel/ilxqtpanelplugin.h" StatusNotifierWidget::StatusNotifierWidget(ILXQtPanelPlugin *plugin, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), mPlugin(plugin) { QString dbusName = QString("org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-%1-%2").arg(QApplication::applicationPid()).arg(1); if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(dbusName)) qDebug() << QDBusConnection::sessionBus().lastError().message(); mWatcher = new StatusNotifierWatcher; mWatcher->RegisterStatusNotifierHost(dbusName); connect(mWatcher, &StatusNotifierWatcher::StatusNotifierItemRegistered, this, &StatusNotifierWidget::itemAdded); connect(mWatcher, &StatusNotifierWatcher::StatusNotifierItemUnregistered, this, &StatusNotifierWidget::itemRemoved); setLayout(new LXQt::GridLayout(this)); realign(); qDebug() << mWatcher->RegisteredStatusNotifierItems(); } StatusNotifierWidget::~StatusNotifierWidget() { delete mWatcher; } void StatusNotifierWidget::itemAdded(QString serviceAndPath) { int slash = serviceAndPath.indexOf('/'); QString serv = serviceAndPath.left(slash); QString path = serviceAndPath.mid(slash); StatusNotifierButton *button = new StatusNotifierButton(serv, path, mPlugin, this); mServices.insert(serviceAndPath, button); layout()->addWidget(button); layout()->setAlignment(button, Qt::AlignCenter); button->show(); } void StatusNotifierWidget::itemRemoved(const QString &serviceAndPath) { StatusNotifierButton *button = mServices.value(serviceAndPath, NULL); if (button) { button->deleteLater(); layout()->removeWidget(button); } } void StatusNotifierWidget::realign() { LXQt::GridLayout *layout = qobject_cast(this->layout()); layout->setEnabled(false); ILXQtPanel *panel = mPlugin->panel(); if (panel->isHorizontal()) { layout->setRowCount(panel->lineCount()); layout->setColumnCount(0); } else { layout->setColumnCount(panel->lineCount()); layout->setRowCount(0); } layout->setEnabled(true); }