/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXDE-Qt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://razor-qt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "lxqtpanel.h" #include "lxqtpanellimits.h" #include "ilxqtpanelplugin.h" #include "lxqtpanelapplication.h" #include "lxqtpanellayout.h" #include "config/configpaneldialog.h" #include "popupmenu.h" #include "plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Config keys and groups #define CFG_KEY_SCREENNUM "desktop" #define CFG_KEY_POSITION "position" #define CFG_KEY_PANELSIZE "panelSize" #define CFG_KEY_ICONSIZE "iconSize" #define CFG_KEY_LINECNT "lineCount" #define CFG_KEY_LENGTH "width" #define CFG_KEY_PERCENT "width-percent" #define CFG_KEY_ALIGNMENT "alignment" #define CFG_KEY_FONTCOLOR "font-color" #define CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDCOLOR "background-color" #define CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE "background-image" #define CFG_KEY_OPACITY "opacity" #define CFG_KEY_PLUGINS "plugins" /************************************************ Returns the Position by the string. String is one of "Top", "Left", "Bottom", "Right", string is not case sensitive. If the string is not correct, returns defaultValue. ************************************************/ ILxQtPanel::Position LxQtPanel::strToPosition(const QString& str, ILxQtPanel::Position defaultValue) { if (str.toUpper() == "TOP") return LxQtPanel::PositionTop; if (str.toUpper() == "LEFT") return LxQtPanel::PositionLeft; if (str.toUpper() == "RIGHT") return LxQtPanel::PositionRight; if (str.toUpper() == "BOTTOM") return LxQtPanel::PositionBottom; return defaultValue; } /************************************************ Return string representation of the position ************************************************/ QString LxQtPanel::positionToStr(ILxQtPanel::Position position) { switch (position) { case LxQtPanel::PositionTop: return QString("Top"); case LxQtPanel::PositionLeft: return QString("Left"); case LxQtPanel::PositionRight: return QString("Right"); case LxQtPanel::PositionBottom: return QString("Bottom"); } return QString(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LxQtPanel::LxQtPanel(const QString &configGroup, QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent), mConfigGroup(configGroup), mPanelSize(0), mIconSize(0), mLineCount(0), mLength(0), mAlignment(AlignmentLeft), mPosition(ILxQtPanel::PositionBottom) { Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; // NOTE: by PCMan: // In Qt 4, the window is not activated if it has Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock. // Since Qt 5, the default behaviour is changed. A window is always activated on mouse click. // Please see the source code of Qt5: src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbwindow.cpp. // void QXcbWindow::handleButtonPressEvent(const xcb_button_press_event_t *event) // This new behaviour caused lxqt bug #161 - Cannot minimize windows from panel 1 when two task managers are open // Besides, this breaks minimizing or restoring windows when clicking on the taskbar buttons. // To workaround this regression bug, we need to add this window flag here. // However, since the panel gets no keyboard focus, this may decrease accessibility since // it's not possible to use the panel with keyboards. We need to find a better solution later. flags |= Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus; setWindowFlags(flags); setAttribute(Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock); setAttribute(Qt::WA_AlwaysShowToolTips); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); setWindowTitle("LxQt Panel"); setObjectName(QString("LxQtPanel %1").arg(configGroup)); LxQtPanelWidget = new QFrame(this); LxQtPanelWidget->setObjectName("BackgroundWidget"); QGridLayout* lav = new QGridLayout(); lav->setContentsMargins(QMargins(0,0,0,0)); setLayout(lav); this->layout()->addWidget(LxQtPanelWidget); mLayout = new LxQtPanelLayout(LxQtPanelWidget); connect(mLayout, SIGNAL(pluginMoved()), this, SLOT(pluginMoved())); LxQtPanelWidget->setLayout(mLayout); mLayout->setLineCount(mLineCount); mDelaySave.setSingleShot(true); mDelaySave.setInterval(SETTINGS_SAVE_DELAY); connect(&mDelaySave, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(resized(int)), this, SLOT(realign())); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(screenCountChanged(int)), this, SLOT(ensureVisible())); connect(LxQt::Settings::globalSettings(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(lxqtApp, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(realign())); LxQtPanelApplication *app = reinterpret_cast(qApp); mSettings = app->settings(); readSettings(); // the old position might be on a visible screen ensureVisible(); loadPlugins(); show(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::readSettings() { // Read settings ...................................... mSettings->beginGroup(mConfigGroup); // By default we are using size & count from theme. setPanelSize(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_PANELSIZE, PANEL_DEFAULT_SIZE).toInt(), false); setIconSize(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_ICONSIZE, PANEL_DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE).toInt(), false); setLineCount(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_LINECNT, PANEL_DEFAULT_LINE_COUNT).toInt(), false); setLength(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_LENGTH, 100).toInt(), mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_PERCENT, true).toBool(), false); setPosition(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_SCREENNUM, QApplication::desktop()->primaryScreen()).toInt(), strToPosition(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_POSITION).toString(), PositionBottom), false); setAlignment(Alignment(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_ALIGNMENT, mAlignment).toInt()), false); QColor color = mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_FONTCOLOR, "").value(); if (color.isValid()) setFontColor(color, true); setOpacity(mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_OPACITY, 100).toInt(), true); color = mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, "").value(); if (color.isValid()) setBackgroundColor(color, true); QString image = mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, "").toString(); if (!image.isEmpty()) setBackgroundImage(image, false); mSettings->endGroup(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::saveSettings(bool later) { mDelaySave.stop(); if (later) { mDelaySave.start(); return; } QStringList pluginsList; mSettings->beginGroup(mConfigGroup); foreach (const Plugin *plugin, mPlugins) pluginsList << plugin->settingsGroup(); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_PLUGINS, (pluginsList.isEmpty() ? "" : QVariant(pluginsList))); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_PANELSIZE, mPanelSize); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_ICONSIZE, mIconSize); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_LINECNT, mLineCount); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_LENGTH, mLength); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_PERCENT, mLengthInPercents); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_SCREENNUM, mScreenNum); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_POSITION, positionToStr(mPosition)); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_ALIGNMENT, mAlignment); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_FONTCOLOR, mFontColor.isValid() ? mFontColor : QColor()); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, mBackgroundColor.isValid() ? mBackgroundColor : QColor()); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, QFileInfo(mBackgroundImage).exists() ? mBackgroundImage : QString()); mSettings->setValue(CFG_KEY_OPACITY, mOpacity); mSettings->endGroup(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::ensureVisible() { if (!canPlacedOn(mScreenNum, mPosition)) setPosition(findAvailableScreen(mPosition), mPosition, true); // the screen size might be changed, let's update the reserved screen space. updateWmStrut(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LxQtPanel::~LxQtPanel() { mLayout->setEnabled(false); // do not save settings because of "user deleted panel" functionality saveSettings(); qDeleteAll(mPlugins); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::show() { QWidget::show(); KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(effectiveWinId(), NET::OnAllDesktops); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QStringList pluginDesktopDirs() { QStringList dirs; dirs << QString(getenv("LXQT_PANEL_PLUGINS_DIR")).split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts); dirs << QString("%1/%2").arg(XdgDirs::dataHome(), "/lxqt/lxqt-panel"); dirs << PLUGIN_DESKTOPS_DIR; return dirs; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::loadPlugins() { QStringList desktopDirs = pluginDesktopDirs(); mSettings->beginGroup(mConfigGroup); QStringList sections = mSettings->value(CFG_KEY_PLUGINS).toStringList(); mSettings->endGroup(); foreach (QString sect, sections) { QString type = mSettings->value(sect+"/type").toString(); if (type.