/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXQt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://lxqt.org * * Copyright: 2015 LXQt team * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "panelpluginsmodel.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "ilxqtpanelplugin.h" #include "lxqtpanel.h" #include "lxqtpanelapplication.h" #include <QPointer> #include <XdgIcon> #include <LXQt/Settings> #include <QDebug> PanelPluginsModel::PanelPluginsModel(LXQtPanel * panel, QString const & namesKey, QStringList const & desktopDirs, QObject * parent/* = nullptr*/) : QAbstractListModel{parent}, mNamesKey(namesKey), mPanel(panel) { loadPlugins(desktopDirs); } PanelPluginsModel::~PanelPluginsModel() { qDeleteAll(plugins()); } int PanelPluginsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent/* = QModelIndex()*/) const { return QModelIndex() == parent ? mPlugins.size() : 0; } QVariant PanelPluginsModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role/* = Qt::DisplayRole*/) const { Q_ASSERT(QModelIndex() == index.parent() && 0 == index.column() && mPlugins.size() > index.row() ); pluginslist_t::const_reference plugin = mPlugins[index.row()]; QVariant ret; switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: if (plugin.second.isNull()) ret = QString("<b>Unknown</b> (%1)").arg(plugin.first); else ret = QString("<b>%1</b> (%2)").arg(plugin.second->name(), plugin.first); break; case Qt::DecorationRole: if (plugin.second.isNull()) ret = XdgIcon::fromTheme("preferences-plugin"); else ret = plugin.second->desktopFile().icon(XdgIcon::fromTheme("preferences-plugin")); break; case Qt::UserRole: ret = QVariant::fromValue(const_cast<Plugin const *>(plugin.second.data())); break; } return ret; } Qt::ItemFlags PanelPluginsModel::flags(const QModelIndex & index) const { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren; } QStringList PanelPluginsModel::pluginNames() const { QStringList names; for (auto const & p : mPlugins) names.append(p.first); return names; } QList<Plugin *> PanelPluginsModel::plugins() const { QList<Plugin *> plugins; for (auto const & p : mPlugins) if (!p.second.isNull()) plugins.append(p.second.data()); return plugins; } Plugin* PanelPluginsModel::pluginByName(QString name) const { for (auto const & p : mPlugins) if (p.first == name) return p.second.data(); return nullptr; } Plugin const * PanelPluginsModel::pluginByID(QString id) const { for (auto const & p : mPlugins) { Plugin *plugin = p.second.data(); if (plugin && plugin->desktopFile().id() == id) return plugin; } return nullptr; } void PanelPluginsModel::addPlugin(const LXQt::PluginInfo &desktopFile) { if (dynamic_cast<LXQtPanelApplication const *>(qApp)->isPluginSingletonAndRunnig(desktopFile.id())) return; QString name = findNewPluginSettingsGroup(desktopFile.id()); QPointer<Plugin> plugin = loadPlugin(desktopFile, name); if (plugin.isNull()) return; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), mPlugins.size(), mPlugins.size()); mPlugins.append({name, plugin}); endInsertRows(); mPanel->settings()->setValue(mNamesKey, pluginNames()); emit pluginAdded(plugin.data()); } void PanelPluginsModel::removePlugin(pluginslist_t::iterator plugin) { if (mPlugins.end() != plugin) { mPanel->settings()->remove(plugin->first); Plugin * p = plugin->second.data(); const int row = plugin - mPlugins.begin(); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); mPlugins.erase(plugin); endRemoveRows(); emit pluginRemoved(p); // p can be nullptr mPanel->settings()->setValue(mNamesKey, pluginNames()); if (nullptr != p) p->deleteLater(); } } void PanelPluginsModel::removePlugin() { Plugin * p = qobject_cast<Plugin*>(sender()); auto plugin = std::find_if(mPlugins.begin(), mPlugins.end(), [p] (pluginslist_t::const_reference obj) { return p == obj.second; }); removePlugin(std::move(plugin)); } void PanelPluginsModel::movePlugin(Plugin * plugin, QString const & nameAfter) { //merge list of plugins (try to preserve original position) //subtract mPlugin.begin() from the found Plugins to get the model index const int from = std::find_if(mPlugins.begin(), mPlugins.end(), [plugin] (pluginslist_t::const_reference obj) { return plugin == obj.second.data(); }) - mPlugins.begin(); const int to = std::find_if(mPlugins.begin(), mPlugins.end(), [nameAfter] (pluginslist_t::const_reference obj) { return nameAfter == obj.first; }) - mPlugins.begin(); /* 'from' is the current position of the Plugin to be moved ("moved Plugin"), * 'to' is the position of the Plugin behind the one that is being moved * ("behind Plugin"). There are several cases to distinguish: * 1. from > to: The moved Plugin had been behind the behind Plugin before * and is moved to the front of the behind Plugin. The moved Plugin will * be inserted at position 'to', the behind Plugin and all the following * Plugins (until the former position of the moved Plugin) will increment * their indexes. * 2. from < to: The moved Plugin had already been located before the * behind Plugin. In this case, the move operation only reorders the * Plugins before the behind Plugin. All the Plugins between the moved * Plugin and the behind Plugin will decrement their index. Therefore, the * movedPlugin will not be at position 'to' but rather on position 'to-1'. * 3. from == to: This does not make sense, we catch this case to prevent * errors. * 4. from == to-1: The moved Plugin has not moved because it had already * been located in front of the behind Plugin. */ const int