/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXDE-Qt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://razor-qt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "lxqtpanelapplication.h" #include "lxqtpanelapplication_p.h" #include "lxqtpanel.h" #include "config/configpaneldialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include LXQtPanelApplicationPrivate::LXQtPanelApplicationPrivate(LXQtPanelApplication *q) : mSettings(0), q_ptr(q) { } ILXQtPanel::Position LXQtPanelApplicationPrivate::computeNewPanelPosition(const LXQtPanel *p, const int screenNum) { Q_Q(LXQtPanelApplication); QVector screenPositions(4, false); // false means not occupied for (int i = 0; i < q->mPanels.size(); ++i) { if (p != q->mPanels.at(i)) { // We are not the newly added one if (screenNum == q->mPanels.at(i)->screenNum()) { // Panels on the same screen int p = static_cast (q->mPanels.at(i)->position()); screenPositions[p] = true; // occupied } } } int availablePosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Bottom, Top, Left, Right if (!screenPositions[i]) { availablePosition = i; break; } } return static_cast (availablePosition); } LXQtPanelApplication::LXQtPanelApplication(int& argc, char** argv) : LXQt::Application(argc, argv, true), d_ptr(new LXQtPanelApplicationPrivate(this)) { Q_D(LXQtPanelApplication); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(QLatin1String("lxqt-panel")); const QString VERINFO = QStringLiteral(LXQT_PANEL_VERSION "\nliblxqt " LXQT_VERSION "\nQt " QT_VERSION_STR); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(VERINFO); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(QLatin1String("LXQt Panel")); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption configFileOption(QStringList() << QLatin1String("c") << QLatin1String("config") << QLatin1String("configfile"), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Use alternate configuration file."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Configuration file")); parser.addOption(configFileOption); parser.process(*this); const QString configFile = parser.value(configFileOption); if (configFile.isEmpty()) d->mSettings = new LXQt::Settings(QLatin1String("panel"), this); else d->mSettings = new LXQt::Settings(configFile, QSettings::IniFormat, this); // This is a workaround for Qt 5 bug #40681. Q_FOREACH(QScreen* screen, screens()) { connect(screen, &QScreen::destroyed, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::screenDestroyed); } connect(this, &QGuiApplication::screenAdded, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::handleScreenAdded); connect(this, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::cleanup); QStringList panels = d->mSettings->value("panels").toStringList(); if (panels.isEmpty()) { panels << "panel1"; } Q_FOREACH(QString i, panels) { addPanel(i); } } LXQtPanelApplication::~LXQtPanelApplication() { delete d_ptr; } void LXQtPanelApplication::cleanup() { qDeleteAll(mPanels); } void LXQtPanelApplication::addNewPanel() { Q_D(LXQtPanelApplication); QString name("panel_" + QUuid::createUuid().toString()); LXQtPanel *p = addPanel(name); int screenNum = p->screenNum(); ILXQtPanel::Position newPanelPosition = d->computeNewPanelPosition(p, screenNum); p->setPosition(screenNum, newPanelPosition, true); QStringList panels = d->mSettings->value("panels").toStringList(); panels << name; d->mSettings->setValue("panels", panels); // Poupup the configuration dialog to allow user configuration right away p->showConfigDialog(); } LXQtPanel* LXQtPanelApplication::addPanel(const QString& name) { Q_D(LXQtPanelApplication); LXQtPanel *panel = new LXQtPanel(name, d->mSettings); mPanels << panel; // reemit signals connect(panel, &LXQtPanel::deletedByUser, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::removePanel); connect(panel, &LXQtPanel::pluginAdded, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::pluginAdded); connect(panel, &LXQtPanel::pluginRemoved, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::pluginRemoved); return panel; } void LXQtPanelApplication::handleScreenAdded(QScreen* newScreen) { // qDebug() << "LXQtPanelApplication::handleScreenAdded" << newScreen; connect(newScreen, &QScreen::destroyed, this, &LXQtPanelApplication::screenDestroyed); } void