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << QString("Section \"%1\" not found in %2.").arg(sect, mSettings->fileName()); continue; } LxQt::PluginInfoList list = LxQt::PluginInfo::search(desktopDirs, "LxQtPanel/Plugin", QString("%1.desktop").arg(type)); if( !list.count()) { qWarning() << QString("Plugin \"%1\" not found.").arg(type); continue; } loadPlugin(list.first(), sect); } } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Plugin *LxQtPanel::loadPlugin(const LxQt::PluginInfo &desktopFile, const QString &settingsGroup) { Plugin *plugin = new Plugin(desktopFile, mSettings->fileName(), settingsGroup, this); if (plugin->isLoaded()) { mPlugins.append(plugin); connect(plugin, SIGNAL(startMove()), mLayout, SLOT(startMovePlugin())); connect(plugin, SIGNAL(remove()), this, SLOT(removePlugin())); connect(this, SIGNAL(realigned()), plugin, SLOT(realign())); mLayout->addWidget(plugin); return plugin; } delete plugin; return 0; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::realign() { if (!isVisible()) return; #if 0 qDebug() << "** Realign *********************"; qDebug() << "PanelSize: " << mPanelSize; qDebug() << "IconSize: " << mIconSize; qDebug() << "LineCount: " << mLineCount; qDebug() << "Length: " << mLength << (mLengthInPercents ? "%" : "px"); qDebug() << "Alignment: " << (mAlignment == 0 ? "center" : (mAlignment < 0 ? "left" : "right")); qDebug() << "Position: " << positionToStr(mPosition) << "on" << mScreenNum; qDebug() << "Plugins count: " << mPlugins.count(); #endif const QRect currentScreen = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(mScreenNum); QSize size = sizeHint(); QRect rect; if (isHorizontal()) { // Horiz panel *************************** size.setHeight(mPanelSize); // Size ....................... rect.setHeight(qMax(PANEL_MINIMUM_SIZE, size.height())); if (mLengthInPercents) rect.setWidth(currentScreen.width() * mLength / 100.0); else { if (mLength <= 0) rect.setWidth(currentScreen.width() + mLength); else rect.setWidth(mLength); } rect.setWidth(qMax(rect.size().width(), mLayout->minimumSize().width())); // Horiz ...................... switch (mAlignment) { case LxQtPanel::AlignmentLeft: rect.moveLeft(currentScreen.left()); break; case LxQtPanel::AlignmentCenter: rect.moveCenter(currentScreen.center()); break; case LxQtPanel::AlignmentRight: rect.moveRight(currentScreen.right()); break; } // Vert ....................... if (mPosition == ILxQtPanel::PositionTop) rect.moveTop(currentScreen.top()); else rect.moveBottom(currentScreen.bottom()); } else { // Vert panel *************************** size.setWidth(mPanelSize); // Size ....................... rect.setWidth(qMax(PANEL_MINIMUM_SIZE, size.width())); if (mLengthInPercents) rect.setHeight(currentScreen.height() * mLength / 100.0); else { if (mLength <= 0) rect.setHeight(currentScreen.height() + mLength); else rect.setHeight(mLength); } rect.setHeight(qMax(rect.size().height(), mLayout->minimumSize().height())); // Vert ....................... switch (mAlignment) { case LxQtPanel::AlignmentLeft: rect.moveTop(currentScreen.top()); break; case LxQtPanel::AlignmentCenter: rect.moveCenter(currentScreen.center()); break; case LxQtPanel::AlignmentRight: rect.moveBottom(currentScreen.bottom()); break; } // Horiz ...................... if (mPosition == ILxQtPanel::PositionLeft) rect.moveLeft(currentScreen.left()); else rect.moveRight(currentScreen.right()); } if (rect != geometry()) { setGeometry(rect); setFixedSize(rect.size()); } // Reserve our space on the screen .......... // It's possible that our geometry is not changed, but screen resolution is changed, // so resetting WM_STRUT is still needed. To make it simple, we always do it. updateWmStrut(); } // Update the _NET_WM_PARTIAL_STRUT and _NET_WM_STRUT properties for the window void LxQtPanel::updateWmStrut() { WId wid = effectiveWinId(); if(wid == 0 || !isVisible()) return; const QRect wholeScreen = QApplication::desktop()->geometry(); // qDebug() << "wholeScreen" << wholeScreen; const QRect rect = geometry(); // NOTE: http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html // Quote from the EWMH spec: " Note that the strut is relative to the screen edge, and not the edge of the xinerama monitor." // So, we use the geometry of the whole screen to calculate the strut rather than using the geometry of individual monitors. // Though the spec only mention Xinerama and did not mention XRandR, the rule should still be applied. // At least openbox is implemented like this. switch (mPosition) { case LxQtPanel::PositionTop: KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut(wid, /* Left */ 0, 0, 0, /* Right */ 0, 0, 0, /* Top */ height(), rect.left(), rect.right(), /* Bottom */ 0, 0, 0 ); break; case LxQtPanel::PositionBottom: KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut(wid, /* Left */ 0, 0, 0, /* Right */ 0, 0, 0, /* Top */ 0, 0, 0, /* Bottom */ wholeScreen.bottom() - rect.y(), rect.left(), rect.right() ); break; case LxQtPanel::PositionLeft: KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut(wid, /* Left */ width(), rect.top(), rect.bottom(), /* Right */ 0, 0, 0, /* Top */ 0, 0, 0, /* Bottom */ 0, 0, 0 ); break; case LxQtPanel::PositionRight: KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut(wid, /* Left */ 0, 0, 0, /* Right */ wholeScreen.right() - rect.x(), rect.top(), rect.bottom(), /* Top */ 0, 0, 0, /* Bottom */ 0, 0, 0 ); break; } } /************************************************ The panel can't be placed on boundary of two displays. This function checks, is the panel can be placed on the display @displayNum on @position. ************************************************/ bool LxQtPanel::canPlacedOn(int screenNum, LxQtPanel::Position position) { QDesktopWidget* dw = QApplication::desktop(); switch (position) { case LxQtPanel::PositionTop: for (int i = 0; i < dw->screenCount(); ++i) if (dw->screenGeometry(i).bottom() < dw->screenGeometry(screenNum).top()) return false; return true; case LxQtPanel::PositionBottom: for (int i = 0; i < dw->screenCount(); ++i) if (dw->screenGeometry(i).top() > dw->screenGeometry(screenNum).bottom()) return false; return true; case LxQtPanel::PositionLeft: for (int i = 0; i < dw->screenCount(); ++i) if (dw->screenGeometry(i).right() < dw->screenGeometry(screenNum).left()) return false; return true; case LxQtPanel::PositionRight: for (int i = 0; i < dw->screenCount(); ++i) if (dw->screenGeometry(i).left() > dw->screenGeometry(screenNum).right()) return false; return true; } return false; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ int LxQtPanel::findAvailableScreen(LxQtPanel::Position position) { int current = mScreenNum; for (int i = current; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) if (canPlacedOn(i, position)) return i; for (int i = 0; i < current; ++i) if (canPlacedOn(i, position)) return i; return 0; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::showConfigDialog() { ConfigPanelDialog::exec(this); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::showAddPluginDialog() { LxQt::AddPluginDialog *dialog = findChild(); if (!dialog) { dialog = new LxQt::AddPluginDialog(pluginDesktopDirs(), "LxQtPanel/Plugin", "*", this); dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Add Panel Widgets")); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(pluginSelected(const LxQt::PluginInfo&)), this, SLOT(addPlugin(const LxQt::PluginInfo&))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginAdded(QString)), dialog, SLOT(pluginAdded(const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginRemoved(QString)), dialog, SLOT(pluginRemoved(const QString &))); } QStringList pluginsInUseIDs; foreach (Plugin *i, mPlugins) pluginsInUseIDs << i->desktopFile().id(); dialog->setPluginsInUse(pluginsInUseIDs); dialog->show(); KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(dialog->effectiveWinId(), KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::addPlugin(const LxQt::PluginInfo &desktopFile) { QString settingsGroup = findNewPluginSettingsGroup(desktopFile.id()); loadPlugin(desktopFile, settingsGroup); saveSettings(true); realign(); emit realigned(); emit pluginAdded(desktopFile.id()); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::updateStyleSheet() { QStringList sheet; sheet << QString("Plugin > * { qproperty-iconSize: %1px %1px; }").arg(mIconSize); sheet << QString("Plugin > * > * { qproperty-iconSize: %1px %1px; }").arg(mIconSize); if (mFontColor.isValid()) sheet << QString("Plugin * { color: " + mFontColor.name() + "; }"); QString object = LxQtPanelWidget->objectName(); if (mBackgroundColor.isValid()) { QString color = QString("%1, %2, %3, %4") .arg(mBackgroundColor.red()) .arg(mBackgroundColor.green()) .arg(mBackgroundColor.blue()) .arg((float) mOpacity / 100); sheet << QString("LxQtPanel #BackgroundWidget { background-color: rgba(" + color + "); }"); } if (QFileInfo(mBackgroundImage).exists()) sheet << QString("LxQtPanel #BackgroundWidget { background-image: url('" + mBackgroundImage + "');}"); setStyleSheet(sheet.join("\n")); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setPanelSize(int value, bool save) { if (mPanelSize != value) { mPanelSize = value; realign(); emit realigned(); if (save) saveSettings(true); } } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setIconSize(int value, bool save) { if (mIconSize != value) { mIconSize = value; updateStyleSheet(); mLayout->setLineSize(mIconSize); if (save) saveSettings(true); realign(); emit realigned(); } } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setLineCount(int value, bool save) { if (mLineCount != value) { mLineCount = value; mLayout->setEnabled(false); mLayout->setLineCount(mLineCount); mLayout->setEnabled(true); if (save) saveSettings(true); realign(); emit realigned(); } } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setLength(int length, bool inPercents, bool save) { if (mLength == length && mLengthInPercents == inPercents) return; mLength = length; mLengthInPercents = inPercents; if (save) saveSettings(true); realign(); emit realigned(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setPosition(int screen, ILxQtPanel::Position position, bool save) { if (mScreenNum == screen && mPosition == position) return; mScreenNum = screen; mPosition = position; mLayout->setPosition(mPosition); if (save) saveSettings(true); // Qt 5 adds a new class QScreen and add API for setting the screen of a QWindow. // so we had better use it. However, without this, our program should still work // as long as XRandR is used. Since XRandR combined all screens into a large virtual desktop // every screen and their virtual siblings are actually on the same virtual desktop. // So things still work if we don't set the screen correctly, but this is not the case // for other backends, such as the upcoming wayland support. Hence it's better to set it. if(windowHandle()) { // QScreen* newScreen = qApp->screens().at(screen); // QScreen* oldScreen = windowHandle()->screen(); // const bool shouldRecreate = windowHandle()->handle() && !(oldScreen && oldScreen->virtualSiblings().contains(newScreen)); // Q_ASSERT(shouldRecreate == false); // NOTE: When you move a window to another screen, Qt 5 might recreate the window as needed // But luckily, this never happen in XRandR, so Qt bug #40681 is not triggered here. // (The only exception is when the old screen is destroyed, Qt always re-create the window and // this corner case triggers #40681.) // When using other kind of multihead settings, such as Xinerama, this might be different and // unless Qt developers can fix their bug, we have no way to workaround that. windowHandle()->setScreen(qApp->screens().at(screen)); } realign(); emit realigned(); } /************************************************ * ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setAlignment(Alignment value, bool save) { if (mAlignment == value) return; mAlignment = value; if (save) saveSettings(true); realign(); emit realigned(); } /************************************************ * ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setFontColor(QColor color, bool save) { mFontColor = color; updateStyleSheet(); if (save) saveSettings(true); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setBackgroundColor(QColor color, bool save) { mBackgroundColor = color; updateStyleSheet(); if (save) saveSettings(true); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setBackgroundImage(QString path, bool save) { mBackgroundImage = path; updateStyleSheet(); if (save) saveSettings(true); } /************************************************ * ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::setOpacity(int opacity, bool save) { mOpacity = opacity; updateStyleSheet(); if (save) saveSettings(true); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QRect LxQtPanel::globalGometry() const { return QRect(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)), this->size()); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ bool LxQtPanel::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::ContextMenu: showPopupMenu(); break; case QEvent::LayoutRequest: realign(); emit realigned(); break; case QEvent::WinIdChange: { // qDebug() << "WinIdChange" << hex << effectiveWinId(); if(effectiveWinId() == 0) break; // Sometimes Qt needs to re-create the underlying window of the widget and // the winId() may be changed at runtime. So we need to reset all X11 properties // when this happens. qDebug() << "WinIdChange" << hex << effectiveWinId() << "handle" << windowHandle() << windowHandle()->screen(); // Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock becomes ineffective in Qt 5 // See QTBUG-39887: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-39887 // Let's do it manually NETWinInfo info(QX11Info::connection(), effectiveWinId(), QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMWindowType, 0); info.setWindowType(NET::Dock); updateWmStrut(); // reserve screen space for the panel KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(effectiveWinId(), true); break; } default: break; } return