2014-10-19 13:37:39 +02:00
lxqt-qtplugin (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Upstream version 0.8.0
* Min Qt version 5.3.2
* Min liblxqt-qt5-dev version 0.8.0
* removed build dependency libegl1-mesa-dev, as the Qt bug is fixed
* bump standards to 3.9.6
* Short descriptions fixed
-- Alf Gaida <agaida@siduction.org> Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:37:27 +0200
2014-10-19 13:12:09 +02:00
lxqt-qtplugin (0.7.96-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Only rebuild. No changes
-- Alf Gaida <agaida@siduction.org> Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:46:02 +0200
2014-09-10 23:37:17 +02:00
lxqt-qtplugin (0.7.96-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial release (Closes: #747604)
-- Alf Gaida <agaida@siduction.org> Mon, 24 Feb 2014 23:41:30 +0100