Alf Gaida 0ba6098365 Cherry-picking upstream release 0.12.0.
* Switched to experimental
* Bumped liblxqt0-dev to >= 0.12.0
* Bumped liblxqt-globalkeys0-dev to >= 0.12.0
* Bumped liblxqt-globalkeys-ui0-dev to >= 0.12.0
* Bumped Standards to 4.1.1 - no changes needed
2017-10-24 22:48:10 +02:00

259 lines
10 KiB

lxqt-runner-0.12.0 / 2017-10-21
* Set patch version
* Don't export github templates
* Update CMakeLists.txt
* Fixed typo in Lithuanian
* set Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps to true
* Fix pedantic warning
* ui: Add option to show particular count of items
* runner: Make usage of history configurable
* commanditemmodel: Remove unused methods
* Added QCommandLineParser and basic cli interface to lxqt-runner
* Fixes a FTBFS in superbuild mode
* Added merged autostart to CMakeLists.txt
* Updated *_da.desktop files and removed *_da_DK.desktop files
* Update desktop entries and Replace fr_FR by fr
* Update Greek translation (el) Remove country variant from language code
* CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
* Coding style changes
* Updates the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
* Drops hardcoded /etc/xdg paths
* Updated german translation, replaced Qt4 by Qt in all xsession/translations
* Updates translations infrastructure
* Update the required minimum cmake version
* remove dead template lines switch OnlyShowIn from Razor -> LXQt stringchanges LxQt -> LXQt
* Support lxqt-session and add necessary xdg autostart desktop entry files.
* Bump year
0.11.1 / 2017-01-01
* Release 0.11.1: Update changelog
* MathItem: Honor system locale (#52)
* Use the new MenuCache configuration CMake module
* Fixes FTBFS when libmenu-cache was installed to non-standard location
* Remove cpack (#49)
* - Fix endif placement when test for MATH library.
0.11.0 / 2016-09-24
* Release 0.11.0: Add changelog
* Add
* Math: Enhance evaluation logic
* Math: Use libmuparser for math evaluation
* runner: Follow virtual desktop switching
* Properly hide the runner when it loses focus
* runner: Sort history items by relevance
* build: Use external translations (#41)
* ts-files removal (#40)
* Use QString() instead of ""
* Fix layout and focus to get history items right
* Bump year
* main: Add activation by running second instance
* Italian translation update
* dialog: Default icons
* dialog: Fill background
* upd: lxqt-runner_hu.ts
* Update lxqt-runner_it.ts
0.10.0 / 2015-10-31
* Fix license file
* Update translations
* providers: don't show custom command/binary in case existing application (.desktop) is shown
* providers: internal functions as static & which moved to the beginning for using it below
* Updated german translation, made common for all regions.
* Removed country variant _IT
* Rename LxQt to LXQt everywhere
* Remove country variant from language code
* some license fixes
* Handles CMake policy CMP0063
* lxqt-runner: search case insensitive in items for each provider
* lxqt-runner: correct space(s) according to conding standard
* Use the LXQtCompilerSettings CMake module
* Removes no added value, noisy debug message
* Fixes Action button missing (menu) icon
* Adds Runtime install COMPONENT
* Coding style changes and cleanups
* Use GNUInstallDirs
* Removes unneeded include_directories() entries.
* Reworks WITHOUT_MENU_CACHE option. Renames to USE_MENU_CACHE
* Reworks RUNNER_MATH option
* Reworks Virtual Box options and associated stuff
* Use CMAKE_AUTOUIC, drop qt5_wrap_ui()
* Update the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
* Remove trailing whitespaces
* Fix naming and links
* Hide on shortcut trigger if it's active
* Avoid hiding the dialog on opening the menu
* Remove the provider for power actions
* fallback for executing scripts w/o #!
* rempove KF5/ prefix from include as done in lxde/liblxqt/pull/36
0.9.0 / 2015-01-29
* Sets the command list to use alternating row colors
* Portuguese update
* - Unify naming for a unique lxqt. No more suffixes
* Drop XdgDesktopFileCache::getFile()
* Add tab-completion
* uniform coding style
* Hide on loosing focus
* Update lxqt-runner_pl_PL.ts
* Fixes lxde/lxqt#347. HtmlDelegate on runner's list.
* Makes the UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS option actually work.
* Cleans up CMakeLists.txt a little bit
* Uses the new liblxqt modules to handle translations
* Moves lxqt_runner_sr_BA.ts to the translations dir.
* Use the LXQtranslate module to handle translations
* Update Russian translation
* Fixes dialog type, alt+tab won't focus it
* Fix QDesktopWidget::availableGeometry() vs KWindowSystem::workArea() bug
* CMakeLists cleanups
* Fixes lxde/lxde-qt#311, FTBFS
* Port lxqt-runner to KWindowSystem. Purge Qt 4.
* Add Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n movement shortcuts.
* Trim input text. Fixes lxde/lxde-qt#139
0.8.0 / 2014-10-08
* Adapt to the translation infrastructure
* Use QWindow::windowHandle()->winId() to replace QWidget::winId() due to a bug of Qt5.
