To check the health of your hard drive or solid state drive on the :menuselection:`Device --> SMART Status` or by right clicking on the device in the side pane :menuselection:`Smart Status`.
You can see your disk usage for each partition graphically with the bars at the top with the shaded in part showing a bar graph as the percentage full of the partition and you can select each partition by left clicking on that section of the bar graph. The Column :guilabel:`Size` shows the size of the entire system while the :guilabel:`Used` column shows the amount of space used on the drive. The :guilabel:`Type` column lets you see which filesystem is on the partition.
To delete a partition left click on a partition to select it press :kbd:`Delete`, :menuselection:`Partition --> Delete`, or right click and select :menuselection:`Delete`. To add a new partition in unallocated space right click on the To view statistical information on a partition select the partition :menuselection:`Partition --> Properties` or right click on that partition :menuselection:`Properites`. To resize or move a partition press :kbd:`Control+R`, :menuselection:`Partition --> Resize/Move`, or right click on the partition and select :menuselection:`Resize/Move`.
To change your partitions you will need to apply your changes later press the :guilabel:`Apply` button or :menuselection:`Edit --> Apply`. After pressing Apply a dialog will come up asking you to confirm and check this is what you want to do and then press :guilabel:`Apply Pending Operations` to apply these changes. To go back from this point press the :guilabel:`Cancel` button. To undo your your changes to your partitions press :kbd:`Control+Z`, the :guilabel:`Undo` button, or :menuselection:`Edit --> Undo`. To clear your operations that have yet to been applied :menuselection:`Edit --> Clear`.
If you have say a new solid state drive that is not formatted you first need to put a partition table on it. A new partition data will get rid of all partitions on the disk which means no data will be visible anymore. Then you will need to create a partition on to store data. On unallocated space you can right click on the unalloacted space press the :guilabel:`New` button, :menuselection:`Partition --> New`, or press :kbd:`control+N`. A window will popup saying with what type of settings to create the partition with. To change what filesystem you want to create will show in the :guilabel:`File system:` drop down menu. To change what size of partition you want to create change the :guilabel:`Size:` field. To create free space before the partition change the :guilabel:`Free space before:` field. To change free space after the partition change the :guilabel:`Free space after` field. To actually create the partition press the :guilabel:`OK` button while to cancel press the :guilabel:`Cancel` button.
If you have multiple drives on your system :menuselection:`Device --> Select Current Device --> Desired Disk`. To view information on the current drive such as what type of partition table or Logical size and smart status :menuselection:`Device --> Properties`. If you do not really see all your devices or current status press :kbd:`F5` or :menuselection:`Tools --> Refresh Devices`.
To toggle showing a statusbar that shows pending operations check/uncheck the :menuselection:`Settings --> Show Statusbar` checkbox in the menu. To toggle showing your devices side pane check/uncheck the :menuselection:`Settings --> Panels Shown --> Devices`. To toggle showing information about the currently selected partition check/uncheck the :menuselection:`Settings --> Panels Shown --> Infromation` checkbox in the menu. To toggle showing log output of check/uncheck the :menuselection:`Settings --> Panels Show --> Log Output` checkbox.