LXQtPanelApplication::reloadPanelsAsNeeded() { Q_D(LXQtPanelApplication); // NOTE by PCMan: This is a workaround for Qt 5 bug #40681. // Here we try to re-create the missing panels which are deleted in // LXQtPanelApplication::screenDestroyed(). // qDebug() << "LXQtPanelApplication::reloadPanelsAsNeeded()"; QStringList names = d->mSettings->value("panels").toStringList(); Q_FOREACH(const QString& name, names) { bool found = false; Q_FOREACH(LXQtPanel* panel, mPanels) { if(panel->name() == name) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { // the panel is found in the config file but does not exist, create it. qDebug() << "Workaround Qt 5 bug #40681: re-create panel:" << name; addPanel(name); } } qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(true); } void LXQtPanelApplication::screenDestroyed(QObject* screenObj) { // NOTE by PCMan: This is a workaround for Qt 5 bug #40681. // With this very dirty workaround, we can fix lxde/lxde-qt bug #204, #205, and #206. // Qt 5 has two new regression bugs which breaks lxqt-panel in a multihead environment. // #40681: Regression bug: QWidget::winId() returns old value and QEvent::WinIdChange event is not emitted sometimes. (multihead setup) // #40791: Regression: QPlatformWindow, QWindow, and QWidget::winId() are out of sync. // Explanations for the workaround: // Internally, Qt mantains a list of QScreens and update it when XRandR configuration changes. // When the user turn off an monitor with xrandr --output --off, this will destroy the QScreen // object which represent the output. If the QScreen being destroyed contains our panel widget, // Qt will call QWindow::setScreen(0) on the internal windowHandle() of our panel widget to move it // to the primary screen. However, moving a window to a different screen is more than just changing // its position. With XRandR, all screens are actually part of the same virtual desktop. However, // this is not the case in other setups, such as Xinerama and moving a window to another screen is // not possible unless you destroy the widget and create it again for a new screen. // Therefore, Qt destroy the widget and re-create it when moving our panel to a new screen. // Unfortunately, destroying the window also destroy the child windows embedded into it, // using XEMBED such as the tray icons. (#206) // Second, when the window is re-created, the winId of the QWidget is changed, but Qt failed to // generate QEvent::WinIdChange event so we have no way to know that. We have to set // some X11 window properties using the native winId() to make it a dock, but this stop working // because we cannot get the correct winId(), so this causes #204 and #205. // // The workaround is very simple. Just completely destroy the panel before Qt has a chance to do // QWindow::setScreen() for it. Later, we reload the panel ourselves. So this can bypassing the Qt bugs. QScreen* screen = static_cast(screenObj); bool reloadNeeded = false; qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); Q_FOREACH(LXQtPanel* panel, mPanels) { QWindow* panelWindow = panel->windowHandle(); if(panelWindow && panelWindow->screen() == screen) { // the screen containing the panel is destroyed // delete and then re-create the panel ourselves QString name = panel->name(); panel->saveSettings(false); delete panel; // delete the panel, so Qt does not have a chance to set a new screen to it. mPanels.removeAll(panel); reloadNeeded = true; qDebug() << "Workaround Qt 5 bug #40681: delete panel:" << name; } } if(reloadNeeded) QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(reloadPanelsAsNeeded())); else qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(true); } void LXQtPanelApplication::removePanel(LXQtPanel* panel) { Q_D(LXQtPanelApplication); Q_ASSERT(mPanels.contains(panel)); mPanels.removeAll(panel); QStringList panels = d->mSettings->value("panels").toStringList(); panels.removeAll(panel->name()); d->mSettings->setValue("panels", panels); panel->deleteLater(); } bool LXQtPanelApplication::isPluginSingletonAndRunnig(QString const & pluginId) const { for (auto const & panel : mPanels) if (panel->isPluginSingletonAndRunnig(pluginId)) return true; return false; }