Welcome to the Lubuntu Manual! This is the official reference book for using Lubuntu. This manual covers many topics, such as installation instructions, applications Lubuntu provides, and much more! If you are using a long term support release of the Lubuntu there is a manual version for the long term support hosted at `Lubuntu Manual LTS <https://manual.lubuntu.me/lts/>`_
The project’s goal is to provide a lightweight yet functional Linux distribution based on a rock-solid Ubuntu base. Lubuntu provides a simple but modern and powerful graphical user interface, and comes with a wide variety of applications so you can browse, email, chat, play, and be productive. Lubuntu was formerly a distribution for low-end hardware, but `we have refocused <https://Lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/>`_.
Do you have questions? Want to get involved? Take a look at our official website at `Lubuntu.me <https://lubuntu.me>`_ where you can find `the Lubuntu blog <https://lubuntu.me/blog/>`_, `the Lubuntu discourse <https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/flavors/lubuntu/343>`_, `ways to get in contact with us <https://lubuntu.me/links/>`_, and `our gittea instance <https://git.lubuntu.me/>`_ where we do most of the Lubuntu development.