To use screenshot the whole screen takes a screenshot of your :guilabel:`Whole screen`, :guilabel:`Current Window Only` takes only the current window, and :guilabel:`Capture an area of the screen` lets you select an area interacetively. To start the interactive area left click and then drag the mouse in a rectangle to select the area you want to take a screenshot. There is also a delay for the screenshot you can set like a timer for a camera in the bottom right corner of the screen.
To have your titlebar and frame around the window on the current window check the :guilabel:`Include window title and frame`. The :guilabel:`Include mouse cursor` checkbox will include your mouse cursor in the screenshot.
After taking your screenshot it will open up in the image viewer and to save it press :kbd:`Control + S` or :menuselection:`File --> Save`. If you did not get what you want in the screenshot you can take another with :menuselection:`File --> Capture Screenshot`.