Hotkeys, also known as keyboard shortcuts, allow users to easily navigate, start applications, and change settings like resize windows. These are useful as they create a smooth and time efficient user experience. It would benefit users to take a few minutes to learn some of these shortcuts.
Global-keys (lxqt-globalkeysd) is a component of the LXQT environment. Gloabal-keys takes preference over Openbox keyboard shortcuts. Global keys are viewed, (dis)enabled and managed using Shortcut keys (Chapter 3.2.14).
..note:: Global-keys will take preference over openbox bindings. If a key is used in Global-keys, it will not work in Openbox keyboard shortcuts. For example if the W(indows) key opens the LXQT application menu (equivilant of the windows start menu) in Global-keys, Openbox commands like window resizing (W + arrow keys) will not work correctly. Keep this in mind when using and editing keyboard shortcuts.