.TH lxqt-sudo 1 "" "" "LXQt\ Module" .SH NAME \fBlxqt-sudo\fR \- execute a command as privileged user .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlxqt-sudo\fR \fIcommand\fR [\fIarguments\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBlxqt-sudo\fR is a graphical QT frontend for plain \fBsudo(8)\fR (for requesting optional password in GUI fashion). .br When invoked it simply spawns child \fIsudo\fR process with requested \fIcommand\fR (and \fIarguments\fR). If \fIsudo\fR requests user's password, the GUI password dialog is shown and (after submit) the password is provided to \fIsudo\fR. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/issues .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBsudo(8)\fR .SH AUTHOR This manual page was created by \fBPalo Kisa\fR \fI\fR for \fBLXQt\fR project.