2015-08-21 23:58:08 +08:00

132 lines
5.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.1" language="ja">
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.cpp" line="50"/>
<source>&lt;locale based&gt;</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="14"/>
<source>Clock Settings</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="20"/>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="26"/>
<source>&amp;Show seconds</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="33"/>
<source>12 &amp;hour style</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="40"/>
<source>&amp;Use UTC</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="59"/>
<source>Date &amp;format</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="76"/>
<source>&amp;Do not show date</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="86"/>
<source>Show date &amp;before time</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="93"/>
<source>Show date &amp;after time</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="100"/>
<source>Show date below time on new &amp;line</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="107"/>
<source>First day of week in calendar</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="124"/>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="130"/>
<source>Auto&amp;rotate when the panel is vertical</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.ui" line="50"/>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.cpp" line="284"/>
<source>Input custom date format</source>
<location filename="../lxqtclockconfiguration.cpp" line="284"/>
<source>Interpreted sequences of date format are:
d the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)
dd the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)
ddd the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. &apos;Mon&apos; to &apos;Sun&apos;).
dddd the long localized day name (e.g. &apos;Monday&apos; to &apos;Sunday&apos;).
M the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)
MM the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)
MMM the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. &apos;Jan&apos; to &apos;Dec&apos;).
MMMM the long localized month name (e.g. &apos;January&apos; to &apos;December&apos;).
yy the year as two digit number (00-99)
yyyy the year as four digit number
All other input characters will be treated as text.
Any sequence of characters that are enclosed in single quotes (&apos;)
will also be treated as text and not be used as an expression.
Custom date format:</source>
d 日(ゼロなし) (1 - 31)
dd 日(ゼロ埋め) (01 - 31)
ddd 曜日(短い) (&apos;&apos; - &apos;&apos;)
dddd 曜日(長い) (&apos;月曜日&apos; - &apos;日曜日&apos;)
M 月(ゼロなし) (1 - 12)
MM 月(ゼロ埋め) (01 - 12)
MMM 月の名称(短い) (&apos;1月&apos; - &apos;12月&apos;)
MMMM 月の名称 (長い) (&apos;1月&apos; - &apos;12月&apos;、※日本語では上記と同じ)
yy 西暦年(2桁) (00 - 99)
yyyy 西暦年(4桁)