* Initial Qt5 support.
* Use new LXQt header files.
* Assorted string polishing
* cmake option to build without menu-cache even if it is installed
* Update dialog.cpp
0.7.0 / 2014-05-07
* Update COPYING
0.6.99 / 2014-05-01
* Update man page
* Update AUTHORS
* LxQt Power Management -> Power Management
* Add CPack rules for creating tarball
* Update the app icons properly after the xdg menu is reloaded.
* Proper encoding of command arguments
* Removed CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR usage from CMakeLists.txt
* Fix renaming bugs, replacing lxqt-qt with lxde-qt
* Finish the crazy razor=>lxqt renaming tasks.
* Convert utf8 strings to utf16 properly while using libmenu-cache.
* Optionally support libmenu-cache so we can load installed appS from a cache quickly.
* Rename razor to lxqt in some strings.
* Make use of the latest liblxqt & liblxqt-globalkeys. * Rename to lxqt-runnder.
* compile fix: do not include private qt header files
* razor-runner scripting
* X-RAZOR changed to Razor in desktop files
* Experimental submenu added to shortcut selector button
* Global shortcuts client library added and all support for it refactored and fixed.
* fix "shorcut" typo
* ignored duplicate entries in the HistoryProvider
* Some debug prints removed. Timeout for Systray to load increased to 1 minute. Module crash detection improved.
* preliminary manpages primary for razorqt and usefully in venenux
* Translations updated
* first part of fixes based on Coverity Scan (code static analysis)
* Delete bad en_GB translations
* Update translations
* runner: Always select the command first and don't match directories
* Translations updated
* Removed line num from TS files.
* Translations
* Updated .ts.src files
* Extra explaination on compile flags
* indent fixes
* Optional runtime VBoxHeadless support
* Fix for Issue #290 Fails to build on BSD
* Removed from razor-runner
* New translation infrastructure
* Ts.src files updated.
* Language name zh_CN.GB2312 braked cmake process.
* Translations updated
* typo fixes
* Razor-runner: history provider didn't expand env variables.
* Fixed a history in the razor-runner.
* lock screen for runner too
* fixed #267 Add logout/lock screen actions to razor runner
* Move configure button to the left of close
* implemented #267 Add logout/lock screen actions to razor runner
* Don't display any VM on empty regex ; adding author header for previously added vbox provider
* GUI for change razor theme.
* fixed #63 Razor launcher should access history on arrow up/down
* Improvements in the razor-runner Added a customommand provider.
* Set window titles for use with WM's like fvwm
* Typos in code. Thanks Aaron Lewis. * In razor-runner , providers item: title() was typed as tile() * For RazorSettings class , settingsChanged() was typed as settigsChanged()
* Garbage in the code.
* Preloading menu in the razor-runner.
* Fix QRC_FILE definition
* Fix the header path
* Implemention of Virtualbox Runner
* Implemention of VirtualBox runner
* Transifex desktop: sr_BA.ts should be a local
* Transifex desktop: local translations
* Transifex desktop: Translations pulled
* Update Tradidtional Chinese Translations
* RazorApplication class implemented; all modules ported to this class
* Translations update
* Added support for the online translation service.
* Serbian translation files
* Greek translation by iosifidis
* Razor-runner not activated in kwin.
* Razor-runner not activated in kwin.
* Added danish translations
* Russian translation
* fix #169: italian translation
* Relicense panel & runner
* Set icon theme before instantiating CommandItemModel
* Fix ->
* Keep all parts of the theme in one place. Fix in the cmake.
* Keep all parts of the theme in one place
* SVK translation finalized
* Close Issue #120
* License audit
* Add Chinese(simplified) translation files.
* Add Slovak (sk) translation
* Czech translations (cs_CZ)
* huge refactoring of the libraries build organization
* Closes #64 Razor launcher should focus on alt+f2
* RazorRunner: IconThemeChanged handler for razor-runner.
* Fix: Wrong actualSize for icons from /usr/pixmaps.
* GPL->LGPL where I'm the author
* Translation for standard buttons in the razor-runner
* Reducing lib dependency in cmake files.
* Fix: Desktop Menu Specification category must be X-RAZOR.
* Polish translation. Closes #46
* potential fix (workaround) from #40: XdgMenu does not display environment related items
* homepage updated + auto replacement script
* Micro fix in razorqt-runner
* XDG-files are splitted into qtxdg library.
* History mode in razor-runner.
* Fixed #23: Sorting razor-runner command list.
* Translation
* Mathematics support in razor-runner.
* Razor-runner refactoring - Providers classes.
* Small sorted fix.
* Fixed selection color in listview.
* Polish translation
* fix for build (includes)
* Closes #22
* Closes #21
* Disabled tests the global shortcut registration result.
* "math mode" for razor-runner (expression ends with '=')
* check for global shortcut duplicity (open cfg if it's in conflict)
* Razor-runner program