ConfigPanelDialogPanel sizeDimension de pannelloSize:DimensionConfigure PanelConfigPanelWidgetConfigure panelSizeSize:Dimension pxIcon size:Length:<p>Negative pixel value sets the panel length to that many pixels less than available screen space.</p><p/><p><i>E.g. "Length" set to -100px, screen size is 1000px, then real panel length will be 900 px.</i></p>%pxRows count:Alignment && positionLeftCenterRightAlignment:Position:StylingCustom font color:Custom background image:Custom background color:OpacityTop of desktopLeft of desktopRight of desktopBottom of desktopTop of desktop %1Left of desktop %1Right of desktop %1Bottom of desktop %1TopBottomPick colorImages (*.png *.gif *.jpg)LxQtPanelAdd Panel WidgetsPanelConfigure Panel...Add Panel Widgets...Add PanelRemove PanelPluginConfigure "%1"Move "%1"Remove "%1"