LxQtModuleManagerLxQt Session Crash ReportLxQt Sessie Fout RapportApplication '%1' crashed too many times. Its autorestart has been disabled for current session.Programma '%1' is te vaak gecrashed. De autorestart functie is uitgeschakeld voor deze sessie.Crash Report<b>%1</b> crashed too many times. Its autorestart has been disabled until next login.WmSelectDialogWelcome to LXQtWelkom bij LXQt<b>Welcome to LXQt</b>
Before starting to use the LXQt, you might want to select the Windows Manager:<b>Welkom bij LXQt</b>⏎
Voordat u gebruik maakt van LxQt-Qt, wilt u wellicht een Window Manager selecteren:You can change the Window Manager later at any time via LxQt Session Configurator.U kunt ook op een later tijdstip van Window Manager wisselen, via de LxQt Sessie Configurator.Other ...Overige ...Choose your favorite one.Kies uw favoriete.Welcome to LXQt<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Welcome to LXQt</span></p><p>Please select your default Window Manager.</p></body></html>You will be able to change this at any time through Preferences -> Session Settings -> Basic Settings.