.TH lxqt-panel "1" "2015-11-05" "LXQt 0.10.0" "LXQt Desktop Panel Module" .SH NAME lxqt-panel \- Desktop panel for \fBLXQt\fR: The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment .SH SYNOPSIS .B lxqt-panel .br .SH DESCRIPTION This module adds a panel, with optional plugins, to the desktop. .SH BEHAVIOR The panel can be run independently of \fBLXQt\fR, autostarted at logon, and have multiple instances. A horizontal bottom panel shows by default on the desktop, but the alignment, size, autohide, transparency (requires compositor), and other attributes are user configurable. .P The panel is comprised of plugins which provide a visual widget; like the menu, clock, or volume. They can be added or removed in the panel Widget settings. .P Several plugins are loaded by default; the desktop menu and windows workspaces are also managed here. .SH CONFIGURATIONS Right-click over any plugin to reach the panel Configure settings option, or that of each respective plugin. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to https://github.com/LXDE/LXQt/issues .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" any module must refer to the session application, for module overview and initiation \fBstartlxqt.1\fR LXQt session initialization and launch script (e.g. in \fB.xinitrc\fR) .P \fBlxqt-session.1\fR LXQt \fIoverview\fR and complete session environment .P \fBlxqt-config-session.1\fR LXQt default and autostart applications settings, plus environment settings .P \fBlxqt-config.1\fR LXQt settings Configuration Center interface .P