To add a comment to a file with LibreOffice Writer press :kbd:`Control +Alt +C`or :menuselection:`Insert --> Comment`. To add text on the comment click in the yellow area and type in your comment. To delete a comment press the downward pointed arrow in the yellow comment and select :menuselection:`Delete Comment`. To get back in the body of the document click in the white part towards the left of the document.
To add a comment to a file with LibreOffice Writer press :kbd:`Control +Alt +C`, right click :menuselection:`Insert Comment`, or :menuselection:`Insert --> Comment`. To add text on the comment click in the yellow area and type in your comment. To delete a comment press the downward pointed arrow in the yellow comment and select :menuselection:`Delete Comment`. To get back in the body of the document click in the white part towards the left of the document.