to_plugins = from < to ? to - 1 : to; if (from != to && from != to_plugins) { /* Although the new position of the moved Plugin will be 'to-1' if * from < to, we insert 'to' here. This is exactly how it is done * in the Qt documentation. */ beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), from, from, QModelIndex(), to); // For the QList::move method, use the right position mPlugins.move(from, to_plugins); endMoveRows(); emit pluginMoved(plugin); mPanel->settings()->setValue(mNamesKey, pluginNames()); } } void PanelPluginsModel::loadPlugins(QStringList const & desktopDirs) { QStringList plugin_names = mPanel->settings()->value(mNamesKey).toStringList(); #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_LOADTIME QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); qint64 lastTime = 0; #endif for (auto const & name : plugin_names) { pluginslist_t::iterator i = mPlugins.insert(mPlugins.end(), {name, nullptr}); QString type = mPanel->settings()->value(name + "/type").toString(); if (type.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << QString("Section \"%1\" not found in %2.").arg(name, mPanel->settings()->fileName()); continue; } #ifdef WITH_SCREENSAVER_FALLBACK if (QStringLiteral("screensaver") == type) { //plugin-screensaver was dropped //convert settings to plugin-quicklaunch const QString & lock_desktop = QStringLiteral(LXQT_LOCK_DESKTOP); qWarning().noquote() << "Found deprecated plugin of type 'screensaver', migrating to 'quicklaunch' with '" << lock_desktop << '\''; type = QStringLiteral("quicklaunch"); LXQt::Settings * settings = mPanel->settings(); settings->beginGroup(name); settings->remove(QString{});//remove all existing keys settings->setValue(QStringLiteral("type"), type); settings->beginWriteArray(QStringLiteral("apps"), 1); settings->setArrayIndex(0); settings->setValue(QStringLiteral("desktop"), lock_desktop); settings->endArray(); settings->endGroup(); } #endif LXQt::PluginInfoList list = LXQt::PluginInfo::search(desktopDirs, "LXQtPanel/Plugin", QString("%1.desktop").arg(type)); if( !list.count()) { qWarning() << QString("Plugin \"%1\" not found.").arg(type); continue; } i->second = loadPlugin(list.first(), name); #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_LOADTIME qDebug() << "load plugin" << type << "takes" << (timer.elapsed() - lastTime) << "ms"; lastTime = timer.elapsed(); #endif } } QPointer<Plugin> PanelPluginsModel::loadPlugin(LXQt::PluginInfo const & desktopFile, QString const & settingsGroup) { std::unique_ptr<Plugin> plugin(new Plugin(desktopFile, mPanel->settings(), settingsGroup, mPanel)); if (plugin->isLoaded()) { connect(mPanel, &LXQtPanel::realigned, plugin.get(), &Plugin::realign); connect(plugin.get(), &Plugin::remove, this, static_cast<void (PanelPluginsModel::*)()>(&PanelPluginsModel::removePlugin)); return plugin.release(); } return nullptr; } QString PanelPluginsModel::findNewPluginSettingsGroup(const QString &pluginType) const { QStringList groups = mPanel->settings()->childGroups(); groups.sort(); // Generate new section name QString pluginName = QString("%1").arg(pluginType); if (!groups.contains(pluginName)) return pluginName; else { for (int i = 2; true; ++i) { pluginName = QString("%1%2").arg(pluginType).arg(i); if (!groups.contains(pluginName)) return pluginName; } } } bool PanelPluginsModel::isIndexValid(QModelIndex const & index) const { return index.isValid() && QModelIndex() == index.parent() && 0 == index.column() && mPlugins.size() > index.row(); } void PanelPluginsModel::onMovePluginUp(QModelIndex const & index) { if (!isIndexValid(index)) return; const int row = index.row(); if (0 >= row) return; //can't move up beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row, QModelIndex(), row - 1); mPlugins.swap(row - 1, row); endMoveRows(); pluginslist_t::const_reference moved_plugin = mPlugins[row - 1]; pluginslist_t::const_reference prev_plugin = mPlugins[row]; emit pluginMoved(moved_plugin.second.data()); //emit signal for layout only in case both plugins are loaded/displayed if (!moved_plugin.second.isNull() && !prev_plugin.second.isNull()) emit pluginMovedUp(moved_plugin.second.data()); mPanel->settings()->setValue(mNamesKey, pluginNames()); } void PanelPluginsModel::onMovePluginDown(QModelIndex const & index) { if (!isIndexValid(index)) return; const int row = index.row(); if (mPlugins.size() <= row + 1) return; //can't move down beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row, QModelIndex(), row + 2); mPlugins.swap(row, row + 1); endMoveRows(); pluginslist_t::const_reference moved_plugin = mPlugins[row + 1]; pluginslist_t::const_reference next_plugin = mPlugins[row]; emit pluginMoved(moved_plugin.second.data()); //emit signal for layout only in case both plugins are loaded/displayed if (!moved_plugin.second.isNull() && !next_plugin.second.isNull()) emit pluginMovedUp(next_plugin.second.data()); mPanel->settings()->setValue(mNamesKey, pluginNames()); } void PanelPluginsModel::onConfigurePlugin(QModelIndex const & index) { if (!isIndexValid(index)) return; Plugin * const plugin = mPlugins[index.row()].second.data(); if (nullptr != plugin && (ILXQtPanelPlugin::HaveConfigDialog & plugin->iPlugin()->flags())) plugin->showConfigureDialog(); } void PanelPluginsModel::onRemovePlugin(QModelIndex const & index) { if (!isIndexValid(index)) return; auto plugin = mPlugins.begin() + index.row(); if (plugin->second.isNull()) removePlugin(std::move(plugin)); else plugin->second->requestRemove(); }