QFrame::event(event); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { QFrame::showEvent(event); realign(); emit realigned(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::showPopupMenu(Plugin *plugin) { QList pluginsMenus; PopupMenu menu(tr("Panel")); menu.setIcon(XdgIcon::fromTheme("configure-toolbars")); // Plugin Menu .............................. if (plugin) { QMenu *m = plugin->popupMenu(); if (m) { menu.addTitle(plugin->windowTitle()); menu.addActions(m->actions()); pluginsMenus << m; } } // Panel menu ............................... menu.addTitle(QIcon(), tr("Panel")); menu.addAction(XdgIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("configure")), tr("Configure Panel..."), this, SLOT(showConfigDialog()) ); menu.addAction(XdgIcon::fromTheme("preferences-plugin"), tr("Add Panel Widgets..."), this, SLOT(showAddPluginDialog()) ); LxQtPanelApplication *a = reinterpret_cast(qApp); menu.addAction(XdgIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("list-add")), tr("Add Panel"), a, SLOT(addNewPanel()) ); if (a->count() > 1) { menu.addAction(XdgIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("list-remove")), tr("Remove Panel"), this, SLOT(userRequestForDeletion()) ); } #ifdef DEBUG menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction("Exit (debug only)", qApp, SLOT(quit())); #endif menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); qDeleteAll(pluginsMenus); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Plugin *LxQtPanel::findPlugin(const ILxQtPanelPlugin *iPlugin) const { foreach(Plugin *plugin, mPlugins) { if (plugin->iPlugin() == iPlugin) return plugin; } return 0; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QRect LxQtPanel::calculatePopupWindowPos(const ILxQtPanelPlugin *plugin, const QSize &windowSize) const { Plugin *panelPlugin = findPlugin(plugin); if (!plugin) return QRect(); int x=0, y=0; switch (position()) { case ILxQtPanel::PositionTop: x = panelPlugin->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)).x(); y = globalGometry().bottom(); break; case ILxQtPanel::PositionBottom: x = panelPlugin->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)).x(); y = globalGometry().top() - windowSize.height(); break; case ILxQtPanel::PositionLeft: x = globalGometry().right(); y = panelPlugin->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)).y(); break; case ILxQtPanel::PositionRight: x = globalGometry().left() - windowSize.width(); y = panelPlugin->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)).y(); break; } QRect res(QPoint(x, y), windowSize); QRect screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(this); // NOTE: We cannot use AvailableGeometry() which returns the work area here because when in a // multihead setup with different resolutions. In this case, the size of the work area is limited // by the smallest monitor and may be much smaller than the current screen and we will place the // menu at the wrong place. This is very bad for UX. So let's use the full size of the screen. if (res.right() > screen.right()) res.moveRight(screen.right()); if (res.bottom() > screen.bottom()) res.moveBottom(screen.bottom()); if (res.left() < screen.left()) res.moveLeft(screen.left()); if (res.top() < screen.top()) res.moveTop(screen.top()); return res; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LxQtPanel::qssPosition() const { return positionToStr(position()); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LxQtPanel::findNewPluginSettingsGroup(const QString &pluginType) const { QStringList groups = mSettings->childGroups(); groups.sort(); // Generate new section name for (int i = 2; true; ++i) if (!groups.contains(QString("%1%2").arg(pluginType).arg(i))) return QString("%1%2").arg(pluginType).arg(i); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::removePlugin() { Plugin *plugin = qobject_cast(sender()); QString id; if (plugin) { mSettings->remove(plugin->settingsGroup()); id = mPlugins.takeAt(mPlugins.indexOf(plugin))->desktopFile().id(); } saveSettings(); emit pluginRemoved(id); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::pluginMoved() { mPlugins.clear(); for (int i=0; icount(); ++i) { Plugin *plugin = qobject_cast(mLayout->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (plugin) mPlugins << plugin; } saveSettings(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void LxQtPanel::userRequestForDeletion() { mSettings->beginGroup(mConfigGroup); QStringList plugins = mSettings->value("plugins").toStringList(); mSettings->endGroup(); Q_FOREACH(QString i, plugins) if (!i.isEmpty()) mSettings->remove(i); mSettings->remove(mConfigGroup); emit deletedByUser(this); }